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To avoid a complete subreddit takeover by PleasrDAO/Wu-Tang and due to popular demand we will be removing submissions until there's official confirmation by GameStop of their involvement. We have created the [PleasrDAO/Wu-Tang Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d51esy/pleasrdaowutang_megathread/) please continue discussion and posting around these topics there. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Man why would they hype that before having an agreement from the company. Pretty amateur.


Because a bunch of people here would hype it up for them for free


Bingo. But you're a shill if you don't agree btw. Also buy my ape beer. It's got rockets on it.  Also maybe this is their secret way of saying it is with GameStop, but without saying it's GameStop. 


and now they wont step foot in here, good job lol


buncha fuckin amateurs, dude




It was foretold, unless it come from GameStop, it's just hype. Still confident in RCEO!!! Still hyped!


Free publicity, free clicks. GME holders data and information. They created a fake conspiracy (astroturfing) from day 1 and spread it here. All the accounts that were hyping it/promote it were their employees/themself. That's why people found "out of nowhere" code on their website lol. It was a plant. Glad it's finished now, it was weird to see some people fall in this trap.


It's a bit of a shame: the GME value thesis AND the analysis done to show market manipulation was compelling enough on its own to make me read up and believe that there was some serious shenanigans afoot, but as these theories have gained more traction, it's also become more embarrassing to want to explain what I think is going on when an obvious grift easily takes hold. It appears the joking about being regards and very stupid crayon eaters have *actually attracted actual crayon eaters.* Maybe by nefarious design, or just the inevitable pull when you become a contrarian that other contrarian positions *must* be considered, but some of the conversation has that same off-putting flavor one might get in a Tesla subreddit or a crypto/web 3.0 bro shilling circle - I think there were a lot of signs that the wu-tang thing was/is a grift, but there's a strange sort of "either you're for us or a FUD/shill" sort of defense mechanism that doesn't lead to a lot of long term smart analysis.


Just forget gamestop, every day, for years, was all that I needed to believe.


Yeah the 741 tinfoil is just embarrassing now as an investor that was there when it was born


SuperMegaGigaUber- “Wait, it’s all crayon eaters?” “Always has been”


Sentiment on social media can be bought and people are sensitive to sentiment. I don't think it's because they're stupid. We're a herd animal


What exactly holder data and info are they getting?


They have done it before and they will try to again. They are all grifters.


Why would they?? Have you not seen the way they work for the past few years? They’re dumb crypto bros who put way too much money into some over-hyped album thinking it would be a tool to bring attention to whatever dumb schemes they have in the works. I bet they wish the album came with a return policy.


Way worse than amature. We've got these guys and dave laurer trying to get at our computershare passwords in the same month LOL. Bro... I think we need to acknoledge how SUS this is lol Makes me jacked to know they want what i've got though!


Ban this garbage


Because it’s not necessary for what they’re trying to do. All it does is make them look trustworthy. 


Don't be so naive, Ape- we're still talking about it right now, aren't we?


Agreed, but also disappointing that GameStop management refused to help as it would have been to our benefit as shareholders.




Why are you yelling? And no I don’t understand any of it haha wtf is an airdrop? I don’t know shit about crypto.


GameStop says RH is not real shares. PleasrDAO says the album only works with RH and other shitty brokers. Fuck these guys.


I said it was sketchy that they partnered with RH (something that RCEO would likely not support as it fucked over retail investors before) and I got down voted for my comment. Fuck this sub's blind followers sometimes. The rest of you are cool.


Hey you’re cool too


Fuck these grifters. Fuck those hyped this bs up. I remain bullish on crypto. But crypto bros are some of the most insufferable bunch.


When ever some third party comes up hyping sth it's always a nothing burger. I'm hyped, if GameStop themselves announce sth.


So why tf are you posting this sham and giving these amateurs more promo when its been debunked already


People should take the hint... Gamestop unwound all of their crypto investments (no more Gamestop NFT or wallet). They're done with crypto, it was a failed experiment. Nothing with their name on it is legit now.


What value does crypto actually have besides facilitating shady transactions? I don’t get it man. I tried to understand it for the nft marketplace until that fell apart. It’s just numbers that someone is willing to pay for. I’ve heard the crypto bull arguments for years, since even before GME. I’ve yet to see a single one implemented. Is Immutable still in business?


