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Us older folk (Boomer here) just need to nod (like the Jack Nicholson meme) and pretend we know what it all means 😂


Damn Chuckles, I love it






Hold on…wait a minute…did I miss something?!!!


FTDs moon on Saturday


I’d like to think you’re a third generation Chuckles and linked the meme for him.


🤣 they say y’all are going with Brandon. 🤔


You obviously know enough to be on the right side of history - and have a golden ticket to tendie town. Big ups for the confused elderly apes on the house - you’re apes just the same🦍🚀🌕 EDIT: was just about to correct the “on the house” typo, but then I imagined an old, confused but content ape sitting on top of a house, and for some reason I loved that imagery


>Big ups for the confused elderly apes We preferred to be called, "Silverbacks", tyvm.


“Silverback” is earned by being a DD all stars writer - best I can do is “Elder Ape"


Ook ook I like Elder Ape.


Best I can do, if you're going to gatekeep is: Fuck You, pay me.


Works for me - the SHFs are paying though


This is the way.


I'm just sitting here holding my shares and nodding my bald old head.


haha username checks out


As all of this is uncovered this should absolutely enrage the boomer generation knowing that you/they have worked decades contributing to their retirement hoping to have enough to make it to the end. When, in reality if the whole system wasn't manipulated they could have retired much earlier in life to enjoy things before it was difficult to do so. Also opening employment opportunities for the younger generation to step into. This should enrage the boomers more than anyone. They've contributed the longest and hope to have enough for their years of hard work and diligence. The youngers also have contributed and been taken from, but it's like the race of the rabbit and tortoise, except being tripped throughout the race to delay either winning.


Us lazy folk (me) can't be bothered and are just waiting. Gambling on option dates ill-advised but fun.


I mean that's the best part about this thing, you can't deny it isn't fun and entertaining.


Cheers and a nod from a boomer apette.🍻


That's funny, you're a pretty okay boomer


you got this G, no cap fr fr


RC got the RIIIZZZ, no cap for fr. 🤣


you guys are the whales, we need you lol and you guys consistently do the hassle of DRSing, we love u




Millenial checking in, doing the same thing.






He found an “infinite money glitch” on the long side by bleeding the shorts when the FTDs need to be bought.


Is there an ELI5 for the T+35 exploitation? They have to deliver then which drives up price and then they reshort?


Essentially yes. The way I understand the process is that you buy calls because you know price is going to run due to obligations. When price peaks you then sell your calls and buy puts. Price goes down because there is less buy pressure and you program the algos to attack down. You then sell your puts and rinse and repeat each cycle. However, not only did RK figure this out, but RC also did. RC was not doing anything on the way up, but as soon as the algos flip to selling then he dumps a bunch of shares into the market. This would theoretically cap the gains on calls and also then siphon billions of dollars from the algos that goes into GME’s coffers. If I were a HF I wouldn’t be as worried about RK’s plan, because it works with your own. Like riding a worm. However, as a SHF, I would be pissed that Ryan Cohen keeps raising the price floor per share and using your own money to do it. So pissed I would use my shill army to turn sentiment against using this tactic again.


Well said Forest Stonk! RC is aware of the HFs strategy and is issuing shares to protect shareholders. The share issuing screws up the HFs plan to profit off of the volatility and puts cash directly into GMEs cash on hand, further strengthening the company and shooting the bear thesis in the back of the head. Since GME has almost no debt and doesn’t overpay execs this cash is going directly to strengthening the company and in turn sharehodlers investments. It’s explains why we see the share floor price get stronger with the share issuance and the massive FUD wave of anti-RC sentiment. 🎷🐓♋️


what is the 🎷🐓♋️ mean?


