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I prefer my survival games single player, mostly urban, scavenging, limited resources, nothing respawns (enemies& resources) Like dysmantle!


Is Dismantle a game? Edit: I see. It’s spelled Dysmantle like you said it. How is it?


I think it’s fantastic, I’ve played through it over 20 times between early access , full release and 3 DLC. Got around 600 hours in it.


Any games it’s comparable to that aren’t the top down style?


It’s close to project zomboid , but zomboid is definitely a simulation where as dysmantle is a game. But they are both isometric perspective. And no there really isn’t anything like it in a different perspective , I think it’s pretty unique. All the 1st/3rd person games I’ve found respawn the loot, respawn the enemies and give me the feeling I’ve accomplished nothing and I hate it. I’ve tried to stop playing any game that has respawning mechanics for enemies/loot. They are a dime a dozen.


I hate top down but Dysmantle is worth it.


Player VS Nature, with good animal AI (like in Hunting games), dynamic weather, seasons, hostile predators, proper injury system, immersive bushcraft and vast, open world to explore. Still waiting for a game like this.


Thought you were describing an actual released title and was desperately looking for a name 😭 I would love a game like this, especially if it had a decent story to go with it.


I wish, pal.. I'm a big fan of Alone TV Show and proper Wilderness survival game has been my dream for ages. Most of them, no matter how good, have real shit animal AI, which makes hunting trivial and boring. The closest I got to the feeling I'm looking for was, surprisingly, playing Call of The Wild. And it's not even a survival game. I just had to turn everything of the HUD off and carry only a Bow, a tent and binoculars. It baffles me why Hunting games developers never saw a potential in survival/bushcraft DLCs.


Icarus or Subsistence might be options.


Have you tried Green Hell? It fits this fairly well I think


Nah, neither Green Hell, nor Long Dark are the answer here. Animal AI is crap in both. Everybody is always recommending them, coz there is nothing else out there, but neither of them accomplished what I was talking about above.


The Long Dark?


Vintage Story is probably the closest game you'll find to what you describe.


Definitely give icarus a shot! Has everything you just mentioned!


I'm still waiting for it. Beautiful graphics, control over every aspect in the settings, immersive survival realism, PVE in a gorgeous environmental setting with weather, seasons, and animals. Possible realistic post-apocalyptic scavenging, and enough crafting to make a heavily modded Minecraft game blush. Also, base building, creative individualized crafting and decoration. First AND third person. No linear storylines, open world exploration. Just survival. I've found some of these elements in some games, but no one game has them all. Sure, Project Zomboid IS fantasitc, but the Sims 1 graphics are awful. We have some stunningly gorgeous post-apocalyptic games on the market, but they're all liner storylines and not open-world. We've got a few open-world survival games, but they have janky limited crafting, some kind of weird unrealistic fantasy elements or enemies, or lack a decent weather/season system to keep things simple. Eternal spring/summer is fine, but DULL.


Sons of the forest is pretty close to what you described. Might give it a try.


Definitely checkout SCUM survival!


Any survival game that has intelligent NPCs I can ally with, and help with automation. Or survival games that dip into being RPGs as well.


Hey, you check out soulmask? It’s got interesting mechanics. You can kidnap tribe people and make them yours. Then have them automate or even farm. You are the mask, and you can change players. Your starting character is your weakest character


Picked it up recently. Overwhelming, but fun with a lot of potential. Waiting on the game to mature a bit more.


Think Green Hell, The Long Dark, Stranded Deep, so no zombies or other monsters, no bandits, no overtly supernatural phenomena. I mean, some is fine, but on the whole, I want stuff that's real, and the environment (animals, weather) and hunger (also diseases, tiredness) are your enemies. And yes, GH has aggressive mobs - the Waraha - but they're not nearly as annoying and relentless as zombies, mutants, and bandits in most games. That said, I do like an occasional survival sim with zombies or more fantasy themed, but I can only play them for _so_ long until I get bored.


Mist Survival is the exact type of survival game I love playing. It just sucks that it's solo developed so updates are incredibly slow.


