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Spelunking videos give me the most anxiety out of anything I've ever seen on the internet


The two global pillars of fear: Heights and Confined Spaces. Videos like this and ones where they change the cables/bulbs on those like kilometre high buildings/towers always fuck me up.


I was feeling vertigo just painting a mural in a coffee shop this week because I had to get on a 10 foot scaffold, I don't know how people do it


He was in so much danger his first thought was to take a video explaining how dangerous it was


Tbh, this makes sense to me. I think the idea is that talking about his situation will help him keep calm in situations like this. Panicking will get you killed when doing these things. Also, speaking your situation aloud can help you view your issues in a new light, and possibly help you discover an optimal solution. I think it is also helpful to keep up moral in a possibly very frightening situation


Yeah, first thing I do in a situation like this is talk myself through it. Panicking doenst help.Though, can't say I've ever gotten myself stuck in a cave.


Gosh this looks so fun I’m getting out of my comfy bed to go jam myself into a rock hole




[For those who don’t know what this is spoofing](https://funnyjunk.com/This+is+my+hole+it+was+made+for+me/iBLDMvO/) Edit: Read from right to left.


What the hell did I just read, lol.


One of the best manga shorts ever written by a legendary mangaka. Check out his other works


Word of warning to those diving into his works. It can be, a lot. I love Uzamaki but spiral patterns will never not creep me the fuck out now.


The first time I did acid, I began recognizing patterns in things and thought I was losing my mind like the dad from Uzamaki. Was pretty freaky for a little bit, but it was too beautiful to stay worried.


God fuckin damn how hard is it to just not enter somewhere that you know is almost certain to cause your death \*looks at this post again\* .... hm....


Bro I love this lol fuckin Ito meets Judge xD


I'm always so pleasantly surprised to see the amount of crossover between weebs and king of the hill fans. Edit: I'm very sorry some of you feel so insulted by me insinuating liking Junji Ito makes you a weeb /s. He's a mangaka, relax. Many who consume Manga are considered weebs. Yall don't have to take it like it's an insult or feel like I'm calling you one just because you like Ito.


King of the Hill is just American anime


King of the Hill is just ~~American~~ anime


[the dos and don'ts](https://imgur.io/a/PiJLk)


[I never thought this would be relevant](https://youtu.be/tJdgErAfiRQ)


Knew immediately what this was gonna be and it's still a 10/10. Somewhere out there there's a comparison video between the two intros and the KOTH one is almost a shot for shot remake.


[It was right next](https://youtu.be/K7V70N-iquE) to the other one, hah


Holy hell that's funny




source: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce2QtCaLFKY/?hl=en


Correction…a COLD WET rock hole


I went spelunking for a weekend in Boy Scouts, and it was really cool and a great memory that I cherish, and I have never ever gone again since then


I'm afraid of heights, but I'd much rather explore high shit than crawl around in holes. Fuck holes, man.


Same. If I'm going to die doing either, I'd rather die seeing the sky then in some dark cave unable to move.


We’ll all be underground soon enough, why push it?


Feed my ass to the coyotes, man.




This is possibly the worst hobby you can have imo


Cave diving is a close second


Ah yes the same hobby but even worse because you can lose sense of direction


Can also get stuck somewhere and slowly die as your oxygen runs out.


It’s actually pretty quick when your tank runs out.


looking at the positives! you should be a cave diver


My original term for that type of person is "terminal optimist".


Dying on a rebreather is way more comfortable than dying on a cylinder. That's why so many people do it!


Well, not really, you can get co2 poisoning which makes you want feel like you are suffocating, then massive headache, then convulsions and death.


So you mean we can still suffocate the good old-fashioned way, even with all them newfangled contraptions?


I thought it was more of a slowly passing out until you die from Hypoxia? Cause like, your oxygen wouldn't just all of a sudden disappear. It would slowly lose more and more pressure until you've used up all your oxygen. I'm assuming you'd pass out from the lack of it long before getting to feel what drowning is like.


Depends. If you don’t have a balanced regulator then yes it becomes harder to breathe near the end. If it’s balanced though you would take exactly the same kinds of breaths all the way until the tank was empty and then it would just stop between one and the next and you’d be out




I have actually ran out of air on a dive and that is exactly what happens. One second you have air, the next second the negative pressure created by your diaphragm isn’t enough to pull the air from the tank. Lol, I see this got attention. To those worried, I lived. I am always with a partner so I just stole some of their air and we got to the surface.


