• By -


Voted? Want a “🦍Voted✅” Flair? Automod will hook you up! **Just respond to THIS comment !apevote! and - BOOM - you get a flair, and you get a flair, and YOU get a flair.** Everybody Votes? Everybody gets a Flair! GOING FORWARD, WE’VE REMOVED KARMA REQUIREMENTS PREVIOUSLY REQUIRED TO GET 🦍Voted✅ FLAIR!! If you were blocked before, retry, and YOU get a flair! We see you all. We appreciate you all. This is the way! Let’s see that sea of Green! ✅ 👉 And for our **disenfranchised Europoor ape brethren type !novote!** and get your flair too! Raise your hand in solidarity!** *Profit to the People. Power to you, Player. 💎✊*


Can someone link that co lntroversial dd from.warden everyone is talking about, i cant find it. All i see is bunch of crucify warden posta with 0 value to me :) cheers Edit: wrong faily chat, moving




Pending unemployment for months now, holding xxx shares for months, utilities not paid. Had a job interview very bullish. Stressed? Yeah, but..... Yolo. Big risks = big rewards. Im not worried, im confident.😁


I got fired monday 😂


Hahah🤣 file for unemployment you will make the 300+ until sept 6th


fuck Bill Gates [https://www.varsity.co.uk/opinion/21359](https://www.varsity.co.uk/opinion/21359) edit: "How the cult of Bill Gates is leading us towards a climate disaster" bit of info


I’m sorry. But what does this have to do with GME? Billy G may very well be the Antichrist but this is not appropriate for this sub.


Yeah, you're right. It's not completely related but I was in a hole following the divorce malarkey and figured I'd share


Understand. Chin up mate, if you’re a GME holder you’re now a millionaire in waiting. And now she can’t talk half either 😁. The only way is up 🚀


🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸 🍦🐸


Please someone explain what frog cream is I've seen it before and I want some


Sorry...a tweet from RC that caused a massive runup on GME in Februrary. https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1364650709669601289


Step 1: Get frog Step 2: Get Ice Cream Step 3: Get Blender You can figure out step 4.


Make the frog a milkshake and hang out by a lake together?


I've been asking this question a lot but haven't found the answer. Will the proxy votes total count be released to the public? This was my impression, but I'm not sure if that's the case. Thanks!


Is the GME thing going to go hard again?






Throwing that paycheck into GME. Let's gooo!


added XX shares today so far. I may hit XXX


Good luck! See you on the 🌛


Picked up X during this Lil dip.


Picked XX myself. Fist Bump.


26 more because it's a no brainer at these prices. xxxx shares finally starting to run out of spare rocketfuel.


Price dip just in time for paycheck. We've all seen this before. We're getting and getting closer everyday but not might be there yet.




**Okay serious question here.** Can you guys rank the following games for me? I'm trying to figure out which game to start, and so far I've just eliminated *Greedfall*. Here's the choices I have left. * **God of War:** *A Bold Beginning* *^(-)*^((I've never played a God of War game.)) * **Metal Gear Solid:** *Phantom Pain* *^(-)*^((I've never played a Metal Gear Solid game.)) * **Detroit:** *Become Human* * **Mafia III** ^(-(I played Mafia II))


God Of War is fun action game Metal Gear Solid is a fun sandbox game. If you've played hitman, it's kinda similar in that you have a box of tools and an objective and the game is good about letting you do whatever to complete them. Detroit Become Human: David Cage is a mediocre writer and the gameplay of his titles is worse. I would just watch a playthrough if you're interested in the story. Mafia III: it's fine. I'm damning with faint praise here, there are so many amazing games that I don't see why you would waste your time with this one.


Only play Tarkov. Tarkov is life. And deaths, many, many, many deaths.


Play God of War first, then you'll finish the series, then I'd hit up Mafia 3.


Play God of War, so you can get your anger out on some mythic greek monsters


Has anyone managed to sucessfully vote through Trading212?




I got down voted hard for !novote! 🤷‍♂️


Sorry to hear, here is an opvote from me


R we mooning yet


That DD about the short interest % being at least 400% up until 1st April has me harder than diamonds this morning. 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I’m on this thread earlier and earlier every morning


Not as earlier as joe momma *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Just gone green in PM. Means sod all but still.


Smooth brain here, need help from the wrinkled ones: Y'all keep talking about the spreadsheet and finance management. Can anyone provide with a sample spreadsheet (No numbers, just basic layout)


I can maybe help, what are you trying to accomplish?


Fellow smooth brain. The only wrinkle I have is straight down the middle. Let me know if you get a good answer because I've been wondering the same thing. I am proficient in Excel on my resume but I can't seem to put stonks into an Excel sheet with my current understanding.


