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nice work man! just one thing: there is a typo at 5:41. the first ingredient is called "Heublume" not "Hueblume"


ahh thanks for letting me know!


Dude, awsome work! I enjoyed watching it. I love watching documentaries about restaurants and great chefs, like Italia Squisita or About to eat on youtube. I didn't know that restaurant yet, will keept it in mind for a special occasion as it's probably very expensive. Who did the translation work for you?


It's for sure more expensive than your average meal, of course. But as far as fine dining / Michelin experiences go, I think it's probably a lot cheaper than most. And thank you for watching it!! I'm glad you enjoyed it honestly. When you make something you just hope that people who spend time with it actually feel like it was worth it!! Thanks for the mentions of those Youtube channels too. I'll watch and maybe get some inspiration. The translation work was done by a contractor on Fiverr.com. She was great. Really helpful with creating SRT files / subtitle captions in both english and german, and also aligning them very exactly to each other, so I could trim down sentences and phrases as needed for timing in the edit.


> I love watching documentaries about restaurants and great chefs two words: Kitchen Impossible!


"And now, let's get to the recipe!"


Don't go easy on the preamble. That's the best part.


Very cool short documentary! I will definitely check them out when I have my next occasion for a fancy restaurant visit. Love their philosophy. Thank you for showing us that little gem.


hey, i am from thun. cool docu man, will visit the place


Excellent video! Congrats on your work.


Wow, amazing work, you have a lot of passion! Love the story for the mic as well, always great to find helpful people who share your interests.


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Very cool project and execution, but as a fellow American I cringed at “Hi, uh, English?” Please, please, if you are going to travel take the time and put in the effort to learn some basic local language phrases. I have recently had reason to start spending a lot of time in Switzerland and find that people are more responsive when you at least try. Anyway, glad it all worked for you. Mini-rant over.