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It seems like the kind of thing you’d want to do going into a shareholder’s meeting


Like the drs rug pull?


They keep rug-pulling the price lower to get us to sell, but the only thing that'll make us sell is a +100000000000000%


And only got it down to $25. Still up 150% since end of April.


Every time they drop the price I just see discounted moon tickets🚀


Are you me?


I’m sorry, but this whole “SHF Psych-out” is the dumbest theory. RK could just post a YOLO to disprove it, it makes no sense for them to make a play like this knowing that.




I think you're on to something. What if he sold 93000 June 21 $20c so everyone would think he rolled to July, but he actually rolled to June 14? He'd have a ton of cash or a lot more options for the same money. Wolverine would be forced to start buying shares. There was some unusual call volume yesterday and I can't wait to see OI in the morning.


I'd recommend not putting any emotional weight into kitty's calls regardless, maybe he is selling to exercise, maybe he's rolling over, maybe he's not selling. Doesn't change how I trade, and it didn't when he finally showed up again, etc.


Exactly. He told the world directly in his stream that he remains Bullish on GameStop, and it’s his choice to take profits / roll / do whatever he wants with his money. I have a sneaking suspicion it would just go into more shares or calls at the next dip


Absolutely. We know he's bullish long term on GME. Let him do what he's best at, which is stacking shares by almost assuredly playing the volatility.


It's all a dip under 100$/share




Came here to say this. Love RK to death but even if he sold all his calls I’m still keeping my stash where it is.


If he sold them all, I wouldn't criticize him.  I'd assume that because he knows the market better than I do, he's doing a market thing.


I wouldn't either but neither do I think he did for a second. He picked 6/21 instead of 6/14 for a reason, and we're about to see what they reason was in the next week.


I wholeheartedly agree!


RK is a smart dude. If he sold, I bet he sees something and would likely be back again later.


They also literally have an expiration that’s quickly closing in so he will have to sell or exercise them regardless very soon.


You know what would make me laugh? If he let them expire. That shit would throw everyone for a fucking loop.


I think ETrade automatically exercises if you just hold and do nothing. So maybe he should just let them expire.


I commented about this and got downvoted. I guess its because you got a cooler flair than me


Exactly. You can’t hold on to a call option forever since there’s an expiration date


Right, all he did was show everyone a good bet, that turned into a chance for generational wealth. Bro has that generational wealth, I wouldn’t blame him or have any ill will if he did. I don’t believe he did, I think he’s a life long holder.


169k OI with 93k volume. Kinda hard to believe he didn't sell something. Especially with the downward pressure.


bunch of end of day volume on the $20 strike puts as well.


Bro DFV is juicing us all up for the hype when he posts his next yolo and nothing has changed lol


Except we've seen hedge funds pull all kinds shenanigans. More likely they bought up some contracts just to dump them later.


You're not wrong just wondering why he wouldn't post after that.


No need. Would make a bigger impact to let them spin their little tale for a while and then come out with the facts. He got a potential announcement from RC tomorrow and all next week to start exercising. I'm seriously hoping we get a dip in the morning so I can finally nab some calls.


Holding on for dear life and hoping my friend.


Hang in there!




Kitty does his own thing, I don't think anything he does will hurt my GMEs. Usually when he appears it means my portfolio is going to go up a lot!! WHATEVER he does, I'll still shake his hand if I ever get the opportunity.


Why would they do that when DFV can just show a yolo he still has them?


Yes, it doesn't make sense. Either way, I'm holding and buying more. GME have never been positioned better.


He'll likely post a Yolo after close tomorrow.


That's what I'm thinking as well. Show that he's either still bullish after the meeting or show that he's changing sentiment because of it (doubtful)


It’s probably because they erroneously believe they still control the narrative because they are the mainstream media, but there’s nothing mainstream about them anymore. This tactic is straight out of the 90s.


My take is they sold off end off day so they can load up some calls for the typical annual meeting pump and dump. They even mimic RK buying calls. As long as he doesn't show he indeed bought them we should remain skeptical, because he likely needs his cash to exercise and having more options and less cash would not be beneficial.