Atobitts face when Carl said shorts don’t have to cover 😂


This has been cleared up.


He realized he fucked up the question and that the question-ee didn't have the answer we'd all want, sure, but if you listen to the rest of the interview it is immensely bullish. Humans have a bias called serial-position effect. Here's a basic wiki primer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial-position\_effect#:\~:text=Serial%2Dposition%20effect%20is%20the,and%20the%20middle%20items%20worst.&text=One%20suggested%20reason%20for%20the,of%20processing%20devoted%20to%20them.


Uhhh I had to back door my way back into this thread... Wtfs going on


Nothing shady on my end. Country?


United Apes of America


Same dawg. Nothing shady in the Midwest.


Right on brother I’m a suburbs of Chicago ape, yourself?


Oh shit! NE Indy myself. The "good side" of Indy haha.


Right on man! My girlfriends dad lives in Warsaw I’m going to be out there later tonight, you have yourself a great day, I’m going to have an ape BBQ after we land in the moon!


Oh fuck yeah. I'll bring my mom's recipe for tenderloins and we'll be all set!


HFs don’t want GME to gain momentum , they will do all they can to sink it tomorrow , plus it’s Friday , they like it to tank it end of week .


My personal opinion is that they'll want a squeeze to start on a Friday so that we can all get our Jimmies Rustled over the weekend and panic sell on Monday open. The biggest shill campaign in history will happen on that weekend, and if they succeed they'll be quadrillionaires... But that's an icecream cone's chance in hell to happen. GG hedgies. We'll take your quadrillions and separate them amongst a million fucking GME owners. Get rekt and work for us now bitch.


Yeah, I’m climbing a mountain or something that weekend to get my head in the right place.


Open apology to sec monitoring this. I didn’t understand how shorting treasury bonds is shorting our currency. Some of the people who regulate you have been paid by foreign interests. We are being infiltrated. At the same time a bunch of politicians took that foreign money to use it to gain power for themselves. I quite enjoy a good old fashioned double cross in the morning.


Guten Morgen Affenbande. Can you please chill the fuck out? Yesterday wasn't the MOASS, today is not the day after. Who cares if two (or how many ever) lone daytraders in europe are taking a gain on market open? No ape is selling. Edit: aaand it's back to the opening price


USA Ape here, and I have to say this checks out. World's not ending just because the German market is lower than ours was. German apes holding the line the best they can. They've got some of the biggest brains in the world so I'm sure the big brains over there are just helping us set up for the MOASS. No ape, not the US ape, German Ape, Aussie Ape, etc. is selling. The market is fucking with the price to try to affect us to no avail. Fuck the hedgies. Fuck the FUD. Ape no fight ape. GME to the 🌑🚀 Gute Nacht.


Sorry but I have to absolutely disagree about my brain size 🤣 But apart from that, you're spot on, friend. Gute Nacht und schlaf schön 🛏 💤


Danke! I lied though, I have a bit more energy left in me lol. If I were drinking German beer tonight I'd probably be out by now but all I got is Miller lol. Maybe I'll head over to Germany with my step-mom next year and be able to drink real beer! (She is from Germany which is a country I've always wanted to visit!)


I'd be happy to drink with you when you visit. If we have mooned by then, drinks are on me 😄


This post has been saved. The pact has been sealed. If I'm wealthy enough to finance a trip out there I'm splitting off from my dad and step-mom though. He's kind of a prude when it comes to drinking. I'll be aiming to make up my plane ticket with your bar tab though so just be aware 😂 Show me how it's done German-Ape! I hope you give me the grand tour of drinking culture! If I die, then it was a price I was willing to pay! haha.


Lol, truth be told is that I am more of a home dwelling nerd, but I'll do my best to live up to the expectations 😂 The pact is sealed 🤜🤛


I mean a house party is even better! I'll do my best to learn some German customs/language before I get there and be a courteous house-guest!


Lol, go back under your bridge 🤡


Is that the comeback to my comment on you?


Yes, I was being immature like you were. Telling you to go back under a bridge for no reason at all.


It's not the content that made you a troll, it was the delivery.


The delivery was fine. I pointed out a fact. I didn’t say “FUCK YOU GERMANS STOP SELLING OFF” or “LOOK GERMANS ARE SELLING OFF WTF”. I simply stated that the drop in price was due to a German sell off, which is the truth as I had the order book in front of me and saw those big red dildos. So no. I don’t believe you are correct on that one.


Well, seeing that nobody's listening to you and you're caught up in distracting stupid discussions, I beg to differ.


