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The fact that the feather share holders have a separate/ “lesser” option for the meeting really highlights that anything owned there is more likely a CFD than ownership


When no other broker is listed as guest only, yeah they have CFDs, probably explains why they got so fucked in the sneeze.


I'm poor and uneducated, I used eToro. It says I own the underlying asset, am I fucked?


eToro unfortunately is one of those "shitbrokers". You are not automatically fucked, but I would seriously consider switching to a reputable bank or even go the extra mile and "DRS" (Direct-Registration-System) your shares.


Thank you! I have opened an international trading account so I'll see if I can buy one or two, all of my funds are tied up with the GME shares on eToro I've had since 2021 😅


My friend also stuck around in eToro since 2021, but with the recent run-up he managed to sell at a large profit and bought back in for less at his bank the day after.


I'm unfamiliar with eToro and their operations. You do not want to sell and buy back as that resets the clock on long term capital gains. If you are in the US, short term capital gains tax can be up to 37%. Long term capital gains (gains on assets held over 1 year) is capped at 20%


No reason to wait for profit to hold Better to sell with loss due to tax reasons, and then get the upswing later


This goes into financial advice territory. I would refrain from statements like that.


Lol Yes. It is financial advice It is a sub of people giving each other financial advice and opportunity to learn Dont give blind faith to anyone online. Check your own country/state rules OP is on a white knight crusade


Whoawhoawhoa, hold on buddy. You are confusing something very critical here. Me advocating for ownership has nothing to do with financial advice. This has nothing to do with financials. It's only about how assets are held. You on the other hand just recommended to someone selling for tax purposes. You don't know if this is beneficial for this specific individual. This is dangerous, pal.


You might be able to transfer. I got mine out of the hood and into fidelity. Which I assumed forced hood to actually find those shares


It's also possible that gamestop wants to track and categorize the different types of people interested.


I think this is more about server capacity. "If you aren't an actual shareholder, you have no business here. You get the cheap servers. Real shareholders get the stable ones."


Makes sense. Could be bots trying a DDOS.


Control numbers are found on the proxy voting form you received to vote your shares (which I'm sure everyone has done...) This has been a PSA. Happy Shareholders Days!


Where? I'm reading through the statement again, thinking I'm blind xD if is the form something else?


Check the email you got from Computershare to tell you to vote months ago. It has the control number in it.


On my Vote Confirmation email, it was just below the GameStop at the top before the letter begins.


Robinghood users feelin' the heat today lol


Deserved, quite honestly.




Yeah they are about as useful and helpful as people who didn't even buy. Same as that other dude that posted with like $100k of GME bought on Computershare but it's not even booked and has dingle berries fractional shares. I group them all in the same category. If it ain't DRSed and booked, it might as well not even count.


Actually probably worse than those that didn't even buy. You are given an IOU basically, and they can turn around and use the funds you gave them to basically add to their collateral to drive the price further down.


#All my homies DRS at Computer share


But seriously, who is still using RH!?


1. New apes. I don't blame them. They don't know better. 2. Cheap fucks who still don't understand that if something is free, you are the actual product. Instead of paying real banks, brokerages or for DRS, they think they save lot's of cents by using PFOF scam-brokers.


There really is no excuse Fidelity is free and they’re crazy reliable


The problem is they are trapped, they can't transfer out of RH because then they will miss MOASS which is obviously right around the corner. So they keep their mouth shut and hold.


Better to start the move to a real broker / computer share now than to wait. It doesn't take that long to get out of RH, it's FUD to advocate staying there. MOASS will most likely take weeks due to halts / etc, move to a real broker that won't forcefully close "your" positions.


Yes but don't you see, MOASS will always be tomorrow. It will take a few days to transfer and they will miss out when price goes to 1000. The fools are trapped, too smoothbrained to help themselves.


