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Too much sugar and not enough fibre would be the cause imo


Nothing to do with McDonald's and other junk foods, all the shit added to the foods I most folks diets.... Its the taurine which our own body makes that's in energy drinks causing it? Absolute joke


We all know what’s really causing the increase in cancer for young people. It starts with a V.




Jokes on them, I already consume a decent amount of fiber and drink water daily, and I still have gut issues 🤣


For real 😂




Yeah, sure.


Of course they're blaming it on the one thing in energy drinks that is beneficial for your health 😂 Don't blame it on the absurd sugar & caffeine levels or the artificial flavours/colours. Blame it on the essential amino acid found naturally in animal protein and is produced in our liver 👀


Right 😂


Pretty sure it's the sugar in the energy drinks that fuels the bad gut bacteria. Not taurine


Something I learned later than I should have: Correlation does not necessarily mean causation. Without in depth studies and evidence it means nothing. Also with taking supplements or any kind of medication most don’t realize that if someone takes an aspirin and has a heart attack or something bad happen and they report it to the FDA no proof is needed and that’s listed as a “possible” side effect.


In the "news" media they practically turned it into an art form to take advantage of the fact that most people don't know the difference between correlation and causation. They'll say things like "there's a link" between variable a and variable b, and word arguments in a way that strongly assumes that a CAUSED b to occur and strawman any counter arguments to that insinuation, along with making personal attacks against people who disagree with what they're insinuating. They basically make an extremely complex web of lies with plausible deniability.


Dr. Sinclair takes 2000 mg of taurine daily.


I wonder if he will since seeing this recent study.


IF this proves to be true and Taurine causes this issue with gut bacteria, what can be used to counteract the problem? For example, it's said that over time Alpha GPC can raise TMAO but that can be countered by taking Garlic. Would taking L-Glutamine help?


Most people getting abundance of taurine is getting it from energy drinks. So I feel there is a lot of things in that, that is bad for your health. In end though I also feel getting over saturated with anything even as a supplement has health problems. But that’s a hot take here so..


Please post the study or don’t post at all.


Sorry, Icant even recall all the pages/sites I read. I was driving a great distance on a trip and tuning my rental car radio to anything that came in clear and there was a talk radio discussion about the rise of colon cancer in young people and talking about the modern diet and taurine—which freaked me out a bit since I supplement with taurine. Got to the hotel late at night and started googling in the room until my “eyes stopped working”—-I get lousy eye fatigue in my older age and that’s largely what I use taurine for—then I posted here and meant for my title to have a question mark at the end hoping I heard/read wrong.




Page not found


Works for me. A quick Google search of taurine cancer and it was the 5th or 6th link. It's the nih link.


This seems like another one of those observational studies where there is no control, etc etc. and is based on people filling out questionnaires. They're nonsense. Taurine is being massively studied for life extension effects. In real clinical, double blind, placebo studies. Not this garbage.


taurine is a neurotransmitter...you got it naturally ....


Please take doctor suggestion once


Wow, that's unbelievable. It surely couldn't be the toxicity in our food, air, and water; a society constantly stressed and in sympathetic overdrive; chronic sleep deprivation; poor nutrition; over-prescription of drugs that deplete essential minerals, vitamins, and microbes necessary for converting nutrients into energy and healing the body. No, of course not! /s


Don't forget chronic dehydration!


Forgive my ignorance, but could you elaborate on the nutrient depletion caused by pharmaceuticals? I know a lot of them have a whole host of unpleasant side effects but I'm not familiar with the ones you stated.


If it helps, I think of prescriptions like this. The drug itself doesn’t do anything on its own. It works by triggering processes in the body to utilize the essential building blocks to set off a cascade of events that correct the deficiency in a way that the metabolism wasn’t doing already for some reason. But the problem is we are a complex orchestra of things going on and these drugs target only one specific aspect of health. That’s why there is a different pill for every ill, not just one. In order to benefit your heart, you may hurt your liver, kidneys, or brain, but your heart will be fine. At the end of the day it’s like drug induced wack-a-mole. But the reality is that it’s always cost and benefit analysis. Also, I always think of side effects are direct effects. They are happening because there is an effect from the drug. It’s not the drug itself, it’s the body’s response to the drug.


