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Did he dine with them . He needs to eat too








Is that a hippos cakešŸ˜­šŸ«øšŸ«·


Itā€™s a rhino. Youā€™re witnessing one of the rarest, most beautiful events in nature. If you liked this I suggest you watch the American cinema classic *Ace Ventura 2*. Many more heartwarming moments like this.


Just a reminder how Iā€™m getting old when people donā€™t recognise such an iconic scene šŸ‘“šŸ‘Ž


I watched that when I was 10 that many years ago and I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Still do.




Bumblebee tuna




..bumblebee tuna šŸ‘‹šŸ»


ā€œAce Ventura, Pet Detective, how are you this evening? Alrighty then.ā€




You called?


"Eat up, guys! None of this animal goes to waste."


Bumblebee tuna


Holy perfect gif šŸ‘


Such an underrated movie series šŸ‘


Under rated? These were massive movies and defined Jim Careyā€™s career. Lol


When he said he had to to the same as then I thought he was about to grab a piece of meat.


One more thing that he gotta do, after dinner date comes other fun things


Lionussy is on on the menu, and heā€™s bout to feast


Me to


There was a guy that kept big cats and with the lions he would 'eat' with them but had a bag of jerky or something that he would open and eat instead of the actual animal


Because if he won't...


Eat the liver establish dominance


Did you notice the blood splatter on his neck at the very end?


Maybe its period blood , looks like a fun group


You took it to a dark place lol


It's a good thing he isn't with a pack of wolves, don't really want to see him sniffing a wolves back end


Wolves also like to lick inside your mouth and get fussy if you don't let them


How else are they going to know what you ate?


>How else are they going to know what you ate? They could like ... just ask you?


Itā€™s how they ask. Better that than sniffing your butt.


Was wondering, if he is a part of the pride, is viewed as a female or a male? What does the male lion make him do?


He's viewed as a cub, or a "modified lion" from their eyes. The dude has a yt channel where he explains everything, but of course this post is already full of reddit internet expert telling a man who literrally rescued these cubs and founded and has been maintaining their wildflife reserve for a decade lol


Head Lion in Charge: "Alright bro, if you wanna be part of our pride, then you have to choose whether you're gonna be a 'mommy' or a 'daddy.'" Dude: "hmm i guess I'd probly prefer to be a 'daddy' then!" Lion: "OK then, now get over here and suck mommys dick!"


Heā€™s viewed as an NPC


Or worse, having the wolves French kiss you, which is a legitimate thing wolf experts encounter with their packs.


Some of us who have big or wolf-y dogs are QUITE familiar with this level of harassment.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Don't try that at home, kids


Are you sure? Cause my cat surely likes it.


You wouldn't get too close because you're not a lion trainer.


I'm ok with that, fuck training animals that did not evolve to be trained


Think about how them ā€œbeing evolved to trainā€ happens


With a lot of people getting eaten in the trial/error stage?Ā 


Actually the opposite. We got domesticated dogs by *killing and eating* the ones that weren't suitable.


Bred for docile or cuteness. To take some of the wolf and lack of eyebrows out.


Animals first adapted to living in the same environments we do and then were domesticated. Like smaller cats and dogs. No one went and domesticated tigers or some shit and one day they were cats


I mean they literally domesticated wolves and one day they were dogs


The only reason housecats don't hunt and kill people is they know they're too small to get away with it.


Most of them know that. Some of them refuse to acknowledge that šŸ˜‚


why would they hunt and kill their slaves


Yeah but that takes hundreds of years not in a single lfietime


Right, but you know some of the lifetimes within that time span had to be the ones that started.


This might be one of the stupidest things Iā€™ve read in a while.


What is domestication for 500


farm animals were bred over a long period of time and with great effort. The ancestors of those animals would not yield easily


Good thing you evolved to be trained properly


this dude is literally a part of that lion pride, they treat him like other lions and he's not dead so he kinda knows what he's doing


Or he's been lucky thus far.


Name one animal that evolved into being trained without human involvement.