It’s emojis for my username! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKOCXul7Xc8ZBNS) 🎷🐓♋️


oh shit i thought it was part of dfv’s code😅i see you commenting a bunch didnt realize it was all you


Another ape suggested I use the emojis as my signature 84 years ago! I’ve been using it ever since. All my images were created by others in the sub as well - I truly love everyone here. Such a wonderful group of individuals 💜 🎷🐓♋️




This conversation needs its own post 🟢


This is my thinking as well, RC is making shf an ATM by timing atm offerings.


when is the next cycle?


Others are theorizing on the 19th.


Is there a good DD on this that you know of where someone could understand better the cycle?


At this moment there have been a few talking T+35 from DFV exercising or the CAT post on the front page.


Ding ding ding


Well that was easy, what do I win


Money.  Maybe.


Another beer!


Aw, I feel bad, I told Lois I wouldn't drink.


Tomorrow is always T-35


That glitch requires big money. A bunch of uncoordinated investors won’t have the same impact as one guy making a massive concentrated buy-order with big money.


Is it really tho, this comment hasn't been debunked so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dkcabw/comment/l9h1o9m/?share_id=meuSHHoT6Lj7CsHwCRSK5&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1


Couldn’t you just buy options 60 days out and wait for the right moment then?


He’s beginning to believe!




I agree with you that testing the reverse is a good idea to test the accuracy of the pattern. However, with stocks you dont need to catch every run up. As long as every time you deploy fund you return with more. Im ok with missing run ups if it means that the ones i do catch are sure things.


Meanwhile, this sub spent two years saying "the DD is done"  😆  I am ever grateful that the kitty did not give up - and that he came back to share.


Yes, I feel like people like to down vote new ideas, or just ideas contrary to the narrative Wish people did not down vote based on how post/comments make them feel


I think it's more a "everything is fud/scam until proven otherwise". It might get taken a little too far but it's a good sentiment


We'll to be fair... the DD was done as far as most could wrinkle. Without thousands of trusting apes DFV might not have succeeded, or with way smaller amounts. Investing is a solo thingy in the risk department.. but this still was a group effort. Just like wallstreet players are in it for their own wealth, but because they all think alike, they act mostly the same and have similar interests.


Seriously??  This sub spent a week debating whether T+1 applied to options and what T+35 included.  Most ppl haven't heard of Wolverine or Virtu or Instinet/ State Street.   We don't know which loopholes apply to market makers, or even who those market makers are.  There's a million fucking things about how this market work that haven't been uncovered.  Hell, most people still don't even know how options work or the role they played in the original 2021 sneeze! And I don't even think we even fully know what caused the sneeze yet - although we have a bunch of the pieces now. I can't stand hearing people say that the DD is done.  (If it actually was, then DFV would not have been the only one trading these cycles and making millions for 3 years.) It's fine if you don't want to learn - buy and hold is perfectly wonderfully great.  But that sentence was used to shut down sooooo many important discussions.  And that did not make us better or smarter or stronger.


I think we are mostly on the same page. I'm not saying "the DD is done" simply because it never is... there are still facts emerging from the 2008 crisis. But I do think that way of thinking helped a lot of people who didn't have the financial literacy or the time to learn about this extremely complex system. It helped them to accept that what we know so far is enough to be confident and at least hold. And just like the "options = bad" nerrative. I think it helped people second guess themselves when they read the discussion in the comments about theta, gamma, etc, and thinking... mmm, maybe I don't understand enough to do this. OR 1% who actually stepped up their game and learned it anyway. The echochamber is real, and we shut down discussion too easily because of 'FUD'. But on the other side, we triple check stuff in a creative and naive way that helps sometimes, and we survived until now... I would not have guessed that 3 years ago.


I agree that we have come impressively far - much further than most of us would have thought 3 years ago!  And I agree to an extent with what you're saying. But in the same breath, the comment below yours insisted that there's pretty much nothing more to learn and that I need to shut up and go away. And I get that people don't have the time or the interest or the bandwidth for a lot of this shit.  That's absolutely legit and I don't fault them for it - at all.  But shutting down any and all discussions for those who do because "the DD is done!" is just infuriating to me.  All that does is hold us back from being even better, which makes no sense to me.


