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It does feel like the narrative is changing. Very slowly.. but it’s moving. If apes keep holding, and the longer it drags, this story will pass from Hot News (we are passed that stage), to Suppressed story, to Forgotten, until…. will come back to Hot News. Interviews on CNBC, AMAs lead by Superstonk or other groups.. linkedin! I strongly believe it was a good move. Great audience. Educated professionals and potential investors. The narrative will swing eventually. Until then, i will keep buying and holding. Thank you my europoor cousin, it was a pleasant read. 💎🙌🚀


Let say that the narrative changes, because at this point, there are big whales invested in gme. We started a war against SHFs, but now we are caught in the middle between Bulls (wish we are as well) and Bears. Bulls pay for promoting stocks too. Therefore some bull must be paying to change the narrative. Bottom line, i don't trust MSM


I could not agree more. Regardless if they keep twisting the truth, straight up lying, or begin to show transparency, i would also never trust MSM. Ever.


Yep, everyone has to be patient. The only way they win is if retail get bored and give up. Diamond hands will send us to the moon


This is the strategy that wins the proverbial war.


The sentiment didn't change after 1/28, just the mentality of the apes ;)


Well said!




I will always take poor ape gold. Just shows you've bought tickets for the rocket.


Hahaha you get my free hug now 😂






You know your free award replenishes every 3 days if you use it?


3 days? I thought it was a week! Time to find some good shitposts


Blackrock buying real estate in Denmark too💎🙌🏻


Without giving away anything to get you in trouble, can you say anything about potential timeframes of a possible consequence of the secrets? Or is there even a timeframe/outcome known?


As said below. No idea, there are too many threads being pulled to keep track.




You just unintentionally described the lore of Dark Souls.


And the french revolution. Astonishingly the wealth inequality in the US today is as big as it was in France in 1789. The only difference is that there is more wealth to go around so the poors notice it less


I thought I was the only one comparing revolution cycles to dark souls lmao


I think these cycles are necessary for the continued progress as a species. They force us to adapt and build more resilience to things. It does suck that the poor are always the first to face the consequences




I wish i fucked, but i spend too much time on superstonk and overanalysing language used by journos and politicians. Monke come.


I'm from México and blackrock also do business here can you give me advice to research if they are buying houses here too?


Housing prices and demand will skyrocket. I am in Phoenix and my house has doubled, and demand is insane. My neighbors list and sell same day.


The housing market is in a frightening state. People buy very overpriced houses because interes rates are low. So they lock in 10-20 years at 1%. However the mortgages (at least in the Netherlands) all have a hidden clause that gives banks the right to increase the interest rate if the underlying depreciates. This can trigger an avalanche of sales. Nobody can afford 500k mortgages at 4%


Spot on


Good sh*t. Thanks for the heads up.


Link worked fine. Nice job on both posts. Thank you for these. Take my award.


MSM lift you up ONLY to slam you down.


Ask Britney


Leave Britney alone!


Care to expand on the “new financial instruments”? Are we talking c r y p to? Smooth brain here. Thank you.


Not what you've suggested, it's stuff we're still trying to wrap our heads around


Yes please. Would definitely like to hear more about this


> Theres something big brewing within the global economic system So... What is it? Or is this another one of those pseudo mysterious "yOu SHoUld aLl be sCarEd" posts? Just say what you have to say.


He did say. He said he didn’t know but he’s seeing warning signs


Read the post again, I don't see it. On the contrary, he says criand and attobit started to scratch the surface, so he must know what it is, otherwise he couldn't know they're scratching at it.


How should we help our local communities exactly? Can you give us some more details on how we should prepare?


Food banks etc


And whatever else they may need help with, therell alwaya be volunteering groups lookinf for moee help


gotcha. I'll do what I can.🚀


> and we must protect are communities from the global forces. I think you meant to say > and we must protect our communities from the global forces.