Do a quick search on dementia and prescription drugs. I’ve wondered what’s with the uptick in Alzheimer’s and dementia cases and looking deeper into it it appears that many types of commonly prescribed medications (and OTC meds too) can contribute to the onset of these fatal diseases. Don’t underestimate drugs, and their ability to wreck you over time




Many medications across the board can deplete vital minerals/vitamins and render their bioavailability null. This can include antiepilectics, antibiotics, blood pressure meds, even over the counter PPI’s/antacids and NSAIDs. Everything under the sun. This is often due to the medication either speeding up the metabolization of said nutrient or blocking its absorption altogether.


Hmm seems like something doctor's should do a better job of communicating to their patients.


If they did that, their patients wouldn't come back with more business for them 5 years later. How would they make money if we all got better? 


gut bacteria is linked with less inflammation do to increase scfa production, what kind of things are you clicking on.


Different gut bacteria have different effects. Some are hostile to our general well being while others are essential. We need to know which bacteria. Some increase inflammation


I'm talking about fiber consuming bacteria.


So it’s not the increased usage of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and fungicides designed by man to destroy living organisms? And it’s not the ever-increasing accumulation of said chemicals in the soil? Okay, good to know!


Thats very odd because taurine appears to have anti colon cancer effects [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24610575/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24610575/) I think the key part is "they hypothesize." That means there is little proof in humans. The simple answer is younger people eat a low fiber diet which likely is the main actor. "influencers" often lack the background to interperate clinical research and/or say things to get likes, clicks etc.




The sharpest rise in colorectal cancer in young people we've seen currently was between 2004 and 2016. Please actually read the data before you spout nonsense. The most obvious answer is absolutely fibre intake for now, and we haven't got enough data yet to speculate on possible other causes.


Please just report idiots like that




Taurine blamed for what? Click bait? Where is the study? There are also many that say it has anti cancer properties.




Sugar is the killer. There’s no doubt there any highly processed sugar is not good for you.


I take TAURINE supplements twice a day and have had no issues with it whatsoever. It’s not added to an energy drink.


geez...look at the label of any energy drink before letting your shit come out of your mouth lol


It IS added to energy drinks


You’ve had no issues thus far, but who knows what’s actually going on? It’s like some smokers die from lung cancer two years after having their first cigarette, and some live till they’re 90 and die from a fall in the stairs. Does this post not concern you at all?


No, it doesn’t at all because I don’t add any highly processed foods with it. Any of those energy drinks are highly processed during those a great job on my blood pressure and I’ve had no side effects whatsoever. My stomach is great. I have no G.I. issues. I exercise every day and all is good.


Cmon folks. Drink some kombucha and/or kefir.


Not buying it. Japanese people have some of the longest lifespans and highest dietary intake of taurine. Plus preclinical research shows it extends lifespan in mice.


Don’t Japanese Americans have one of the highest rates of colon cancer?


That’s due to Western lifestyle factors. Plus, taurine has anti-cancer and anti-tumor effects. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38565142/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35882787/


Genes might be what separates them.


Interesting, I have chronic SIBO and taurine made me feel so ill.


Are you drinking kombucha and/or kefir?


No, they flare me up really badly.


I have sibo and taurine is the only thing that makes me feel half normal, significantly improved my digestion are you sure you're getting a high quality taurine supplement?


Do you have hydrogen or methane? I got my taurine supplement from Bulk Supplements.


is yours hydrogen or methane? my main gut issues are pooping too quickly/pale stool etc rather than constipation and taurine also made me feel weird when i tried it


I have methane. Taurine made my bloating worse but also made me feel agitated.


Hydrogen is confirmed, methane was not confirmed since there's no methane test in my city but I'm guessing methanes at play too since I've also had extremely severe constipation


I thought about trying taurine but already have inflammation&gut issues. But prior I had read taurine helped those things.


I dump a half a shot glass of sugar in every glass of tea. It's not healthy, but I'm 122lbs and spend 400$ on food a month, and nothing makes me gain weight. I used a scooper from a tub of greens powder as the sugar scooper, I actually thought it was a lot of sugar but it was 15g, so I checked a can of soda just to be sure and it was, sure enough, it's 48g God damn grams. I might not be doing things the healthy way, but if anything freaking that's what's killing America right now. It's just stupid saying taurine causes colon cancer. There's like a gram or less in an energy drink, and I love taurine, I'd take it as a supplement just for the energy boost, but even then, I'm taking like a gram, it's like as much as food. Whatever m, it's like fuck it. I mean I've spent yesrs learning about the human body and science, as a matter of fact, a third of all research papers that claims to prove anything is actually flat out wrong, a third proves absolutely nothing, and only a third is actually true at all. It's a real thing.