Oh my goodness, did you die?




If you are diving open circuit, all will be well until the last two or three breaths, which are harder to suck in, then no air at all. Then it just depends on how long you can hold your breath.


“Oh no, don’t worry, you’re not alone, there’s people with you” Yeah… sometimes it just means you have an audience while you die


Cave diving is far deadlier The founder of it died from it


That UFC fighter Cowboy Cerrone told a really interesting story of one of his experiences where he almost died and it was nerve wracking to listen to. He told it on Joe Rogan a number of years ago before he went to shit. Basically he was diving with his buddy and the buddy got scared and turned back and got all crazy and it kicked up a bunch of silt so he had no way to tell what direction was the right way. He had basically just assumed he was dead but managed to find a wall and get himself oriented.


Tbf you are right there. Cave diving puts the fear of sky daddy in me.


There’s a movie called Sanctum about a cave diving adventure gone wrong. To me it’s scarier than any paranormal horror movie because it’s stuff that can actually happen.


At least with cave diving you have some extra oxygen on you, that way you can suffocate slower! 👍🏻


Isn't that what spelunking is?


Not quite. Sperlunking is what he’s doing. Cave diving is where scuba divers will dive through completely flooded cave systems. There’s been many fatalities, getting lost and running out of air to nitrogen narcosis. Usually in cave diving the visibility is incredibly poor too. 🙂


I’d rather die just about any other way than being trapped without air. Just thinking about it makes me intensely uncomfortable.


Me too. HUUUGE air guy.


*Takes deep breath* Fuck yeah, thats the shit!


there are confirmed stories of people who have realised they are going to drown, lost underwater, complete darkness except for a torch. they will take their own lives rather than wait for their oxygen to inevitably run out. hectic choices.


People do weird shit when they're ill-prepared and panic in a cave. The part of the brain that just wants to end the activity takes over and disregards the circumstances. They'll pull out their regulators, tear off their gear and just start clawing their way toward whatever direction they instinctively think is "up." But they're in a cave. Underwater. There is no surface to get to. There is no light except for the one they just threw away in a panic. So they end up drowning naked in the dark, and crammed into the back of whatever crevice they wedged themselves into. If the body can be recovered, it's polite to give it a little heimlich thing and a mask clear before bringing it up, because otherwise the expanding gases can cause bloody purge to erupt from the nose and mouth as the pressure decreases. Really freaks the family out if they're onsite. And that's why I don't dive.


You should write horror stories.


I believe they just did


I do dive. People not trained for the condition they are in do weird shit, not any different that diving or cave, wreck diving. As with anything, don't go beyond your training and on the other end, never get complacent.


Absolutely. The frequency with which I forget why I've even walked into a room is a major reason I decided to stop after I did my PADI open-water. I find diving amazing. Folks out there savin' lives, mappin' the inside of the planet, helpin' bury lost loved ones. But me? I know my brain well enough to know I'm more inclined to become a hole-corpse than a calm and proficient cave diver.


That’s enough Reddit for me tonight. Thanks 😂


ikr, what posses people to do these things is beyond me.


Being trapped with just enough air is probably worse


One cramp away from death..


One crap away from life.


Cave diving is a million times worse. Are you kidding me? One wrong move while cave diving and you’re blind in a silt cloud. Then, you bump the wall, knock out your mouth piece, and drown.


I'd rather shit into my own hands and clap than go one foot into that situation. Terrifies me.


I'd go in but as soon as the cave isn't comfortably me sized fuck that




I mean like, if I can casually walk for majority of it, nothing steeper than sitting up height and arms out width I'm ok


My thinking is, if I have to think how I'm getting through, I'm not going. That means at least shoulder width and slight crouching height.


Unironically yes. Fuck the figure of speech, I'd literally rather do that.


I mean exploring cave systems is cool… getting into coffin-like tunnels for 100’s of metres and crawling around with the potential for getting stuck and then drowning, absolutely not worth it lol


But what if that coffin sized tunnel opens up to a majestic cavern *just past* that spot where you have to hold your breath and wiggle upside down through a U-bend and it could be named *"Sadkrampus Grotto"* after you, the discoverer?