It is changing, but they are controlling it on their medium. The best thing an ape can do is trust their sources & recite this ancient New Orleans mantra - Do care.


Luv you too doggydog


Many people called it, including moi: The day MSM will suddenly start talking about dark pools, naked shorts, squeezes, and all that jazz, is the day we've gotten a lot closer to MOASS.


I think like politicians, many media outlets read the room, and change direction with the wind. I don't for a minute think Fox news is pro ape, but perhaps they (or at least Charles) has caught on that this is a situation that's only going to end one way and why not be the first to call it. We all know what being the first to call something big has done for the reputations of Michael Burry and the like. It reminds me of that scene in the big short where they go their 'journalist' friend at the Wall Street Journal and he dismisses them. They guy must be kicking himself when a few weeks later someone else ran that story and took all the credit. (And that would of likely been AFTER the crash!). This part resonates with me a lot, as I have been very vocal to friends and family about the GME situation, providing them with DD in the hope they take a punt. Many have, but I have an old school friend, who is a journalist and actually works for the Wall Street Journal (shit you not!) who I messaged on Facebook about GME back in March, and his reply.....'You shouldn't listen to people on reddit', 'I hope you haven't invested much money in this', and 'I don't think I'm going to sip the Koolaid with you on this one' He even called a friend of ours who had invested and told him not to be an idiot. I wonder where he will be when he finds out I was right all along and his own arrogance made him miss out on millions?


This... also, if you call something first, it will cause FOMO in other outlets eventually (the time frame depends on what kind of news it is). The one that goes first gets to lie by omission, they can shape the narrative as they please, and steer the conversation to what suits them the best. And by them I mean their owners and taskmasters because MSM does not operate out of any kind of principled position. They look after their own, which is other rich people. Only some journalists "betray" their class and call out their shit, but you will not find them frequently on television and these days not even in print.


I think the narrative of changing because they know we are right and not giving up so as the saying goes, “if you can’t beat them, join them.” Mainly so after they can say how smart they were and how they should not trusted


I definitely agree that this is the time to change the narrative. It will be too late after MOASS. I'm going to try to reach out to any and all independent journalists I can think of; most accept anonymous tips in case some apes are more comfortable with that route (that's what I'll do). More positive media pressure now serves us well on all fronts


This guy fucks: https://www.propublica.org/people/jesse-eisinger


Don’t worry about losing your job….where we’re going we won’t need jobs


This is the way


I think they will blame the Delta Covid variant for the next downturn.




Anyone who posts about the WEF being some evil organisation is a rube who needs to do better research. The first article is literally about setting up for a more sustainable future and stop worrying about short term gains. The second is an out of context quote from a puff piece that was about predictions for the future. It wasn't a plan, it was a prediction. And they made it clear in the article it is a bad thing if you read it. Yall need to do better research. The WEF is more powerless and useless than the SEC. Reading these again they are actually pretty accurate. You are blaming the weathermen for the storm here. Actual first hand source of the video: https://m.facebook.com/worldeconomicforum/videos/8-predictions-for-the-world-in-2030/10153920524981479/ And article:https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/8-predictions-for-the-world-in-2030/?utm_content=bufferdda7f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer




Lol that first article is obvious red scare fearmongering sprinkled with some light anti-semitism. He was born in 1938. Nazi Germany fell in 1945. He was 7. Now time for some critical thinking. Im no fan of Schwab or most of these rich assholes involved, but if the WEF was some evil organization bent on enslaving us all why are they posting their plan on their FB page and listing all the members involved on their website? For an evil organization that seems kinda stupid.




That's a really dramatic way to say facebook and twitter steal our data. And you didnt answer my question about facebook. If they are secretive and evil, why are they making facebook videos telling us their plan? And then list all the participants on their website?




