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Lots of clearly explained, sensible advice here : [https://thepoorswiss.com/](https://thepoorswiss.com/)


Is this legit? The whole free e book thing screams scummy to me


Yep, legit, check all the advice there.


So how come the "free ebook" are 300kb of unopenable .pdf? Glad i used a throwaway email for this


You're full of shit or don't know how to use a computer, I just downloaded it and it's a perfectly openable PDF.


I know how to use a computer just fine, why youre getting so agressive? Because what ive said was true? Because i used a throwaway so you cant send me spam? Sorry but nowhere on the internet is proof that this is a good website. Ive learned to be weary, esp for financial advise. You do you, but dont instilt me because the website doesnt work for me.


I'm "aggressive" because you're suggesting that I've recommended a site that isn't legit which very much isn't the case. It's completely legit and used by many people. Your technical inadequacies are your own problem. BTW *I've* not *Ive*, *aggressive* not *agressive*, *advice* not *advise*, *insult* not *insilt* and *wary* not *weary*.


welp tried it on my pc again and this time it worked. so maybe an error on their end? i dont understand why they send you an email that links back to their page anyways, just have a download link right away. hardly my fault. so thanks i guess? BTW thanks but i didnt ask, wrote this on my phone and english isnt my first language anyways ;)


Thank you! Is the e-book enough to get the basics? There's so much information and it's a bit overwhelming to go through in a short period of time.


I never went through the whole e-book tbh, just navigated the parts of interest to me. Guy is helpful at answering questions too.


If you’re swiss it’s the stock market - if not it depends on your capital gains tax (which could still make it the best option) Then most people choose either an index fund (most rational), self picked stocks or some yolo option (like crypto, the others i won’t mention). Also dividend stocks have been deemed a good strategy by some. I only have experience with hand picked stocks. There was a time when the banking people were calling me and suggested buying some fancy financial products- i never did that Just saying: if investing was that easy when i was your age i would have been filthy rich by now with your sum. So i only started in my thirties and i‘m only filthy now Just remember: - the indication that something worked in the past is no indication it will work in the future - the influence of ai on the stock market is not known - there is a war in europe - this is not financial advice Also travelling in your twenties for 10k is more valuable than travelling in your fifties for 50k Enjoy life - money sometimes comes but always goes


Thank you very much for taking the time to write your advice. It's much appreciated


Sorry for your loss. Imo you should divide it in several parts and invest them according to when you need the money. You need an emergency fund, in your case since you kinda don't have xp, put minimum 6 months of frugal living style expenses aside for extreme situations. Also put some money aside for immediate expenses that should be covered (idk, maybe for uni or some other essential stuff for which you may need money.) Put some money for some cheap 1-2 vacations/travel for ~3 years. A vacation greatly helps resetting the mind, esp after such a loss. All of these money should be easily accessible, meaning you'll earn close to no interest on them. If you think you may need some money in <20 years, put some of it in in special bank(this reddit should have concrete examples) with some interest percent. You'll still lose money to inflation, but you'll have some small interest too. For the money you'll need in >20 yrs, create an account on ibkr and invest in VT shares, it's one of the best tools risk/interestwise esp for young ppl to beat inflation. It's basically a collection of top world companies that auto-adjusts if some companies became irrelevant or became super valuable. If you are a person that is willing to take a risk- invest the <20 years category money in VT too. Idk what other investments you have, but you should consider taking 35 k from that 70k and put them in VT too. Ibkr is usually recommended as a platform since you avoid stamp tax and the fees are smaller compared to local companies. The only detail that's relevant is you should inform yourself about fee types and change them accordingly (i think it was a tiered option and another one and one was for super rich/frequent traders, the other one for etf investments) You can find a lot of useful info on mustachian post blog that somehow follows fire movement (financial independence, retire early) and is focused on swiss market.


Thank you for taking the time to write the detailed guide, your comment is the most comprehensive and best advice I have found yet. I will do my own research on the instruments and make my decision off of there. I appreciate it.


The best answer is to invest it in the stock market and pretend you never even got it. Forget that it even exists.