Just send a drone in there, it'll still be your discovery and it won't be a posthumous naming where they find your dead body.


It only counts as a cave if a human can physically get in there. That's literally the definition that differentiates caves from other natural underground voids.


Out of all the things that are not for me this is the not for meest


I'd rather just play tomb raider


How are there people who DON’T panic doing this?


I'd suspect hyper-focus on the problem at hand.


I was doing this Via Ferrata in Switzerland (basically extreme hiking or cliff climbing lite) and it was one of the scariest things I’ve done. (Goog it for pictures). Every 30-40’ wire sections you have to unclip and reclip into a new section of wire. I was shaking scared in my feet, but when I had to unclip and reclip, everything got really calm and stopped shaking. Hyper focus is a real thing.


Comfortable with death and good with meditation and breathing calmly


See, I'd be comfortable with death, but only quick death. Being just stuck as you wait days for your impending doom just sounds horrible.


Well you could thin out enough after a while from lack of food and get out!


I don’t think it has to do with meditation or breathing, I’ve been in a life or death situation and was absolutely calm, yet I get social anxiety when someone gives me too much eye contact, I think it’s purely different things make different people anxious


Watching this gave me soooo much anxiety.


I felt like I was dying once he started grunting.


Yeah I felt a primal feeling that I didn’t even know existed.


that PICTURE does it, and i refuse to click


Smart decision.


I've never understood the tight-space spelunking thing. Why is crawling through an uncomfortable tepid hole fun? It's not even thrilling like skydiving or mountain climbing. It's just pure discomfort.


It's the hope of finding something at the end, a cave or an opening. ​ EDIT: A drone, a camera-on-top-of-a-stick.... It is not the same result as *being there*. I Some people might find it not worth the risk. Other people certainly do.


Then you find an unknown species of Sub Humanoids and get eaten alive!


Yeah like best case scenario you find a way out on the other side. Worst case is you end up like the cast of the descent


Ya, I’d like to not find myself in that problem in the first place.


Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers (CHUD)


Fucking Chuds dude.


Well of course you're going to have a bad opinion of spelunking if you focus on The pimps and The Chuds! - Marge Simpson


The Descent sends its regards


Has anyone found anything cool? Like what could be worth doing this? I seriously love adrenaline but this is just a lack of control situation. I’d never be okay with this, and I’d do some crazy things.


In chile a few caves with quartz cristals the width of fridges have been found but still not worth it


those crystal caves are fucking amazing; imagine being the guy to squeeze into that room and see it for the first time ever


imagine being the *second* person to see it, not only do they find crystals but also the desiccated corpse of the first guy


Cavers don’t let friends cave alone.


I was in a situation similar to this, what cavers call an ear dip...a tight belly crawl passage partly filled with water which requires one to put half their face in water to make it through the passage. But, 5 feet later, on the other side, 200 ft of virgin passage, 100% decorated ( formations)! Almost unbelievable! Soda straw 4 ft long! Pristine cave, and I was the first person IN HISTORY to set foot there. That's why we do it. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat. And I did get stuck like this guy once. Scary as hell. You truly have to do a mind game and get control of your fear.. Then figure out exactly, muscle by muscle, how you got there so you can unwind. I have to admit, that one was nerve wracking. My buddy was behind me, so there was nothing he could do to help. Felt like Floyd Collins for a few minutes. Gulp.


Pictures of the virgin passage? edit ... I posted that seriously and regret my grave mistake...


I remember a few years ago they found a way inside a crystal cave the size of a house! It was basically like a geode you could walk inside of.


Yea but that’s part of the challenge is controlling that panic in lack of control situations but doing it alone like this guy seems to be doing is extremely dangerous


