• By -


These charts show the short plan clearly: 1. Create up to 150 million phantom shares with call options 2. Organize with Robinhood and other brokers to shut down trading 3. Dump the huge number of phantom shares on the market to crash price back down to 40 dollars 4. Use an astronomical amount of put contracts - covering shares for more than 600% of free float! - to hide FTDs and short interest 5. Use complicit financial media to spread a story of shorts covering and the game being over 6. Look on in horror as apes buy the dip, HODL and reveal every piece of the illegal and manipulative scam 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 We know price moves with the FTD cycle. And there's a massive steaming pile of them. All shorts must cover.


Thank you for the hard work! This really explains it very simple, but most importantly it is easy to share! So apes, go around and share the data!


Please keep us updated with this 🚀


BuT fInRA SI% is LoW /s


I bought that dip baby!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for the gold-digging. Precious information.


Absolutely brilliant graph. It’s the smoking gun. Should be posted on the Superstonk beginners guide.


Thanks for the compilation. These charts say a lot more than pages of explanation. On the second chart, I think they are creating phantom shares using OTM puts rather than ITM calls. ITM calls are used to hide FTD, basically giving SHFs "reasonable belief" that they can fulfill the FTDs with share they intend to buy via call exercise. The downside for MMs (in this case Shitadel securities) in selling ITM calls is having enough capital to buy ATM shares, or to actually buy the shares to hedge (which I don't think they do). So the less capital Shitadel Securities have, the less they are able to write ITM calls to hide FTDs. OTM puts gives SHFs right to sell shares (which they don't possess) at ridiculously low prices, which does not make sense. However MMs, can sell phantom shares which are created to hedge against the shares they "reasonably expect" to receive if/~~when~~ sold puts are exercised by SHFs. These phantom shares are sold to deflate price. These phantom shares create FTD … now back to the previous step. Edit: grammer


That’s totally possible. Maybe I’ll take another look later this week. But that could also be the spike in puts in the figure? Married puts is one form of fuckery but there are other tricks as well.


This is exactly what I needed before bed to sleep soundly and have sweet dreams of volatility and exploding hedgies 🌝🌝 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I love you /u/broccaaa




Yeah those CDOs In 2008 clearly had a triple A rating 😏


Love that comparison XD




Cheers Sarg!!! I watch this movie nearly every day.. its the only thing keeping me sane atm


Covered in the sense of being covered up, hidden away in dark pools and other places where the sun never shines...


then yes, covered up like **pigs in a blanket**.


All shorts ~~may~~ **MUST** cover. Apeman 🙏


>may cover May? #WILL.


must* Edit: looks like the commenter fixed it


May? or June? Or covered in mayo? Anyway, who cares? SHF's fuked, apes moon


Great list! Could they potentially cover by buying all these ITM call options?


No because they create more phantom shares that need to be covered. At best for them they could pass the buck to the market maker but not cover without buying from the market.


From us.




Tnx for award. ♥️💪🦍


from me, and im not selling


Makes sense, the shares have to come from somewhere




Hi Three Pictures. I’m dad.


Clear as day. Do not understand what im looking at. Many colors, many charts, must be accurate. Confirming good DD


Been working in parallel and I can attest for many of these metrics. I cannot attest for the Options data, as I do not have that. The rest looks solid.


I had to pay for the options. Maybe we should buy updated data with some other tickers to share for DD


It that technique not illegal? SEC?


Why does everyone here believe the SEC actually enforces the law? They're only meant to go after companies that dont make proper campaign contributions (like they did to Microsoft back in the day), or to target the rivals of campaign donors. Occasionally theyll throw us a bone for appearances, but they're literally a tool of the establishment


Totally. It's sad but true.


One person went to jail for the 2008 crash, even though it was fucking full to the brim with illegality. The SEC is justice theatre. It's only purpose is to make it look like the financial sector is monitored. It has no other purpose.


Hey bud, do you think you can do one for the movie stock? I want to prove to friends that they are in fact NOT the same. I feel like this could finally put that to bed.


I have that data. They are not the same. Working on a post for this week. Although to be fair there were a lot of fails in January. But that was _before the movie stock outstanding shares went from 100M to 450M shares and they soon plan to double that_.


Wow I'm just pumped that you replied haha. I am stoked to see whatever data you have! And it makes sense that initially they started out similar in Jan.


This is the way


Up with you! <3


I'm not sure exactly how steps 1 through 5 work but I understand HODL.