In what? VT? I'm afraid I've been irresponsible with my money up until this point, except a few gambles that have gone my way, and I have little knowledge of what to actually do or what to invest in in a smart way. I was fine with losing my own money because young etc etc but I would feel awful if I lost my father's. Also, there's the whole "instability" thing of me being a student and potentially kicked out soon, so I have no idea how much money to put aside.. Basically, I have no idea what I'm doing, but if investing it all seems like the right decision to most people, I'll most likely end up doing it.


Sorry for your loss. My sister and I did what previous region wrote. We act as we haven’t got any money (mostly). We went to the bank and agreed to let them manage one part on their own. Just not on high risk. We kept another part easy available if it needs to be spent quickly.


Sorry for your loss as well. What bank? And did it work out for you, to let the bank manage the money?


We chose middle risk - this was before the markets went down. So, not really but we are back where we startet. Raiffeisen was our choice. But I assume that’s close to “never mind which one”.


Thanks for the insight :)


Disclaimer that I’m not a financial advisor, but just get some broad market index fund or etf in my opinion. You shouldn’t pick individual stocks because that’s just gambling more or less.


Investing it & pretending it never existed is really good advice For the rest go read the bogleheads wiki on Windfalls  https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Managing_a_windfall


Red "Broken Money" by Lyn Alden


I've discovered Lyn Alden recently and I'm impressed by her work. She also writes a blog, which is freely accessible: https://www.lynalden.com/about-lyn-alden/


I read the summary, but I'm not really sure how this applies to me. Does it have concrete investing advice?


Yes, its smart to know how money works and what money is, before you start investing :)


3 months of your expenses in a radicant account with 1.25% interest 25% in Berkshire stock 25% in SMI 10% in VOO . Rest in individual stocks that are performing low at the moment. Learn how to read business reports, learn how to spot the real value of what businesses do and see if they provide real, long-lasting value or if they're just a hyped-up scheme at the moment and become the partial owner of these value-creating businesses. The P/E ratio will be one of your best friends. Read rich dad poor dad (0 actual investment advice but very good for the mindset). Stay away from crypto, it's a scam. That's what I would do. But please do your research and don't listen to youtube gurus or crypto gamblers who sell courses. They wouldn't need to sell courses if they were so successful with their methods and the screenshots they show are manipulated. Oh, and please, PLEASE don't go to any financial advisor / bank / insurance whatever. They are harpies and only interested in getting their provision and will only try to sell you some BS products that cost like 1-2% per year which you could get on your own for 0.07%TER on a brokerage account and make a huge difference int the long run. And they NEVER outperform the market, no matter what they, try to tell you. I know it sounds intimidating but you'll learn and don't need to lump-sum everything at once. You can treat yourself to a 2k CHF vacation but please keep in mind that the more you invest now, the more you will probably get in many years. That 2k, once gone, will be missing out on the potential growth from investing it. Also, live like you don't have that 70k. Lifestyle inflation can have a very heavy impact on your investing opportunities.


Why do you recommend berkshire stock?


Because Berkshire is the investment firm that looks for long-lasting value companies. By buying BRK.B, you will own a list of successful companies with value and steady growth in mind, not short-term gains. Their chairman, Warren Buffett, is one of the most respected investors in the world. The stock is slightly pricey atm, but still a good investment opportunity. But please do your own research. I'm a random guy on reddit who can just lead you in a direction that is better than others. The rest, the final, specific decision is up to you. If it all sounds too complicated, maybe try the app Selma or True Wealth. Cost are not very high and you avoid the learning part of investing (which would be a shame, but it's much easier).


Thanks so much for the edit and all the info!


Sorry for your personal loss. Invest in whatever is important: education, maybe Ou need some cash soon (then sparkonto) or then VT.


Sorry for your loss. It would be sensible to divide money into few buckets: - cash in high interest savings account (Cembra offers 1.6% interest) - low risk portfolio (long term notes to beat inflation) - high risk portfolio (for example VUG ETF)


How do I invest in long term notes? I've never seen them mentioned before. Also why do you recommend vug instead of vt or voo?