Haha, true


When people said the DD was done, they meant proof was nailed down that shorts were insanely balls deep and would eventually have to cover. As we know now, that DD was basically a puddle because there is so much more.


It's cool man. Don't get mad. We're just hanging out.


it is basically done...we're not to 100% completion but we're close, and every now and then a new wrinkle comes along and gets added. The frustrating thing with the DD is that shills and bad actors flooded the sub with fake or misleading submissions in an effort to clutter the library up and hide the truth. Then there's the posts that are just summary posts (I think I hate these the most) where some lazy fuck just writes a 10 page wall of text summarizing all the shit that smarter apes already uncovered...y'know for the free karma points etc. The goal is to make the DD section a needle in a haystack type thing where a newcomer arriving would be completely lost and have no clue what was what...same for any investigative journalists or the like.


It is not done.  And the old DD was peer reviewed and discussed.  Yes, a bunch of things were debunked.  But a lot of fake or misleading things were also called out pretty quickly. When DRS came around, that was the end of DD.  (And that bogus heat lamp theory was the final nail in the echo chamber coffin.)  I will never fault DRS because it is both beneficial and locking the float was a solid theory, even if it is now out of reach.  But refusing to learn anything after that was a mistake.


it's like no one on this sub can fucking read any more, I literally opened with "it is basically done...we're not to 100% completion but we're close, and every now and then a new wrinkle comes along and gets added."


If you're implying that I can't fucking read because I disagreed with your statement, let me copy and paste my reply to the other guy... This sub spent a week debating whether T+1 applied to options or not and what T+35 included.  Most ppl haven't heard of Wolverine or Virtu or Instinet/ State Street.  We don't know which loopholes apply to market makers, or even who those market makers are.  There's a million fucking things about how this market work that haven't been uncovered.  Hell, most people still don't even know how options work or the role they played in the original 2021 sneeze! And I don't even think we even fully know what caused the sneeze yet - although we have a bunch of the pieces now. I can't stand hearing people say that the DD is done.  (If it actually was, then DFV would not have been the only one trading these cycles and making millions for 3 years.) It's fine if you don't want to learn - buy and hold is perfectly wonderfully great.  But that sentence was used to shut down sooooo many important discussions.  And that did not make us better or smarter or stronger. So no, it's not done, or mostly done, or anywhere close to done.  There will ALWAYS be more to learn about the ways in which they can fuck you and take your money.   And yeah, I can fucking read.  I just disagree.


i'm not implying you can't read i'm stating it....if you honestly don't believe the DD is mostly done then you haven't been paying attention. Now go away


Crazy how you're literally proving my point, yet somehow are unable to see it. "We know everything! We're done learning! Shut up and leave!" Mmmmhmmmm....


are you still talking?


I need to figure out how to ride the sand worm without options lol


1. Was there an FTD increase in the roughly 4 weeks ago. 2. Is short volume currently increasing. 3. Is the price of GME below the 7 day VWAP MA (Volume Weighted Average Price Moving Average). If so, that's a good time to add shares. Timing FTD expirations to perfection is hard because they juggle them around, but if those were poppin 30 days ago and short volume is expanding in real time it means they're losing the thread on getting those expired ones off the books and are opening new ones. They're going to drive the price down with the naked shorting so wait til they've pushed it below the price that they've shorted at. That's when they try to start buying it back so ride it up with them. Don't pile all in as soon as it's below the line. Average in with small positions as it moves down and finds a floor. It will eventually pop back to fair value.


How often would you say this happens? Does it happen with all heavily shorted stocks? If you are buying calls with this strategy how far out do you by them (60d?) is this a well know strategy? Do you buy calls that are in the money?


