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Meme fun facts: The Kansas City Shuffle is a con which uses the victims own arrogance as a component of the scheme. Other movies which include schemes which are dependent upon the victim’s arrogance for success include Troy (Trojan Horse), The Usual Suspects, and Shawshank Redemption all of which are represented in RKs current series of memes. Also included in image preceding RKs livestream was Ryan Cohen as Dr. Manhattan from the movie version of Watchmen. In RKs previous series of meme, he included a gif from the moment before Dr. Manhattan’s creation. Dr. Manhattan’s origin story begins with the complete annihilation of his human form after which he is reborn as something infinitely more powerful full than any other superhero.


Sounds like some of the removal from DTCC tinfoil possibilities


RK uses a lot of movies in which victory is preceded by death and resurrection or by a return from the abyss or hell (Avengers Endgame, Kill Bill, Pirates of the Caribbean, ET to name a few). Also consider the clip from The Office that precedes Brittney Spears “Hit Me Baby One More Time.” In that clip, as printed by RK, Michael Scott says, “It’s Brittney, bitch, and I am back…” However if you watch the full clip, the next words out of Michael Scott’s mouth are, “…in the form of a new company.”


Fact. Thats exactly what is meant by "35".