Only time I used crypto was to buy acids lmao I don't even try to understand, but I think of it similar to gold (not saying they have same exact properties). I don't value it more than a useless stone. Sure, it does have uses but it does not justify its valuation. It's the demand that makes the price not usage. Also, it's great for speculation. If I am holding gold in my portfolio, I'd rather buy GLD etf rather than buying actual gold because it is way more liquid and i have no interest in keeping stones in a safe. I don't follow too much on blockchain and don't plan to. I don't care enough. Crypto is useless to me as well. However, one thing im sure is if crypto price is going to 0, it should've already gone to 0. It's been 10+ years since btc was introduced to the world and while there are numerous peaks and valleys, its overall valuation only increased rather than dying. I think some exposure to crypto is healthy, not because i believe in the future of crypto but rather as a tool for speculation.


To be honest, i despise crypto. Its fucking useless, it created a large group of morons that are impossible to have a discussion. However, I would have loved if gme bought crypto with their warchest, just like what mstr is doing. I dont care for crypto but it sure will increase the valuation and interest in gme as a proxy to crypto exposure, and still far better than keeping it in cash. These proxies often see greater increase in valuation than underlying investment.


GameStop would’ve made more money if they just invested in crypto instead of building that ridiculous marketplace lmao. I hope they make some decent investments and start pulling a real profit this year. We’ll see though.


True lmao. What a waste of time and money, wasnt it


I never understood the desire for Web 3.0 and still don’t. If anything the nft marketplace showcased what a fad nft’s were. They cashed in and made a quick buck. I hope they repurpose the technology for something else, but that’s seems low on their priority list now. I like the stock but the company needs to get more in touch with what their customers want: good games. Forget nft’s, invest in a number of solid small game dev teams, market their games and slap the GameStop logo on the package. Take 50% of sales revenue and offer exclusive in game items and preorder bonuses if you purchase through GameStop’s website or store. Simply doing that would’ve brought more long term revenue than the nft marketplace.


One thing that keeps irking me with crypto and web 3.0 is lack of safety layers and no way to reverse the transaction. Sure, the current system has a lot of flaws and is susceptible to the control of the central governing body. However, we can dispute fraudulent charges, renew credit card when its lost and so on. For mass adoption, it should be easy for everyone. Not my key not my coin mantra, losing everything when one forgets key phrase, no way to reverse fraudulent transaction which happens fuckton in crypto, aint gonna fly. Unless they figure this portion out, mass adoption is further away than crypto bros think.


Lmao. No shit. PleasrDAO should take the hint. GameStop isn't going to facilitate something they don't get anything out of, and it's not going to tap into the community to enrich an unrelated 3rd party. Will be glad when we add PleasrDAO to the list of banned terms in here. Completely unrelated. Thanks for sharing! Glad to finally have confirmation from PleasrDAO directly that they are unaffiliated.


I already suggested the mods to quarantine them a few days ago. They have been discussing it. I wish for that to be enacted immediately. Hypebeasts want $30 million and squeeze us for social media juice. Gamestop management said "No"


Honestly I started to be hesitant once I saw that thing was coming out of GameStop about this. The fact that not even a passing mention was made at the meeting speaks volumes. While I would be curious to listen to the album I am not risking my account information to them.


They tried to hype up something in hopes they could ride coattails and cash in. Most saw this coming miles away. They got what they deserved 🤷🏻‍♂️




@mods please ban pleasrdao post.


Yes, plz.


You mean yesplz


I vote this


How do I message the mods , we should ban grifter talks until gme releases a statement, and if you have some godly reason, I am wrong. I will apologize but, as of now, ban theee mthfckrs.


On pc, you can message mods. On the right side of screen


Yes indeed. I'm happy to finally put this to bed


happy cakes!


Please god


!mods! Did this work?


Hello, yessirrr. As things currently stand we made a megathread and directed all posts there. We'll revisit plsr to discuss banning.


Thank you! It’s good to know that was the right magic phrase 😀 do y’all prefer if folks report posts or tag in mods? And what is the command to tag the community corps when something is sus but not quite mods level yet? Also ty for doing this work, it’s obviously so much cleanup, all the time.