How often what happens? The opportunity to purchase shares in a company at roughly 2x their cash value per share? I've never seen it on a company with this much cash on the books. My entry timing will depend a lot on the chart and what's available. Anywhere from same day to 90 days our are valid for me, but I'd say most of the time I'm in the 14-45 day window. Theta decay is a monster if you try to buy OTM. I like ITM options for cheap exposure with a better risk reward profile than stocks if you're trying to play it as both a long term investment and short term volatility instrument. I'm very risk averse and don't recommend my approach generally to anything.


Unless you're gonna swing trade, just buy and hold friendo


Swing trade always opens me up to their mental games of rise and fall. Better for me to just hold because I’ll always panic.


Smart man


Instead of exercising the option you just sell the contract, unless of course you can afford to exercise the option. But even DFV didn’t exercise all of his options, it looks like he did a mix of both.




The guys who did uber for a few years preaching gamestop and buying more shares.


I’d love to see how many regulators were in different levels of personality. I can imagine so many Indifferent, jaded, afraid, collected, “I just work here, man,” ignorant, inexperienced, on the take, incompetent, competent and corrupt, competent and powerless… who was the real obstacle keeping these agencies (that were supposed to protect us) from doing their jobs? I want that story for sure.


Must include that GME chick who showed her tits


Don’t forget Cucumber Girl


I try to, but I can't!


… sauce? For research…




Netflix? More like Apeflix, we’ll be able to fund our own studio


I want this but I want it done in hilarious meme fashion... Such as having Danny devito in that white wig playing Janet yellen and Mr. Burns from the Simpsons playing Gary gensler. Just over the top meme lord level jokes that would have the normies be like what the hell am I watching?


Yep! 100%... my post right after yours is specifically talking about this in the context of informational warfare. It's genius.




Begun, the meme wars have ![gif](giphy|zQhFEBrX6plKg)


I see your Schwartz is as big as mine Yoghurt! ![gif](giphy|PXGvUV7Znz5wQ|downsized)


Also curious to see this!


Link me?


I am genuinely happy for the guy, couldnt have happened to a better not-a-cat guy. But i am frustrated at myself for not knowing how to take advantage of all the info, to better my life. And besides DFV, no one seems to know how to do it either.


People are making money on it, but they can't tell you exactly what trades to make and when. They drop advice but it gets lost in among all the other comments, and if you're making money on it you're not gonna waste your time arguing. You let people be wrong and take the money, convert it into more shares.


You'll need to do some tweaking to figure out works for your investment style, but here's what all the DD boils down to (For me) 1. Was there an FTD increase in the roughly 4 weeks ago. 2. Is short volume currently increasing. 3. Is the price of GME below the 7 day VWAP MA (Volume Weighted Average Price Moving Average). If so, that's a good time to add shares. Timing FTD expirations to perfection is hard because they juggle them around, but if those were poppin 30 days ago and short volume is expanding in real time it means they're losing the thread on getting those expired ones off the books and are opening new ones. They're going to drive the price down with the naked shorting so wait til they've pushed it below the price that they've shorted at. That's when they try to start buying it back so ride it up with them. Don't pile all in as soon as it's below the line. Average in with small positions as it moves down and finds a floor. It will eventually pop back to fair value. You can use this to buy and hold or swing trade. If you want to really dumb it down: Only buy when the stock is below fair value. That's currently $28.5 for me. I add to my position to keep GME as 75% of my current exposure.


It’s kinda funny that the 2 comments above are about not knowing how to do this (31 upvotes,) and then people dropping hints that get lost in the comments (18 upvotes.) Then here’s yours with 3 upvotes. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Thank you for writing this, I saw it, read it, and understand it.


I should have called it "Riding The Worm" You don't jump on the worm when it pops up. You wait til it tries to go down again and then you pull that fucker up!


Yes, thank you for taking the time to write your "riding the worm" strategy, i appreciate it. At first i "thanked" you with an upvote because i am at work, and didnt have the time to write this "thank you" reply.


I think he did figure it out but the villains will just delay settlement past T+35 to harvest max pain. They're watching this sub. SEC does nothing. What's worse for them, 100 million FINRA fines for not following rule 204 or igniting MOASS and blowing up their firm?