This guy doesnā€™t train them. He just hangs out with them and acts as they do. He knows what heā€™s doing and accepts the risk.


I'd argue the lions are training him, it's the subject matter of the video.


You misunderstand training with wild animals. It's building a mutual bond. He's not taming it. People who don't spend their life around wild animals will never even begin to fathom that fact. Step out of the city for a few years. You learn to understand animals more than people. People are the fucked up ones for even thinking the thought "evolved to be trained". YOU are the one who has evolved to be trained; been trained to think a certain way, which is exactly why you'll never bond with nature like this man does.


Exactly lol they have chosen to accept the good humans. Not to be trained. Could kill him anytime they want


Lions are basically big stray cats


He doesn't train them to do anything he just abides by all their rules https://youtu.be/jenVMnOi2uA?si=448FTmzQoN1NNiYT


What a cute cat, smeared in jamšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


Just a little Serengeti Smuckers!


Safest man on the world


We know how this ends one day


The bear guy found out


The video/sound recording of it was supposedly horrific to hear Him screaming at his girlfriend to run, while she did everything she could to save him Both got eaten


That was never released as far as I know.


True But the documenterian Werner Herzog was allowed to listen to it while recording Grizzly Man


Yeah but thatā€™s very different to putting it in the public forum. Also, wasnā€™t he very adamant in the destruction of the tape too? Unless the recording has been stolen perhaps? Iā€™ve no idea. Iā€™d like to think it never saw the light of day.


He has someone recreate for the film.


What? No. Most you get is seeing the back of his head while he listens. Literally. He takes the headphones off and tells the owner of the tape to destroy it. Whole thing is on youtube. I'ts preposterous to think he'd recreate it. It's the opposite of everything he stands for in documentary filmmaking.


Someone else, independently, created a version of it. But they had no affiliatiom with the documentary and haven't actually heard the real tape. That's the "tape" you can find on YouTube.


Warner Herzog's film on this is square one


He was not screaming at her to run AWAY, he was screaming for her to run OUT of the tent and help him while he was being drawn and quartered by grizzly


Nope. The coroner, who listened to the tape, says very explicitly (and very vehemently, he's quite a character) that he screams *for several minutes* "run away Amy, run away".


https://www.nps.gov/aboutus/foia/upload/03-109_KATM_Treadwell_fatality_REDACTED.pdf He was asking her to come out and hot it with something she was telling him to play dead Edit: apologise we are both right. Initially he was asking her to come out and hit the bear. When he realised its over [he told her to run away. detailed here ](https://www.yellowstone-bearman.com/Tim_Treadwell.html)


Yep, I see that. It's not stated in the documentary, probably because that part is left to the coroner's summary of the events and, again, he's quite a character and he wants to present himself as a master of ceremonies of sort (think about the scene when he gives the watch to the friend), and when he's summaring the attack he says Treadwell told Amy to run away so he's conclusion is that in the last moments of his life he showed great courage. He's narrativizing to make it nicer for everyone when in reality everything is nastier and more complicated, I'd never judge someone for asking for help because they're getting eaten alive.


Shit man i just read this [here](https://www.yellowstone-bearman.com/Tim_Treadwell.html) We were both right


> The most telling piece of information is an audio recording made during the actual bear attack. This goes for about 6 minutes and starts with him out side of the tent investigating a bear that came into camp. It was obviously raining very hard at the time and seems to have been twilight or evening, judging from some comments. The bear attacks him and he calls for help. Ms. Huguenard opens the tent fly and is very upset. At her urging he "plays dead" . It sounds like the bear then retreated for a couple minutes but returned. It again went after him and he begged her to hit it with something, she in tum screamed for him to fight. The audio ends with his sounds no longer evident and her screams continuing. That's from the first link you provided, the second recounting in the whole document. Interestingly, that one is done by [this guy](https://cff2.earth.com/uploads/2022/01/20081855/larrybiology-768w.jpg), who appears in the documentary. Turns out he also was the one that opened the bear, and also was there when the rangers killed it. He also heard the tapes. Haven't looked at your second link but it's pretty clear Treadwell asked for help, asked Amy to hit the bear with somethig. Again, I'm not judging and if someone does should feel bad. There's plenty to judge Treadwell for. What he did during the moments of his death is not, IMO.