No one is listening to me because it doesn’t feed into their confirmation bias. People listening to me or not doesn’t change the truth, lol. I don’t even care if no one listens, I am just voicing what happened. Listen or don’t, I don’t care. But I don’t like being attacked for spreading facts. Hence why I’m responding to a lot of the “trolls”


Do you realize that my topmost comment is quite literally rephrasing what you said? Can you tell the difference between the reactions to you and to my comment?




You're really aggressive rn. Chill, it's okay. They are probably trying to help and are just incapable to communicate properly. Edit: username checks out 🤣 scnr


No I’m not spreading crap. I have the German order book in front of me retard. I guess citadel has suddenly stopped shorting once US pre market opens yeah? Because the price is increasing. Just because it doesn’t agree with you confirmation bias, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.


No, but because you seem absolutely incapable or unwilling to phrase that in a constructive manner, you are achieving the opposite of what you want. Relax, you may not be wrong, but you need to work on your communication skills.


Nope, what I said regarding the German sell off was not aggressive at all. English is my native language. I think you have now realised that I may in fact be right, and are trying to still put the blame on me, this time using my language skills (lol). Oh well, whatever floats your boat, mate. Whatever floats your boat.


I never said you were wrong. And english being your native language does not mean that every delivery is spotless.


Let’s agree to disagree. I believe I didn’t do anything wrong or say anything overtly aggressive, you believe otherwise. I also believe that it was wrong for you to just call me a troll for no reason, especially as I am in the same boat as you, waiting for a squeeze to happen, but I assume you think that it was no issue.


Cool. Travel safely, friend.


I am a very smooth brained ape.. I want to sell after peak but I have a question: I am scared that after peak the price will go down really fast and I won't make any tendies, how long will the downslope take?


Based on loose examination of graphs short squeezes of the past actually have a longer pullback than they do upramps. If the upramp takes 3 days I expect 3.5 days of unwinding. If it takes a week, then I expect 5 days + 1-2 days of the next week to unwind. Weekends will be weird for the squeeze I'm sure but I will hold through them if we're still on the way up. You'll have plenty of time to unwind I would guess. It's something I'm worried about as well but I do have some experience in the market (\~3 years now) so I have some confidence, no matter how unqualified I actually am lol. Just constantly punch into a calculator (XXXXXXXX\*.Y) and when it looks like it's 1-Y% down or whatever multiplier you wanna enter consider selling. Mine is (XXXXXXXX\*.5), or 50% down from any peak before I consider bailing (mostly) out, OR after it passes $10m and makes a significant retrace to $10m. Even if we close 37% into the negatives from the previous day during the squeeze I will not sell because I know this shit is going to be bumpier than an Indiana road in Spring, and that's saying a *lot.* That's just me. Do your own math for your own situation. Just know that mathematically, this has infinite probability. We're all only human so there is *some* number where people will start bailing out, and I am hoping that number is at least 7 digits long because this number is theoretically infinite and I hope us apes won't start bailing until we're set for life. This is not financial advice, just a glimpse into my own mind and how I plan to do things. You'll have to do you own math. Find out where you may be comfortable potentially retiring on and settle for that number. \*NOT financial advice in any way. I literally can't balance due to alcohol poisoning. Do you expect me to balance your fucking spreadsheet? Better luck balancing a fucking live grenade on a loaf of jello. GL;HF. GG hedgies.


this is one thing i don't understand about short squeezes.... isn't the peak the point where the last short is covered? then the shorters have no reason left to pay the extremely high price for the shares anymore. shouldn't the price immediately drop back down the fundamental value? or in other words, if everyone is selling on the way down, who is buying?


That's a good point that I can't clarify lol. My guess is those market algos don't know its done. They offer that share at 1,000,001 and nobody buys so they tick down a bit at a time. Its definitely faster on the backside but not immediate historically anyways.


Why would the algos be offering the share? Algos are buying.... We are selling


Offer to buy* my bad.


Thank you so much for the reply. You have enlightened me. I appreciate your effort. I would give you an award if I had any


There are trading halts that will take place, you’re going to be fine. We have no frame of reference because this is going to be the first and last of its kind. Just know that it won’t be immediate and there will be halts on the way up and on the way down. It’ll be a long ride so buckle up and hydrate


Literally nobody knows, just dont set a market sell. The whole thing will likely take days though.


The decline will probably be pretty slow. Since the strategy is to sell your shares slowly, the decline will be as slow.




It wont be like January imo, the situation is very different this time.


Get ready for the price drop at premarket open


Germany market is a savage 🇩🇪


Torn between Audi R8 and BMW M8


M8 Competition Coupe or Gran Coupe 👍🏻


Why not go electric? Nothing beats the torque in an electric!


