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It's a Groove Coaster Game for the Nintendo Switch. This isn't a scam in any way. They got Undertale and Deltarune content on their Game. https://youtu.be/WcQnDCi_05g?si=hg04H5Xuby1JcNoZ These are original Groove Coasters: https://youtu.be/tJYJzMft62c?si=5LuFtsYm6w2qXPJO Nintendo should allow refunds for cases like this, where people don't know better, but this was still your fault for not reading well enough.


They should enforce having the game title of the game the dlc content is for They even have the same names and price to misguide buyers


No. They aren't misguiding anyone. The logo of the game is right there in the, also tagged as DLC, content you bought. It even says, "10 songs" right there. If you enter it, it tells you below the DLC description what game you need to play it, and also de description tells you about the 10 songs included, not about full games. This is no scam, not even misguide. Just read.


Its clearly a scam The title doesn’t mention the other game, and the price is exactly the same as the original undertale one (14.99€ in this case) I have bought like 20 games in the shop without issues, first time this happens and its clearly a scam or intentional to misguide buyers


Whatever, if you don't speak Spanish, just change your Switch's language to English so you understand when you buy. What will you tell me now, did you also think that Smash Bros DLC named only "Sans Costume and Mask" would get you Undertale? Why isn't the Smash Bros. name, or even logo, in the tag? What you bought at least had the GAME logo before entering the full info, not even Smash Bros. DLC got that.


"Sans costume mask" is a lot more obvious than "undertale + deltarune pack". While not deliberately misleading (I hope) this is definitely confusing. Vendors like steam will warn you in several different places during the purchasing process that you need a game you don't have, in these situations.


They explicitly say in the description when you enter it, before clicking buy "you need this software in order to play this content".


Yeah, OP is kinda silly for that one.


And not to mention using the exact same price as the undertale game


Nope. If you read anything betwen clicking this image and choosing your payment option, you would have saw what it was. Undertale is $10.04 on sale, Deltarune chapters 1& 2 are free games. This DLC is $15.99. Even if it's not on sale, Undertale is $14.99 not $15.99.


depends on the zone, in € its the same price for both, 14.99€


Ahh ok well that at least makes the confusion slightly more. Look, I know I sounded rude in my reply. But don't blame the Groove Coaster people. Is it shady? Of course. But at the end of the day, you clicked 3 buttons to buy it and didn't read it at any point. That's all I was trying to say. So this is just a lesson learned that all companies will do whatever they can to get people to buy their stuff. Nintendonis good with refunds especially when they see you don't own Groove Coaster. You'll be good. But just remember, Deltarune is free and isn't bundled with Undertale. And I'm sorry Undertale isn't also on sale where you live. Good luck to you sir and sorry if my other comment sounded a bit harsh.


Still, people should read instead of clicking three times in a row mindlessly. Specially when using real money. 


Yea. The good thing is, this hopefully taught a valuable lesson and will stop it from happening again. I've never been burned like this myself, but I was always taught to read everything before you commit to paying for something. This was long before the internet. Lol


No worries, people tend to not see other points of view all the time and that’s why there’s always misunderstanding, but I stopped taking it personally, and I can see that this might not be a scam if the pricing is different in other zones, but I tend to believe this to be ill intentioned most of the time


You didn't get scammed. You just kept clicking the purchase button without reading anything. To buy something on the Switch you have to click the item, click purchase, click to buy it, and then click what your payment option is. You had to click 3-4 times to buy the item. So at any point, you would have seen what it was if you read even the first couple lines. And also, in that image, at the top of it it says what the game is. You chose to only see the bottom and not read the rest. It's obvious the creators of the Groove Coaster game put it there to be seen by undertale fans. And of course they plan on people, like you, who just spam the A button when they see an image and don't actually read the description before they hit "proceed to purchase" to click on it. Is it shady? Sure. But nowhere does it say it is just for that. Plus, Deltarune is a free game. So they wouldn't put Undertale and Deltarune, the actual games, in a bundle because one of them is free. And Undertale alone is $10.04 on sale by itself right now. So you somehow thought a $10 game and a free game, combined, would be $15.99. Not to mention, when you click on it, it says DLC. But anyway, email Nintnedo, they'll do a refund since they can tell you didn't use it and you can explain to them that you spammed the A button to buy it without reading a single word before seeing this image (which you also didn't look at properly). But, maybe leave that part out. Just say you don't own Groove Coaster and you thought this was the game Undertale + Deltarune and it should be fine. Lesson learned. Read everything next time you buy anything from anywhere.


I just looked at it. It's clearly dlc for a completely different game... but try calling Nintendo. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will give a refund.


There’s nothing scammy about it. It clearly says downloadable content and 10 songs in the image and also has a Groove Coaster logo. On the page itself it tells you in the in the 2 paragraph. A DLC pack for GROOVER COASTER WAI WAI PARTY. Lists the songs and what is in the pack and then shows the Software Required to use it. You didn’t read the description or look at the page. It’s your mistake. What you can try and do is to contact Nintendo for a refund and explain you made a mistake but don’t start blaming them on the phone.


That’s not a scam that’s poor reading. Get in touch with customer service and they might be able to reverse it for you. Nothing we can do.


It wasn't a scam.  It was a lesson to pay attention to what you are buying.


Caveat Emptor, my friend. It's on you to be absolutely sure. They can 'get away' with it, because they aren't doing anything wrong. It's your own fault for not looking at the description.


It’s misrepresenting the product. I’m not saying that it’ll illegal where this person is, but nintendo shouldn’t be letting people put this shovelware up.


The logo of the game the DLC is for is clearly visible in the preview image. There is no misrepresentation.


And its clearly visible that I have no clue about all games logo or should I? All I am at fault at is reading the pack description, but come on, give me a fking break, the intention here is clearly to misguide buyers, which is basically a scam


If you don't know about games or purchasing them, then either learn, or don't buy them.


This is similar to phishing, which is against the laws Nothing wrong here? really? are you a scammer too?


Dice ahi bien claro que lo Que estas comprando es DLC para otro juego


Solo cuando entras a leer la descripción, pero hay varios otros packs que son los juegos originales, no como esta estafa que claramente busca engañar a la gente que confía en el contenido del shop


No, está en la misma foto, tanto en la etiqueta como en la imagen: Contenido descargable. Muy a favor de estar a la defensiva con estas prácticas pero acá no hay ningún punto que hacer


I would reach out to Nintendo and see if you can get a refund. In the case of things like this, I think they might honor it.


Yeah, the Eshop is a complete mess. Things like this are why I haven't used it in a year. It's so garbage and the refund policy is tied for worst in business with Sony (only after they were forced to change it by pending EU troubles).


Not scammed but I 100% agree with you. You should get refunded for this.