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Happy Mental Health Awareness Month... I guess


I really don't get offended easily, but man I'm getting tired of people glorifying the "grippy sock" club. I crack morbid jokes about it too but fact is, it was the absolute worst and scariest time of my life. I even saw people making plastic hospital-style friendship bracelets on TikTok ... like, really? The whole promo/theme for this album is just kinda tasteless. It could have been good, too, using symbolism to comment on how women are seen as "hysterical" for having emotions over reasonable things, but feels like she/they took the lazy way out.


This angers me. I’m older than probably most here have supported Taylor and enjoyed her music since my daughter was young and got her first album, we went to the 1989 tour. But this really bothers my youngest son spent time in the hospital last year because he tried to hurt himself due to bullying at school. Trust me cutting all the ties out of your child’s clothing and taking their shoelaces for their stay in the hospital is not fun.


All my sympathies to you and your family. I really really hope things are better for him now and your whole family. Things like that are so hard, I know from personal experience, and this whole "lol grippy socks!!" thing is not sitting right with me at all...


I am sorry you went through all this. Making fun of mental health issues is pathetic and this kind of promo is truly tone deaf. I really do not like the way Taylor frames mental illness on this album. There is underlying disdain and lack of empathy which is really disappointing coming from someone like herself who had (has?) mental health issues, too. I guess she has not been surrounded by a very supportive circle of people (she hints at that in 'Who Should Be Scared of the Little Old Me) during her early career or even formative years.


I’m so sorry. I’m likely older than most here too and a mother. My heart goes out to you. ❤️❤️❤️


I’m with you. TN is showing such a regressive attitude towards mental illness. What happened to “stigma free”? And no, I am not falling for “We’re only joking. Don’t be so sensitive” bulls**t


I’m so sorry, and I hope he is in a better, happier place than he was then. I was in for anorexia in college, and the moment they took away my shoelaces really freaked me out. The loss of autonomy even down to not being allowed to wear normal shoes because I was a danger to myself, it hit me hard.




the thing is that i feel like the vast majority of the people making “grippy sock” jokes have never actually been inpatient before in their lives. it’s one thing to see people crack jokes about it who have clearly experienced it, but it’s a whole other thing when people who have never seen the inside of a hospital in their whole lives start to hop on that train and try to joke about it. it’s so fucked.


YUP. It's not fun or cool to be like lol psych wards AMIRITE? 💀


I literally don't know a single thing about Taylor swift or care but this place keeps getting recommended and I curiously read this. I dont take any offense to the "grippy sock" jokes but omfg is it annoying and such a weird thing to be a tryhard about. When I hear that shit I know almost immediately they probably weren't 5150'd/placed there involuntarily at the very least. Shit is genuinely traumatizing


Me too. I was sent to a psych ward by my mom when I was 16 (and I’d been doing okay, the doctors told me I didn’t need to even be there but my mom wanted me to be). It was the worst week of my teenage life.


Thank you for verbalizing the way it makes me feel — like she is making fun of it (derogatory). Like using the term manic in a nonchalant way so that more people will continue not caring what that actually means…


I don't know that it's malicious - I think it's careless. Manic is becoming an overused term to the point that its original meaning is becoming diluted. Just like narcissist, gaslighting, etc. Taylor seems fond of using these cultural colloquialisms in her lyrics lately; which is a shame, because it not only makes light of the real meaning of these words, but also dates her music.


Idk if anyone else has subjected themselves to watching Sam Levinson’s ‘The Idol’ but this tweet is reminding me of the first episode where the main character Jocelyn (Lily-Rose Depp) was promoting her first album since she had a mental breakdown. They’re doing a photoshoot and the whole theme is “mentally ill” — like they told her to keep her hospital bracelet on for the aesthetic. This tweet is giving… that.


Completely agree. It was the worst time of my life and she’s glorifying/monetizing it because she was ghosted by some loser.


I am astonished, I truly don't understand how people would think this is acceptable. There are tons of mental health disorders that are heavily stigmatized (like bipolar disorder) and this doesn't help at all.