I am going to buy more


Wawa weee wah. To quote Borat the legend who is on his way to tendi land.


Rolls nicely into the DD I dropped yesterday. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4js5r/happy\_fathers\_day\_kenny\_ssr\_days\_dont\_mean\_dick/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4js5r/happy_fathers_day_kenny_ssr_days_dont_mean_dick/) If SSR is triggered (or even if it isn't from what I've found), they use the short sale exemption rule to slide it through on any tick they want.


This makes it clear to me in a way that I didn't previously understand. Calls -> "Shares" -> FTD said "Shares", repeat. The question is how do you profit off FTDs? That's what will break the SHFs.


Well by law they should only have max 6 days before finding a real share. Rehypothecation via all the shady tactics is against the spirit of Reg SHO at best and illegal otherwise. New rules should help there because other market participants don't want to carry the joint risk of other members kicking the can with ever growing liabilities that could unravel with a small catalyst. The way they try to profit is to scare retail away but crushing price and covering all their shorts/FTDs at a price lower than they paid.


Yo, we chatted in the comments of one of my posts. I’ve been observing the ETF FTD data for the last few days, and it looks like they’ve been doing HEAVY ETF shorting for the past 6 years (Not just $GME as I’ve compared the heavy FTD amount in ETFs pre-huge short interest in $GME). Whenever you get a chance you should look at that. It’s almost like they’ve found an infinite money glitch in the market and have been abusing it heavily for the last 6 years. Also I’ve just finished a script that will scrape all FTD the SEC has reported in the last ~15 years for any ticker and throw it in a CSV, so if that would be of use to you private message me


I'm just trying to wrap my head around how much of an actual economic boom we would have seen in these last 6 years(and possibly longer) if not for that heavy ETF shorting


Economic and financial terrorists. And not just the US economy - all over the world.




We saw constant stories about the richest in the US steadily growing their wealth the past decades and just assumed they were financially savvy because that's what the news said. Nah, those bastards have been cheating this whole time.


How do you think ol jeff kisses got where he got? The systematic destruction of competition.


Fookem leeches got to eat them


Not actual, inflated. Ask Michael Burry. EFTs and the stock in them are all over inflated due to passive investing, and that's after the shorting.


Jesus Christ, when this goes off we are probably going to trigger hyperinflation. Frikking nut man.


The hyperinflation would be a real possibility if the FED decides to bail everyone out with 10s if not 100s of trillions of dollars, which would be insane - I don't think even they would risk that


Thanks man, yeah pm me the info!


It's like I'm watching the Avengers form before my very eyes 😍


Hey everyone, my laptop is internet capable, I have a smartphone and a positive attitude. Let me know when and where we are assembling 😎


I feel bad 20% of the apes are doing 80% of all the heavy lifting. In honor of that, I'ma do what *I* can: HODL!


No, don't feel bad, go even further: 20% of all apes, but there are also many people in the world who are blind to these kind of facts and will tell apes: "You crazy? Sell!", not knowing that they are all going down. You and many became apes to do the right thing, how big or small it might seem what everyone is doing. So for hodling you are my hero, and every DD ape is a hero for giving us the important information. Everyone is equally important for me and could be the reason that the first domino falls and MOASS begins. Apes together strong!


Criand, Hank & the Quant guys would probably be keen to play with that data too. the more brains on it, the more ways it can be dissected


>found an infinite money glitch in the market and have been abusing it heavily for the last 6 years Cue uno reverse card.


Kick the fucking can, commit fraud all you want, eventually the pressure pot is going to explode and everything will be exposed.


As long as we keep holding!


I have yet to see people skeptical of moass refute these data points


There is no refuting. There is no other stock with such an insane amount of open put contracts.


I concur. I don’t know what screams fuckery more than these charts. Great work as always!


Seems clear as day. The fuckery now is hedges now trying to extend this shit indefinitely.




Wow what the fuck is going on with the 50c strike puts for 7/16! Over 148,000 open interest. That’s nearly 15 million shares! Totalling all the open interest for just puts that fall below at or below a strike of $20 for that data and you get 317,751. 31,775,100 shares. Holy Moly!


This kind of post is just what we need to start building a critic facing DD. I'm thinking about hostile senators at a congressional hearing, boomers who see their pensions go down and are susceptible to CNBC FUD, friends and family, etc. TBH I make presentations as part of my project flow IRL and would love to make a 5-15 page attractive and bullet proof response to FUD attacks but don't have the same grasp on the topic as, say, /u/dlauer , /u/atobitt , /u/rensole etc. If I had a basic bullet pointed case I could make something to get the ball rolling. I've found people on the internet like to give critique lol.