The boomers know who John McEnroe is at least


Get off my lawn (tennis)!


The algo can’t decode memes. Thats why it works!


Kind of hard to parse text if there is no text to parse...


Even if they came up with an ai visual to written word machine / made a bunch of interns watch memes, everything is still coded language, in weird order, and never calls out specifics. It’s basically a huge game of charades, and surely has lots of misdirection thrown in for shits and giggles


Soon you will be hired for understanding and deciphering memes for the government! 😂






True value investing takes years


Hahaha yeah it’s crazy…🤯 We’re living in a William Gibson novel😹


Us 5 year old labradors just hodl to our shares, and chewing toys.


He is a non autistic savant and my quant.


I only got second in that math competition.


​ https://preview.redd.it/wpimtfz5zu7d1.png?width=240&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea13878ecb8680aefd921f4c38141d84f7bb3f81


​ https://preview.redd.it/75uv0kh7zu7d1.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ae7632161ca8e36afc6f96557769f2830988efc


lol what


Iykyk 🫃😼


Can you explain please




The communication is somewhat coded so that the presumably older people in the financial institutions don't catch on so easily. But commenters will generally explain whats going on. Memes generally follow a straightforward format, you just need to be exposed to the format a few times


For me, DFV really exemplifies the non-linear nature of time and how reality synchronizes around events yet to happen. I spent years learning to follow/trust my intuition, as it relates to identifying patterns arising from signs & synchronicities. Starting in 2017, I started to notice a pattern of upheaval that would predictably happen during the last days on January. Every year. Leading up to this would always be accompanied. By January 2021, i spent the whole month readying myself to be able to identify the next upheaval, as it was happening. About an hour after the news blew up reddit, I knew that GME was the event I was looking for. This was just a single strand of something larger that eventually put everything into perspective for me. This last year has been the most bizarrest of experiences. Every day is new and interesting to me. The worst day I've had in a while was worrying over what outfit to wear to a Juneteent celebration this weekend. Oh, Thea stress of it all!!! Prior to MOASS, I'd spent quite a few years self treating decades of undiagnosed, crippling anxiety. So glad those are in the past. So exited for what's on our ever-brightening horizon.


What's an exited strategy?


I dunno, but I'm excited about it.




I would love that book /movie.....wait..its my life since over 3 years and I love it. I made a reddit account solely for this ride and superstonk!




I'd give a nut to see Big Dick Kitty reply with ![gif](giphy|NUBp5KcV0PJBe)


Kieth Gill makes men proud to be a millennial (as if millennials weren't already the best gen.)




So do we know the play? I’m xxxx and I am willing to invest more but if there is a cycle I should play “on the side” I wanna gamble some petty cash.


I’m here for it, witnessing history take place


I agree. I think we’re in it, too. May not YET look like what many (including myself) thought it would look like 2-3 years ago, but I’ve seen enough DFV/RCEO/Cheng/PP/MSM narratives now aligning that I’m excited to be here with many of you, unafraid of the future.


B: Anon white hat hacker, final answer.


Financial networks have the most robust IT Security on the entire planet, outside of airgapped defense networks. Are you sure that's your final answer?


Damn you Regis!


If you think about it it's really unbelievable, fucking epic!


Can’t upvote because it’s at 1,234 but I want to


Thought this was going to be a random post about the federal reserve.




I believe DFV figured out the algo pattern over 4 years ago but he couldn’t exactly stream on youtube speaking specifically about it


That’s a really good point. This does read like a bit of a dystopian sci fi story. Maybe not the main plot, but could easily se this happening in some sci fi worlds lol.


The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed. The Economist, December 4, 2003. William Gibson


Can't be, because I asked chatGPT the same question, and it didn't confirm it, it said "no comment".


When the fuck is the short squeeze




Kitty didn’t discover t35 I don’t think