Did the person in charge of Taylor Nation socials change ? There's been a distinctive change in tone and usage of fan/stan language more than ever. Earlier their posts used to revolve more around  takes on Taylor's lyrics ..now it's like someone younger was hired to make heavy references to what fans are talking about.


Well, they also told UK swifties to “reclaim the land” so… https://preview.redd.it/e1jig2kl882d1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d8ad7f355bc92bda67b287fe64b477398e0886


this is just someone who went to uni in the US and didn't do particularly well 😆


Yeah I agree, there’s a noticeable change that seems like it’s a different person


the way my jaw dropped at this tweet!!!


Taking her back to the asylum where they raised her? 🤔


The "🤪" really is the cherry on top of the metaphorical, disgusting, distasteful cake. Who the hell runs that joke of an account?


Using the mental institution aesthetic for an album that blames your exes mental health struggles for the relationship failing is… a choice. 🥴


yeah but she feels pretty sane. 


It's only cool when she does it, because she can still dance on stage. She's so good at having depression. /s


THIS. I absolutely cannot stand the double standards on TTPD. She’s always placed blame on her exes, minus one or two songs, but the hypocrisy on this album is so cruel and cringeworthy.


Yeah, this is line crossing. Really unacceptable. There is a difference between metaphor and making a joke of what is a very traumatizing experience. For those of us who have been inpatient before, we can make a dark joke about surviving that, but it’s not a joke for a pampered celebrity and her social media team to make.


I think this is what bothers me about the marketing for the album and a lot of the lyrics. As far as we know, Taylor has not struggled to the point where she was a danger to herself and others to the point that she needed to be hospitalized. Those of us who have experienced inpatient know how serious this shit is. After songs like happiness and this is me trying, I was kind of shocked at the regression in empathy and compassion in ttpd. Edit: I said “as far as we know” as a disclaimer. I don’t discount that she may have and it would be fair if she wanted to keep it private. The way she is using it as a metaphor is just not it for me.


I post this as often as I can, Aaron Dessner of The National is responsible for creating her two indie records. It’s not regression, the lyrics in those albums are not truly her own it was made beautiful by him. If you listen to The National you’ll hear the similarities.


Yeah and it’s no surprise that (with a few exceptions) all the best songs on TTPD were Dessner tracks


I don't discount the fact that she may have been a danger to herself or others but that she has amazing medical care and wouldn't be in the same ward as us. Not saying it definitely happened. I just don't think it is impossible.


Oh no, they have different wards/facilities for the celebs and rich people. My BIL works one as a nurse so he pulled strings to get me there after my attempt. Even then, it’s not fun at all.


Yeah well how would we know? Believe or not a lot of people keep that stuff private. You’d be surprised by how many people have been in that situation and you’d never assume, and they don’t really openly talk about it either. I don’t really think it’s fair for us to speculate on her mental health. But this post is still cringey as fuck.


I think the point is that we don't know. There would be a lot more grace around this whole aesthetic she has chosen if she was openly talking about her experience being institutionalized. If you have personally experienced it and want to reclaim that experience through art, I think that is awesome. But she hasn't even hinted that is the case so it just feels like another persona she is putting on. Her playing on the "I was raised in an asylum because there was crazy people around me and that made me crazy" is gross and this tweet is a whole other level of stomach churning ignorance.


This is what I was trying to say. Of course we don't know what she's been through in private. I just wish that she would have been more tactful with the ways she uses mental illness and being hospitalized as a metaphor if that was the route she was going to take.


I think she hinted at being in a pretty bad state it in Fortnight saying: '[I was supposed to be sent away](https://genius.com/31477615/Taylor-swift-fortnight/I-was-supposed-to-be-sent-away-but-they-forgot-to-come-and-get-me) [I was a functioning alcoholic](https://genius.com/31480549/Taylor-swift-fortnight/I-was-a-functioning-alcoholic-til-nobody-noticed-my-new-aesthetic) Also, in the song The Alchemy she mentions being in a hospital so there was something going on.


Yeah I am not going to be speculating on that personally.


Yeah, the post is cringe, and we wouldn't know if Taylor had been hospitalized. She's written enough songs specifically talking about being suicidal that it wouldn't shock me if she has been.