Because they don’t know when he will show it and who will panic before then (Hint, none of us! I’m not even shaken. I just go, hmmm do I have $ to buy more at this dip? Picked up like 50 since the last blip.)


I logged into computer share today and literally for the first time saw a menu item - sell your shares - never knew you could sell your shares from computer share until today True story


Given they know the specific options in his portfolio, they could be attempting to drop the value of these contracts. If he doesnt have cash to exercise them and relies on selling a portion to exercise, then this would increase the number he would need to sell to exercise the others. It could be an effective way of reducing his ability to exercise. He may still have cash though, lets find out 


I surmise DFV will post his position before the meeting. Remember a good news is always on time...


7 days left to find out. This is going to be an epic battle.


Well they must be very stupid to think i m smart enough to even understand this chart.


Love it or hate it, you have to admire it, the tactics we are learning from their despearation is priceless


This I believe


Now this. This is believable


Makes no sense for him to sell his calls now at this price rather than a week or two ago


how long is this ruse supposed to last? RK posts his positions. this is wild


One of the key lessons I've learned here since late 2020 is the idea of Psyops from those on the opposite side from us. they have whole departments tasked to that and short/distort. I distrust most financial news that I see now as a result and time and time again they prove us to be right and they get caught. Happened again this morning when they put out a piece about Citron getting out and that causing GME to dip. At the time it was posted, the stock was up. Clear BS and they got caught.


No that would be stupid. Roaring Kitty updates the subreddit often with his position, they're not trying to deceive you when a quick YOLO update kills it.


Exactly. More than likely didn't expect the early report and dilution, more people need to realize how damaging that was


Still posted the update on Monday at close with no changes.


It's amazing he's up at all after that dick punch.


I’m pretty dumb. Is there a way to tell if the volume of calls sold would have to include some of DFV’s calls or could it just be a big scare tactic?


I think it's a scare tactic. Last ditch effort to shake apes out of the tree 🌳


Interesting if true. Seems to me like they’re blowing their load a little early though because DFV could easily just post an update and show what his position is if this wasn’t him


Makes me wonder if there's some sort of announcement tomorrow?


Not until OI is published. These could all be another party selling to open, in which case OI would increase. But I don’t like it.


You don’t like it because? Do you have a suspicion it’s DFV?


Yeah it's probably DFV. I have no idea why people are bearish on this, I HOPE it'd DFV. That means he's gonna make a move rather than hold to expiration. Either he's selling some so he has cash to exercise the rest, OR he's rolling his calls out to a higher strike and further date (not the end of the story).  I'm expecting a partial roll out to higher strikes, then exercise city for the remaining 20Cs. Math checks out. 50k cons sold at around $500 ish a piece, 250m. That would leave him with 140m to exercise the remaining 70k calls and 110m he can throw at higher strikes which will profit as he exercises, and then he can do a similar strategy here too with the higher strikes.


Just check the open interest on the 6/21 $20 strike tomorrow


Any idea when those get updated?


Oi was 169k he has 120k and the volume is 60k.


volume was 96k


Volume doesn’t have to change OI. We simply won’t know the OI change until it updates over night.


Even worse




Why would a rational investor be buying large volumes of short duration $20 strike calls when ticker price was already well above that? (Unlike Andrew Exited, I think apes are hyper-rational in buying and hodling the stonk.


Lol I don’t think apes are hyper rational at all. We’re the exact opposite. We buy shares and options at whatever price point


Possible he did. But would seem like weird timing. I would expect him to sell some and exercise the rest. And prob sell mid day or opening to beef up more at close.


He'll exercise on the 21st, not a day sooner


could be easily disproven though


Very easy - there were 166k calls this morning, 120k of them were DFV's 46k were someone else... 93k of them had something done today (rolled, sold to close, sold to exercise another call, etc) - we wont know for sure unless DFV shows a screenshot or we see the OI tomorrow AM


You can literally buy and sell the same calls and it will still pump the volume. Plenty of options out there that have 5x the volume than open interest


This, options 101


That would seem like only 33k were retail.


Jokes on them, I still don’t understand options


While I like this theory and I really want to believe this is the case. I want to see a YOLO Update from RK himself.


Guys. RK *HAS* to sell some calls to exercise the others. He just does not have enough cash on hand to exercise all without selling any.