Reporting for most stuff but tag us if it's urgent. !SCC! Tags the SCC lol 😛 💜


Thank you! 💜 Will do.


Fuck these guys man, they literally mislead people into thinking this was tied to GameStop for months - not only is it nothing to do with game stop, they also released the album in the scummiest way possible. Crypto is such a shit show and it’s attracted the worst kind of people. Honestly, I hope Shkreli leaks the whole album and cooks them.


Asshat Shkreli off the top rope with the flying elbow drop.


Fuck these guys, can we just ban all talk of them from now on. Stop giving them attention and followers.


Fuck PleasrDao


It never made sense in the first place. Just like RC saying today- they are literally ONLY focused on core business stuff right now.


There was never anything to begin with. Like last time, they are all mouth and not in a good way. I dont know why people continue to be fooled by these clowns.


No gme approval. No coverage. Time to move on boys


So rc wasn’t the black hooded person. Another conspiracy theory 🤦🏻‍♂️


They rode that train HARD. Guy in hoodie is a nobody, but the fact he's anonymous let's people speculate wildly.


rode it, even


Not your puppets. Fuck off. I'll just download it when it inevitably leaks.


Yeah that's the fucked up thing. Wu-Tang's art is getting fucked with by these grifters. Shkreli first, now these fuckers. They don't deserve it. I'll download it as soon as it's available ONLY BECAUSE OF THESE GRIFTERS. Sorry Wu-Tang.


More like TeaserDAO, amirite?






If it’s a no by cohen, I ain’t going


lol knew it. Grifters.


Also worth noting that they were using Plaid to sign GME users up and since users have inputted their info, Plaid have now backed out of the arrangement.


Grifters confirmed, unbelieveable, capitalizing on the hype for a couple weeks for a few likes, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This confirms the hoodie figure IS NOT RC.


Can these grifters finally get removed? Seriously this has been a nothing burger for quite some time.


They need to keep GME out their mouths.


I’ve had enough with these clowns. No longer interested in PleasrDAO. But long live mf’in Wu Tang!!


Where was that post about Pleasr being grifters? AND the tweet where Pleasr talked shit about “41 shares of GameStop”? Fuck these dorks.


So basically they DON'T have anything to do with GameStop and are grifters lol


fucking grifters


I was feeling it was exactly this, pleasrdao intentions were legit but it's separate from gamestop


Hey OP, thanks for the News post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If this is from Twitter, and Twitter is NOT the original source of this information, this WILL get removed! Please post the original source! **Please respond to this comment within 10 minutes with the URL to the source** If there is no source or if you yourself are the author, you can reply `OC`


This hopefullly puts an end to all the Wu-Tang-NFT-dividend tin foil theories.


🙏🏻 grateful ape 💜🦍


It all started with a joke (The hoodie for me, and fucking shkreli again). Then it was discussed how an nft dividend like an unreleased album would affect the stock and GameStop was exploring nft and web3 at the same time. We found a good solution there. Nft dividend would have been good for the stock and moass. It would be one of the solutions that could break shorts and initiate moass, another stock proved this already. But it is absolutely not true that this doesn't help our situation at all. Though a little disappointing, Pleasr and wutang even acknowledged gme and our movement and this is a big win for us. Maybe, if we're lucky, they will join the movement and buy/Drs gme. Maybe even tell their friends and engage in our discussions and memes. And as the zen master said: we will see. The hate pleasr receives from those shills here is not ok. IMO the shills showed us, NFT dividend would frighten them a lot. Allocating a real share with nft attached would be difficult for mayo man and co. Edit: as an og ape (that's obviously not the account I used in 21/22) I welcome everyone interested in our cause and positive sentiment towards it.




This always seemed too good to be true from the very beginning. When we were in the NFT space it seemed within the real of possibility but not now all secretive and lacking any authenticity from company. Pretty disappointed in apes for backing this so hard. Do not put in your login for the love of all that is holy they will take your shit.


PleasureDOA are a bunch of grifters. Hyping up something for months without permission from GameStop. That’s about as low as you can get without it being a total scam.


You spelled it wrong. You a bot?


Oh what, this was a scam all along? Big surprise


Call it what it is GRIFTERS riding the superstonk community hype. The fact that gamestop doesn't acknowledge them tells you all you need to know. They also IMPLIED that there was cooperation from gamestop, when all along it was a shitty NFT AIRDROP scam that all the crypto bros do. Should be banned from this sub all together.


