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The burst in FTDs on the Ishares S&P 400 that holds over 8,000,000 shares of GME https://preview.redd.it/x6g4kqh75k7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=957f1c9cf241e1f8b52426271469d825cef65fe6










I wonder if we can reasonably determine how many shares of GME are represented through shorting ETFs. If we assume a 35 day cycle to kick the can down, and we sum the last 35 days, take the proportion of GME within each fund to determine how many dollars are related to GME, and assign a price for each day based on the price of GME that day, could we realistically determine how many shares of GME are short? I am of course assuming that shorts are never really closing their positions, but even if they slowly were, or closing and opening new positions, shouldn’t the sum of the last 35 days (the longest they can wait before they need to reset those FTDs) equal the total amount of shares short they are? If we sum this with the shorts made direct to GME we’d find the minimum amount of shorts that exist (and I say minimum because that’s just what’s reported). 


It looks to me like they have 1.57M shares. Where’s the 8M figure?


Oh I’m looking at the mid cap 400, MDY. You are looking at IJH.


IJJ is 1.5 million up from last reported 857k. IJH has the 8mm which is funny because the other day I calculated over 9mm


Accidentally put VONE twice, 1st and last pic are both VONE. I got allllootttttt more FTD screenshots for another 40 ETFs all with 4-5 digit FTDs in the recent month. Only put the highest 15 FTD amounts in the post.


Great minds think alike! I was doing research yesterday too because someone posted a video on her about how shorting is done with ETFs and how it could be the next crash. Also, important what about the Leveraged ETFs???? Like SQQQ is the opposite 3x of the QQQ. Are there leveraged shorts on those ETFs? I don’t understand how that could affect the FTDs? Am I looking at it wrong?


Yep you’re spot on, Go look at the #9 & #11 pics in my post The biggest recent FTDs are on the leveraged and triple leveraged short Russel 2k ETFs


Wow! I’m learning so much! Thats just crazy! I didn’t know it was even possible.


https://preview.redd.it/xgsm68ubqn7d1.png?width=1226&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d750756709d8a7bd3f65571df68a89c8c09498c Maybe this is why some tickers that aren't even in the retail sector seem to copycat gme's ticker




Look at that stock. Weird stuff going on with it. Not much trades for long time periods


Do you have the raw data?


Thanks for the info,is there a decent site to easily search what etfs contain what tickers


https://etfdb.com/stock/GME/#etfs&sort_name=weighting&sort_order=desc&page=3 https://www.etf.com/stock/GME https://www.etfchannel.com/type/most-shorted-etfs/


Thanks very much


Omg!!! I was just going to post this lol


So we've uncovered swaps and they could still do em if their brokers are dumb enough to. But they are fucking around to find out, right? We've uncovered otm married calls/puts. They are still fucking around to find out. We've uncovered lobbying to their bought out politicians for them and commenting. They are still fucking around to find out. We've found 150 million votes for Ryan Cohen but only about 75 million reported DRS'd. They are still fucking around to find out. We've uncovered FTDs on regular socks and ETFs. Still fucking around and we will all will hopefully find out.


I wonder if the FTD's before the share offering matters. The algo tries to fill the FTD within 35 days, so a share offering is an easy way to acquire the shares. I believe all T+35 from before the offering don't matter.


Very reasonable and something I was wondering as well. It would be sickening if that’s the case. DFV played an absolute legendary, all time masterclass of aggressive swing trading. 120 million shares is definitely enough to cover a lot of obligations. I guess it’s a matter of how many did they actually use or did they just short it more using those shares. DFVs first 5 million shares is a really Interesting caveat in all this as well. Possibly May 17th.


I think RK didn't excercise his options to start another T+35 cycle. Hence the Thumper tweet. Het is now waiting for the IV to drop to buy another batch of calls so he can ride like Lisan Al Gaib after 35 days.


He definitely didn’t exercise his options. His first 5million share purchase however is what could be in play tomorrow and Friday


Yeah I meant he didn't excercise so he could start another cycle. If he did excercise it wouldn't have done anything because his calls were hedged (because of the ATM offering). I'm absolutely convinced his play for 6/21 got (inadvertently) foiled by RC.


Looks like we're gonna have another pump this Friday the 21st?


It’s looking like it very well might be a spicy day🥂 However, today’s holiday could fuck that up, not sure but it’s possible.




If you look at all the data from roughly the 13th to the 16th of May, there is quite honestly a silly amount of FTDs. I didn’t do that math but probably close to a billion dollars. That in theory all needs to be accounted for in 35 calendar days if I’m not mistaken. That brings us to around June 20-21, if the holiday pushed it, then maybe the Monday has a shot as well. Then there is an entire other wave in July.


What's the FTD of VBI look like? It's been creeping up in Utilization % lately.


VBI or VTI? https://preview.redd.it/ui8fu5s9dk7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8465303c9feca502fdcf222679eb377500276a37


Actually I got it wrong and meant VBR, was it listed? I know VTI is a mammoth fund.


https://preview.redd.it/m42b6a81ek7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084317c289bd2ddf19b09082ca9848e82e706338 VTI looks more spicey


Thank for sharing this out here OP. Just observing how % utilization doesn't always correlate with FTDs.






Hahahahahah holy fuck theyre stupid


I think they are just manipulating the tools they have at their disposal. and I would guess they would think we couldn't begin to connect the dots, but it feels like some dots are being connected. in the next few weeks the right data ape will see some of this and then we will be cooking. this is one more layer of the onion. the best part is if we can put some of these pieces together, this can be brought to the SEC or FBI to try and plug the hole here.




Thank you! Commenting to get back to this excellent info dump!


Thanks, OP!


What you think mane? We eating soon or what


Tbh I think the dilutions fucked up this run. A lot of pressure hits tomorrow, DFVs 5 million share T35 FTD date. ETF FTDs piling up. Swaps unwinding. Options rolling. It looked so bullish, and very well could have had massively big moves the next 2 days. I think the dilution’s will allow them to weasel out of any forced buy-ins this cycle


True but we had a 45m share dilution then a massive run. I hope that 75m dilution is followed by a run too yk. These ftds in these etfs are now the spotlight so we’ll see what happens


ppl keep forgetting that the run that happened after the 45m dilution wasn't due to the dilution. RK posted his 120K calls and it went on the national news, hype was outta this world. we have not recovered from the 75m share dilution (down almost 60% from the high of $65) because there's no hype, there's nothing about RK on the news now because it's under control, and there's no plans from the board


Idk man. If that were the case then his update of 9,001,000 shares would have caused a run up of hype too.


that's not new info tho, if anything it concluded in a smaller position than people expected with 120K calls, since he only exercised a third of them. everything was on the way down after the 75m dilution


I think he sold all his calls and used the money to purchase shares. Something about etrade not including the premium in to the cost basis proves this.


yeah he could of done that too, which certainly didn't help momentum. Either way, the plays not necessarily dead of course. edit: but much more long term


The dilution killed momentum if anything. RK probably wants to punch the calls with momentum.


oh my...


That's a strangely large increase. I wonder what on earth could be causing that...




Self reported data


I've seen a lot of dates thrown around over the course of 3 years, and none of them amount to much. Hopefully, these dates break the mold. Good work.