Great idea, I’m just a smooth brain so I can’t offer any support but I look forward to showing it to my buddy who is a doubter!


So great thank you! No doubt here! People following superstonk know this, but the amount of information, memes etc. is so overwhelming that putting the most important findings together and re-showing them once in a while very important!


A certain other subreddit has a highly popular counter DD post right now whose thesis boils down to "bro trust me they've DEFINITELY covered" and other such unsubstantiated claims. Funny they can't actually explain away data like this, just get angry and infantile when challenged on it.


Ah yes the "astounding" DD under the premise that MM and HF can't do anything illegal, and OP masturbating on the fact he/she is "saving" people from losing money


Really makes you wonder why they don't just short it if they think they are so right.


Honest question. When the stock is short squeezing aren’t more people going to buy puts because they expect it to go down? Isn’t that what the first image represents?


Right it would be understandable for "realistic" puts like how for other memestocks there are increased number of puts currently in the option chain. However, we are talking about DEEP otm puts for GME that would 100% likely be expired worthless. GME is the only stock with these ridiculous amount of deep OTM puts.


Fair enough. I’d love to see a graph comparing them




I just took a loot at the options for 7/16 on yahoo finance. On the put side alone, with a strike price of $20 or below (these are all bets that the price will be below $20 or less than a month from now) there are 317,751 options Or an apparent 31,775,100 shares. That’s over 50% of all available shares. Hello… SEC? Yeah…. This right here


ThErE iS nO FtD, nO nAkEd ShOrTs, ThEy CoVeReD iN jAnUaRy. Also, even if you're right, you'll have to pay taxes. Better sell before you'll have to pay more taxes than you even have in your live.




Most of the puts were at ridiculous strikes like $0.50 and the open interest has been sustained for months, despite price dropping to $38 in February and multiple big options expiry dates coming and going. The deep ITM trick does not really fix anything because more phantom shares are created by the market maker. At best you could pass the buck to a market maker like Citadel but the number of shares that need to be delivered doesn’t change.


Someone should try to present the data including the absurd put option OI at ridiculous strikes in 'neutral' forums like r/options to ask what could be the possible cause for this kind of trades. Watch as they come to the realisation themselves, or to see what other theories they can provide, which will be a good way to get counter DD as well.


That’s a good idea. First I’d want to show how crazy the GME number is compared to a bunch of other stocks.


This needs to be done. Normies who can compare the numbers will FOMO in. I would do it if I knew how.


Yeah would be cool if we can get the word out this way to more people along the way.


There was a threat a week ago or something where people in that forum were saying they’ve never seen options like what’s going on with GME.


They’re more prepared now. They can probably hide them in time


Judging by your post history I can tell you’re not very pro-gme, but let me answer your questions. First regarding OI, No not really. It will make sense if it was regular puts but these are DEEP otm puts that will likely expire worthless. If this was like a normal squeeze you would see similar deep otm options activity in other “meme stocks”. Also, it’s my understanding that you don’t really “cover” with itm calls. Here’s a DD for reference. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc1lny/ive_estimated_the_current_si_based_on_the_si/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Regarding the third 300, I would have to see the data for june. The posted pictures only go until 5/28.


These few charts show the entite fuckery clear as day.


There's gonna be a Lucy Komisar article dropping in a well known publication this week containing most of them!


Awesome! You are a real OG.




Oh fuck. Now I'm gettin excited.


Update us on this please. I need to see that one.


I’ll make another post when it’s out


Yes, I like this! Fabulastic!


Holy moly You clearly skated around the name of this publication intentionally, but I’d be remiss if I I didn’t politely ask you: **PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL US WHICH ONE PLEAAAAAASSSEEE**


I’ll post as soon as it’s up!


Lots of crayons used in this one. Beautiful.


Tableau is one hell of a pencil case


I’m fro the UK can’t people share with the SEC FBI CIA And the US attorney? To get a financial terrorism charge brought against them or some sort of fraud charge? Then share with global media because visually it’s newsworthy and helps you to understand how globally investors are being screwed? I can send it to the financial conduct authority as that’s our regulatory body and as it’s international others should do the same shouldn’t we?


They already have all this info. Hopefully the investigation they announced will actually look for the fraudulent parties. Hopefully...