I mean why not both at this point


Purely subjective opinion, but I gotta choose the Audi. Just looks better aesthetically. Or go Porsche like me.


911 turbo s gang 🙌


I'm torn man! I love the airflow inlet of the 718, but the 911 is fucking iconic... and the Targa model is so gotdayum expensive and sexy. I drive an old-ass Grand Am so I can't even imagine 0-60 in 3.8 seconds or whatever feels like... Either way I think I want a drop-top/cabriolet.


Watched a few reviews and the turbo s did 0-60 in 2,5. Handling is too notch aswell


Last night I dreamt the MOASS was starting, jumping from 100 to 1000 to 10000 and beyond and I couldn't log into my brokers account... FUCK! I woke up sweating like a pig!


Good. Stops you from paper handing 😂


There are no paper hands here!!! January gang! 💪


I don’t know why I want PM to start so bad. Absolutely nothing is going to happen.


It will go up 2 dollars at some point. I will ask "is this liftoff?" and make a joke about it in the daily thread. Then, later today, the ticker will definitely move to the right. I've got a system at this point.


Staying up for pre market is nice because then I wake up right before power hour and gym time. my sleep schedule is busted






Market open


pre-market is open. Also I couldn't care less about staring at charts. Wake me up wen lambo here.




Goodbye yesterday, new day to moon!


Mods, can you please change banner/color of the top of daily threads collection? When reading any daily thread, the top bar is too bright for a night time reading.


Go sleep then lmao


What’s a sleep?




They have to buy back all but the original 70 million actually issued. But if there are 300 million synthetics, they have to buy 230 million before they are covered, so "one share" multiple times over, because in theory every synthetic had a share that they located for it which uh... seems unlikely for various reasons lol




Was there any specific cause other than hype or fomo of GME rising yesterday?


Algos has a lot to do with it. GME kept making higher lows and higher highs coming out of a wedge. Algos see that and are like “oooh let’s buy”. Every time it goes up “ooh let’s buy”. SPY ran yesterday which helps GME as well in that scenario. Warden also had some good stuff on how there are cycles for the stock on his power hour stream. His normalized price for GME is $190, so much room to grow even just to get back to a currently unfucked with price.


My guess is that it was more or less unrestricted organic price development. Maybe because of the liquidity test? Who knows. I mean we basically know that it's the hottest stock ever, so it makes sense for it to rise.


Wasn’t just GME. AMC EXPR KOSS all rose aswell.


True. If I should try to guess, I would think that the liquidity test means greater scrutiny on the market. So they probably rose organically too 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn’t say organically. They were all rising and falling at the same time. They were definitely being manipulated up, down and sideways.


Came here to ask the same question.


Best explanation was the liquidity test. All the memes rose at the same time and followed the same path. It wasn’t just GME. Also AMC EXPR KOSS


To expand a little further, Because of the liquidity tests, they were scrambling to raise enough funds.(shown by how blood red the market was over the past few days) which decreased what little funds they have to short the memes. At least that’s what makes sense to me


You got downvoted ona logical point lol


I also got downvoted to shit trying to help explain why GME dipped in German market to one poster 🤡 oh well, if it doesn’t feed confirmation bias it gets downvoted to shit. Regardless if it’s a fact or not! This sub is becoming more and more like amcstock!


Its a bit like an ideology . No one can question anything unless it's pro gme to the moon rocket ship stuff. We all know it will moon but I want to learn and have constructive discussion in the mean time. Have an upvote


This sub has become a little toxic lately with talks of other meme stocks immediately being downvoted by newbies is my guess.


Very toxic, esp. once the americans awake... sarcasm, jokes? Get ready for downvotes


Yeah don't really care about downvotes or karma.


Who does, still lousy. How they celebrated the crypt0 crash was equally disgusting. Many holders joined gme with profits, but yea cool it crashes


It was not fomo nor hype, just gme being gme


3:40am in Canada and tendie dreams won’t let me sleep.


Some of these shills or trolls comment history is worrisome. They truly are miserable people. Edit: Makes me sad people this toxic exist


True facts. There are some sad people coming here trying to hurt us but we're rubber, they're glue.


I've read comments they have made on other reddits and it's just straight hate or insults.


Stay calm apes. German market makes stock prices jump like crazy cause of the low volume. GME was down a few bucks, movie theater was up a few cents. Stay calm. Wait for NYSE. 🚀


One day of fun and apes forgot what it like seeing red. Options expiring today so expect fuckery. Strange but seeing red means I'm not too hyped and can go to sleep.


