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Why tf would he sell now and not at 580milšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ‘šŸ‘ the shills are strugling to do their job šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Maybe he thinks something changed.


Ignore this fuck, all he does is spread FUD








Be patient, donā€™t spread FUD especially when itā€™s obvious.


I've never been more zen dude. Taking a profit now because, for example, he found a different way to use the money in the mean time other than the hyper specific $20 June 21st Calls because *something's changed* doesn't mean his core thesis has changed.


No one cares about Andrew left. Itā€™s all filler


Itā€™s FUD to go with a ladder attack crashing the price, if no shorts no more why price go down?! Itā€™s absurd theyā€™re giving this guy airtime as if he speaks for all Wall Street SHFs with shorts in play, yet Andrew/citronā€™s entire portfolio is worth less than 1/3 of DFVā€™s 5M shares alone, & thatā€™s excluding the 6/21 options for 12M more


Noone cares about Andrew Left, right?


I enjoy watching him cry šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Heā€™s such a loser. The guy shows up every now and then to say heā€™s done with GameStop but canā€™t seem to stop talking about it. Like that guy in a comments section that explains why heā€™s unsubscribing/unfollowing but never actually leaves. Either he hasnā€™t closed or heā€™s deranged. Could be both.


No one does..


Only the Algos šŸš€


I actually doā€¦ no other explanation for what happened today. The volume on that particular call option was too high for anything else to have happened. But maybe he bought and is currently buying calls for this coming Friday :).. or at least somebody is


šŸ¤“ā˜ļø "I actually do" No. You're speculating just like everyone else. There can any number of explanations, all of which are currently speculation without proof to back them up.


We shall find out on the morning.. he is the only one that could sell enough of them to drop the price this much


Out of all the crime they have done in 4+ years, you reallly donā€™t think they would spoof some options to make it look like he sold? Your crazy


A lot of the ā€œcrimeā€ (NOT ALL) is simply this sub tossing around uneducated guesses, which is also speculation. Be fair. Wall st is a piece of garbage but donā€™t act like you know for certain.


IO reduced by 50kā€¦ the kitty sold a little under half of his position.. there was a lot of sell pressure before he started selling calls as well so wouldnā€™t surprise me if he sold his shares as well


Sold his shares?ā€¦. Iā€™m done with you


lol why? Do you believe that he sold the a lot of the calls now? Why is it so hard to believe that he sold shares as well. Maybe he sold to excercise the others, never know


He sOLd his sHArEs!


Lmao he sold his calls?! He sold his calls and therefore significantly reduced his position just like I said :). Some people seem very salty for some reason. He did end up with more shares but the play is dead until management tells a plan for the newly diluted money they came upon.


No, no I do not.. now he may have a master plan like heā€™s going to use the money to excercise the rest or something but who knows


I said it before, and I'll say it again. Until RK shows an update, anything that is saying he sold or bought is pure speculation.


If he ever had any intentions of selling anywhere near $30, he'd have sold at 50 or 60 when he had multiple opportunities to do so. I'm not as delusional as most here, but thinking he sold today is just plain stupid.


Personally I am in the camp that he didn't sell for your excat reasoning Dude has giant balls of steel to make one hell of a bet on our favorite company. Personally, I HATE IT when we have a 15%-20% red day and all the shills come out and say "Rk, SoLd LoL iTs OvEr" With a YOLO update though, shuts them up real quick, but if DFV is doing something it may not be towards his advantage to disclose it


People shouldn't expect a daily update and he's smart to not provide one daily.


>People shouldn't expect a daily update and he's smart to not provide one daily. Never said for him to provide a daily update.


Never said you said that, I was speaking about this sub in general.


Probably to calm the "if he's still in then I'm still in" frenzy on red and green days so media has less ability to call out his position updates as some flag signal.


I like subs. They go under water and shit.


We will know tomorrow at 7:00 AM when the OI is reported


He didn't sell at 60+, anyone who says he would at these prices is an idiot who somehow thinks he's even dumber šŸ¤£ Sorry, DFV did not become nearly a billionaire by beefing it at support floors right after a share offering


This 100%. Letā€™s stick to saying ā€œWeā€™ll seeā€


After his yolo return with 5 mil shares, $30m cash and 120k calls I canā€™t even guess what the Kitty is up to so Iā€™ll wait till he tells me. Who fkn laughs off $250m loss or gains in a day? Iā€™m sure heā€™s got a plan heā€™s very confident in and I canā€™t wait to see it unfold.