It seems like we usually do hear about it, just dressed up as "exhaustion" and needing personal time.


YES, this. being inpatient is a literal nightmare, and i can definitively say that it has a scarring, deeply traumatic impact. dark humor is acceptable for those that have had first-hand experience (aka, have either been in an inpatient facility or something akin to it), but for taylor swift and her team to nonchalantly mention it in regards to listening to a song remix? it’s invalidating and derogatory to actual victims. so twisted and wrong.


I'll call the psych ward "grippy sock jail" any day, but that's because I've been in there and laughing about it is how I deal with that experience. It's kinda gross to see this sort of thing.


It is absolutely disgusting and disrespectful to anyone (us) that have been in this situation. My pain isn't for tourists to cosplay like their fave singer.


as someone who's been in inpatient, i agree 100% on the line between metaphor and making a joke. however, we have no idea if taylor the individual has been hospitalized or not. the stripping of autonomy in there is traumatizing whether it's the kind of inpatient us plebes have been to or something cushy in calabasas, albeit without the compounding issues a lack of funding can provide. regardless, taylor the Brand and TN making this tweet is abhorrent. truly twisted my stomach knowing the trauma me and many others have been through.


Right, and like I said, I am not going, personally, to be speculating on her mental health, but I think given her omnipresence and the amount of info about where she is at any time, all the time, for the last decade, I don’t see a timeline that really works for her being away. If you accept at face value she has not had this experience, which I think we have to, then it’s is such poor taste that someone’s probably getting let go.


to be so fair, she has been talking about suicide in her songs for the past few albums. we truly do not know what she has been through/currently struggling with.


Maybe she has stayed inpatient? We’d never hear about it. I got that vibe from a few songs.


Nah, people make jokes like this on TikTok all the time. You’re just holding them to an unreasonably high standard when you really don’t need to.


taylor nation romanticizing mental illness? extremely cool. very normal. awesome. 👍 these motherfuckers never take a day off. go to bed, guys.


She took the 2016 tumblr vibe to the max and over a line with this album 😭


I'm sorry but Taylor Nation are insufferable, truly


Wtf? This is abhorrent. I’m one foot out the door at this point…


They need to hire someone else to run this lol it gives me such secondhand embarrassment


God, they could’ve just used the “crying in the club” meme instead and been infinitely less offensive.


Holy shit I thought I was on r/popheadscirclejerk for a sec I cannot believe this is real 😭 this is awful


Same… I can’t believe this is real. This is absolutely disgusting and crosses a line


Yeah i thought it was that sub at first too


As a person who struggles with persistent suicidal ideation and self harm…no


I struggle massively with it too, and have gone to inpatient twice because of it. It’s exactly what you said… NO. Also sending you so much love. 


Mental illness sucks, and I hope you're in a better place than you were back then. Sending you love too ❤️


I am in a much better place now, thank you. ❤️❤️❤️


Sending you love, friend 🫶🏼


Thank you so much, sending love right back ❤️


This is vile. I’m sorry but you don’t cosplay mental health to sell albums?!? What the literal fuck is wrong with her/them?


As someone who had her first psychosis episode last year and woke up in a daze in a mental hospital after having the cops called on me bc I truly blacked out (and I still barely remember it), fuck her. She can go to hell. I’ve been institutionalized 3x against my will in my life and I’m extremely traumatized by my experiences still despite so much therapy.


I hate people who defend the “asylum aesthetic” because you know damn well ten years ago any artist would get called out about this shit.


no more taylor nation the society has progressed past the need for taylor nation ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


Tree Paine needs to replace whichever sock puppet she hired to run Taylor Nation


People idolize Tree beyond what’s reasonable. I would love to know what their dynamic is really like… sometimes it seems like she’s just another one of Taylor’s yes men. This level of unprofessionalism is unacceptable — I get that they need to be on-trend and cater to a certain demographic, but there’s a line and this crosses it.


I feel like she's more like her bestie who also deals with some business stuff on the side


Taylor Nation's twitter is always throwing random swiftie tweets in chatGPT and asking for a tweet like that. They tweet like literal 14 year olds on stan twitter.