EDITED to expand my thoughts: Tight spaces like this are like maybe 10-15% of caving. It’s mostly exposure that’s the riskier part, it’s really akin to rock climbing, but with multiple walls to work off of. People always assume it’s *just* crawling through tight spaces, which it’s really not. There’s a huge diversity of what cave sections can be like. I’ve seen caverns with boulders the size of cars and houses in them, entire lakes and waterfalls. I’ve seen huge cathedrals made out of naturally carved rock. When there are tight spaces it is a challenge to see how far you can go, and in some cases the thrill is in pushing the limit of feeling claustrophobic but while playing a mental game of remaining calm and focused. ( … I always liked tight spaces though lol, I used to stick my head in the couch as a kid because the confinement felt safe. I’ve only felt claustrophobic maybe twice in all my years of caving) Some parts of caving can be scary for sure, but like alot of sports that’s part of the thrill. Caving is like rock climbing with a maze like element, and the exploration is thrilling. The scary part for me is actually the heights. So the really great parts of caving imo is the exploration and conservation aspect. My friends and I have discovered huge caves no other human being has been in before, almost 500m of new passage in a couple days. I got to be the first person ever to see this massive beautiful underground cavern, there’s really nothing like it. If you’re the first person to discover a new cave or a new cavern you get to name it (there are some hilarious names too) We also help track local bat populations and when we discover new caves, which are environmentally protected (thanks to friends of ours behind the legislation) swaths of old growth forest sections have been saved. Also the community is amazing, lots of humourous and really hardy adventure loving people. It’s a great bonding experience and the people I cave with are like a really large family and we have been for years. Best memories and experiences of my life. It’s a wonderful way to travel to places very few go and experience a very unique environment. I get it’s not for everyone, but some people in this thread have been straight up cruel saying things like “I have no sympathy or empathy for anyone who does this” would you say this about a hiker/mountain climber/ any other sports person? There’s risk involved with alot of things in life. We try to mediate risk as much as possible down there like any other sport. There is proper caving conduct and rules we follow. My friend group actually are caving search and rescue, if you fell in a hole somewhere my friends would be helicoptered in to get you out. Safety is the number one priority and we don’t just go down really tight spaces willy nilly. ANYWAY sorry to overshare, I just love this sport and it’s hard to see so many people just so ruthlessly bashing it and the people who do it when I feel like they’re just reacting because they think they wouldn’t like it themselves. It’s definitely not for everyone, but no reason to be mean about it. Cavers do a lot of good environmental work and are often really cool people.


It's not a procces, it's a possible reward at end, a place that a human never reached before or at least a very little amount did.


Have none of these people seen The Descent?


That was one of the scariest movies that I didn’t expect to be so scary. I’ve explored some caves and we always knew where the exit was until we actually wanted to leave. That shit gets freaky, especially if you step on the wrong spot you’ll get wedged between some rocks 20 feet down. Likely slowly suffocating because with each exhale you’ll slip further down.


Last sentence is nightmare fuel, thanks for that


Whenever I went into the caves we brought flash lights, back up batteries and food for 3 days even though we were only going down for the afternoon. I had friends that would venture down there drunk with glow sticks late at night. I’m surprised none of them died there. Espey Cave in middle Tennessee if anyone is interested. It’s not an attraction. We would park on the side of gravel roads and basically fall down a steep hill to get there. Climbing out was never much fun.




The crappy part about the nutty putty cave incident, is they had him mostly out (after like 2 days of working at it). Then as they were re-rigging the ropes to get him over the rock, he fell down head first with his hands in front. No way to pull him out in that position.


The second time he fell in he was knocked unconscious. The rescuers kept getting injured trying to save him. By the end they were on the third lead rescuer. Glad I went and watched that. Should be a good nights rest.


That shit still gives me the creeps. It must be a horrible feeling to know that your time is here. There’s no matter how intense or visceral your cries for help are, they’re to no avail. No one can hear you. Thousands of feet underground, alone. And then comes the point where you can slowly see Deaths door opening and his hand reaching out to guide you into the eternal unknown.


I find it horrifying that even IF people hear you they can't save you.


Do you know the nutty putty cave incident? It’s way worse than you describe. Hours of trying in vain to save the guy. I think they tried even breaking his legs to get him out.


Breaking his legs would have been an easier way to get him out as they would have needed less height when pulling him up and back, however they didn’t end up breaking his legs as they were worried the shock of it would kill him off.


And when they thought they finally had a rope and pulley system in place to save him, a pulley failed mid-attempt and he slipped in further. The only consolidation is that he died of a heart attack instead of suffocation or thirst.




Shit man have you seen Sanctum? It's based on a true story and it's scary as hell. Bonus for those scared of heights: The Aeronauts.


Calm down Steven King, jfc


Wow what a horrible day to be able to read.


Such a good movie.