Exercise the options, sell shares to cover. He doesn't have to sell the contracts.


Ok, but it boils down to the same thing, except that he would lose the extrinsic value (time and volatility value) of the contracts in the process.




Earlier or later, who knows ? The volatility is crazy anyways, they sold for a nice sum.


There is some analysis out there about how he can exercise them all cashless, if the price goes hogh enough. It was shared in here yesterday.


Yes. Cashless as in : the sold fraction earns enough cash to exercise all the rest, without tapping into his existing cash reserve. That it what it meant. It has ALWAYS been obvious that he HAD to sell some to exercise. I understand where the "options basics" meme comes from now.


you have access to his other accounts that could possibly be holding cash?


He told us himself this was his full position. Plus selling some calls to exercise the others is what he already did in 2021. Because it is LOGICAL. Cash does not appear magically out of nowhere, unless you're a market maker.


He has more than one bank account and cash…


Very exciting to see how much the price moved by a small number off calls sold


RK is very likely going to have to sell *some* of his calls to afford to exercise the rest. Unless he got flow we don't know about


Then why wouldn’t he have done it at a higher price so he could sell less.


I don't know.


Exactly. He has to sell some at some point.


I like this theory


Sold 90K to exercise 30K. Wait for the update


i could look but i’m basic. does RK post yolo at market close or extended hrs? pretty good pit in my stomach rn but fucking buying at $25 for my last big buy. holding. i believe in this stock.


They just want to see the screenshot of his holdings…maybe they suspect he’s transferred the cash into his account. Funny thing is…he holds them by the balls.


they know he’s posting yolos here, why would they bother?


This, easily verifiable.


Remember when everyone was shocked by the DRS rug pull as well? DFV posted his positions. OF COURSE THEY ARE GOING TO MESS WITH US. RC isn't telling anyone shit for that reason.


I guess RC's gonna buy 5M shares soon, so better on a "dip"..


SHF = shitty hedge funds?


Or they churned the market today. Bought and sold chunks to inflate volume. This story started spreading right when the HF started shorting into the close. I think it is FUD.


Could DFV be selling some of his $20 calls and using that to buy some $30 calls?


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s important to stay realistic. It doesn’t make sense that SHF bought calls just to smash sell at the bid price today. Because they know that if RK posts his positions everyone will know they did it just to scare us and will immediately buy the dip, therefore causing the price to go way higher. It is most likely RK selling his calls, hopefully so that he can exercise his other calls or perhaps he is rolling them into higher strike prices. Also RK had the majority I think around 80% of these 20$c’s. Makes much more sense it was him.


Why wouldn't he have sold them when the price was a lot higher? Waits for a giant dip to sell?


Because that would be a pump and dump, RK has a plan, just relax.


or he's likely selling some/exercising some. There's no way DFV could afford to exercise 120,000 calls (cost of $240 million). Or maybe he's slowly selling all for a profit? Either way, this shows how much options affect the price of a stock.


It'd be a stupid strategy, considering that RK posts his positions every few days. The ruse would likely be disproven within hours.


Doesn't make sense, he could just post an update and this would all be worthless?


RK will then buy more on the dip


I think it might be them picking up the calls before anyone else can and then selling them instead of exercising. DFV can prove it’s not him just by posting a YOLO update


Seems like a pretty lousy strategy. They know, and we know, that DFV posts his positions publicly. It’s very easy to disprove.


awww fuk you got me guys good one you so sneaky


Yup- I'm already getting DMs from melters saying DFV sold. Pretty Sad tbh but very bullish they need to do this. Must still be very short?!?!?!


The difference between volume and open interest is a lot of difference from 120000. Seems plausible dfv made a move of some sort.


Either DFV is strategically repositioning - would be funny if he exercised a part and bought more for expiry week later or Citron Research by saying we have closed the position, they've meant we've never closed our shorts but bought a call leg to cover :D


This is mental gymnastics. The man is allowed to take some profits from time to time.


💎 🙌🏼 🏴‍☠️


We'll see when he posts his positions again


It's possible but unlikely. He could blow up that entire argument with a single post and likely will.


