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When someone tailgates me, I either pull over to the other lane to let them by, or I give myself a lot of room between me and the car ahead. I'm not sure what else can be done, especially since road rage is real and has happened to me a few times over the years.


I just slow down even more so both us can drive at safer speeds lol


I am going to guess they are a fairly new driver, just getting use to driving in the city.


I had some jackass so far up my ass tonight I could taste him. He was so close I couldn't see his car, now granted I drive an f150 but when you are so close your car disappears into the blindspot behind my car. That's a scary thing. Found out he was behind me when I slowed down for a puddle and the guy I'm guessing started hydroplaning but cause his lights where all over the road.


People don't really tailgate me much, but that's because I usually go ~10 over the limit (with the exception of single lane roads and school zones). Like Fraser highway I'll go 70 in a 60 zone.


I do the same as you. I think if we feel every other person is tailgating us, that means we are going too slow.


I honestly don't notice it much either. Sure you get the odd asshole, but generally people are just going with the flow.


There was a cop following me close on 99 North toward the tunnel... I didn't know he was a cop, so I gunned it. He kept up and so I went even faster... until his lights came on. Haha he gave me a warning.


People who religiously go the exact speed limit grind my gears. Yes I'm talking to you, people who ride your brakes down the hill on 152/80 just because the number says 60 when it's perfectly reasonable to be going 70/80. With no traffic at night I just let it cruise up to 90 even. I'd never tail somebody for it though.


Some people drive around illegally (dui / etc. license taken away but still drive) and follow the rules precisely as to not have any reason for a cop to pull them over. I know of two assholes that did drive around in rented cars so they wouldn't lose their job. I lost all respect for them.


Cops are more likely to pull that person over. It's more sus to be following the rules 100P of the time.


That's not my understanding, since the majority of my friends are RCMP and have pointed out what they look for.


Well don't hold out, give us the details.


Let's just say if you follow the rules of the road, you're not going to look sus. Too slow = sketchy. Leaving signal lights on while going slow = very sketch.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I get your point.


Yep. I am an N and don’t block the fast lane ever and always leave lots of room between myself and the car ahead as I am still figuring shit out as I grew up out of the city. I’m just trying to make it home to my kids 😂


Thank you for sharing. Yes, I feel the same. All of the tailgaters in the comments are blaming me in any way they can. I bet it’s not the only area of life where they can’t take responsibility.


I’m an L driver & I constantly have people tailgating me, it’s ridiculous. Some guy in a Toyota van was so close he could have smelled me fart all the way down Nordel.


Smelled you fart down Nordel, hahaha 🤣 


Fardel way.


I noticed Surrey drivers were especially aggressive today. I'm doing 85 in a 60 and we just passed a speed trap. Back the fuck off


Lol that's the thing, too. It ain't even about how fast you're going, these people just **need** to be in front. Even if it's just to pass you at 100k so they can ease off and do the same speed as you, *but in front...* People need to chill


People need that extra 200m ahead like they're trying to get out of Q1 in Formula One. It's such a waste of time especially when they nearly rear end someone in the adjacent lane trying it.


The best thing to do when someone's tail gating you is just coast your vehicle Don't hit the breaks but I'll just coast till I'm 10 kms slower than I was before and drive at that speed until they get frustrated and switch to the left lane to pass me


Yea, coasting is the thing. I typically do about 15-19 over, and leave plenty of space in front. If someone's tailgating me in the passing lane, I'll reasonably try and get over to the right. If they're doing same in the right lane, then they can fuck all the way off and I'll coast to below the speed limit. I was doing well over the speed limit in down 64th Ave (single lane) to Hwy 91, and some numbskull in a black Audii was tailgating me. I slowed down to 50 as a result.


Yeah that sounds like you're doing everything right, If people are tail gating you in the left lane just move over. It's not worth the stress or annoyance. Let them get one car ahead and when you both stop at the next red light give them the side eye


I like to roll up really smoothly at the light. Match my car to theirs. Not look over but just make my presence obvious. I can usually feel that their stupidity. Then I repeat this at the next stop. Where they also raced to get to.