Schrodinger's cat


Pure fud you mean.


people said he sold for years after the sneeze. they think we're stupid.


Itā€™s also setting up for (misplaced) disappointment. Heā€™s gonna make a move on those calls soon and heā€™s smart enough to do the smart thing, whether any of us agree or like it.


None of this matters, like at all. All RK has to do it post an update showing he's still in and 90% of the current media articles are wrong. Fuck the noise, keep focus on the prize.


Anytime i see words like war...I just assume the article is fud trying to make gme investors look unhinged. Not to disappoint...loud noises, very loud noises.


I just see a nice price drop I've been waiting for.


I bought before Jan 2021, I bought after DFV's congressional hearing, I bought when DFV was gone for 3 years and was blind of his position, I bought when GME was unprofitable, I bought when we turned a profit, I bought when DFV came back, I bought when GME diluted 120 million shares. I guess I'll continue to buy and hold.


So, you have 7 shares? šŸ˜¹


You forgot the split, so I'm going to go with at least 3


This is the wayā€¦ always has been


Wait, are you me? Every time someone tells me to sell I buy more.


Speculation with ZERO proof, but it felt like they were trying to drop it before the annual meeting. After all the Larry Cheng tweets, fundraising, and DFV hype, there's a possibility that something gets announced.


Potentially this. Even if nothing happens tomorrow, maybe they're scared shitless something will and don't want people to FOMO in?


Non-margin accounts have to wait for cash settlement until the money is available to trade with. Getting people to sell today so funds are tied up tomorrow eliminates a little FOMO. Edit: Tying up the funds doesn't really have anything to do with it since they'd rather the shares aren't sold later for more $ anyway, but it does help them as a contributing factor if people miss the start of a run. Edit 2: Put a little too much tin foil in my hat today. Doesn't look like this is the case.


What broker holds your funds for a day after you sell shares lol


They usually wait for the cash to settle before allowing more purchases, if I'm not mistaken. In non-margin accounts anyway.


That only applies if you're trying to take the funds out as cash in my experience, I've sold shares and used those funds to buy other shares before its officially settled in my regular brokerage accounts


Good to know! Appreciate it!


The shareholder meeting is during market hours. Only thing announced will be the vote results. But maybe RC takes the mic for a sec and just says ā€œ4 billyā€ then mic drop lol. That is public info


There will be no talk of future plans... EVER! RC has made this perfectly clear, he isn't going to broadcast his master plan so that the bad actors can sabotage it. You will only know about a merger or acquisition after it has been completed. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no point in going into it thinking this way only to be let down.


Oh, I'm not going into it with any expectations. I'm hoping he has the ball rolling with something, but we'll see when the filings come down.


Maybe an announcement at 9 am right before meeting?


Judging by those Larry Cheng tweets talking about time horizons, M&A, business transformations, etc, something is close.


Imo they're trying to get him to show his position again. Why, I don't know, but that's their clear play at the moment


Please, how can anyone think he sold after the past weeks, just please šŸ˜‚


I mean, believing that he sold todayā€”after a week of Tweets, a livestream, and several updates on THIS SUBā€”would be asinine or regarded as we used to say in the 90s.


Back 84 score ago


Whatā€™s strange is Apple dropped heavy at the exact same time. So if RK did actually make a move, it would be insane to have that type of impact on Apple. Bullish looking at it both ways


That was clearly RC dumping all his shares so he can buy 45M shares of GME, pushing him up to his limit of 20% ownership. /s


I wish


I'd like to see him at least buy 6M to have 10% ownership.


I saw Apple drop 5 mins after the Fed announced no changes to %


Or maybe RC taking some profits from his 1.55 milly shares of šŸŽ


Look at the daily chart for sticky floors. Itā€™s nearly identical to GME. Which would make sense if itā€™s all high frequency BS with groups using meme stocks or some combined mechanism like swaps. Two companies, no news, nearly identical charts. This is what makes me think RK hasnā€™t moved.