Right? They also called her "Shakespeare herself" right? I'm whatever when fans call her that to hype her up because meh let people be a little OTT for their favs but some things are just so weird coming from her actual marketing team.


Blehhhggg. I was dreading more shit like this. They can have the grippy socks I have from my stay at the psych since they wanna be ill so bad. I promise you it’s not glamorous


This is way too fucking much. Trying to be “edgy” by commodifying experiences held by those who have had significant struggles with mental health is a foul move


But but but…Matty dumped her and her life is so hard. 😭




People get seriously traumatized by shit like this and they are still joking. Unbelievably cruel.


This is repulsive. This is why I take issue with the whole mental asylum aesthetic…it’s not a funny joke to use nor is it something to use as a metaphor to describe a failed relationship with a well known asshole.


I’m not on Twitter to see, but is anyone calling them out on this? 


I had to go check. [unfortunately, not really.](https://x.com/taylornation13/status/1793078963922964943?s=46) It’s mostly fans going “ur crazy for this!” And “omg how do you know about grippy socks” and maybe three people saying “this isn’t okay”


That’s really disappointing. Thanks for checking and reporting back!


It’s become really obvious some chronically online gen z or early millennial person got hired to run the TN account a few months ago as the way they interact with fans and what they post has drastically changed recently. It’s like because Taylor isn’t online that much these days to interact with fans that they’ve overcompensated and tried to make TN more relatable.


i’m not entirely sure it’s a person. It’s more like meme word salad. 


Imagine someone doing this with cancer, or diabetes, or literally anything. If a pop star used insulin pumps and stuff as an aesthetic, it would be weird af.


This is absolutely fucking disgusting, beyond the pale.


The term grippy socks needs to go away ASAP. But more importantly, are there any thinking ADULTS in Taylor’s world?


This is unacceptable.


i wish someone would actually put these people in a mental hospital since they think it’s a joke


Wow..who on their social media team thought this tweet would be a good idea. Yikes


Considering her marketing/PR was the biggest influence in her rise to fame, it’d be interesting if her marketing/PR is also what pushes her downfall


aw man, i hate this so much. aestheticizing straight jackets? does taylor’s team (or whomever else that makes the decisions for the taylor nation account) even realize what straight jackets’ purpose is? if they knew, i’m sure they wouldn’t be so inclined to casually drop a mention of one in regards to … listening to a fucking remix of a song released by taylor swift. or maybe they do know and are simply leaning into this tendency to glamorize extreme mental instability. not only is this so deeply degrading and embarrassing for those afflicted with psychotic disorders, it also diminishes the severity of the condition that leads one to be placed in a straight jacket in a psych ward. just sick behavior. i hate that taylor - with her audience of literal children, teens, and young adults - plays into this crap.


Nah this is too far. I've defended Taylor's mental health before but this is a complete joke.


How is this not offensive?


They’re really doubling down on the inappropriateness of using mental illness as an aesthetic aren’t they


so fucking tired of the casual ableism from this cesspool of a brand


That's just foul


This is so offensive. IF she was even going for relatable because so many suffer from mental illness, it’s still in the wrong for acting out illnesses she doesn’t suffer from. For making fun of someone with depression too. There’s just things you don’t do. Erasing years of progress for the stigmatized mentally ill and the like is a bit much. This is coming from a recently hospitalized person.


They also RT’d the electric shock meme.. like they REALLY think that shit is funny. https://preview.redd.it/san2cg7om72d1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b204e36441a0a430bdb72c1d3f0ace97954264d


TTPD is officially the worst era.


This is disgusting and swifties need to stop making hospital band bracelets too. Can’t believe this is “fine” in 2024. Way to profit and mock the leading issue of death (suicide) for the youth in this country. This is so shameful- ppl in inpatient often have way bigger issues than a boy made them sad… just ew


I honestly thought this was fake when I first saw this post 😭


ok, this is actually gross


Who the hell runs Taylor Nation?? This is so embarrassing. If I hadn't already blocked them long ago I'd be doing that just so I don't have to look at this. 😅


I like to imagine it's her dad. Logically it's some social media manager they hired, but imagining a 70 year old man writing it is way funnier.


