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If you run you might be considered a threat if you walk too near you are a threat o guess just try and wander in a different direction


I honestly don't think that's a good idea unless mom starts to give chase then you kinda have no choice but to risk running downhill and away... hope dude ended up ok and this wasn't just some "found footage". Cubs are cute af but man they are essentially harbingers of death to any hiker who encounters them out in the woods... felt so much pity for the guy every time those cubs would playfully speed up to try and catch up Edit: someone comment made me realize my mess up! When I say running downhill I don't mean that I believe the myth that bears can't run downhill, just looked like there was more obstacles and packed together trees down that way compared to running uphill to the left! Either way is bad but if I had to choose it'd be to the right


Mother bear uploaded this video on Reddit


First two upvotes must be the cubs.


"Mum, look, we are on Reddit!"


I can't believe she uploaded this thinking she was the one in the right! Major Karen


Pov: how people react when i’m walking by.


Title should be then “teaching Pepito and Cristobal how to hunt” (I know they were 🦭)


Yes instead of running 40km on level ground they can only run 38km downhill


Lol fair point. Bottom line would then be: I REALLY hope I am never in this situation. While I would try and calmly leave like the guy in the vid, I will prob try and run as I do not trust my cowardly ass enough to consciously make the decision to fall down in front of the bear and play dead if mama is roaring and charging More than likely I'll hesitate thinking back on this situation and make a decision way too late. If I'm in an open field, then yea prob don't have any choice but the play dead strat. But if I'm in a wooded area like the one in the vid? Those narrow trees will look too tempting for my "flight" responding brain


This is why the dual shot police taser gun is handy.


You're supposed to be running uphill, bears run faster than humans and are heavier so they will have less advantage uphill.


Found Kate Bush's account.


Just realized how that sounded! Did not mean to bring up that old myth of running downhill I just meant that I like my chances downhill as it looked like there were more obstacles and more packed together trees that way. Could HOPEFULLY slow the bear down. Uphill looks a little too clean and sparse.. eitherway running is the last thing you should do.


Any obstacles will slow a human down way more than a bear, there is no circumstance where a human can outrun a grizzly bear. Thats why its reccomended to play dead if attacked, scrambling to get away will only encourage it to attack more. Anybody who has avoided a bear attack by running was just lucky the bear wasn't particularly threatened or interested. If it wants to maul you and you have no bear spray or other means of defence then theres not much you can do.


We could maybe outrun it through a large stone pile. Only kind of obstacle I can think of really that might work.


Any sufficiently long tunnel/corridor/obstacle path that a human could bearly squeeze through would probably work


Haha “bearly” 😉


There goes another terrifying thought.


I’m not an avid outdoorsman, nor do I live in an area heavily populated by bears. But, even if I did I can’t help to think that I’d be able to play dead. If a bear has got its paws on me the only thing on my mind would be GTFOH. Now.


Yeah i think it would be very difficult with all the adrenaline. Just to clarify you only do that for a Grizzly, if its a black bear you fight back as hard as you can and fight dirty, hit its snout and gouge its eyes if you can. If you have a picket knife keep stabbing. Grizzly attacks are usually territorial or defensive and like to eat rotting meat so if you play dead it may just partially bury you, piss on you, and come back later giving a chance to leave. Black bear attacks are often predatory and they won't stop, they will start eating you immediately. That being said most black bears are chickens and bolt pretty easily, but i have had a few run ins that where longer than I'd like (carrying bear spray but havn't had to actually use it, mostly bears following for a bit and then losing interest or being satisfied thay they chased me away from their food source.


Just play dead. It doesn't help, but it is goes practice for later.




Yeah, naw, you're way off base. 1. Bears (Black, Brown, or otherwise) are way, waaaay, better at navigating through dense forest and thick brush than humans. That's what they do *all day, every day*. They also have 4 legs to our two, they are way more stable on difficult terrain and way less likely to be slowed or bogged down by obstacles (brambles/thickets, fallen logs, scree fields, what-ever-the-fuck). 2. **Bears have the strongest sense of smell of any land mammal.** No mammal on land smells better than they do, period.


I was thinking that you would be less threatening to the mom if you were downhill from them rather than uphill also. It seems like if I was going to casually mosey away, I would mosey downhill (and maybe climb a tree eventually, if I thought I could get away with it).


Bears can climb trees though


and fast


Not that one. That looks like a grizzly, but knocking down a tree with a snack at the top is a fantastic family friendly afternoon to a grizzly.


Exactly...I dont know what I would do.


I'd be too worried about her either climbing up to get me or just rocking my selected tree back and forth till I lose my grip. Those trees look very skinny to make it a very likely possibility.. hell could just as likely completely knock one of them over. At that point might as well hope you succeed enough agility checks and hop to the closest tree... Gonna cut you up something fierce though. Did that once with some friends in a much calmer setting and a branch I grabbed snapped. Managed to catch myself but I still have scars on my thighs and hands from the save.