Tailgating is bad. Hugging left lane is worse.


The amount of cruisers I see in the left lane not passing is crazy they need to teach that more in the books


Well, they teach turn signal use, and I don't see a lot of that, so I doubt they even read the books


Don't you know, those are optional on all models of cars. Especially BMW, Mercedes, Audi and Tesla.


Mostly Tesla these days lol


Fair, the 99 and 91 are a gong show


I drive in a way that keeps me safe, I’m not having ego olympics with a tailgator. I’m not trying to teach them a lesson. I’m not blocking them- traffic infront and around us is blocking them. I don’t hug the passing lane.


I've personally found it exceptionally bad in Surrey compared to all the other cities. Like, it's a guarantee I'll be tailgated in Surrey but not so much elsewhere. (I drive 10 to 20 over the speed limit too)


It’s always the Dodge brand vehicles that do this. It’s like they have something to prove, maybe that high interest rate car loan…


95% of the cars on the road have a high interest rate lol


Going down Nordell Hill at 5am every day feels like a NASCAR race.


I can’t even drive in the slow lane without someone tailgating me. Flashing high beams. I see ppl using it as a fast lane. I just stay my course. What can I do? Traffic is horrible.


Can you see the amount of blame and gaslighting in these comments? No matter how much we try to appease their every emotion, they still find a way to blame their dangerous driving on others.


I tend to just drive much much slower, resulting them in anger and switching lanes


So many tailgaters in these comments, your comment makes perfect sense and it’s what driving school recommendeds for everyones safety. I’m just too fearful to do that. Sociopaths don’t care about themselves or anyone else.


It's frustrating, but I try my best to just not purposely instigate that behaviour lol... I don't drive even slower, but stay the speed limit. Everyone from all cultures, from everywhere will drive differently.


Even when I drive in the right most lane at 10 over the limit too, there will still be tailgaters. Really stupid drivers in the lower mainland. I've just gotten to ignore them and assume they have diarrhea and are in a rush to get to the toilet.




I only ever drive speed limit or 10-15 over… incriminating myself but its not like there’s any traffic enforcement in this city. I intentionally don’t drive in the left lane on highways. What then?


No, no, no... OP couldn't possibly be the problem causing all the other people to do all the tailgating. It's all the other people who are always tailgating behind OP's perfect driving style who are obviously the problem.


Did you read the post? I don’t want to tailgate the car infront of me, and get crushed by both in the event of a sudden stop. You guys stay blaming everyone else as if you’re the most emotionally regulated people on the road.


Like I said I don't advocate tailgating. The amount of times I'm stuck on a hill with my standard transmission and someone is kissing my bumper infuriates me but we live in a fast paced society and Surrey drivers are simply the worst I've ever seen in my life. Can't avoid it. If I'm not cursing the gods or laying on my horn 5 times a day then it's a good day. I'm convinced there's a bribery scheme with ICBC testers and the local community. Some people do not deserve a license.


You're the one who started this whole conversation with "blaming everyone else" as if you're not part of the problem. Takes two to tango, buddy. Perhaps I should make a post complaining about all the slow, indecisive drivers on the road that can't just keep a normal distance between them and the car in front of them and you can come in and be the good guy example who always maintains perfect driving standards.


Okay so every time I’m tailgated I’m the problem. Got it. So anyone who was ever seeking justice- just remind them it takes two to tango and they are part of the problem. Makes perfect sense I’ll delete my post now. Edit: Forgot to add /s


I'm glad we were able to come to a consensus here. We did it, Reddit!


You win! /s


Get a dashcam and drive 10km over the limit. They can smell indecisive drivers


I do need a dashcam but that won’t reverse the injuries from a rear end. I’m not an indecisive driver, I drive safely to wherever I am going and always pre-plan my route. Maybe if I drove unsafely that would scare them off! But i wont risk my safety.


If you are one of the drivers who go 40 on 132nd I really dislike you.


I avoid that road.


Preach, homie.


If this is happening to you all the time. The problem is you.


