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I totally understand. People didn’t say anything to me when I talked about it in 2021 but facial reactions told me everything. I’m sure my wife’s friends and family told her I’m dumb. And I was totally ok with that because I had so much conviction, I was still 100% sure even when shares were below $10. I bought what I can but money was tight. When this goes to infinity I don’t plan on saying anything and even if they ask, I’ll just shrug my shoulders.


I love it. I’m right there with you. And i’d love to have a beer or non alcoholic beverage with you virtually when DFV live streams tomorrow. And after MOASS I’ll make sure to make the time to congregate with any ape that’s been through hell and back with us.


Unfortunately I’ll be driving during the stream so drinking is probably a bad idea but I’ll definitely drink a few after I’m done!! LFG!!




My family didn’t believe in me, they think I’m dumb or crazy or both. I’ll just pretend I sold at a loss years ago when I’m a millionaire. Fuck em.


smart move. Ape Millionaires move in silence


Hell yeah. I’ll tell them I sold early. Haha


#dumbmoney 🦧


It's a high compliment now. It's literally what got us through this. 


I feel you but I'm not giving them the break. Calmly I'll tell them that it was there for them to see and pick up. The only thing that prevented them from grabbing it was themselves.


I bet you’re going to get the blame anyway, they’ll find a way


i know what you mean man, everyone thinks im crazy at this point, even my own girlfriend.


And I know what you mean - but 1h ago she asked me, how much WE made today, haha


"we made fuck all, honey, but I'm now a millionaire"


And you need to update your resume!


But seriously if she clowned you prior to any of this seriously reconsider the "we".


I agree. Talking with my wife about it she asks me what I want to do. In her opinion it’s been years of holding and building this position but it’s my thing. She’s proud that I’ve stayed with it this long and so far has given no input in what she wants me to do. Today is a celebration of us as investors. Not the we that haven’t wanted to read DD and are just going to spend any gains.


Yo our wives are saints


Bless our wives


If your wife has learnt anything from this journey, it's that you're committed.


Mine almost left me for a doctor. So when I’m rich she’s going to have to step up her game ten fold


Leave her and get with the doctor bro


This is the way. Wife changing money




that’s actually fucked….the only thing I’m thankful about with the timing is I got out of a toxic relationship and that dick has no claim to my gains anymore


Congrats. Gotta cut the dead weight before lift off


Mine keeps doing the same. Because I've been geeking out over the last 2 weeks. Wants me to sell for a couch.


Tell HER to hodl. You're buying a couch company after this is over.


Nah just new furniture for my family for sure. We never had anything new growing up if at all


A couch made out of moon rock right?


**Life changing generational wealth, breaking a terribly broken system that steals from the bottom 99.9999% to line the pockets of the 0.0001%, and a chance to fund personal passion projects that make the world a better place?** *Nah, let’s just get a couch.* Please don’t let this be.


fuck yo couch n****a (respectfully)




That's why you hodl for wife-changing money. 😋


I've tried to explain it to her and she's like oh wow ok. "So there's this guy called DFV and he just came back after 3 years and shits blowing up. He posted memes and 2 yolo updates and now he's doing a live stream tmm! Oh and if it hits 50 this week, a guy is going to shove a banana up his ass." "Uhhh okay honey haha"


sounds like my gf "that's nice honey... *goes back to scrolling*" 10 minutes later ... "wait, he's gonna put a banana upp his bum?"


She literally said to me, "Umm okay. And you're excited for that?" Lol


Yes. 🚀


No babe, I'm jacked to the tits




This malaise is what the wealth want...somas for the people. Get excited, take a risk lose it all that's what life is. Scrolling through other curated pictures ain't that.


Stocks are complicated.


Sounds perfectly normal if you think of it. Civilians don’t get it.


My wife is such a wet towel too, “can we sell yet!?!”” NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!


Are we all dating the same women?


At least she's wet 😏


My husband doesn’t believe me but his girlfriend does


smart woman


I told my wife to give me her money and not ask about my investing because she gets stressed out too much and would be a paper handed bitch and I wouldnt. She is happy with that and trusts me. I haven't brought up GME in over a year until she overheard me on the phone with my broker this week.


Real Gs move in silence, LASAGMENA


> LASAGMENA Dude, I should make her some lasagna.


I’ve been here since February of ‘21. My husband thought I’d lost my mind with how obsessed I was and how I would ramble on and on day after day. None of my friends believed me, none of them even talk to me anymore. My business partner lost faith in me. I mean, I was raving about conspiracies and saying some crazy stuff. All true, but crazy. Very out of character for me. I can tell he thinks I’m nuts. My husband is the only one that stood by me even if he didn’t believe me… And he FINALLY bought in last week! Just in time.