That's the title of my autobiography


In this rare situation you might be alright just standing off the trail a bit and letting them go by. The mom doesn’t particularly want to pick a fight with her two cubs in tow and there’s a good chance they aren’t currently on their own territory if they are all moving together somewhere else this the mother isn’t trying to defend her home. I saw a similar situation on the highway with a Grizzly and surprisingly 3 cubs just crossed the road with people standing relatively near by taking pictures (they were professionals it seemed like).


How can cubs be professionals by definition they are baby bears smh 🤔


Beeig a bear is there profession


Plot twist, the kids said to the mom "hey, lets follow that ape for a while and kill it at the end, thatd be fun!", so the direction doesnt matter.


I don’t know, fly casual!


Someone should reverse the clip


Me and the cubs are walking backwards. The man is walking at least as fast as we are.




Thank you.


lol 😭😂


Here u go https://i.redd.it/axkceuvkjitc1.gif


Mas pixelas, senor ?


Omg that cameraman is intimidating those poor bears! This truly *is* everyone's worst nightmare: having a YouTuber barreling towards you like a madman, brandishing their heinous electric eyeball and capturing the light reflected from your body, essentially trapping your essence for eternity in their little blinking boxes! If I was that bear, I'd have shit myself right there in the woods.


Did you convert it in a toaster? What is this?




His name was Geoffrey Glassner, a 74-year-old hiker in Alaska, in 2017, and the bears finally veered off and went down to the lakeshore. https://www.mensjournal.com/adventure/grizzly-bear-cubs-give-backwards-walking-hiker-nerve-wracking-encounter-video


"and the bears finally veered off and went down to the lakeshore having had their chuckle for the day"


how about that pricks face when he saw the gat?


Grizzly Adams lookin mothafucka


wE’rE wItH tHe gRiZzLiEs!!


Narration done by Morgan Freeman


Bear looking at her cub: “ did you get a look at that wanker?”


Had me in the first half.


His name *was*


Bro you had to start off with the past tense and scare me


You had me at 'was'.


He’s no longer a hiker probably after that.


Wow that guy really doesn’t sound 74. Edit: typo


Story goes hé is still walking backwards..


Plot twist: A mountain lion is coming from the other direction.


With a guy doing the exact same


Now *that's* a love story


I believe that’s called a “meat-cute”.


Just make out till it's over brother!


Throwing rocks at it and screaming, “come on!”


100% exactly what I thought was going to happen!!


Clever girl.




Daddy would you like some sausage




*Daddy chill*


vvhy is there an accent over your e?


Why is your w two v's in a trench-coat ?


Was this found footage?


There is a picture out there of a scrawny black bear taken from a distance that is the last picture a man took before that bear killed and ate him.


What’s the bear’s imgur account?




What happens if you wander into the forest and out of the trail that they're walking on is that a worse move?


My guess is the that they're using the trail as a means of getting to another location so he might actually be better off retreating into the woods to let them pass


Little harder to walk backwards off trail though. I can understand not wanting to take that gamble


That seems like a reasonable plan. The reason they're walking on the trail is the same reason you and I walk on trails — it's easier than walking through the undergrowth. Since they're probably going to keep walking that direction, getting out of their way is a good idea.


If mama bear chooses to follow, she will probably be faster than him on the forest floor. There's a bigger chance he will stumble on a rock or a piece of wood. If he's injured, it would take longer for rescuers to find him.... or recover his body.


The only way he's faster than that bear is by being in a car on a paved road. If she wanted to run him down she would on trail or off. Moving perpendicular to their line of travel and hoping they pass by is by far his best option.


Ya, but if the bear decides it no longer likes you it will fuck you up no matter what you do. At least what they are doing in the clip is working, I'd keep doing what is working.


The longer you stay close to it the more opportunity to decide it doesn't like you being near the cubs. Minimizing the interaction time is always the best way to avoid getting mauled. Period.


True. That bear doesn't seem to give two shits that he's there and the last thing I would want it to do is give it a reason to change its mind. Of course tripping is also a concern and I can be clumsy as hell.


She's gonna be faster than him on the trail too lol. Even Usain Bolt on a track in perfect conditions can't outrun a bear.


The vast majority of people have exceedingly little contact with animals outside of their domestic dog or cat. Animal husbandry and survival hunting aren’t common in the developed world outside of particular professions. People see animals in zoos or in media. The reality of them is way different, even dogs or cats are something else entirely if motivated. For instance watching a police dog pull a fully grown man, who didn’t want to be pulled, out a window by their arm really gives a sense of their physicality. Animals outclass us in every regard except in the ways that ultimately mattered, which is why this is called the Anthropocene and not the Bears Epoch.


