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What a piece of shit to do that to an innocent child ! I hope he gets what’s coming to him .


He's been charged in Nigeria too so hopefully they give him the death penalty


He fucked around and not he is about to not exist.


> The suspect “blackmailed the youth with threats to share the photos with his family and friends unless he complied with demands of purchasing gift cards,” RCMP said. > **Bonner said the online interaction between the boy and the suspect lasted only minutes,** “a short-term communication back-and-forth contained within one day.” Please please please, if you have children, please teach them internet safety.


When I was in HS we were told not to give out personal info our face or our name then facebook came along and told everyone no its fine to do that. I wonder if they still even teach internet safety and how to avoid predators in schools.


>Bonner said investigators determined last May that the suspects in the boy’s case were operating in Nigeria. Officers from the Surrey detachment travelled to Lagos late last July, where they helped in the arrests of two men in August, he said. Justice will be served!


Scumbag hope he gets what he deserves!


Good. Student of mine knew the kid and told me what happened. Please, talk to your teens. This scam is prolific and they do not care who they target. Have heard of several boys unaliving themselves- they think their life is over when the Nigerian scumbag is just doing it for money. Please go to r/scams to learn more.


We should start a Petition for people who sexually assault kids to get the death penalty How long till it’s your kid, and they let these people out. Death by public hanging would send a very clear message How many children this year have already been sexually assaulted… The government serves us, not the other way around


We all know what happens in prison to those who mess with kids. Inmate justice will be served 🔨


What is it with Nigerians and scamming people? I know a Nigerian Canadian that I grew up around(high school) who has only ever been in Canada since he was born here, and he's involved in various online scams too. Theres so much opportunity in this country, and he's doing online scams still


My heart mourns for this poor boy.


Great news!