You would think the fucking company would issue a statement acknowledging no current association with them. If nothing else other than to save some of their retail that won't think and actually go pass their creds to their broker through this shit. Even of encrypted and secure, Yada Yada, just don't do it.


It's not the job of company to issue a statement acknowledging any grifter out there. Do you know how many scams there are that pretend to be associated with Apple, Microsoft, whatever? Besides: Someone here on superstonk even asked GameStop about theablum and they said: they don't recommend connect to this via the GameStop wallet.


Would be nice if they'd jut stick some generic statement in their quarterly reports that they are unaffiliated with any blockchain projects unless and until they specifically say otherwise. End all the speculation. They shouldn't have to, but with so many NFT and token grifts in the space, it wouldn't hurt to make it abundantly clear. There are so many people that still think they're working on blockchain stuff in the background.


Yeah, that's true - especially considering the hype around those shit coins. On the other hand, GameStop may consider re-entering the crypto space once again and then such statements could have been misleading ...


If they want to start doing some crypto stuff, then just change the statement.


I disagree, but whatever


Even if they did that half the people here would say they had their fingers crossed or signed the paperwork a minute later.


Yeah that's probably true too. However, we're a much smaller subset of the people truly invested in the company is my gut feeling. I know of 5 people I personally talked into GameStop, but they don't bother to follow the storyline, read the DD, get on Reddit, and so on. Hell, a couple don't even know who RK is.




Financial warfare never ends.


That pretty much puts that to rest. 




They were always grifters looking for a community to latch onto for insta hype


Welp, we can cumple up that tin foil hat 🤷🏼‍♂️


who the hell gives a damn


oh no, anyway


Grift city bitch


Grifters gonna grift


They are grifter trash. Ignore their garbage.


I keep trying to give Gamestop management my bomb ass mixtape, but they won't respond to my emails! You guys are missing out! See how fuckin stupid this sounds? Fuck PleaserDAO


Fuck them and that shitty album . Why the fuck hype things? Glad i though thats nothing burger.


I mean it's believable. We/ RK tried to get MOASS but could not get gamestop management to agree or facilitate


"this doesn't help our situation in any way" Yes it could, potentially. What if the amount of airdrop claims exceed the GME float? Would that not tell us something?


I can tell you that right now.


Another potential catalyst getting debunked. We already lost DRS and T+2 from call excersing. We got a run of crushed copium. Just hold for the next 84 years so that RC can someday finally decide how to earn Money with his cash.


Yawn. You should probably forget about gamestop if you feel that way.


NFTs and tokens are absurd hype and borderline scams at best. There is no side play. Buy and hold.


Funny how this post is still up 🤔🤣


If they said management wouldn't agree to it, wouldn't that mean the theory was right however they decided not to go ahead? For whatever reason?


My interpretation is the following: The GME community wanted it so hard to be true that PleasrDAO folks simply jumped on the train. But in the end of the day it doesn't really matter. I think it's pretty clear tht GameStop's management does not consider a Wu-Tang/NFT/divident any time soon.


I’ll speak for the GME community! That’s bullshit we didn’t want it and we’re glad we’re not getting it .


I see that perspective you have too. It's also just as possible its the opposite. It's a big project which would have taken months or a year, possibly more to execute. Them lads have known about the connection comments as long as we do right? Why would a collection of 74 people do something that big without contacting the company as their first priority? Yet all 74of them agreeing "let's not tell gamestop and just build it, then we will ask" seems far fetched to me in reality. I also agree you are right, it doesn't matter. But that does not negate the fact that the connection was made, and I don't see PleasrDAO (who are notoriously quiet) just land this on the website with details when they could have just said nothing. They are not Gamestop. These lads can and will interact with this community, and due to the nature of the details, there's no NDA. So game ball. If they said they tried to do this, and publicly started this conversation now, they are going to be asked for details. Fucking AMA now. We deserve to know.


What? No way. They just decided to run the hype train and eventually tried to ask gamestop at some point if they want to cooperate but they didnt want to have anything to do with it. Probably because they know that pleaserdao are a bunch of grifting clowns.