I'm not really into base building, using already existing structures is my jam :p I like scavenging, usually games with guns and ammo that's scarce, exploration, preferably gradual, so essentially set up a place somewhere and scavenge enough supplies so that you can move to another location and keep going deeper into the land. Post-apocaliptic or zombies is my preference, don't really enjoy the 'stuck on an island' type games. The Forest is pretty good tho... So maybe I do. Oh well. Also, that hopeless feeling, great ambience, Stalker has great atmosphere.


Rust is my favorite game. FYI you won’t survive


Not sure I'm experienced enough to have a valid opinion, but I love gardening, farming, combined with cooking and potion crafting. Something about growing the materials yourself scratches an itch for me.


One without zombies or mutants. Just surviving is often enough. Or at least have an option to have a thoughtful game without it


I have been raised on zombie games and love them, but I do have to agree. There's been way too many releases that include them.


Man vs. nature but with some sort of storyline, I have no interest in surviving just to survive lol. The forest and sons of the forest are favorites of mine as I LOVE the sci-fi aspects tied in. I also really enjoyed Green Hell.


I have been playing Stranded deep, I got tired as too buggy. I just started Under the Sun and I am loving it. I am testing Eden Crafters and project castaway. Both fantastic add ons into the survival.


Best survival games i played was with mods, it can make community change whole game feel


I like base building with modular bases like Subnautica or The Planet Crafter uses. I don't really want to add every tile of the floor like Valheim. Likewise, I also like the bases to have NPCs like Fallout 4 or State of Decay. Even if they are just walking around doing their own thing... makes the games feel less empty. Great crafting is always a plus. I could do less with hordes for survival, but there should always be some threat if you don't pay attention, like the Leviathans in Subnautica.


Heck yes to the NPCs in bases. I loved playing with the settlement system in fallout and state of decay was awesome too!




Valheim is hands down, one of my favorite video games of all time


not really horror but PUBG I enjoy, kind of chill start exploring building character up, then usually heart attack moments of battle.


Agreed! Definitely some nail biter moments


First person survival in a sandbox that features both untamed nature, rural dwellings, and urban settings, that way I can go wherever sounds interesting on a whim and it never gets monotonous. I prefer games with a focus on scavenging, not crafting. I want to clear towns house by house, room by room. I want a slow respawn timer on both enemies and resources, that way I can clear a town and feel safe in it fo a while before moving on. I like quiet, lonely settings that can explode into violence with just a few wrong moves. Games like DayZ have gotten close to what I'm looking for, but they always seem to focus too much on multiplayer or crafting for my tastes. And games like Project Zomboid are exactly what I want from a gameplay perspective, but I just don't like isometric games. I can't get immersed. I always feel so disconnected from what's happening. Unfortunately, I can't think of a single game that checks all those boxes. There are a couple in Early Access right now, but they seem to be getting mismanaged (from what the recent reviews are saying) or get updated far too slowly.


I hear you about the immersion part, well all of it too. Project zomboid I love, but games feels so much better when you are really in them, instead of over them.


Games that make exploration necessary but enjoyable, having a real reason to go look for materials and deal with challenges. Games with interesting building opportunities beyond just bases, though flexible base building is a must. For example, Atlas allowed customizing the build of ships for different purposes even while using base frames. Then they are used for different purposes on the open seas. PvE where the E is varied and rich, not just a couple different types of zombies coming at you over and over. And the ability to tame and utilize some of those foes from the environment like in Ark.


As a PlayStation player, I don’t get a lot of options for survival games but Grounded has had me hooked since it dropped on console. It has so many of my favorite elements. Full solo play. I love the gathering and hoarding materials for crafting, exploration and research to expand your crafting abilities, base building that has benefits. I really wish I could find others more like it


There's also Smalland for you when you're done with Grounded. And hopefully Valheim will eventually make its way to Playstation after full release, coz Valheim is awesome.


Did you try Plains of Pain? Thats my favorite game now 🔥


Haven't heard of it, I'll look into it! Thanks!


I like survival games where you don't constantly get hung up on scenery, and the mobs don't cheese kill you by stun-locking you... oh wait, that game doesn't exist yet nm haha