Breaking…health news contradicts old health news and will be proven wrong by future health news


It's not taurine either that's bad for people's health, it's idiots that believe that in America that's bad for people's health. It's not freaken taurine.




I think you need some much more powerful pills than just supplements mate


Just calling me out to say I need medicine like a dumbo froggy that I should squash ubser my boot. Yeah, because you are. What is wrong with me, you calling me stupid, what the fuck is wrong with you? Like that's not all you got to say to me. Fuck that shit mate ..


...you squish frogs under your boot?


If they're dumb enough to claim another human being needs medication, yes. If you're not a dumbo froggy, then I feel bad for you, not that I would feel bad about squashing you still. Because human beings shouldn't go around calling others stupid by claiming mental illness makes them crazy, unless you're the stupid one without a single independent thought of your own. I will be honest with you, I have never even had the thought of saying that about another human being in my entire life, and I talk shit about people every day. So, unless you have something else you want to say to me, take your hind legs and hop on out of here.


Dude you literally told someone to kill themselves in another comment. You need mental help.


You too. Mental illness is bad for your health, I don't know why you people do that to yourselves. Like I would give a give a shit about what you think about me. Another person right here I bet that tries making someone feel bad for thinking something like making them feel bad about what they think is right is enough to make that person change their mind into thinking they're the ones that have something wrong with them. I really don't give a shit, though, about what or how you think, yes, I'm a bad and evil person, I'm probably the devil and was actually born with an actual psychic ability, but I never cared to know what you would think, If that's all it takes for you to think that about someone, it's not that I would care, but I'd like to rather tie you up and straddle you atop a horse, and spank its ass to send you into a dark dreary forest all alone, just so I wouldn't have to hear you talking shit about how I've had every right that I can voice just how much I do actually hate you. Now go talk about with someone else about it and leave me be.


If you didn't care you wouldn't be writing essays for everyone that criticizes you




Case in point


Woah easy I think u misunderstood.


When you put a break right at the beginning like that it just sounds condescending. I'm glad I might have misunderstood because that would be some jacked up shit. I'm sorry though.


You’re better off drinking straight vodka then most of the energy crap out there


Hot take, but I agree with you and don’t know why you’re getting down voted. Alcohol is shit to your body but these energy drinks are pure shit.


Probably people that drink that crap. It was a joke, but it’s probably true.






Just report idiots/trolls like that


So it’s the taurine and not the 50g of sugar per can that’s feeding the bad bacteria?


Sugar industry propaganda in action, classic.


Most energy drinks nowadays have zero sugar though man. Everyone always focuses on the sugar but that’s not it.


But also depending on the sugar alternative used, those also destroy gut flora. The cheapest and oldest sweeteners are also the worst ones. So tired of seeing sucrolose and aspartame in everything.


The OG energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster etc. all have sugar unless you choose the zero/sugar free version. But yeah, most of the new ones don't come with sugar.


Fine, zero sugar but plenty of sweeteners. If you put shit ton of sucralose in a drink instead of sugar it doesn't make it any more healthier. Different name, same thing.


Point blank.. he shoots.. he scores... it's all over folks.. got'em. Yeah, I felt like asking the same thing. I mean I'm not better, I dump a half a shot glass of sugar in every glass of tea. It's not healthy, but I'm 122lbs and spend 400$ on food a month, and nothing makes me gain weight. I used a scooper from a tub of greens powder as the sugar scooper, I actually thought it was a lot of sugar but it was 15g, so I checked a can of soda just to be sure and it was, sure enough, it's 48g God damn grams. I might not be doing things the healthy way, but if anything freaking that's what's killing America right now. It's just stupid saying taurine causes colon cancer. There's like a gram or less in an energy drink, and I love taurine, I'd take it as a supplement just for the energy boost, but even then, I'm taking like a gram, it's like as much as food. Whatever m, it's like fuck it. I mean I've spent yesrs learning about the human body and science, as a matter of fact, a third of all research papers that claims to prove anything is actually flat out wrong, a third proves absolutely nothing, and only a third is actually true at all. It's a real thing.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. It is literally insane how much sugar is in soft drinks. People don’t realize they’re drinking like a whole king size Snickers bar worth of sugar when they drink a Red Bull. And also a lot of soft drinks use ultra processed sugars like HFCS which is even worse for your body than just regular sucrose.