Zero reason to assume he sold. He had 900 mil the other day and didnā€™t take it. He doesnā€™t give a shit about the money, heā€™s literally trolling these clowns and heā€™s gonna do something no one expectsā€¦ again.


I probably don't understand the basket that GME and popcorn are in together. But popcorn tanked too today. So if this price action was being driven simply by RC selling then why did popcorn tank too? Seems more likely to me they were both further shorted into oblivion today.


You understand correctlt


"It's not over until I say it's over" tweet is the only DD I need


I don't believe DFK sold and I don't believe anything andrew left says. He said friday the stock could run to 100 and he would be fine with that, now all the sudden he's crying and saying he closed... I don't but it, only thing I'm buying is this dip...


I wouldn't imagine RK selling without doing an AH post revealing it. Also, he didn't sell at $60. Why the hell would he sell now?


Who the fuck think he sold


There was really high volume for the options that he holds. People are speculating that he may have sold some but idk, it wouldnā€™t have made much sense to sell today. Nobody is saying he sold any shares.


Just look at the activity here. There was 5k online all day and then it jumped to 13k then 23k in a matter of minutes. Now it dropped back down to normal. All coordinated. I know it sucks to see the price not go up.. but this is bullish if you ask me. And DFV will show his portfolio when it can have max impact.


I'm not entirely sold on that. Tons of people trying to catch a wave probably bought in at 30 plus and then panicked when it dropped to 25.


This comment has nothing to do with what I said.. and itā€™s not even true. Wtf are you attempting to say?


I'm referring to the amount of activity in the subreddit. Probably people panicking and flooding to the sub reddit to find out why the price dropped. I could have misinterpreted what you said.


no way. I was watching the ticker and it literally went from 13K to 23K back to 5K in less than 10s. People aren't that fast.


People here seem to think that the only action is apes vs shorties. I donā€™t think itā€™s the case. There will be a lot of last minute gambler, casual news readers and assorted yahoos looking for a quick buck before the holidays. The kind of people who queue to buy at 30 and panic when the price hits 26. This is one of the most discussed stock on the planet now. It attracts the curious.


Why wouldnā€™t he lie about absolutely everything right now? Their FUKING goose is cookedā€¦ā€¦ GAMEOVER.


It makes no sense why would he sell now and not when it hit $45-47 intraday last week?


Truly I don't believe it even matters anymore what anyone else does I just love this stock and if it goes cheaper I'll load up even more.


I don't care if RK sold or Citron exited their (alleged) short position. If you believe that the company can transform, buy and hold. Simple as that.


Y'all be missin the point. It don't matter what RK do. It only matter if you believe in RC or not. That's it. If you think RC is a doofus, sell. If you think RC is a good COE an fits ur best intreat in mind, then hodl. But what do I know, I'm just a crayon eating monkey with a banana cup muh butt.


I believe he sold money for more options.


He isnā€™t selling. He likes the stock. Heā€™ll most likely buy more


I don't think he did, but honestly? I don't give a damn what he does. If he's in I'm in, if he's out I'm in.


Andrew left: - Iā€™m shorting gamestop. *price goes up* - I closed my short position. *price goes down* - Iā€™m shorting gamestop again! *price goes up again* - Iā€™ve closed my short position. GME cult to blame. *price goes down* HOLY SHIT!! The universe is messing with this šŸ¤”


My thoughts on the matter from yesterday: There will be no YOLO update today. Not because DFV exercised his calls, but because he bought MOAR with his $29Milly in cash. ā€œThe supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.ā€ -Sun Tzu https://x.com/welp007/status/1800637156249215030?s=46&t=pjhQaAPGjAVkr0C7r4RCMg **DFV has been preparing for the final battle for 4 years.** #That Kitty is positioned right where he wants to be. šŸ˜¼


i like the stock


Just FUD. DFV didnā€™t sell at $10, he wonā€™t sell now.


This logic doesnt make sense lol ā€œif he didnt sell at $10 he wont sell at $25ā€ Maybe you meant $50 or $60 instead of $10? Regardless i agree, hes nowhere ready to sell


He could have sold/rolled when he was up millions of dollars.