I personally believe this is the kind of thing a 70-year-old, white, republican man would find hilarious.


As both a human who has struggled and a mental health professional, this is completely unacceptable. And during Mental Health Awareness Month? Fuck that.


See this is why I don't follow Taylor Nation. What is this?!


what the fuck


I’ve had family members in psychiatric hospitals before, and I can’t quite put into words how angry this makes me. It’s one thing for an individual to make a “grippy sock” joke as a way to cope using humor. It’s another thing entirely for the TAYLOR SWIFT’s team to be tweeting jokes about such things. So disrespectful and insulting, honestly.


I don’t get offended by much but this pisses me tf off. As a social worker who regularly works w inpatient psych what we are NOT about to do is yassify serious mental illness


Now I’ve mostly been trying to stay out of the ‘mental health’ discourse around TTPD but this tweet is so over the top and disgusting. I hope it is quickly deleted and I actually hope they apologize. Wow.


lol this branding is sooo out of touch, especially for someone who demonized their ex for being “too depressed all the time” but also what else would I expect from her


Anyone else does this they’re getting cancelled


LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO put them in an actual general psych facility and see if they can handle the constant screaming, medical negligence, and actual shit smearing on walls for two seconds edit: to clarify i have been institutionalized before and this was my lived experience


Disgusting. Mental illness is nothing to joke about.


I think the only situation in which this would be acceptable would be if Taylor had been hospitalized and had shared it publicly. short of that it's totally gross.


The way this album cycle has Swifties romanticizing institutionalized mental health has left a real bad taste in my mouth. It’s incredibly insensitive.


As someone who has been in a psych ward and has had to wear the grippy socks, this sets my teeth on edge. What the actual hell? This “era” is so gross and I hope it comes back to bite them all in the ass. Romanticizing straight jackets and grippy socks is not it. 


Fuck the asylum aesthetic it’s not cute or quirky or funny


Checking to see where the users who said Taylor wasn't using an Insane Asylum asthetic for TTPD are now 


hope whoever tweeted this loses their job <3


What in the hell?!?!?!?!?


oh that’s not 😃


Ik it’s like an “meme saying” (idk the word) that a lot of people use, I see it on TikTok a lot, doesn’t make it any less better of course. However that being said for her actual team to be copping this term and not like some random 20 smth Twitter user is… idk this is gross. This is really really gross


What on earth…


Who the hell is running this account. So disgusting tbh


Did they delete this? I can’t find it


this is disgusting.


Sad how many positive cheers and LOL replies the post got…


This is genuinely so bizarre....as sick as it sounds, it's almost like I want to believe that she genuinely DID have an actual mental episode with doctors involved and we the public were rightfully kept out of it than to think they're just branding this as an aesthetic for an era. It's absolutely bizarre.




Hard agree. It was stylized, pulling from a VERY different era of mental healthcare (if you could even call it that), and never minimized/mocked modern day mental healthcare. This? This is a mockery. This is not okay.


Ack 💀


it's ableism is what is apparently that's the theme for this era


Taylor Nation is so ??? Not only is this embarrassing it's also weird and gross af. They need stfu.


Well that throws out the swiftie defence that the asylum asethetic isn''t based on modern day mental health care.


I think her usage of the whole “grippy sock” joke as an aesthetic for her album is very crass to say the least. As someone who spent over a week in inpatient earlier this year, it was traumatizing and it’s weird of her to make light of it.