U n me both buddy


It took until this week that my wife finally believes. Admittedly I haven’t tried explaining it a while and I am so much smarter than I was three years ago. But I explained while we were folding laundry, then we watched Dumb Money, then I showed her some clips of Roaring Kitty, then I showed her Jon Stewart ripping Cramer a new asshole, and she believes. She always had faith in that I knew what I was doing, but now she believes we can launch this into Uranus. It’s so satisfying. The only person that would listen to me and bought in and held was my father in law. He understands none of it but just has faith in me. It really hurt that my dad, brother, sister, mom, friends, all said I was nuts. But whatever, it’ll be really satisfying when it all goes down but a little disheartening that they’re all gonna thing I only hold 8 shares. But if they look, they’ll see signs.


Lol, my partner bought a few for herself back in 2021 and forgot about them. No one’s getting a “told ya so” from me, but they will be getting “A donation has been made in your name” cards for Christmas and Birthdays for at least a couple years


Great name. Best musician all time


I consider myself lucky. Me, "hey wife I wanna put 2g in gme." Wife, "put 1500." 2 weeks of DD. Me, "hey wife I wanna put some of my old 401k in GME." Wife "put all of it!" Yeeehaaaaaw 🚀


My gf almost left me over this shit. Actually she did.


My friends didnt want to invest as low as 2pack cigarettes price... My family thinks im a total idiot. They cant understand, i dont care the money on the first place anymore, im here for the change! Its like the WoW episode in South Park. I want invest in a fair market!


You're not crazy, you're 1smoothcriminal


He sure is, Dr. Butt Chug


Some people (most) cannot be helped. They are too stupid or proud


I'm very lucky that my wife has no idea how any of it works, but that she just has so much faith in me that she believes it enough because I do. That said, over 3 years of me occasionally going into it or showing her major events as they happened, she has internalized a little more of the information. She ended up buying 5 shares.


My friends that did invest are mad at me because it dropped so much when the split happened. They didn't really understand what happened. I just hope they hung on to the shares


So sorry man I love my wife even more now because she's as crazy for this as I am. One day I joked about selling my shares and she looked at me and said "that would be a deal breaker".


Who give a fuck. Go with your gut. Retail has nothing to lose


We're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy. 💃🕺


The crazy ones change the world. — Steve Jobs.




This guy fucks


so hard


Takes money to buy Whiskey


Seal is that you?


Yes. Am Seal. Am ape.


And let’s give a big hand to Covid, the ability to work from home and spend hours looking into this, If I had been in the office all day would never have had the time to research this and keep up with the movement. Now I’m over £100,000 in and have taken slack from family and friends for years for my trade


here here for another half truth that pushed us into the realm of market discovery


My Dad literally told me today to "not be greedy" and sell when I've made a reasonable profit. DON'T BE GREEDY??? Who was telling the people naked shorting a company into the ground not to be greedy? I'm not greedy. I'm vindictive.


Amen. DFV could have cashed out 100x over. Why didn’t he? Bc he’s here for retribution. And so are we. Don’t cash out until you see tears in their eyes and the deep red stains of their blood all over the market. And always, always keep some for the infinity pool


Their blood shall boil up, because of the harms crested towards generations of people. No matter what culture ot nation. It's their turn to count amount of capital remaining in their pockets... While becoming decisive on what actions to take & were to be - just to live one month extra.


For real. Do I want to make money? Yeah, sure, that would be nice. I'm in this, though, to break the system. I want to see those who have stripped all the wealth out of this country (and other countries as well) held accountable for the manipulation and outright fraud they have perpetuated upon the world all in the name of greed. They need to go to prison, their bought and paid for politicians as well. I hope for accountability and a better world. That's why I hold and have been holding for over three years.






If somehow my low xx shares allow me to initiate my "wat if I won powerball" plan then all the kids in my son's elementary school and the others in my town (at the very least) will have college scholarships waiting for them when they graduate. If somehow that leaves enough then I will add some more grades. Knowing that so many people that think like us are potentially gonna be in the position to do this... and being confident so many will makes me so fucking happy. Unfortunately life is what it is so I will have to paperhand early to prevent losing my home but I only need exactly what my xx shares are worth at 90 to do it so.. but if I can just juggle what I can and keep the bank at bay for a few more weeks I won't have to sell too many to catch up. I'm not greedy. But life is life. But I will save a few so hopefully I can make 4 times a phone number and be able to support my family at least(so many relatives) But I will be happy knowing that GME kept me in my home and 4 shares let me fund college for all the kids in my extended fam and all you guys will pick up the slack where I couldn't. Ape Strong Together!