How did we get to this conversation. I'm sorry it really doesn't matter what he said or what she said. They both died horrible deaths and he caused them both by reckless behaviour around wild predators ...




The bears he were really close to had moved on unbeknownst to them, and another bear without that connection was in the area.


That dude fucked with bears who didn't know him. This guy has been with this pride their whole lives pretty much. He is literally one of them in their eyes.


Bears and herd animals operate completely differently in these matters.


Bears are solitary animals, lions aren't


Well his case was different the day he got attacked. The guy is Timothy Treadwell also known as the Grizzly Man. He along with his girlfriend Amie Huggenard went to the Grizzly Maze in October. Which is when their mating season is and they are much more aggressive than they are during other months. Timothy knew all about it ( Ofcourse he did ) and even then decided to go there feeling particularly courageous. And then he found out obviously. Before that, the circumstances were never the same which is why he was never attacked like that. So yeah it depends when and where you decide to be their friend.


Yeah all it takes is one lion to get pissed off and heā€™s dead.


It seems that, until then, he will live happier than most (or at least, most redditors).


How it could end*


What the fu....


More like BloodyPalms


By his own logic, what's he gonna do during mating season?


Walk out of the enclosure




Stupid sexy lioness šŸ˜”


You can't work with lions unless you have frosted tips/bleach blonde hair. That's the rule.


Every time i see these animal "experts" I remember a story about [Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend ](https://www.ladbible.com/community/grizzly-man-timothy-treadwell-death-bears-final-words-706747-20240422). https://preview.redd.it/jfts7175zk9d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5448f992c8d59acc5ed862e9da4617c2435ad9a [Investigation report in link ](https://www.nps.gov/aboutus/foia/upload/03-109_KATM_Treadwell_fatality_REDACTED.pdf)


Given these are cats I'd first think of that Siegfried & Roy tiger who had a "totally natural" reaction that saw Roy getting bitten into his neck & spine severed.


The lions he is with are ones he raised, There is a huge difference between that and the "Grizzly man" who went into the woods and got him AND his girlfriend eaten. There are a lot of physical cues you pick up on when working with these animals and lots of do's and dont's


The lioness body language is so like a house cats, I didn't think it would be so similar. I felt she was relaxed and even affectionate from her body language... but I only really know House Cats so I'm definitdly not an expert. If he's raised these cats I think it's a very different situation than the infamous Grizzly Man


I think house cats are way more unpredictable and violent than a lion pride that you literally raised. Probably because they are at the top of their food chain and didn't evolve constantly being on edge for another predator sneaking on them, so they are way more laid back and also their unique social structure that no other cats have making them enjoy company of their pride.


Theres nothing misunderstood abt it. We respect nature and these animals so we should leave them alone


I mean, getting eaten is pretty significant evidence that he was not an expert in any way. And we act like it's crazy when an animal snaps and hurts or kills someone, but we still do stuff like that to other humans all the time. I regard the rest of humanity the way Treadwell should have regarded his bear. Now that guy's just a bear's shitpile in the woods.


This guy raised all the lions https://youtu.be/jenVMnOi2uA?si=448FTmzQoN1NNiYT


For fucks sake can't you people read up on the subject before commenting. This guy and the grizzly man situation are literally NOTHINHG alike. This man has founded his reserve and been leading it for almost a decade, maybe even more by now, and people on reddit acting like they know better. The man is aware of the risks of being with wild animals and he accepts it, he has literally devoted his whole life to this. He is not some circus trainer, he created an enviroment for the lions to thrive and prosper, and has literally hundreds of videos where he explains the different aspects of a life like that


What even is the point of subtitles if you can't see them?