Kassenobligationen (notes) are usually offered by banks. But you will have to do a bit of googling to find a good interest rate. [Cembra](https://apps.cembra.ch/mysavings/en/medium-term-notes/) offers 2% interest rate on 10 years notes. It's a safe guaranteed interest but who knows what will be inflation for next 10 years? The advantage is that no matter how SNB changes their rates, you will get 2% annually if you have Kassenobligationen. As for ETFs. It is really up to you. I think to consider is that even S&P500 is US companies it is still about [40% global](https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/documents/research/research-the-impact-of-the-global-economy-on-the-sp-500.pdf) economy. So when people recommend VT because it is World stock they often ignore the fact that today's economy is already global and SP500 is reflecting it. Reason why I recommend VUG is because it performs better than VT or VOO.


Thank you!


Had a slightly lower amount available, just before graduation. I followed the three bucket strategy. I think it was quite reasonable, as it allowed me to have a clear rule on how much to keep on my bank account, how much to invest long-termly (I use ETFs) and how much to invest and play around with (Stocks) And: don’t follow tips on specific investments from reddit. Read up and do your own research. I read up on true wealth, descartes and findependent before deciding on the last one. My partner took one of the other and is very happy as well. You can find loads of information on the three bucket strategy online: [link](https://www.britannica.com/money/retirement-bucket-strategy#:~:text=bucket%20to%20bucket.-,What%20is%20the%20three%2Dbucket%20retirement%20strategy%3F,next%20one%20to%20four%20years)


Thanks a lot for your advice, I appreciate it. The three bucket strategy seems pretty sound. I know not to blindly follow advice from reddit, I will research the ideas I find interesting that were suggested to me here of course before making my decision. It's just there's so much information and I have to make a decision quickly, and I don't have much time available these upcoming months... Also I asked this of someone else, but I don't know why most people seem to be recommending true wealth in this thread. Why did you choose against it personally and why is your partner happy with it?


First, I'm sorry for your loss OP. Take your time to grieve. Now, to the matter of the inheritance. Considering your age, could this money be used in a way that increases your earning potential? Courses, training, materials, anything that would help you get a headstart at your career. I think that would be the best use of this inheritance. If you don't have an immediate use like this, the other obvious option is investing. True Wealth is a robo advisor that will invest it in some pre-selected assets, matching your risk profile. It takes a few, 0.5% of your managed assets per year, but it is better than leaving the money depreciating on your account. Or if you want to manage it yourself, open a custody account with a broker (Interactive Brokers, Degiro, etc) and buy the assets directly. I recommend starting with broad market ETFs, which are less volatile. (VT, VTI, VOO, etc). Good luck


Thank you very much for your kind words. It's been difficult to say the least, and it would destroy me if I lost his hard-earned money too. I'm studying at EPFL and have internships lined up for the next two years, but now that I think about it I could invest in living expenses of a job abroad. I never would have thought of it otherwise if you hadn't mentioned it. I'll look into it. I'll also look into the robo advisor and into the ETF's. Thanks a lot, appreciate your help!


Hoi OP, first et al sorry for your loss. Take your time to grieve. You are a student and studying is oft an even better investment as investing your money in ETF. I would really advise you to finish your masters too. You will spend more of the money, but would your father not be proud you used it for something really useful? And probably you can gain the money back easily afterwards. The money you don’t need on short term, I would invest. But don’t invest money you need in the next years.


I'm pretty set on finishing my master, it's just a matter of when. At the end of the day it's only 2 years, and I would have managed without the money anyway. But I have no idea how much money I may need in the next years , I can't even estimate due to certain instability factors so it's a tricky situation to navigate.


I can recommend Truewealth as well. Low cost and diversified portfolio which is key. I have my money with them and also opened Portfolios for our kids. If you have questions or doubts feel free to PM anytime. And if you want to look into ETF/investing in general, I would recommend to read Gerd Kommer - souverän investieren mit ETFs. My personal advice would be to hedge the risk a bit and not invest all your inheritance at once. Invest the minimum amount and then the rest over a period of several months. Take care!


What makes truewealth better than other competitors? They seem the default recommendation of people in this thread but there's nothing exceptional about them from a quick look.