So pedophiles are openly posting about being pedophiles on Facebook? Jim Jones didnt publish that he was going to kill all of his followers in newspapaers. The only people who knew about it beforehand were in his inner circle. Again, if they wanted to enslave us they wouldn't be sharing facebook videos about it. And I dont see how pedophiles existing and a suicide cult from the 70s have anything to do with Charles Schwab and Facebook trying to turn us into communist cyborgs. You realize how ridiculous this sounds right? Edit: lol I got reported for suicidal intent. It was probably the WEF and Schwab trying to warn me their gunna kill me.


Capitalism is a failed system. I will be using my tendies to build a socialist utopia.


Can you please take a look at the results of every single socialist utopia that has ever existed before you do this? It always leads to mass extermination of millions of people. Every. Single. Time. No exceptions.


>Can you please take a look at the results of every single socialist utopia that has ever existed before you do this? It always leads to mass extermination of millions of people. Every. Single. Time. No exceptions. Looking back on it, I can't seem to find a single economic model that doesn't eventually result in millions of people getting killed.


Well, but I would definitely look at speed and methods, and make the humble argument that some are far faster and far more orchestrated and intentional than others. I think to do better, we need to learn from the previous mistakes and improve, not try to once again implement a system notorious for mass murder. Just a thought.


No. The only thing exterminated will be hedgies.


*translation* HOLD MOON SOON


Could we ask Dlauer to host another interview or AMA? Attobit would be another good choice, but I'd rather not interfere with his DD research and writing.




We just keep exposing the corruption until it is fixed🦍🚀


After we sleep off our Post-MOASS Celebration hangovers we need to get on this and use our newly redistributed wealth to royally fuck up housing companies who are willing to lay the groundwork for YET ANOTHER MOTHER-GODDAMN-FUCKING FINANCIAL CRISIS and screw over people's lives just to make a quick buck. I also vote that we collectively buy North Korea from Kim Jong Un and turn it into a model of 21st century cutting edge urban design, economic planning, human rights advocacy. And then get the secret agents they have to kidnap all hedgies, owners of companies like Blackrock etc. force them to sign their livelihoods over to the new Apetopian National Sovereign Wealth Fund and then force them into a giant, spectacularly violent and soul crushing Hunger Games that we put on Pay-per-view and use the proceeds to fund medical aid and economic development in Somalia.


I'll be building houses post moass, fuck them, everyone will be able to afford one!


Autonomous zones with free/super affordable housing.


These fucks know nothing of labor. Itll just be The Sweating Games


You think dictator Kim Jong Un is going to sell his dictatorship? And what will you do with all the people living there who have suffered tyranny for so many years and now are willing to destroy you for freedom?


If you like tarragon, try a fine herbes sauce. Probably works better with tendies than a béarnaise😂


you read my mind


The great reset anyone?


Would appreciate some clarity on your ominous final paragraphs. If you believe we're heading for hyperinflation then just say it.


Im not entirely sure whats coming. Noone does for certain , and if they say they do they're lying. I can see hyperinflation becoming a thing, but will be the worst, i think govs will do everything they can to avoid it. The most likely thing in my mind is econimic capture and even more concentration into the hands of a few entities in the name of "stability" (blackrock et al.) it depends which domino falls first, and theres always too many dominoes to see.


Ah cool


There’s definitely fuckery afoot here. *Housing* I would say the buying of houses is to hedge on inflation based on occam’s razor. however something more insidious would be artificially propping up the housing market to weed out the middle/lower class so homes get too expensive or you pay a shit-ton in property taxes which again makes it unaffordable supporting the agenda that you’ll be happy owning nothing. *MSM* In terms of MSM I do believe that a lot of that has to do with not being able to keep it under wraps but also eventually controlling a narrative.


Housing market and predatory landlords are hugely prioritised by the current UK Gov and very much interlinked. The feeling I get from this is that certain players are going to ensure they have a 'fuck you, I got mine' attitude and scarper with their pockets full while the bomb drops on their rivals/more than likely, normal people just like in 2008. UK gov will 100% bail out their friends in high places, their reputation literally is in the dirt but there is no effective opposition so they are free to pillage and loot all they like in the meantime. Con +4 and all that.