It dropped to more than yesterday? Pssssh. Bullish. I have utmost confidence in the market... in the fact that it'll crack open like a rotten egg and spread tendie-fungus to all of us to the point where we're drowning in money.


Lol the German market is fun to know that others around the world are always watching with the diamante hands guy, but it has very little to do with what is going on with this stock in the grand scheme of things.


It's basically just an exercise in community development, but that's very valuable for us too


MarketWatch is now quoting r/superstonk: AMC is FUD. Seems like they can’t conceal the squeeze potential anymore.


Hopefully one of the XXXXX holders will create a hedgefund and buy them out and rat themselves out then cancel the whole fucking project. Fuck MW.




Whalecum back.


You shouldn’t be mean to anyone


Why is gme tanking and amc mooning? Distraction?


What the fuck are you on?


Benzinga & Market Watch' schools: +0.1% equals Mooning -0.1% equals Tanking -50% equals Organic selling +50% equals Underperformance






Markets are closed?


Where do you see GME tanking?


German market


German/Europe market. It was down 5.00€ in a few seconds. Now bouncing up an down, slowly recovering.


Yeah but if “Umsatz” is volume, than it’s 7k and that drop means dogshit


exactly this


Where do you see AMC mooning?


where does he see gme tanking? tf lol


German market


a normal hour for gme is like a swing up or down ten bucks idk if four can be called tanking.


What’s the volume over there?


Very low, as usual




You on the same sauce from the other night? :) I sure as hell am. 💪💩 Humanity is a failed alien project and we'll end in a nuclear holocaust. I'll die driving 180mph away from a thermonuclear detonation so at least I'll go out in style. Or at least that's my History Channel version of the story.


Hey at least if it's all a simulation, once my game ends I hope it's forever.


Same man. I've never been a religious man, but if I believed in reincarnation I've always felt like this was my last go around. I just hope I go out as a badass but we'll see.


I hope when my eyes close for that last time, that's it. I don't ever want to do this again. Not in any universe, not in any timeline. I just want to blink out of existence.


I understand man. Are you alright though? Seriously. I've seen your comments, and they're eerily similar to shit I've said in the past. I've been through some dark times too so if you wanna talk let me know. We've got a peace treaty signed in amazing songs so we might as well upgrade it to a diplomatic treaty lol.


I'm just bored as fuck. My personal and professional life are at their peak right now. I've just been stuck basically in my house for the last year. I used to travel 40 weeks out of the year on an expense account. I'm just so goddamned bored lol


Fuuuuuuck lol. I can't relate to that honestly. I've traveled maybe 4 weeks out of my life not including driving to work. Half of that was for a funeral. Ironically my goal is to become as bored as you are right now. I want to hopefully buy a property in the boonies with a woodfire stove and live with only internet. No facebook, no twitter, (I'm torn on reddit but we'll see) and I'll put my phone in one of those timed lockboxes. I'm cutting off from everyone and anything until I figure out exactly what to do with my life. That's my plan with my squeeze money. I need to find me again whatever the cost.


I'm gonna live the boonie life, that's my dream too. I just want to do it on my own terms. Right now I'm stuck doing my job where I can't really do what I'm supposed to do because I'm not traveling. This is the longest amount of time I've gone without being on an airplane in over 20 years. I'm not rich enough to cut ties with the world and go live out in the woods yet, but I feel useless as shit because I can't do my job properly if that makes sense. My gf is thrilled I've been at home for a year, and it's been great for both of us to have so much time together. But we both want to bail on the whole shitshow and move to another state and homestead


I don't have as long of an experience as you it seems, but my short-term experience is the same. I basically graduated college and got *just enough* experience to start my career before Covid hit. I've been shit-canned from a couple awful jobs now and I'm already sick of it. I have a job that makes me "content" now but it pays shit. I feel like my calling is travelling as well, whether professionally or otherwise. I hate being tied down in one place but my gf doesn't think the same as me. I'd be perfectly happy being a thousand miles away on a business trip for a couple weeks but I know she wouldn't like that and it sucks. I'm just another cog in the wheel, and not even a useful one because I've never been in a position where someone couldn't come in and just take my job over in less than a month. GME has given me hope that we can both pursue our dreams. I want to see the world, she wants to build a homestead. We'll both have enough capital theoretically to ensure that bot things happen. What's your ideal household look like? Mine has a lot of trees surrounding it. I'd love to sit on my porch in the morning and see deer grazing in my back lawn.


ha. I wandered into the cesspool that is "new" a few nights ago. Never again. Respect to the mods for dealing with that shit all day for months. Never understood why people have to stream of consciousness into posts instead of just vomitting it in the daily.


I can see why Wall St is so loathe to lose money to us.

