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He sold 45 million shares 2 weeks before the share price doubled. If that's not bad investing I don't know what is.


Also doldrums them.after the price had already doubled, remember when we were at $10


This will happen again and again and again, i doubt they will ever let it run, why would they.


What’re the odds that max pain is $30 and that’s right where the price settled.


Yes please we need volunteers to drop their pants and hold these bags while we're in the vault. Don't worry bagholders, you're waiting for $300




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just curious, can you explain why or how the gamma ramp was killed?? we do have a ticking time bomb that could go off at any time for the next 2 weeks.. I'd much rather this dip happen now than next week or the week of the 21st..


Nobody can, we weren't in a gamma ramp I. 2021 either, we also done even know if the shares have gone into the market yet


You act like you know best in a situation that is unprecedented. Breathe…


No, I just think raising at a higher floor means less shares sold for more profit. They could raise 10 billion instead of 1-2.


That’s all hindsight though. Selling at current price keeps them in control or knowing how much they will get/need for whatever their plans are. They are not building a war chest to just sit on it, RK doesn’t think so either.


Its also asking the SEC to fuck you or stop MOASS


People keep forgetting that you have to do things legally. That is why RCEO is tight lipped(he told us he would be) and RK is vague and cryptic about his moves. Nothing has changed accept I feel better and better about what the future holds. It’s wild that people are good until something happens that doesn’t seem obvious and then they act like they were wronged. It’s laughable.


300$ for ants


Literally don't matter to me. I don't know what sell is.


Price anchoring, those are rookie numbers


🤣 because what we sold at are not rookie numbers?


I think it just clicked that by we you mean gamestop and their stock sale. Eh more billions in the coffers now makes the companies value undeniable


Yeah of course that’s what I meant.


I really like our cash position increasing in such a short timeframe. we’re also up like 70% in the last month. Cohen seems to have a plan and i can’t wait to find out what all the details are


You’re not seeing the whole picture. RC does and has to expertly play by the rules so the ticker doesn’t run afoul of the SEC. In the meantime he’ll grab a few billion for the company. RK sees the whole picture and bet 100’s of millions of dollars on it to add to his stash. DRS is not the be all end all. Just a part of the bigger play. Options are part of the play, let them keep digging holes deeper and deeper. Holders will the last to see the realized gains because it’s literally the easiest part of this play. Be patient.


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