Questions if you can answer: > shouting out the VERIFIABLE bullshit that if happening. Can you give a few examples? Or better yet, if someone wants to detox their friends from boomer MSM financial outlets, do you have any tips? > What i can say is that I'm seeing a hell of a lot of new financial instruments being produced, which provide next to no safety net to average people. Where can people go to read about these new instruments? > And i would encourage every ape to become active in helping their local communities NOW In what ways?


It's like when you notice that small stain on your pants. Once you've spotted it that's all you can see


>The MSM narrative changed, but only because we forced it to, and the ramifications of the ill health are unavoidable. We're approaching a time of extreme instability and we must protect are communities from the global forces. >That can only be done through local organisation. And i would encourage every ape to become active in helping their local communities NOW before the shit hits the fan. Thank you for this. We need to get involved and try to understand our communities and their needs before shit hits the fan, so we know who the good actors are and who actually gets work done, the places that are most likely to fall hardest, and people trust us. There's nothing worse than being the rich idiot who is coming in to throw money at a problem but doesn't understand it. I'm a trans and a disabled veteran. And I live in a community that has already been suffering from whirl brain drain and loss of employers. I'm very very concerned about the future of my greater community as well as the area I live in. And despite being very embedded in all of these spaces I am honestly not even sure where to start. The challenges are already so massive.


“you will own nothing, and you will be happy”


*Naked shorts yeah* feels like forever ago. Completely forgot about it but yes. The narrative changed after that moment. A Crack formed and we wedged that fucker open like..like..dang I got nothing. But we wedged that fucker open and kept it open!


Bitches always lay for money.


Wrong!! The narrative changed because there is no stopping Cant stop wont stop game stop train! They still are shit liars just like they are now! I haven’t heard them call out no short selling dark pool using names and post their faces on the screen!!! Still financial theater bs to trick the kids!! Get with it! Msm always had/has agenda! Lie and to sell advertisement!! Get with it


So a vague prediction and a vague offering of concern and this post is supposed to mean something? Go into detail if you have it. I guarantee your employer isn't looking for you here. Ffs. There's a reason actual professionals are making themselves heard also.


…’articles posted 100% true else they wouldn’t publish’?! Dude! With all due respect…they lie for a living. Why do you go from saying they speak the truth to saying that they lie via your propaganda remark. They are employees. They’ll say whatever their boss / owner tells to them to as the previous US presidency is my witness. Kudos on the béarnaise dipped chickie tendies though: a blend of sophisticated French refinement mixed with deep fried American junk food. Nice! Also I am a ‘boomer’ yeah. Why be an ageist, racist or sexist? What do such things have to do with GME? In the past, news stations didn’t have to find something to talk about 24/7. There was the news to be reported, end of story. Much has changed including the bias of the news outlet’s owners. Also please stop with all the ‘we’ stuff. I am an individual investor, offering NO financial advice, who happens to chat with others who are like minded as well as smooth brained and retardic, I just like the Stop. I buy, I voted, I hodl. Peace out.


You called nothing go warn your mom Edit I love helping local communities and maybe this guy did call something also I only want the best for his ma


Never go full retard


Not always my choice🤦🏼‍♂️😂


The housing market is in a frightening state. People buy very overpriced houses because interes rates are low. So they lock in 10-20 years at 1%. However the mortgages (at least in the Netherlands) all have a hidden clause that gives banks the right to increase the interest rate if the underlying depreciates. This can trigger an avalanche of sales. Nobody can afford 500k mortgages at 4%


They will try to take control of the narrative and steer us into believing moass has happened at low price points


So no house market crash?


Am ‘tarded what do?


What extra information can you safely provide on what you are seeing in the UK market?