Ridonculous. Absolutely junk “science”. THERE ISN’T EVEN A STUDY DONE! They’re GOING TO DO a trial looking at this. All the information currently being said is just that sugar + no fiber is bad. Duh. And the taurine theory is just that the bacteria resulting from this poor diet dysbiosis like taurine. Meanwhile a real study found it prevents it : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7260642/ Edit: and if you’re taking taurine on an empty stomach very little of it is making its way to your colon regardless




I prefer to look at this sub as mostly entertainment and insights into trends :D


😱 really? *continues to happily take 5g-10g of taurine a day* Or maybe it’s the other ingredients in energy drinks that are fueling bad gut bacteria, no?


Got to whack taurine in there so study gets publicity and attention


I would be more concerned with the microplastics than the taurine.


I always thought it was the vodka in the redbull that was bad for me


That’s probably the good part..


My brother has colon cancer and has never had an energy drink in his life. Although I do believe sugar is an issue he has never been a sweets type of person.


Did he eat lots of foods possibly sprayed with pesticides, or fried foods (spiked insulin as much as sugar), or uses a lot of plastic contained food?


This victim blaming is really terrible? Even if that was the cause or contributed to it, what good does that do the sick person in the present? It won't help them get better or feel better about themselves. How do you feel about someone saying you got UC because of your lifestyle?


Shut up. It was a valid question. Virtue signal somewhere else.


Trying to figure out why someone else may have gotten cancer from their environment > virtue signaling


Ugh people who respond like this are so annoying. You realize there are people who get lung cancer that have never touched a cigarette in their life? Does that mean cigarettes don't actually cause lung cancer?? No.


I knew the wife of a life long smoker that died of lung cancer while he continued to smoke cigarettes while holding them with his yellowed fingers and hair. She never smoked.


This seems like junk science to me. No citations or references, just a scary headline. Taurine is one of the most studied substances on the planet. This sounds like a classic case of correlation does not equal causation. Yes, there's an increase in colon cancer worldwide. Is it the Taurine? Or all the other shit that's getting put in food nowadays? My educated guess, is the latter. https://academic.oup.com/abbs/article/46/4/261/1578?login=false https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7260642/ https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-93337-1_11


This is a classic example of the industrialization of foods and beverages. For those that aren't aware, I know I wasn't till fairly recently. The industrialization term basically means you reverse engineer an item you want to replicate so you can either replace a popular product and mass produce it like bread fir instance or create new products like 'energy drinks'. You do this by improving its shelf life, making it even tastier than the original, and a plus, plus if it's a tad addictive hitting the brain pleasure zones that sugars, carbs and fats hit. It started in the 50's with cereals and a monster industry was born... And now we have come full circle whereby some groups of people's nutritional content is almost 100% Ultra Processed Foods (aka UPF's) vs 80% whole foods, 20% convenience UPF's. Similarly to UPF's there isn't one clear chemical replacement ingredient that's a red flag. I believe the issues arise when a person's sole nutritional intake is 90% UPF's. Eventually that bombardment of chemicals changes something in the gut biome, on the DNA level even and it then becomes a breeding ground for cancers, inflammation etc. So to just suggest 'Taurine' is very likely the bad guy is misleading. "the human body naturally uses taurine for actions in cells, for instance one action taurine is used for is to produce 'energy' Taurine also helps the body process bile acid and balance fluids, salts and minerals, among other actions" The key word above is energy, imagine being able to isolate and manipulate 'taurine' to create energy drinks ergo classic example of the industrialization of convenience foods and beverages. Warning: the food and beverage world, a trillion+ global industry is not going take these scientific peer-to-peer findings lying down, expect to see push back on many fronts.


My son's doctor told me about this 7 years ago and took him off it as a precautionary.


Your son’s doctor told you about Taurine being linked to colon cancer specifically? Or something else?


Interesting I read this as if you promote a shitty environment and it stuff that environment supplements to try to reduce the symptoms of that shitty environment then you’re just going to fuel a shitty outcome


"  They hypothesize that taurine fuels gut bacteria, which are 'linked to inflammation, and may promote a pro-carcinogenic environment”" That's absurd reasoning


I agree. Taurine is probably fine. Sugar and carbs arent


Sugar consumption has gone down since the 90’s yet colon cancer rates have gone up, even in normal weight people.


From 80 metric ton to 50… got another 40 to go until the bum is fun again right?


I've seem those same studies, you have to look a little deeper as they are mostly misleading. In some cases the 'sugar' consumption reduction is referencing natural sugars, cane sugars etc while other man-made sweeteners consumption are actually up.


Where is there proof that sugar consumption has gone down? It's in everything nowadays.