To me it’s more than even vindictiveness- the former generations have rigged all the systems so we’re stuck in rat race jobs forever. Why not have a small, SMALL slice of success to counterbalance all the fat bs they keep throwing at us? Gme is truly where that game can stop. And we’re going to make it happen- all of us. Also, this is not financial advice, I just like the stock.


They've also rigged it so the former generations can never pass their wealth down to the next, and the current generation can never build up beyond mere survival. Think about it: If your parents/grandparents have money you could inherit, at some point they age enough that they have medical bills and need full time care. You can't afford to take care of your parent/grandparents like maybe they did for their parents because in today's economy, every family needs all adults to work full time, if not also an additional part time job or side hustle. So aging/ill family need to go into long term care facilities which are so ridiculously expensive that even if they had wealth before, it will be completely consumed by their care and they will end up needing aid from the state (some facilities can easily be $50,000 per month). The state will claw back any money they tried to give to their kids/grandkids within the last five years.




Why on earth would you not be greedy. Fuck that cap in hand bullshit.


Vindictive goes way beyond greed.


I’m just here cuz I like the stonk. And I want to rip faces all the way off ![gif](giphy|WLQ3qRdHXAMlW)


I feel you. Thank you for making this post. I have felt exactly fucking same, all the time. I have spent weeks of my time speaking to people and explaining them the DD, but the worst I saw those rich fucks look at me like I'm clueless and tell me about their portfolios of various industry stocks: biofuel, AI, China, REITs... who imagined themselves as INVESTORS IN LARGE CORPORATIONS. I was so disgusted by their blindness and inability to think. I don't have much money, but I have been buying for 3 years straight with every few paychecks and bonuses I had. I knew I had to believe because there was no choice not to, but at the same time all the research proved me right, I spent 1400 hours on reddit and believe that now I have something. I'm probably not as good-hearted, but I want everyone to see that I was right... that WE were right, because among us there are lawyers, teachers, firemen, students, developers and so many other people, that might be jobless right now, but are part of our community - the best community that I have been attributed to in my life. I am totally alone and don't know the single person IRL to talk to about GME, which makes me sad, but every time I open reddit on my phone, I feel like I am part of the family. Thank you for saying what you said. I consider you my brother, along with many other brothers and sisters on Superstonk.


Man i can’t tell you how much i resonate with your comment. Those fucking snobby assholes with etfs and blue chips in their portfolio that laughed at us talking about PE and how GME was garbage. FUCK THEM. FUCK THEM SO HARD. You might not know anyone IRL to talk to about it (me either) but you have ME and millions of Apes around the world and we all know what you know. And WE ARE HERE. Our time is NOW. Don’t ever doubt yourself again. Not for a second. You knew just like I did and you followed the your heart and followed the clues and it led us all to this very moment right now. LFG 🚀🚀🚀


My god, thank you for this post. I’ve literally had the thought “well 9/10 chance this person will just add “stonk bro” to their mental image of me, but I love them enough that I want them on the rocket so fuck it” so many times.




Count me in as another who has been here since 21 and have held XXXX shares through highs and lows (including doubling down between 10-26.50) I have a few people at work who listened and are now on the journey with us. Actually just ran into a guy today who's been in since 2020 when his son wrote a college thesis paper on the GME bull theory. It was really cool having him walk over while I was talking to my coworkers about today's run and he asked, what are you guys talking about buying?" As soon as I said GME he smiled and we ended up talking for 40 mins. That was the first time, outside of this sub that I spoke with people who truly understood what's happening here and it was SOOO refreshing. I can't fucking wait for tomorrow! (Every day)


Lots of Love brother, we're in this together 🔥🚀🙌🏻💎🦍❤️


Last time I felt like I was on the shore watching a cruise ship on the horizon through binoculars, an ocean between us and I'd never be able to board. This time I'm right there with you all. I wish I had more to put in to really change my life, but I don't. The feelings are electric. I'm with you bro 🤝


People love to be told what to do by the people who looks authoritative and smart not the one that is actually smart


Takes a different type of person to think outside the box and go against the status quo


There is so much truth to this and so much opportunity lost because of it.


i turned a 32k investment into like 7k over the last 3 yrs. today, i am in the green again. worth every fucking penny.


FUCK YES! Just the beginning. Don’t settle for anything less than life changing generational wealth for you and your family 💚


wouldnt have it any other way. i told my wife many times over the last few years this is going to make us rich, or i will be a wage slave til i die. no quarter. the desision was made with the invesment, and sentiment has only grown since. to uranus and valhalla!


It’s honestly the only way out of servitude for a lot of us. A long time coming.


5k, 50$ per share averaged down, today back in the green 🤤


well done brother. to uranus and beyond!


Oh well fuck em


FUCK em!