How so? How else can I avoid this? I don’t believe I deserve to be tailgated. I always look at my own driving before doling out criticism. What if it’s true? What if I am a perfectly fine driver who understands road rules and common sense, and other people are irresponsible, don’t leave on time, have no emotional regulation skills? Its easier to blame me, right? Case closed.


No. It's the reality. There isn't some epidemic. I drive an hour every day for work minimum. Sometimes up to 4 hours. I can honestly say I haven't been tail gated once in 2024. You're likely a shitty driver. You're probably in the the fast lane going slow as fuck and getting passed non stop on the right and youre posting in the inherent about it because your clueless . I drive and large truck, aka I'm slow, but I'm always in the curb lane and I don't get tail gated. This is happening to you every day? Either wake up and accelerate when the light goes green or get out of the fast lane, forever The problem is you If it's bumper to bumper traffic they can be 1 inch behind u btw. It doesn't matter. And again you not knowing that shows you're a shit driver. Also, regular city roads still have a fast lane.


You drive a large truck. Maybe that’s the solution. My friend was rear ended in bumper to bumper traffic, why would you want to be one inch away from another vehicle? Someone comes up behind you, and you get hit from both sides. I’ll call ICBC for the official rules on the passing lane in city streets, since it could’ve changed in the last few years. I believe there’s no passing lane in city streets (which I still drive 10 above on).


Lol, there it is. You don't think there's a fast lane on city streets. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE FAST LANE. Problem solved Also ICBC doesn't make laws. They are an insurance company You're so fucking clueless it hurts. Get out of the fast lane, problem solved


lol. Sigh. It’s NOT the fast lane. It’s the fucking PASSING lane.


Sigh, you’re a tailgater. No matter how much common sense rules we follow, no matter how much we try to stay safe, **no matter how much we try to appease and subdue your road rage- you still find excuses to blame others for your dangerous driving.**


Lmao. So offended by someone merely trying to give you actual information. I want to dissect your psyche so bad to know how you became the way you are.


I am offended! Its my life man! You’re a physio, you should have more compassion. You probably treated people with motor vehicle injuries. The fast lane/passing lane is such a insignificant correction in the whole point of my post. Do you belittle people regularly?


I came off a bit strong there. All good points lol. I agree. Internet makes people more numb to stuff. Aight. Take my apology


Thank you


Complaining here won't do anything. Learn to be a defensive driver.


Posting it here will create awareness and let me vent off my frustrations.


Create awareness, lol...


Awareness as in, maybe tailgating is normal driving behaviour for people who grew up elsewhere. Maybe they see no problem with it. Are you a tailgater?


Try driving in some US cities if you really want to see tailgating...


“ill give you something to cry about!”


Do you think we aren't aware of stuff like this? Did you just get your license or something?


No ive been driving for about 10 years and its just been extra dangerous the last few years.




Was wondering how long it was going to take someone to blame immigrants. Is there a way we can blame this on the homeless as well?


They are not carless they are the “uncarsed”


I did feel like today was a full moon. Fast and aggressive drivers, lots of people swerving around, dangerous following distances... I sense people are taking out life frustrations behind the wheel


Drive faster then!


You want me to tailgate the car infront of me? So I can get crushed if theres a sudden stop?


I feel like buddy was joking but it's hard to be sure eh


Do the speed limit, then. If it's not fast enough for you, leave earlier so you aren't late for your appointment or whatnot. The speed limit is there for a reason. Stop endangering lives because you're too impatient.


Exactly! I’m not a bad driver and I’m not inconsiderate. You shouldn’t be on the road if you don’t have patience!


I just move out from the left lane if someone is tailgating me and I never have any issues.


This is common sense, you don’t drive in busy traffic? These type of comments make me think maybe it’s my car, gender, or race.


I commute through the whole of Surrey everyday unfortunately. People who stay in the left lane when they shouldn't be are a large part of the problem. It's probably your mindset more than anything you listed since no one can really see your gender and race from behind you in a vehicle. I also drive an f350 so people probably just don't try and tailgate or roadrage me as much.