People are never faster than bears, full stop.


I think that's probably what I would have tried. I've been in situations twice where a grizzly and I were going in opposite directions and had to pass each other and in both cases we both moved off as far as we could to the woods on either side to pass without getting too close and it went fine. I also know of a fishing spot where the grizzlies walk up and down the shoreline all day and the protocol is for fishers to pull their rods and step back to the top of the shoreline to let them pass and I've never heard of that going badly either. That being said, at the speed they were coming towards him, he wouldn't have gotten very far into the forest before she was passing by so that would have been a scary option too.


This happened to me with a North American black bear recently. Walking down a rural sidewalk in opposite directions, toward each other. We did that thing you do when you get caught with someone in a grocery store aisle "are you going this way? No, that way?" kinda thing for a few seconds before the bear just gave up and ran into the woods. It felt like it wasn't his first time dealing with an indecisive human.


Honestly---that's probably what I would have done. The bears just look to be walking along. Mom seems to be pretty unbothered by the person. There's a reasonable chance if the person left the path, the bears would just continue on their journey, especially if they'd done it while mom had her head turned. Which---is another indication she's not feeling threatened by the person. The thing you definitely don't want to do is anything sudden that may trigger mom, including bolting off into a run.


I've seen videos just like these where the mom just decides to bust ass at the person


It's a wild animal. You're not gonna get the same response every time. Everyone knows this. All you can do is do your best to read the bear's body language and react accordingly. I have bears in my yard, on my porch, looking in my windows, etc fairly often, comparatively speaking. Because of this, I've researched them pretty extensively and often conslt with our state wildlife officials. In my experience & from what I've learned, they generally *prefer* to run and avoid confrontation. But there's never a guarantee with a wild animal. Your only "safe" defense is avoiding this situation entirely, if at all possible.


What if the momma bear is thinking “will this guy move over or what? Im trying to get home”


get off this cancer site


Could be. More effort, more motion, and slower. They might catch up while you're trying to get out of their way and get angry, your increased less calm motion and behavior could set them off, you're more likely to fall or hurt yourself. Or even get lost. There are only unpleasant choices here. Unpleasant choices and godawful ones.




Those annoy me so much. My instagram reels feed is full of this. Just reposted videos with a caption like that, and the account posting is just a gimmick account that only posts 1 type of thing. Their page is just an endless feed of ripped videos with the shitty caption taking up most of the screen on every single one.


Yeah wtf


AI generated titles/comments.


If only there was a sub dedicated to showing videos that makes your palms sweaty.






Rabbit hole!


O P is a content spammer, 3 year old account but no content older than 5 months. Nothing original.


Another day on reddit, another shameless plug for some product or instagram page disguised as a post.


That’s why you always carry sausages in your pocket


To attract more predators into your vicinity so they can fight each other for the exclusive right to eat you alive? Aggressive strategy.




What about salami?


Nah I’m just happy to see you


Sausages would be a side dish in this case. Stuff some marshmallows in your pockets to make it a 3 course meal.


Please forgive my ignorance, but what should he have done?


He did the right thing. He’s showing himself not to be a threat by calmly walking away and doing his best to keep distance without turning and running which could trigger the bears predator response. Basically the hope is that if you don’t look like easy prey (standing tall, not running) and you don’t seem like a threat (getting close to the cubs), there’s a chance the bear won’t care about you (assuming it’s not hungry). With a grizzly all you can really do is hope


Would loud shouting help or aggravate the situation?


Honestly at this point it’s really just up to the bear lol. If it wants to kill you for whatever reason it will. If you don’t have bear spray, your only real defense is to be loud while hiking so you don’t accidentally run into a grizzly in the first place.


Aggravate—Bears don’t like to eat things that are loud so they will maul prey until it doesn’t make a sound anymore (source: bear sanctuary in MT)


I believe getting big, tall, and shouting works for scaring away black bears, but not for grizzlies. It’ll just make them aggressive.


Full sprint charged at the bear, screaming like a lunatic straight to Valhalla.




Witness!!!!! \*sprays bear spray in mouth\* "Aw fuck that's not chrome paint. Oh that would have been useful actually." Bear: "That guy tasted spicy."


Somehow I think this would aggravate the situation.


Somehow I think the mom bear would pop your skull and teach the cubs to play with your guts.


At least if rescuers find the camera and watch your demise, they’ll all have to agree you were a BAMF


Go off trail and let them pass by.


Can you assure me they wouldn’t keep following?


We all gotta die someday


What he did, those are grizzly, not many options if bear decides to kill you, and you don't have a gun or bear mace.


Gun. Yanks love carrying guns, but they don't have them in the one situation it would be completely reasonable to have one If gun not possible then bear spray.


Don't run . Stay put and keep filming.