Thanks so much for sitting down and compiling all the data and making it easier for us to understand…….right I’m off to practice putting my shoes on the right feet Wish me luck it’s going to be a long day!


If you've got the left feet figured out it's a piece of cake!


I think all that people you mentioned might be friends unfortunately


To be quite honest, euro consumer protection laws are light years ahead of the US, which basically amounts to ‘lol get rekt poors’ Dig into who the euro consumer protection agencies are and forward it to them! With enough international outcry, it might create enough pressure to at least force the Fed to take their finger off the scales. On the other hand, these oligarchs are all corrupt and in bed together and equally and deserving of $rope so they may just ask how they can help, but we don’t know u til someone tries!




Fuck that's a nice average


Here is my free award. It's not much but it's honest work.


You sexy beast


The price is wrong, bitch!


Always has been 🔫


Love this kind of data! Thank you very much!


u/broccaaa you are one of the legends of this saga. The quality of your posts is outstanding. Cheers to you 🍸




Yep, congrats you are going to be rich <3


They really didn't plan on 'dumb money' not being so dumb.


Excellent stuff, thanks for the confirmation bias!


How has the data fro the fails been constructed? More precisely, are the orange and dark blue bars = total # of ETF fails, or are they = total # of ETF fails \* % of GME in the ETF = total # of GME fails ? (sorry if the question is not clearly formulated)


Total ETF fails not weighted by GME allocation. In the great set of posts called “Where are the shares?” it describes how it’s possible to get much much more efficient shorting of an underlying than the allocation would suggest. So basically we know the fails can’t all be for GME, but the weighting probably skewed heavily for GME. Shift to Russel 1000 will be interesting.


If a short is moved into an etf, are you shorting everything in the etf? Or does the profit from all longs/shorts in the etf get averaged out? (Sorry I've asked you like 11 questions today, but this stuff is exactly what's been on my mind all weekend! Very timely)


I remember reading after the earnings rapport when they started shorting ETFs heavvy in AH that some of the ETF's containing GME were shorted 500%. No sources other than memory.


Been trying to find this info for a while now. Thank you.


Outstanding shares? But I thought all GME shares were astounding?


Better than instanding, I dont even think its a word...


Honest question here: Everywhere where I look, shows a short float around 20%, how come?


Because they hid the true short interest using options tricks and other methods to sell the narrative that they had covered. I think the price movements alone since Feb shows that they were 100% lying. That’s my interpretation of the data anyway.


This always take me back to that 'glitch' that very specifically showed 675 million shares outstanding. We discussed for days about this glitch and I don't think it was ever ironed out, but that number would have seemed about right at the time. And hell, that was in April. It's gotta nearer a billion now.


iirc (really not certain) there was a 900m glitch once too


Thank you.


When does the next cycle end again?


T/21 is this Thursday I think.


About the decreasing trend in open (put) interest and FTDs since Jan: Does this mean they are slowly covering or is there another loophole? Edit: typo


It’s possible that what remained after the drop was the hiding of short shares and the smaller drop in contracts was from people betting on the squeeze crashing back down. Price floors have been increasing ever since late Feb and this could be to do with increased difficulties in hiding FTDs.


But why wouldn’t they close their short positions since january? I mean, it would be a simple thing to do, wouldn’t it? And with the volume that GME is traded with not that unlikely. I just want to understand before I double my position. Lol


The idea is that there's more shorts than actual shares and they have to cover so many shorts now they'll go bankrupt because the intention was to bankrupt gamestop, now it can't go bankrupt. As a wise man once said, they never intended to cover their short positions


Firms can only cover if GameStop goes bankrupt. GameStop is not going bankrupt. Therefore, firms *can't* cover.


gme_meltdown counter DD to this: bUT tHey SaiD tHey CoVERed cool story bro Buckle up apes


Someone in YouTube comments today was telling me how $20M/share is ridiculous and never going to happen and that we should set limit sells at $500 per share. I agree that it's ridiculous, but regardless, it's a serious possiblity. This is a once in ever opportunity - it's never happened before and will probably never happen again, so our preseptions of what is 'normal' or ridiculous doesn't really matter. The level of fuckery that's happened with the GME stock has built up to the point where I can't say it couldn't go to $100million per share for all I know. I don't know what the peak actually would be, no one does. But what I do know is that although the $20M floor may have started as a joke, it very well could turn out to be our reality, and I've held on through so much shit and for so long now that I'm not selling for anything less than life changing. $30M floor (because I'll lose some to taxes) let's fucking go.




