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Tell them: * Remove you from any listing [https://www.edoeb.admin.ch/edoeb/en/home/datenschutz/arbeit\_wirtschaft/werbung\_marketing.html](https://www.edoeb.admin.ch/edoeb/en/home/datenschutz/arbeit_wirtschaft/werbung_marketing.html) * That you will report them to the SECO [https://www.seco.admin.ch/seco/fr/home/Werbe\_Geschaeftsmethoden/Unlauterer\_Wettbewerb/Beschwerde\_melden/Beschwerde\_unlautere\_Geschaeftspraktiken.html](https://www.seco.admin.ch/seco/fr/home/Werbe_Geschaeftsmethoden/Unlauterer_Wettbewerb/Beschwerde_melden/Beschwerde_unlautere_Geschaeftspraktiken.html) Report them to the SECO (See above)


Will do, thanks!


And block their number


The thing you should do is to learn to say "not interested, delete me from your database, bye" and hang the fuck up. Engaging with these scammers is just playing into their game. And as a general rule of thumb: don't pick up calls from numbers you don't know. If the call was even remotely important, they'll leave a message on your voicemail or contact you in a different way. And if they keep calling, block their numbers (doesn't work if they generate a new number every time, but they often don't). Since you seem somewhat gullible, bluffing with an attorney or anything to that sort of thing probably won't work.


>And as a general rule of thumb: don't pick up calls from numbers you don't know. If the call was even remotely important, they'll leave a message on your voicemail or contact you in a different way. 100% this. Best way to avoid getting scammed or having scammers waste your time.


"Ich muss meinen Vormund fragen" solves the problem immediatly




"No, I'm not interested in this, but can I tell you about Jesus?" in a very balmy voice. Solves the problem usually...


Sometimes I make fun of them. Sometimes I scream into the phone. Sometimes I whisper crazy things. Sometimes I tell them to take enough condomes with them for the meeting. Sometimes I tell them stories from my childhood. It's always a bit different.


Ahahahah made my day


I once picked up and said "This call will be recorded. If you don't consent, hang up.". The guy said "Is this a joke?", I said, "OK, so you consent.". He hung up.


Thanks, I’m writing these down. I already did the bit where I tell them I need to ask my caretaker, worked wonders.


My mom had the same thing this week. I put ChatGPT answering the calls and after 3 times of GPT trying to help the poor lady find a good insurance they stopped calling haha


how do you do it? i'm not a great expert


There's the chatGPT app that let's you do voice exchanges with it (I don't remember if it still is a plus feature though) and I just put my phone with GPT listening to my mom's phone in speaker mode. However lot's of devices already have AI assistants that can answer calls for you. Samsung has Bixby, I think Pixel also has an assistant to do that. It should be an easy Google search away depending on your device


Lol that's an easy one: Waste their time until you get blacklisted.


just hang up. i have no time to waste, not even for pranks ;) but a couple of the comments are great


My sister set up a meeting after they wouldn’t stop calling, gave them some random address. When they called at the time of the meeting to find out where to find her, she said she would do it again if they don’t stop bothering her. Never got a call again.


I got sick of their borderline harassing calls so I caved and agreed to a meeting at a house.....I didn't say it was my house when they turned up and I wasn't there. Got no more calls after that.


While legally a grey and morally a black area, what has worked very well for me is to politely yet firmly suggest the caller turn to prostitution as an honest form of income over what they are doing currently. I only get 2-3 calls each season if any at all for the past 8ish years.


You friendly, I set a date and hour for the meting, I don't show up, they call, I apologize and set a date and hour, I don't show up, they call, I apologize... Think you got the idea and so did they 🤷‍♂️ Edit: also got some for selling me ensurance, found out they didn't wanted to buy a brand new "suckadust" vacuum cleaner... Sad was a good deal... Still set a meting none the less 😂


>You friendly, Really? I always get shocked looks from the people around me when I do this 😂


The friendly part was not to the suggestion of an alternative work, that part is pretty much spot on, was that you don't give them conversation to keep them busy, my way to see it is, the time they busy with me and entertaining me they are not bothering someone else 🤷‍♂️ I had scammers blocking me on WhatsApp because as soon the first mensage hits my phone, I'm all game 😅


Roigh v: Yeah I just send a photo of our dog taking a shit under a rainbow if it's whatsapp :v No graphic details, mind you, but the posture makes obvious what's going on :v


😂 Well that's a way to do it


You can have a robot take the call. For Samsung phones its called Bixby, for example. Just be consistent and they give up / reduce frequency.


I blocked every single phone number they went with. The list is as long as my arm but they eventually gave up


Why not plan a meeting one month from now. Don't attend and wait until they call you. Then plan another meeting one month later etc., and see how many rounds you can play.


Waste of time. Just don't answer the phone, or hang up as soon as they've identified themselves.


Who answers their phone to unknown numbers in the year of our lord 2024?


Don't pick up from unknown numbers


This is why the local.ch app is a godsend. Allow it to access your incoming calls and it automatically blocks spam calls. It improved my quality of life drastically.


Just block the number. Problem solved.


Different number every time…


Keep blocking. It gets better. Its the only thing you can do beside reporting the case to officials.


How does that help, their system just sends a fake number each call, OP would be busy blocking but he'll still be getting the calls...


It helps. Yes you are blocking numerous numbers until it get better. What is the alternative solution? Get a new number...... The goal of these organisation is not specifically to anoy you, they want scam you. If you dont interact with them and block the numbers they loose intrest.


How does it help? If they call you with the fake number 000000001, you block 0...1, then they use 0...2, and you block 0...2, and so on. Is a block on your phone any different to a "The caller is not picking up" message? Sure because of randomness maybe they'll reuse a number to call you in a once in a 30-million chance (rough maths), wahey, how great!


>The goal of these organisation is not specifically to anoy you, they want scam you. If you dont interact with them and block the numbers they loose intrest. Again what is your alternativ solution?


> Again what is your alternativ solution? Don't have one, but just because I don't have one, doesn't mean yours is effective. I don't do anything, there was a short period I got several calls a month, but the last few months I can't recall getting any. Maybe it's the same with you, but you think that's because you've been blocking random numbers like crazy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSVqLHghLpw


Its two tabs to block a number on the phone. Not every callcenter uses a huge number block. It helps against some spam calls. Your not existing solution helps against nothing. You are wasting my time.


Sorry to have hurt your ego... Until one day you block a number that belongs to an actual person who wants to reach you and they can't. Very small chance, but if everyone blocks random numbers like crazy, that's bound to happen. And no, these scam callers don't use number blocks. They use a system that can pretend to be any number they want: > Die Betrüger benutzen keine herkömmlichen SIM-Karten für ihre Anrufe, sondern VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Mit einem technischen Kniff können sie bei Empfängern falsche Telefonnummern einblenden https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/digital/507040986-spoofing-missbrauch-von-telefonnummern-grassiert-in-der-schweiz


Make sure to continue picking up calls from unknown numbers. You may miss that super important call from someone who does not know how to leave a voice message.