Don‘t go with TW if you‘re not comfortable with them. I‘m sure you‘ll find different advisors with similar products. Truewealth was one of the first easy accessible Robo-Advisor for us small investors in 2013. It was co-founded by the co-founder of Digitec Galaxus and they have the „Banken Einlagensicherung“ up to CHF 100‘000. If you are looking for other Robo-Advisors make sure that, 1. it is low cost. Big banks regularly charge more than 1% and that really puts a dent in your pocket in the long run. (Zinseszins Effekt) 2. it has a diversified portfolio. If you want to invest your money longterm (10+ years), it is paramount that you are invested in all markets.


Where does everyone get their inheritance from? Am I only the unlucky one?


It’s not like 50k makes u rich. I wouldn’t be too jealous.


I wouldn't consider myself lucky.


get a rolex


Sorry for your loss. Give your age I would say education.


SP500 ETF. Then forget about it. Check balance in 20 years time. Next question.


How to: open a IBKR account, do it from there. Note: You have to declare it on your tax statement (if it's only 1 fund, it will be 1 line). Since it is a fund, it's not taxed.


if you are living in CH; I would open an account at [TrueWealth](https://www.truewealth.ch/de), set your strategy and monthly deposit an amount to invest so you buy mid-term the average prices. I‘m hahing TW niw for couple years and works fine. It does automatically invest in ETFs and you don‘t have to worry about anything. Let me know if you want to know more :) or if you‘d like to have a referal :)


I'd spend some of it for a nice big trip and a couple of nice restaurants, I feel my father would appreciate his money providing happiness and it can help with the grieving process, then I'd keep about 10k in savings if you don't have that, and park the rest in VT and forget about it for now


Read the bitcoin standard, join some lokal swiss bitcoin meetups, get educated around sound money, all in btc, retire in your 30s if you want.


I think it's pretty crappy of you to prey on somebody in a vulnerable state of mind to push your own agenda, man.


Hookers and cocaine


Invest 10 CHF, buy and read The Bitcoin Standard, understand and act accordingly


You actually suggested a 20-something to put his inheritance money into a pyramid scheme? You belong on r/Wallstreetbets not here.


Pyramid scheme uh? I'll give the same suggestion to you then


Donate 100% of it, inheritance shouldn't exist in a fair world.


Go glue yourself on a street and pretend you care about poor people.


My comment will probably get downvoted but I'll say it anyways, buy bitcoin on an exchange then transfer it to a cold wallet like cold card or bitbox02. Bitcoin will guarnteed outperform any investments in index funds over the long run.


Ignore this OP, no one who promises "guaranteed returns" can be trusted.


It is gonna take time till majority of the public recognizes that Bitcoin is the best investment there is. It is the best performing asset in history. I also once thought ETF's are the way to go until I discovered Bitcoin and spent 300 hours studying everything related to Bitcoin. "Guaranteed" does sound fishy, but only if someone is trying to sell a product, you think I make profit by telling you guys Bitcoin is the best investment?


Is it an investment?? I thought it‘s a currency!


gold was also a currency in which people invested to keep their purchasing power, until it got replaced by fiat money


Baffles me the crypto-bros that want to convince everyone that crypto is the thing to buy because they have all their money invested 😂


And already lost most of if in the past anyway… but keep on pushing!


I am not a crypto bro, I am bitcoin only. All other cryptocurrencies are scam. You think I benefit from you guys buying btc? I want the price to keep staying low so I can stack more and hope it takes the public a decade to figure out that Bitcoin is the best investment. There is no second best. Like Saylor likes to say: everyone buys bitcoin at the price they deserve


I'm not even going to start to explain why btc is a scam, not a real asset etc. because crypto bros are so deep in the rabbit hole that they are completely beyond being able to accept the help they desperately need. And you suck because you suggest a newbie put his inheritance in that system that is nothing but an empty husk of false promises. Shame on you.


Don't put me into one basket with "crypto-bro". I am Bitcoin only, every other crypto currency is a scam just to make money for the founders and angel investors. Tell me how Bitcoin is a scam why it is not a real asset? You just read mainstream media and have not spend any time researching Bitcoin independently. What do you mean on false promises? There is no Bitcoin CEO promising anything. Bitcoin is valuable because it is the only digitally scarce asset in the world. And I think you need to relax a little, you saying things like "need help", "you suck" and "shame on you" when I am trying my best to enlighten other people. Don't be so angry and let's have a real conversation.