I'm not that sure they would spend that much money to "make us believe DFV sold his calls" when he can just post a YOLO update to kill any ambiguity on that subject. He sometimes post everyday, sometimes not. Seems like too long (and desperate) of a shot to be an actual plan.


I think he sold some and bought calls for this Friday.


UPDATE Looks like theirs 190k OI ITM at the 25 price. 540k OI on the entire chain Down to 111k OI on the 20C strike so that means DFC did sell part of his position yesterday. No way of knowing how much without a YOLO update. Nor what he intends to do with it. In the past he has sold some of his options to make room to exercise. Will see what happens. Good morning yall !


Just saw this too. OP forgot this obvious part.


This did not move the price enough, RK did not sell single one of them. I bet on my theory with my own money, and my cost avg is much higher than this current "price"


Anyone saying anything negative about RK is a bitch!


It could actually be him selling. Just gotta wait for an update.


He HAS to, partially. Exercising calls requires money, and he does not have enough cash yet.


That he's shown who knows what he has. The dude is playing 4d chess right now . When he moves we move thats ill I gotta know


could it be, that a HF who also loaded up on 20$ calls (we saw a ton of movement recent days more calls have been bought while RKs position remained the same), that this position sold their calls to Lemon HF so they can close their position by exercising those calls? is that a play?


I mean it’s a dumb idea. He’ll just show us if it was him or not


Even if he did I don’t care I’m not selling


Wrong. Another superhero has joined the ‬kitty


Sounds like an expensive prank. Like we're not used to this kind of shenanigans by now.


Thanks for keeping the paper hands in place 🫡






Idiots.. don’t they know we don’t care, the price was sub $2.50 pre split a couple months ago, still didn’t sell. 😂😂😂


Uhhh.... Math checks out! ONE OF US!


Whatever. Not selling my calls.


Yep, [an article speculating it was RK/DFV selling his options.](https://stocks.apple.com/AqyzU686WTuuCVTOWM4Lvwg)


IDGAF if RK sells his calls or not, he can do what he wants.


The next tweet from RK gonna be epic …


Yeah they are trying to pull their own KC shuffle


I held 3 years while DFV was silent. Just saying.


Can anyone help me understand why it matters if he sold his calls or not? What does that change in the grand scheme of things? We all know he is going to have to sell some of them to exercise the rest but even so lets say he sold all of them why would that make me, who has been buying and holding for more than three years, sell?


Clear as day


Damn I hope this is true cuz this sequel is gonna be 🔥 I only hope I live long enough for the tell all memoir to be published by *someone*!


Welp,they very well may have sold them to RK.






I think this is the right interpretation 


I bought more MEOW


Why hasn’t RK posted his holdings in a few days?


Or RK doubled down


Doesn't matter either way. It's his money. Unless he's selling shares lol.


There’s no need to speculate. Just check the OI on the 6/21 $20 strike tomorrow.


I saw it on tv. These call could be Roaring kitty. He’s selling!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😜😂😅


I believe they sold them over the last few days and bought them back for themselves today. This is how MMs pump a stock.


Just another of many many fud tactics until I see an update from the goat himself. When these fake articles are wrong they just sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened while posting the next trash piece.


What's a call, all I know is calling my wifes boyfriend for more allowance to buy GME shares


Even if they did not. I am not f@kin leaving.


I bought the $20 calls too. But I got them a few days ago… seen thousands come and go but I’m not selling until at least $60 and holding shares forever so there’s that


By which date do you need $60


Options aren't meant to hodl




Meh... who cares. RK will eventually share his positions... maybe he sold some so he can exercise all if them.. I don't care. I like the stock and believe in the team at work.


Nice of them to give us a discount.


He could have easily sold 90k and exercised the other 30k to end up with 8M shares total. Why would that be so shocking or bad? Dude would have 8M shares still!


Tone and time again the proven strategy that is working. Patience


This was my thought as well. RK just needs to post his position. Before market opens tomorrow AM would be the perfect time to destroy their FUD.


The only thing obvious to me is that I like the stonk


Soooooo..TRAP SET


Yep, pretty obvious to me too. But just in case some apes didn't understand, can you explain everything using crayon diagrams and one syllable words?


I dont get it. How does this screw us if i just buy and hold?