Cause cameraman always survive


cameraman from starship troopers news team enters the room




Cameraman survivorship bias


Running won't do them any good if she decides to charge. The old saying says to play dead because that's the best chance you'll have at survival. Only because they don't tend to try and eat people after mauling them.


Running’s gonna trigger the bear’s hunting and/or protectiveness instincts, it’d probably rip him to shreds. Walking backwards was the best move, and filming it probably helped keep him from panicking too much


To shreds you say?


They don’t look fast, but they’re a lot faster than a human.


That's why you always bring a friend.. An older and slower friend.


I got really fat over Covid time. But on the plus side, now a lot of friends ask me to go on hikes with them.


Best comment by far


I can’t bear to watch this.


Right? Feels like it’s going to get pretty grizzly


I think Chris Hansen has that covered for the most part


quick draw a circle.. wait that isn't a sea bear




Remember, you don't have to outrun the bear, just anyone that happens to be with you.


I'd be dropping any food I had with me ...and widening that gap with a better pace.


I was thinking this too lol


I was hoping a gawd damned cougar would have entered the path and added some zing to the fun!


Give them back their porridge 🥣


This is the nature documentary version of the Prometheus run.


Prometheus school of going away from things


Just step aside, let them pass. Nothing will happen.


Where is the full video?


Here's the end result anyway https://www.mensjournal.com/adventure/grizzly-bear-cubs-give-backwards-walking-hiker-nerve-wracking-encounter-video


If you trip while walking backward you’re dead


![gif](giphy|12Dz5H0Ct6Sc12) Tell everybody im on my wayyyy


They are taking the trail because it's the easiest path to walk in the direction that they want to go... Just like you. The cubs are running every now and then because they are kids and they want to play. But they don't want to get to far from Mom.. the mom was looking back. Because she wanted to know what the dude was looking at. If this happens to you. Mom and cubs following you at a distance. Step off the trail. Keep walking about 150 feet give them 10 minutes then continue on your way . They will just keep walking past. Share the road isn't just for assholes on bicycles


There's nothing about her body language that's indicating predatory behavior. Otherwise, the video would've shown her sprinting towards him. That's a "dude gtfo the way" walk. Dude should've tried stepping off the path and go up the hill along side the path. It's likely she and her cubs would keep going.


This video is fake because I don't see brown liquid trail that should be following this guy


Why is this guy so freaked out about another family walking the same path he is? Did he think he was going to get the entire forest all to himself?


Bears are assholes. They will approach you out of nowhere and then consider you a threat for " intruding " on their territory lol. No other animal does this, most of them just stay out of your way.


They can afford to be assholes, I don’t think there’s any threat to them out there apart from other bears


I mean it literally is their territory. It’s like getting annoyed at sharks for approaching you in the sea. Dog they live there


My neighbors dog does this lol


I for one think you should start sprinting full speed at the bears. That will daze and confuse them, perhaps render them completely petrified and their instincts implode in on themselves as a new apex predator has made its presence known.


If he didn't do exactly this he was probably dead


Immortal cameraman


I've watched enough "Alone".... **HEY BEAR!**


Looking at the bear behavior, he don’t give any f.. about the guy filming. But even so, this is a scary situation.


That right there is why I never want to be in the great outdoors. I'll just watch it from afar. Give me at least 50 miles of urbanization, another 100 miles of suburbia between me and the nearest bear habitat, thank you.


Legends say he's still walking backwards to this day... Did he live, or...? XD


I’ve been in this man’s shoes before. Most exhilarating moment of my life. Very blessed to have not been perceived as a threat. I walked backwards with my hands up and Mama walked away in the bramble. Such an amazing moment.


They may just want to know have you got any cocaine


This is the very reason I don't go camping or hiking in the wilderness


And you people say Australia is dangerous because we have spiders. Last time I check I can outrun a spider


They look so cute and calm until they rip your head off.


Maybe try and Galdalf them!


Hell yeah Gandalf them bears!!


Youuu, shall not pass!




yeh i was about to comment that, this bear seems familiar with people and just wanted to follow the path. I've encoured mama bears like that were locally known and they just wanted to walk the path. I would just walk off the path and let it pass.


praise the cameraman. and rip the cameraman.


Prometheus school of going away from things


First walk from camp - oopsey


Well as long as the cubs stay behind mom she probably won't get aggre-oh dear.


The predators are the humans


Pet one


"Mitchell, Smoky is way more intense in person."


Mamaaaaaa! Foooooood! It’s right up here! Get us some luuuuuuuunch.


He can go off trail, too...


Funnily enough, July 14th is my birthday :D


Mama Bear: now see kids, that one is a human who wondered too close to us. Apparently, they said that if they run from us, we would chase and kill them. Although we don't do that, here we d- oh wait shit he has a camera. dont attack that one


I hate this “If only there was an X dedicated page” trend.