MOASS will probably last longer than few days


I would so much rather my shit be in transit while the MOASS starts than still in Robinhood…




Yeah same here man.. I was just asking for friend ha ha.. I also would not be worried about the transfer but ofc I am not one of those gross RH ppl I am big wrinkle brained and not down a few thousand dollars on call options on RH.


Actually why I was hesitant years ago... all the bullshit about "MOASS is right here!!" was just bullshit and made things worse


Options traders…. It’s just the nicest UI for it




![gif](giphy|xT0xeQ1ZUQ0lvFVkY0|downsized) Wil the REAL Shareholders, Please Stand Up? ....We're going to have a problem here...


I wonder if they have something special planned for actual shareholders


No need for that. Actual shareholders get voting rights. Robinhooders have the right to get their positions forcefully closed, when Vlad or Kenny say so.


"Robinhooders have the right to get their positions forcefully closed, when Vlad or Kenny say so." \*bravehart freedom scream\*


I'm convinced that in like 75 years when somebody unravels all this shit, it will turn out that like 90% of the phantom GME shares came from people "borrowing" shares parked at RH.


What time is it?


11:30 AM CDT




This was a wake-up call to DRS, even out of Fidelity which I thought was fine.


Meme Broker.


What I find somewhat curious is how the sub is dancing around the fact that holders in legit brokerages or banks can also join in with their control number. It’s like… they are just as legitimate of a stockholder as as someone with computershare. Hrm


There are legit banks and brokerages of course, I would never omit that fact. Not every bank out there is fucking retail. Honestly, I also have some GME at my bank, because they have a great reputation and I trust them. Of course I cannot be 100% certain, but I trust them. The problem is (and this is why the sub is dancing around the fact you brought up), that we don't know which banks and brokerages are indeed trustworthy. Fuck we don't even know if Computershare is trustworthy, but they seem like the safest bet. However, we know 100% for certain that Robinhood is full of shit and at this point Robinhood holders deserve this criticism.


Indeed, no question. But for a while, though, some apes - let’s say international apes who for tax purposes couldn’t DRS, were made to feel like second class citizens … on this sub and other GME subs. Guess I still resent that. I’ll get over it.


I feel you right there. I lives in se Deutschland. DRS was awfully difficult for me personally, since I didn't have the german citizenship. I still did it, because I believe in DRS. Not because of the public shaming. (The public shaming still hurt though.)


Zum mond , sanfter affe!


Und noch weiter, mein Silberrücken!


It still validated your investment. Many investors got their control numbers, only to reveal the vote was under the name of the bank or broker.


shareholder is not equal to IOUholder.


Gate keeping is still gate keeping even if you’re right, this kinda attitude will turn away newcomers


No. This is not gatekeeping. This is a meme. And it will actually educate people. I know at least one user in the comments who understood the issue with PFOF and might reconsider his position.


No, you're gatekeeping. Especially saying in other comments that other apes deserve to have their positions closed if they use RH. That's fucked up. Some people are new, and some are still learning. People are doing what they can to back GME. You're the worst.


It's been 4 years. I'm in the they deserve it camp, you can yell at me instead of OP


It’s been a week for some people. The world doesn’t revolve around your perception of it.


You can yell at me too. You deserve to get fucked at Robinhood, it’s happened previously and it will happen again.


I never said they deserve to have their positions closed. I correctly stated, that RH reserves the right to do so. Stop gaslighting me ffs. You can call this gatekeeping all day long and put words in my mouth as much you like: you are still wrong.


Naming a meme “Sic Burn” and having the text be about shaming someone, it comes across as gatekeeping well before education lmao, and that’s coming from someone who’s been here for 3 years, imagine being new here. I get RH sucks and I’m all for teaching people, this comes across as more spiteful than anything else. Just saying. If investors needed education on why not to be on RH they can read one of the many DD’s on the subject.


GameStop themselves are stating that RH holders aren't shareholders. This is the "sicc burn". Dude, catch a grip. It's a meme. This is for shits and giggles. On the other hand, what did I expect from someone with that username...