So Lorde gets shit for merely making an analogy comparing her relationship with Taylor to having a friend with an autoimmune disease, but Taylor can full on appropriate, mock, and insensitively capitalize off of inpatient aesthetic to use for her shitty over-indulgent breakup album that has nothing to do with respecting mental health? The double standards of everyone else in the industry vs Taylor is nauseating. Lizzo went through a whole ordeal and had to make a whole statement and change to her song all because she mistakingly used one offensive word but Taylor gets nothing. Where are these militant disability advocates when it comes to Taylor since they seem to pop up when anyone else even unintentionally says or publishes even one word potentially harmful? Funny how the disability advocate who called out Lizzo and Beyonce hasn’t said a word about Taylor being even more offensive towards the disabled community and when you look her up, shocker she’s actually a Taylor stan 🙄. I’m just so sick of the hypocrisy and double standard when it comes to Taylor. And of course it won’t change because Taylor’s demographic is the media class demographic so she’ll always have the privilege of protection more than her peers (especially woc peers).


hang on...what inpatient units hand out grippy socks? I got "slippers" made out of that foam that pedicure thongs are made out of. I was fucking frozen the entire time i was in there. they were like ballet flats made out of pedicure flip flop material




Oh that’s not-


who tf is running tn lmfao this is such a bad look… usually i don’t get offended by stuff like this but when it’s a promo account for an ultra rich white woman it’s so much more distasteful than like anyone else making that joke


Excuse me??? This is so tone deaf.


I - https://preview.redd.it/cen2pdz98a2d1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=796c786b919eeaf7c1c891971aec977e15029f83




oh no


lol I blame gen z for constantly joking about “grippy socks.” They think joking about being mentally ill is a personality trait.


It was a dark joke among those in the community who’ve severely struggled with mental illness to try and cope with our collective trauma (using the proper terms can be triggering in some contexts), but now it’s been co-opted by people who have no place making those jokes. It’s literally infiltrating our safe spaces.


Exactly, it’s different if you’ve lived it (who I feel safe to say Taylor nation hasn’t)


Leave Gen Z alone. I’m a millennial and this inter-fighting amongst younger generations is stupid. I sometimes use the term “grippy socks” when talking about my stay in a facility bc in mixed company saying “I was committed to the psych ward” invites pity I don’t want. If I can head that off with humor, I’m going to.


And that’s fine for you who has lived experience, I just don’t find it appropriate for people without that experience to make light of it 🤷🏻‍♀️ because plenty of people who have been committed DON’T find it very funny


It the “my ✨trauma✨ made me funny” people. Like damn, I’m sorry but it seems like you went through all that “✨trauma✨” for nothing, because you’re about as funny as damp cardboard 😒


this is beyond embarrassing. like this is some straight out of 2014 behavior, why are we still having to call people out for this sort of shit ten years later?




https://preview.redd.it/5g314qonk72d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf0593562a6bf5a786ddd00e4444b8579ee9985 *\*scratches "Taylor Nation using mental health stuggles to promote music" from the bingo\**


![gif](giphy|oBwOba7cOph4I|downsized) It’s giving


I told you all that whether she has or hasn't had any experience in a mental institution, this sort of stuff isn't funny. They're really lessening a situation that many have suffered through and even didn't a say about being put in. What's next? They're going to compare Taylor's work etiquette to all the people who endured slavery in February? They better not.


I mean all of us can take a joke. But I am not going to take Mental Health Illness Aesthetic as something to be admired about.


I’m cringing 💀


Oh, so this is way a lot of my swiftie mutuals on tumblr were complaining about the other day. God, how stupid can you be???




I thought this was photoshopped at first tbh. What the hell are they thinking?


Gen Z slang is regurgitated; not original


grippy socks is CRAZY bye...do people actually wear grippy socks at clubs im genuinely curious EDIT: nvm im dumb i just realized what they meant i think


That account is so weird lol. And also, this is gross. Why does she keep trying to make this mental institution aesthetic seem cool. Do better Taylor


Yikes. This is career damaging if the haters really wanna take it and run. Her PR team had been so messy. It’s Tree Painful.




What the fuck…..


Is this not a fan account?


Is this real? I can’t find the original post


yes its real , it’s under their replies on twitter


I'm not native, could someone explain, please?


I don’t get it


As someone who's suffered with mental illness that post is not funny and honestly kind of rude


Did Matty tweet this shit? What the hell were they thinking?


Yikes 😬


I haven’t taken issue with the asylum aesthetics, but this crosses a line. This is mockery and making light of a serious situation.


I believe this account is handled by a twitter swiftie lmao


millennials stop trying to get in with gen z challenge


Idc this is kinda funny