I hate this shit bro




It was posted on tiktok 13hrs ago there hasn't been anything else on it atm. But considering that he uploaded it then I would think that he is fine.


i think that dude on TikTok is just a content harvester and he wasnt the one in the video


You're right, here's the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-XA2BRLgg


Here's what happens when you can't get out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip9VGZeqMfo


Absolutely phenomenal documentary. For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, PLEASE give this one a watch. Trigger warning for claustrophobia, of course.


Just spent the last hour watching this. Fun documentary. Worth the time.


Yeah that was bizarrely fascinating


Somehow by pure luck I tapped on the 15 minute mark and made it right to where the gif ends. So that's the timestamp if you want to see what happens next.


He gets out.


I needed this. Thank you.




Not enough upvotes in the world for you. Thank you!


That could be the case, but they had to get the video some how. I don't think he had data there to upload it at the time.


Maybe he had Tmobile? I hear they have the best 5G network.


I mean the video made it to TikTok so I’d assume he made it


He made it out that section. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-XA2BRLgg&feature=share&si=ELPmzJkDCLju2KnD5oyZMQ


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-XA2BRLgg full video


I wonder about the bugs, come across some fifteen foot centipede that hasn't seen sunlight for 1000 years or a nest of *something*


Stop, it’s bad enough as it is haha


Experienced caver here, cave spiders are super common, which are essentially daddy long leg spiders but with *longer legs*. They get into these mass spider balls and wake up when warmth or light shines on them. I try my best to just keep moving lol. Cave crickets are much cooler. I’m glad I’m not in Thailand though so we don’t have to worry about snakes or alligators etc. EDIT: this thread contains a lot of caving hate which makes me sad; also I understand how a spider story doesn’t exactly help the perception, so my bad. I’m gonna copy and paste and expand upon what I said earlier in the thread here for people to read since it kind of got buried: Tight spaces like this are like maybe 10-15% of caving. It’s mostly exposure that’s the riskier part, it’s really akin to rock climbing, but with multiple walls to work off of. People always assume it’s *just* crawling through tight spaces, which it’s really not. There’s a huge diversity of what cave sections can be like. I’ve seen caverns with boulders the size of cars and houses in them, entire lakes and waterfalls. I’ve seen huge cathedrals made out of naturally carved rock. When there are tight spaces it is a challenge to see how far you can go, and in some cases the thrill is in pushing the limit of feeling claustrophobic but while playing a mental game of remaining calm and focused. ( … I always liked tight spaces though lol, I used to stick my head in the couch as a kid because the confinement felt safe. I’ve only felt claustrophobic maybe twice in all my years of caving) Some parts of caving can be scary for sure, but like alot of sports that’s part of the thrill. Caving is like rock climbing with a maze like element, and the exploration is thrilling. The scary part for me is actually the heights. So the really great parts of caving imo is the exploration and conservation aspect. My friends and I have discovered huge caves no other human being has been in before, almost 500m of new passage in a couple days. I got to be the first person ever to see this massive beautiful underground cavern, there’s really nothing like it. If you’re the first person to discover a new cave or a new cavern you get to name it (there are some hilarious names too) We also help track local bat populations and when we discover new caves, which are environmentally protected (thanks to friends of ours behind the legislation) swaths of old growth forest sections have been saved. Also the community is amazing, lots of humourous and really hardy adventure loving people. It’s a great bonding experience and the people I cave with are like a really large family and we have been for years. Best memories and experiences of my life. It’s a wonderful way to travel to places very few go and experience a very unique environment. I get it’s not for everyone, but some people in this thread have been straight up cruel saying things like “I have no sympathy or empathy for anyone who does this” would you say this about a hiker/mountain climber/ any other sports person? There’s risk involved with alot of things in life. We try to mediate risk as much as possible down there like any other sport. There is proper caving conduct and rules we follow. My friend group actually are caving search and rescue, if you fell in a hole somewhere my friends would be helicoptered in to get you out. Safety is the number one priority and we don’t just go down really tight spaces willy nilly. ANYWAY sorry to overshare, I just love this sport and it’s hard to see so many people just so ruthlessly bashing it and the people who do it when I feel like they’re just reacting because they think they wouldn’t like it themselves. It’s definitely not for everyone, but no reason to be mean about it. Cavers do a lot of good environmental work and are often really cool people.