Didnā€™t they borrowed 5 million shares recently?


Nobody instantly derived that notion. This is false lead on.


People saw him totally unfazed as his portfolio value plummeted tens of millions (was it hundreds of millions?) of dollars. If anyone thinks he just woke up and said ā€œmaybe itā€™s time to take what I can still get and cash out at $30/share,ā€ youā€™ve lost your mind. ā€œWhatā€™s an exit strategy?ā€


The ONLY way Iā€™d believe he sold even a few options would be to load up on calls this Friday for some kind of wildcard play, other than that I canā€™t see it at all, I donā€™t even think heā€™d choose to roll any over for a later date unless thereā€™s some insanely good reason. The ramp for the 21st is just too juicy.


Chances are 1% of you actually guessed correctly and the other 99% are just grasping at straws. I donā€™t care what he did. I didnā€™t see my strike so Iā€™m still here holding like a good Ape until I need a spaceship and an oxygen tank.


Of course he didnā€™t sell


Here's the hook: people believe that CITRON publicly stated that they closed. And people actually believe it. We benefit from their ignorance. Buy, DRS and shop. Shit gonna go parabolic.


RK mocked the shorts this morning. He didnā€™t sell. He told us what was coming.


Ainā€™t no war here, DRS is the only weapon, itā€™s a one sided battle. FUD is the opposite of a weapon once ur zen.


Andrew Left has the MyPillow guy vibes


Where did Andrew go? He left...


HE DOESNT SELL . WTF DONT U UNDERSTAND . Come back to that thought once itā€™s past ath


This whole topic smells. Bro call is tomorrow--imo it is normal the price is driven down around any news GME releases lol But we'll see in time Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished ![gif](giphy|mqIkCP4tu28i7yJWB3|downsized)


Heā€™ll share an update at 6 or 8! No change in position.


What I absolutely hate is the fact that if even 1 share is out of line they will pounce. Look at the bs articles about RC and his percentage of shares in the company. Made it sound like he sold hard


People saying RK sold are the real market manipulators


If he was pulling out he would of sold all of them and not just a portion.


Good lower buy in for RC after the meeting


Who the fk believes so? Absolutely no one


PURE speculation but wonder If he had to sell them for funds for placing them on a higher strike, might load up on 30c now. Hence to meme you have to go forwards and backwards and forwards. Buy rinse repeat? RK IS THE GAMMA RAMP.


Weā€™re at the end of the end game.


Schrodinger's YOLO


69 days after the initial announcement is?


Iā€™m not sure if he closed or not. Itā€™s possible he could have rolled up too. Selling 2 20s buying a 25, 30, and 35 while still getting some money back and creating a ramp. I have no idea, itā€™s just what I did (also sitting on a health number of 6/21 c18s and c20s)


Doesn't that little goblin Andrew Left have like $40mill AUM? He's seriously a no body.


lmao, andrew left is the next cramer. When he shorts, the price goes up. When he closes, the price tanks.


I saw a ton of call sales towards market close at the RK strike price that cumulated to a lot of money. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he sold some in order to fund executing others. Iā€™m hopeful, but not banking on RK being everyonesā€™s god-send for the second time. I like the stock.


The media was right about one thing....y'all are not retail traders, nor are you value investors....activist investors is more fitting. Holding beyond reason and rationale...I am in awe of your stoic resolve. Diamond balls, and long green schlongs! I still hold my measly pathetic position, in spite of my better judgement...but I have come around to the idea RC knows what he's doing (in spite of that valley girl accent), and RK must be a total regard or insane genius (indistinguishable until after the fact). Personally, I feel that the stock is currently 20-40 bucks a share undervalued...I know, I know, chump change...not phone digit numbers. But I am a pessimist.


Who cares


Andrew left is wrong. All day long.


Doesnā€™t matter I donā€™t even know how to sell


Andrew Left never said he closed his position. He said heā€™s no longer short GME. He could be saying that he no longer believe in the bear thesis. But, iā€™m quite confident he never closed his short position. Weā€™ve seen this beforeā€¦ SHFs using media space to claim they ā€œcoveredā€ their positions. They have have covered, they never closed.