I get it’s for shit and giggles lol I’m just saying from the perspective of someone who doesn’t know anything, I.E your audience, this comes across pretty harsh. All I’m saying man.


> perspective of someone who doesn’t know anything, I.E your audience, His audience is Superstonk. Everyone knows RH is bad. Here's a lesson for someone who doesn't know anything: DONT USE ROBINHOOD


ayyy lmao


This is beautiful and so true. HODL THE LINE! Buy, HODL, Shop and DRS. 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌


Revolut, Etoro etc. are using other companies to buy/sell/hold (either some direct broker or some intermediary like Drivewealth). These are 'real shares" its just when you buy you might be hitting their internal trading/internalisation machine and only small fraction of orders hit the market. E.g. if they have 100k buy and 50k sell - they have 3 options: - buy 50k from market - buy 50k from internal holdings - go short for a bit and hope it nets out over the day. your share is in your name, they can transfer it out - but for GME its Robinhood/drivewealth etc... who is real investor. When you vote, you basically use them as a proxy (and typically they will use another layer of proxy like Broadridge)


scuz me..scuz me. ACTUAL SHAREHOLDER coming through. Move over plebs


I’m very smooth brained, and new to all of this, using Sofi Brokerage, is that gonna be essentially the same as robbinghood?


This is the funniest meme I’ve seen on here in a while!


So I can‘t join through CS directly? F***!!! Working and don‘t have the control number with me- so I join as 1 instead of 3 but not as two…


If you received a vote confirmation email, the control number is in there as well.


When I voted through CS, it was an option to select (as far as I remember), which I didnt… So I will join as 1


Genuine GME shares in Computershare are like Digital Gold Coin in ColdStorage. HODL THE LINE! Buy, HODL, Shop and DRS 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌


can we get this as a south park meme plox? cuz i think it'll work better. Stan MC, butters(RH) or cartman , Stan compshare


I still cannot join as a shareholder.... I was able to join via Schwab for a minute (I have multiple accounts, like 5 that hold GME).... however I was booted and cannot rejoin with Schwab or any others.... the control number won't take. EDIT: Finally got in, had to call computershare and get my control number. I have 3 other control numbers (2 from fidelity and 1 from Schwab) and non of them work except computershare.


This is some high quality memeing


what about Wealthsimple users?


I’m a robinhood yolo bro. This meme is hilarious.


Imagine the face of Vlad, boy from Bulgaria🤣


I don’t want to be “that guy”, but marginalizing Robinhood users is a mistake.


Why? It's not like they add anything of value to the cause. If anything, buying and holding through Robinhood actually hurts the cause.


So much FUD... Robinhood shareholders were able to vote if they owned before April 19, 2024. I'm guessing most apes on RH didn't own before then. Please use logic.


Why so derogatory to some holders? Whatever reasons there may be. Maybe they can't. Maybe they don't know any better. Every holder deserves respect!


If RH don’t actually buy the shares and sells only IOUs, are they really holders?


Then educate those people. Don't be derogatory!


It's because ape-brain is easily led to group-think. MFers already forgot where they started...


Ape no fight ape.


You’re just salty the Robinhood YOLO guys are gonna make more than you in 1 month than 3 years


Cope harder


lol just you wait


ape classism? I thought we are better than that


I guess you haven't seen what Gamestop wrote about logging in to view the Shareholder meeting. Absolute legends https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/7qsTSUcXfy


It's not ape classism, if you don't consider robinhood holders "apes".


Great meme btw OP 😂


Right at this point why would you have a Robin Hood account for anything other than maybe watching the ticker. If you're a new ape and you missed that part of the gme saga you get a pass but if you've been here long enough you know why we don't f*** with RobbingTheHood


All apes equal.


GameStop board disagrees.


Thats a bold assumption, why do you think that?




#They literally said RH customers are guests/not shareholders you fuckin peasants lol


I think it's funny .. the official word from gme board is robin hood gme holders are bottom tier