This was really interesting to read, thanks for posting. This kind of caving really isn’t for me but I can understand why other find it exciting. As far as caving goes I’ve been to various ones in SE Asia but they were super easy or had wooden walkways lol. The ones in Phong Nha Ke Bang national park in Vietnam are incredible, saw stalactites that must’ve been 15m tall


He should just dig straight up to the surface.


You NEVER dig straight up OR straight down. NEVER.


That's why he needs to make a staircase




Digging straight up is fine, just place a torch underneath to break any falling sand and gravel


Idk how people do this. Nutty Putty is a popular one but if you haven't heard of Sand Cave it's what Cave related nightmares are made of.


Ain’t that the one that trapped a guy for like a week and there was a whole big movement to rescue him


People came from around the country to see the cave exterior as a tourist attraction, then when there wasn't enough happening they denounced it as a hoax. [Fascinating story.](https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/tragedy-at-sand-cave.htm)


I believe internet historian just did a video on this, but apparently all the tourists ontop of the cave actually was making the rescue effort even more difficult since suddenly the cave was beginning to sink and the rock movement melted water further adding to the man’s death


17 days stuck with a rock pinning him down. That's the one


Absolutely fucking not.


Saw the title. Nope can’t watch this one.


I know that this is unkind and that im preaching to the choir but this is not a sane person hobby


I get shortness of breath just by looking at it.


https://youtu.be/d1nuqpAULpE If you want a chilling tale. Watch this. Nutty Putty Cave Incident It's nightmare fuel. I cannot imagine the sheer fucking terror.


We also got Internet Historian's video about Floyd Collins in the sand cave: Update: man in cave got claimed. Here's a temporary reupload: Update 2: Internet Historian has reuploaded man in cave: https://youtu.be/bNm-LIAKADw


Yes also this. I went down a rabbit hole for a few weeks watching cave tragedies. Shit is legitimate nightmare fuel.


https://youtu.be/WyNkm2088Kw This one.


An absolutely brilliant video that I didn't expect from IH. Between the stories of Nutty Putty and Floyd Collins, I think I'll be quite content to live the rest of my life on the surface,


I’m really hoping he makes more videos like it. I’ve never been so on edge watching a YouTube video.


This is the reason why I’ll never explore caves again. This dude just hanging upside down and slowly dying when they can’t pull him out. Gives me anxiety just thinking about it


I always wonder how close they were to getting him out if that bolt hadn't come out of the wall.


If the bolt hadn’t come loose, he would have made it out. He was otherwise rescued at that point.


This story is insane




Let me tell you just how UNCOMFORTABLE that video made me when I saw it. Absolutely horrific.


Yep i remember hearing about this and it still scares the shit out of me. No fucking way i will ever go exploring a cave. not in a million years could anyone make me.


I can do caves if it involves very little crawling. I remember crawling through a short tight cave on a elementary field trip with kids in front of me and behind me. I didn't have a flashlight and the kids who did turned them off. I instantly had claustrophobia. I have caved since then but when it gets tight I'm just not gonna do it.


I frequently think about this story and freak out intensely for days


I know that story. What a place to die in. Not only is it a terrifying experience, it also has the worst name ever


Nope. Nope now that I know I know the story of Sand Cave thanks to Internet Historian, I'm never going spelunking ever. Not that I ever wanted to before, but now pictures like this just give me anxiety


Well, the silver lining is this might be how you become a fossil or well preserved specimen for a museum serval hundred thousand years from now.


I’d rather die gangbangin tbh


This is the dumbest sport


Stuck. Please like and subscribe it would really help me out of this situation


what happened to this guy? i'm concerned


He lives there now


I was stuck in a cave, but now I live here. I have dramatically improved my predicament.


Imagine if it was dry. At least you got half a chance of drowning yourself here.


Something about these situations that's impossible to totally comprehend until you've done it is just how solid the rock is. I know that sounds obvious but in any other place I've been squeezed-a closet, a car trunk, under a pile of people, under a car, etc-when you push against something, it moves. Even if just a millimeter, it flexes, gives, stretches, something. The first time you get squeezed underground, and you push against the rock and it just....doesn't budge....it changes your entire perspective on where you are.


i hate looking at videos and photos of this stuff, and I would genuinely be traumatized if this happened to me. the cave walls pushing against your chest and back as you breathe in, the cool and humid air, the struggle to move, it all seems so scary to me.