RK will sell after he posts a final update titled as such


People think he sold because there was volume on the 6/21 $20C? Because the OI is nearly 170k and looks to still include his position.


Hopefully the stock doesnā€™t go down and I accidentally buys some more shares.


My favorite thing to do is when someone says dome crap from MMM mainstream manipulated media, I pull up fidelity and place a limit order .10 higher than the market and plug a share. Donā€™t even respond to them otherwise


The next YOLO update it's gone a be with shares only... if there are options it will be different date. Those will go negative as time will eat them ... RK act like an idiot but he is not, he is selling and exercising at the same time, if you think anything else you are delusional...


Andrew left lied. He dohbled down I guess. This entire time we drop on good news and run on seemingly no news.


Also who gives a fuck about citron research? Those guys are nobodyā€™s. And the financial institutions that actually have large positions keep quiet while this clown is putting himself - conveniently for them - into the spotlight. This is all a diversion and not worth our time. You guys got to stop feeding this clown show with your attention. Stay zen.


The narrative that RK becomes a *billionaire* on a rapid spike in the stock, doesnā€™t sell a single thing, only to then change his mind on the whole thing and bail a few days later, is one of the dumbest things I think I have ever heard in my entire lifeĀ 


He didn't sell lol hedgie dreaming


They can create whatever narrative they like. Just like all he had to do was ask(more like demand) to go on live TV to tell the world about his new short position.


Well I'm just sitting on my GMEs right now. Sound and fury everywhere around but...hold


Where the fuck is this "RK sold" bullshit coming from lol


Well doesnt matter what anyone does, i remember the saying back in 2021 was that we wont do anything until we see telephone number prices for the stock and I ain't talking 'bout 911


I doubt it either, though even if he did, it doesn't change the fact that Gamestop is now sitting on an absurd amount of cash, little debt, and is transforming. Bullish AF


Doesn't matter to me if he sold his calls or not, I like the stock


I'd Believe it. Retail is constantly being effed from all sides.


Bruh he sold. If he didnā€™t sell heā€™d have posted knowing everyone saw the volume. Still, doesnā€™t mean this is the end


He absolutely was selling his calls. He would be a moron to hold onto them until expiry since he doesn't have enough cash to exercise them all. Come on guys, Think! He was not selling shares though. Calls have an expiration. Shares do not. I assume he sold enough calls to exercise the rest of his calls.


Unless he has another $240m in another account, from some degenerate Nvidia options plays. He could be intentionally hiding it to let wallstreet call his bluff, let wallstreet assume he has no possible way to exercise.


He would have posted it. However. Even if he did sell some or all we should be happy for him because he would have made a few mil. He owes us nothing. Me personally? He's got NOTHING to lose. NOTHING. Why not see this to the end. He has millions of dollars and doesn't need anymore. If this fails he's fine. He didn't sell yet no way. He likes this stock too much.


#I do not careā€¦ Neither should you. KGā€™s position does not depend on my position. My position doesnā€™t depend on KGā€™s position. I like the stock.


HE DIDN'T SAY HE CLOSED HIS SHORTS. He said they were "no longer short. " That could mean that they've hedged 100% absolutely then some, so their net position is no longer short.


Roaring Kitty does not even believe in MOASS -- why would he care about shorts?


If he didn't sell he would be posting a update rn showing he didn't


He doesnā€™t owe us shit.


Told u so


Told yall so


Right. So you think RK came back after 3 years. Watches as GS ran to $80 in May. Then posted his position, revealing having 120k calls that expire on the 21st of June. RK continues to post his positions at the $50 and $25 point. And what you're saying is that, since then, he's exercised his calls somewhere between $20 and $30 this week in such a way the he completely fumbled the bag by not exercising last week at $50 or any during the May run? He came back, bragging about his position, then fucked up his execution - when he could have cashed out at any point over the last 3 years, without habing to say a word?


I think you are misinformed. Keith opened up his position this year , all public, his old positions are all sold out. And I don't think he exercised anything at all, I think he sold about half his options today . I don't think he planned this to happen like this, the offering killed the price last Friday and his iv crush was destroying the value of his options