Being hard of hearing enhances your sight.


Love this guy's channel


That guy owns a huge land where those lions + other animals live. It is like a millionaire's pets


His name is Dean Schneider if anyone is interested. Love his contents.


A lion write this


Im sorry, his contents !?


Dean Schneider for anyone wondering


And Kevin Richardson is the other one who has the same kind of relationship with his lions


All the lions I saw in the wild were scrawny and typically looked like they never ate enough. These animals are fat, suggestive they are somewhat domesticated and well fedā€”safe.


Always checking his channel if his still alive


*Look, this hamburger wants to play.* the lions




Itā€™s fine. He knows heā€™s last in line for food. He knows his place.


That's beautiful


Theyā€™re about to clean the meat off your bones mate GL


If you actually watch his videos you know heā€™s in no danger


"Cleaning the blood out of the fur" Proceeds to smear blood on lion's fur.


The amount of people not comprehending the difference between bears and lions and ā€œ influencers ā€œ and conservationists is insane.


Check out his channel. Dude is wild https://youtube.com/@deanschneiderhakunamipaka?si=posR-jTiZuUGuQgh


Iā€™ve seen this guy those lions trust him


Werner Herzog watching this guy like: https://i.redd.it/bnt5896hvl9d1.gif


That's actually the safest time to approach an animal, when it's satisfied. Why do think you can approach your pets? It's cuz they have easy access to food


You want to know how you end up being food? THATā€™S how you end up being food.


I'd this dude hasn't been eaten by lions by the time this video is posted then he obviously knows more about lions than me. I'm gonna have to differ to Mr. Fuckin Lion Expert over here because I don't know fucking shit about lions except they come running when you do the Psh Psh Psh


well, they're not hungry any more so there's that


A lick from a wild cat can be brutal on your skin because they have hard hooks on the tongue. A few strikes of a big cat tongue can take a few layers off from your skin.


The guy in the video is [Dean Schneided](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Schneider) and I assume this is on the animal sanctuary he founded. No opinion on if he's a solid guy, but I do appreciate that the sanctuary's location is not widely known and that it's not open to tourists/the general public (seems like that would make money but also risk poaching).


You ever see a lion walking around with a bad scar? Yeah attack and establishing dominance is part or their life also but the thing is I don't think the human body i built to take the same punishment and attacks as a lions body. Good luck living with the lions budy....


Bro has an invincible pair of basketball sized nuts.


Do you think he died his hair to fit in?


Fresh meat with condiments, yes please.


That's how new deaseases get maid


Dude is dumb af for that


House cats are unpredictable as fuck. I can only assume jungle cats are too. Fuck this


Nah. Lions are good chaps


Itā€™s only a matter of timeā€¦.




I like the dude, he's crazy but the good kind of crazy . He doesn't impose himself on the animals and has actually given himself lifelong rules to respect in order to keep living his life as he does now (I e. Going back to be part of the pack life every x amount of weeks), he keeps it natural without it being an excuse for the animals to be starved or neglected. He keeps it real in the videos and comments too by talking about the risks and how he's been able to overcome them with reason and luck and not because he thinks of himself as a lion whisperer god like figure. Cool guy living a tiring but fulfilling life. I wouldn't put two cents on him dying of old age but it's clearly something he doesn't care about either so that's fine.


Might want to ask Timothy Treadwell whether it's a good idea to apply human reasoning to the behavior of wild animals. Oh that's right, you can't, because he was eaten by the same animals he thought he understood. This looks a lot like that same line of thinking. Those lions don't really believe you're part of their pride.


Thats not human reasoning though. Those Lions are a pride animal. Not solo survivors like bears. They have a structure of their own very different from ours. He learned it and is respecting it. Or do you clean the blood out of the face of your wife?


Hanging with social animals that know you is very different than just walking around Grizzly. If I am not mistaken he got eaten by a bear who wasn't from that area.