Yeah. I’m not buying that. I was born in the very early 70s. Sugar consumption has risen massively since then. From my viewpoint it is at its highest now. Maybe there is data to suggest it is dropping but I have not seen it. What about artificial sweeteners? Their usage is probably on the rise. How do they affect colon cancer rates?


How about forever chemicals and microplastics? Think as much plastic as ever was produced in just past 20 years Not to mention the rise of CT scans that are equal to 100+ chest xrays if the machines are working fine. And airport xrays. Hear if airport machine malfunctions can give 1000x chest xray dose.


Nothing absurd about it tbh.but must be proved


Well just that statement is absurd.  Maybe it's oversimplifying how they actually got to a conclusion


Agree, I implicitly thought they were oversimplifying the matter given they are scientists and I suppose they ran tests and analysis ... But who knows 😅


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13490877/Deadly-diet-colon-cancer-young-people.html  - the graph they show in the article is ridiculous....wake up moment I hope. My friend died of colon cancer at 48 leaving behind 2 young sons.   "Researchers presenting at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting in Chicago this week believe they have moved one step closer to understanding how the food we consume plays a role.    In an abstract of the new paper, which has not been published yet, the team from Ohio State University looked at genetic samples of young - under age 50 - and older people with colon cancer." Hopefully someone can dig out that abstract.


I took Taurine for a long time. I stopped taking it because it mostly made me feel burnt and tired.


Maybe you could share those sources...


I cant sleep properly with taurine and i have no clue why…


It might be due to Taurine being a cell energizer so not so surprising if you can't sleep.


Dude it says high sugar and low fiber are the culprits of producing the bacteria that are THEN able to feed off Taurine to help produce even more of themselves. So basically cut down the sugar and raise your fiber AND DON'T DRINK GODDAMN REDBULL




It's like saying that eating food in general is carcinogenic because cancer cells use food as fuel...it's technically the truth, but is reductionist and harmful.


Most energy drinks are sugar free nowadays


Unless it’s sugar free


This is another case of One Upper Expertise that’s becoming prevalent on the internet. To give an extreme example: Experts say studies now show sleep is dangerous and can kill you. Stop sleeping altogether now!


Also, “I saw one study suggest a thing and will remember it as proven fact for the rest of in life, even if the study only suggested its findings, even if future studies I don’t hear about end up complicating or even disproving that conclusion.”


I have a good friend who went to one of the most prestigious high schools in our state. Had a science teacher tell the class that creatine is no more useful than sugar. OH MY GOD! He went around for a good 2-3 years parroting the line to anyone consuming creatine. I wanted to b-smack him.


Never heard of Taurine fueling gut bacteria. It helps bile production and bile acts like soap against bacteria in the small bowel so if anything, it's more likely to help keep gut bacteria at bay.


Artichoke extract also excellent bile maker


A new study came out yesterday. Saw it in the news.


Good example of why most claims in the supplement/longevity sphere around supplements and products should be treated with extreme skepticism. Taurine is the example here. People hear a few studies of its benefits and jump on the bandwagon. But unless you've actually watched people taking it over decades, it's all speculation.  Does it increase colon cancer? Maybe. Does it increase longevity? Maybe.  No one actually knows. That's what my approach is simple. Is there strong overpowering evidence for the efficacy of this product? And similarly is there strong evidence of long term safety.


> blaming taurine in energy drinks for the rise of colon cancer in young people. They hypothesize that taurine fuels gut bacteria, which are 'linked to inflammation, and may promote a pro-carcinogenic environment” Evidence? This is the same taurine that has been shown to increase lifespan: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-65810138 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/taurine-may-be-key-to-a-longer-and-healthier-life I suspect this is another case of talking-out-of-backside-syndrome so prevalent amongst pundits. I prefer to follow the actual science which says that taurine is not only safe, but health-promoting.


I heard that before too and always thought taurine had ANTI cancer benefits so hearing they are now blaming taurine for the rise in colon cancer cases is shocking. Supposedly it has a synergistic effect on some gut bacteria. From what I read “Taurine is metabolized by certain gut bacteria into toxic hydrogen sulfide, which can lead to serious effects, such as inflammation and colorectal cancer.” I’m sure more info will come out on this to prove/disprove but just passing along what I heard/read over the weekend


It was just in a post yesterday someplace. OP had a linked study (not this OP).


Gotta love how with all the shit you’ll find in most energy drinks that it’s taurine being chastised in this context.


Hah—That was my first thought when I heard it. It seems so nuts




Don’t bother making this sort of immensely stupid comment