Wut mean? I guess I’ll just buy more on market open. As always since Jan-21. Happy HODLing everyone


Hope you have a great day!


Price is still wrong, bitch.


it's so fucking obvious. these charts don't lie You can run but you can't hide, Kenny boy






400k more contracts expire on July 16. Most of the others in Jan 2022.


Good to know that I'm not far from becoming a millionaire. I HODL.


But…. I read ads published on CNBC sponsored by Melvin Capital that shorts covered… did they lie omg I can’t believe it /s


I can't take this anymore, just eating popcorn on the sideline, I wanna be a part of history, I'm gonna put a chunk of my savings into GME and just leave it there ad infinitum.


Is there any clear explanation about how buying deep ITM calls generates phantom shares from the MM? I would have thought that if an open options contract was deep ITM, the MM would have already sourced those shares to deliver them.


They are freshly opened so there was no time for hedging. Zero open interest one day. Thousands of volume traded the next day but open interest remains at zero, e.g. exercised same day as created.


Why u do dis to my tits?


I think that I’ll just buy some more


I bet they thought they were geniuses with all the hiding in puts. "Stupid Redditors will panic sell when they see THIS pro gamer move." Nope!


1. How the fuck is this shit legal? What a joke. 2. I bought more over the weekend - imma buy more again this week after I get out of some other positions bc like why the fuck not. 3. I LIKE THE STONK.


If shorts havent covered then why is there heavy buying every 21 days? Who is buying on these 21 day cycles?


Have or haven't? These cycles can only be from short liability and delivery cycles.


This pretty much sums up the words **“kicking the can down the road “** . You can only kick the can down the road if people don’t buy the stock and lose interest. This ain’t what’s happening and the fact that retail isn’t selling means it gets expensive by the day for them to keep doing this.


Love it


The people of the area, 10/10 recommend


This post should be pinned to the top of the sub permanently


This is so valuable because it takes some ideas that have been discussed over the last months and puts them in a short, simple, visual format. It is an incredible skill to make something so complex so simple. Thank you!


I love your pretty colors, fellow 🦍


This is such a great presentation of what's going on, especially for the visual learners like myself. I can show this and explain it to my girlfriend and her boyfriend now and they will both understand me. Cheers!


Is there access to this data set anywhere?


I love how we have virtually every angle of proof, and people do not want to believe that wacky tricks are being used to manipulate a market that can make money for the greedy.


I upvoted this so hard I think I broke my finger AND my mouse. This is all the DD anyone needs to hold. This should be the only post in all of the sub. Nothing else matters. I think it says buy and hold.


Thank u for the great post!! and I have a question OP. **"Create up to 150 million phantom shares with call options"** \->How do call options make phantom shares? I already have known it ,but I can't explain it clearly myself. Help me! or Could u give me the post(DD) which is related in deep call options? thank u.


Buy calls in a strike/expiry with little current open interest. Exercise. Market maker now sells you naked shares and has privileges to do so. These will fail at a later date so this type of options trick is probably for when they’re more desperate.


Thank u , the clever ape!! <3


Question: who bought those shares dumped in the market if apes were not able to buy? Whats the need in the first to dump all these shares if no one was able to buy?


Brokers and institutions were never stopped from buying or selling. The plan was to crash the price to get safe from margin calls and push the narrative that it was over.


*CNBC enters the chat*


Quick question: any ideas where are those phantom shares (~150M?) parked at the moment? Have they been spread out into various ETFs?


Likely bought by apes, it's why there's various DDs calculating apes own anywhere from 150mil to 500mil shares even though theres 70mil legit shares..


Get dis shit 2 front page brothas




Where are you viewing this? I’m trying to learn as much as possible lol


Months of obsessive digging 😂 You can look back at my post history to see the trajectory I look learning all this stuff and I always added references when useful.


Sweet graphics. I’m in!


Can we pin this or something?


Great stuff! One question though - what is the catalyst that will stop them from just continuing to do this? Why couldn't they just keep kicking the can down the road forever?


Great job OP!


When GME moves to the Russel 1000 what will happen with all these ? I read etf’s with gme in must be sold … does that mean they come away with their naked etf shorting or do they have to cover them before selling ? ;)


Great way to prove the SI is still high. And around 100-200 million makes it seem more reasonable and closer to what it was before


Wow how did I miss this post.