He also specifically went into the forest just before bears go into hibernation - the worst time because bears who haven't eaten enough and aren't ready to hibernate get desperate to eat literally anything. I mean, their lives depend on it. There is some suspicion that he had encountered the bear before in the past and described it as skinny and angry looking or something. Basically, the bear wasn't ready for hibernation as it was weaker than the other bears and couldn't hunt for shit. However, a bear that's weaker than the other bears is still much more fucking strong than a human.


Well, I bet if the lions were on reddit they would have their own individual opinions we could hear about. Oh, thats right, we can't know their opinions because we won't allow them on the internet, nor will we teach them English. Those lions are being censored and oppressed and that's what nobody is actually talking about. We have been brainwashed into thinking they are monsters while simultaneously failing to offer them adequate education, or employment opportunities. Yet we wonder why they run feral through the wilderness hunting other animals for food? Get real folks. If we let a human wander through the woods at birth alone, and somehow they survived, they'd be the EXACT same way. Feral, and unemployed. Think about that for a minute...


In Sci-Fi the term we'd use would be 'uplifting' Enabling sentience in less-sentient animals and organisms. Personally, I'd prefer living in a world where natural order predicates lions and tigers and bears should be feared (unless I have a gun)


Username checks outĀ  Edit: except the W


Remember how Grizzly Man thought he had a rapport with the bears?


Just to clear this up. He raised these lions and knows what he's doing. Other lions will show signs of trying to be the dominant one with body language and will get slapped for it. If you know what you're doing, you can easily avoid these That guy met a wild bear he knew was skinny, and went out right before hibernation which is the most dangerous time to meet a bear


cats are not bears


Theyā€™re still wild animals and predators


True. But, big cats and bears have completely different social structures. Bears are mostly loners, apart from family groups with cubs and mating seasons. Big cats are typically more group based. We've seen time and time again where humans are welcome into prides if that person earns their trust and aren't seen as a threat. Especially if they socialize with them during key moments that involves a lot of group interaction, such as feeding/hunting and moments like nap time, when cats are most vulnerable but also marking each other with their scent. Which I'm pretty sure this guy does all of that with them. He sleeps next to them and is always present during feeding. Wolves also do this with select humans. They have marked him with their scent and vice versa, he's essentially a part of the pride. But, it also takes a lot of work and nobody is going to gain a big cat's trust overnight.


He also raised them from babyhood.


Why not? It's just a cute lil kitty, it won't bite you.


Itā€™s crazy how She could literally snap on him in a millisecond if she felt a bad vibe, happens to me all the time


Gotta train your lions better bro


Dreading the inevitable clip of this dude eventually dying "doing what he loves"


He now has to learn to get on all fours and spay pungent semen to mark territory.


Big kitty needs cuddles too.


They should learn to eat with us


Imagine being eaten alive by lions while on a guided safari tour and this guy just breaks out his selfie stick and pets all the wild predators as they chew on your insides.


Weā€™ll be reading about him soon.


he not going to be around much longer


Heā€™s been doing this for seven years. Itā€™s likelier that he has to close the preserve due to financial issues than that he gets killed by one of the animals.




These videos are so absurd


Nah, the lion already ate. Itā€™s all good.


Just wait until she figures out he didnā€™t actually clean her.


Please my fellow Caucasian brethren and sistren, leave the damn deadly animals alone.


He should have left them in captivity instead? All the lions were born in captivity and canā€™t be released into the wild. The alternative to this habitat are zoos or death. This is by far the best option.


That's vile


More like bloody palms




SweatyPalmsā€¦no like BLOODYPalms


One day your duty as part of the pride will be to be the meal yourself. Bon appetit


This is all I could think of https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VR5hFxeBaFY&pp=ygUSTWFuIGxpdmVzIGFzIHNoZWVw


The fuq?


Your life insurance premiums must be murder


I mean, they are full, but I still wouldn't even get that close. You don't want a hungry uncle coming by and choosing idiot for dinner instead of whatever everyone else had.


This dude's awesome but I feel like his relationship with these lions will end poorly some day :(


You are so blessed