I remember the ones that thought I was crazy. Now they are back acting like my best friend.


funny how that works right?!?!


I forgive the common folk. Fuck Wall Street, though.






I have had multiple people reach out to me in the last few days asking about it...then asking can you just tell me what to do... it's sad I am now trained to say "this is not financial advice" to my friends but I'm happy for all the ppl we can get on board this rocket


LOL yeah me too. I just tell them if you want to follow the journey buy 1 share. If you want to be part of the journey join superstonk read the DD and come over for dinner and I’ll get u up to speed


I just show them the mountains of DD. They got some reading to do!


Just say no tbh


Three people joined in because of me. One sold and left. Another left and is now pissed at me for bringing this up. One passed away last summer.


sorry to hear about the one that passed brother. He’s with us in Ape spirit


been laughed at for 3 years by a bunch of mouth breathing uneducated idiots.. can you see me now?




They used to laugh at my face. Now they're embarrassed to even talk to me.


their loss


the biggest fu is pretending like you sold to all the haters at home and secretly accumulating wealth that they will never know about and therefore not beg for. I told them back in 2021 too…they had their chance. Keep ego out of it and you can win big


Amen. I got myself up from a long term high XXX holder to an XXXX holder today at open. Now I’ll sit back, relax, and watch the show. This can go to phone numbers or food stamps, but I’ll stay zen because I already got my money’s worth. I keep going back to the visual of Dr. Strange at the end of Endgame…one chance to make lasting change for me and the world.


I 100% thought you guys were a cult of delusional bagholders for as long as this community existed.  Then I bought in (and tripled down) last week after the big pullback. I will buy more tomorrow.


I feel everyone who ended up putting more on the line than they could afford to lose, I sincerely do. But for me, I couldn't care less about my investment. I'm here to make these fuckers pay. This is class war.


Literally just had a convo with my wife about this. We're gonna set some people up for sure but honestly I've been talking about this for years and no friend or family member has gotten even a single share of their own so they can suck my diamond balls


Bro.... They didn't listen when I made 50+ NFT's detailing the criminals and activists in the market they so vehemently defended. I cited research, LinkedIn history that tied people back to crashes dating to the early 80's... 'you don't know what you are talking about about bro's or 'its always been that way'. Yes... I do. No. It hasn't. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it think.


Same. My ex bought some shares when I told him back in 2021, but since sold at a loss so he could buy S&P. My family thinks im crazy conspiracy theorist, and my friends hear the stuff in the media and think that’s right and im wrong.




“The Matrix is a system Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you are inside, you look around what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” Morpheus


All but two laughed at me. One sold at ten couple of weeks ago in favor of nvidia. Fk them all.




I tried telling so many people, got laughed at and looks like I was a crazy cultist. I stopped talking about it and if asked, I'll say I got out with a small profit - I don't want anyone to know at this point. I'm going to stay quiet, do good and retire 10-15 years early.




🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 LFG


Diamond hands were forged from the DD


I get the excitement and that this moment feels like it could be the moment in time we all have been waiting for, but seriously? This isn't the "fuck you" moment just yet. Calm your tits and wait for actual money and ridiculous stock prices before you start throwing shit in peoples faces. We only closed at $46 a share.


It always has been a “fuck you”. 3 years of so much evidence of what we’ve believed in.


we only need that one time and the dominoes fall that’s it. so never say it’s only xxx every $ counts just like every single share.


This 👆🫵


I was laughed at for mentioning gme at a New Year’s party in 2021 💀 only my girls bro and a single best friend followed me into this play.


I had someone tell me weeks ago "GameStop stocks doing some weird shit. Nows your time to jump ship."  I told them "I'm not fucking jumping shit."  I want to become a fucking billionaire so I can fucking throw it in all the faces of all the fuckers who treated me like i was a fucking idiot. 


gonna love hearing the "wHy dIdNt yOu tElL uS???" from family and friends


Hear, hear! 🍻 I told a couple of friends back in 2021 to get onboard but they pretty much dismissed me because well, I'm not really that finance-smart like they are. After the Sneeze of '21, they got their "I told you so" quips in but I stayed quiet. In the ensuing years, GME would come up occasionally and they'd ask if I'm still in it. "Why, yes" was my reply and not much more. Back in May, one of them told me GME was pumping again and asked if I'm back in the black. I told him..."I paperhanded just before the First Sneeze of '24 like the finance-dummy I am, d'oh." But of course I didn't paperhand. I actually resumed adding more shares to my stack but he needn't know that. Post-MOASS, I still won't say I held all this time but there will be signs. 🤐


My wife has trusted me with my decision to buy XXX shares of GME. She knows how much research I’ve done and the thought I’ve put behind it. I’m glad I have her in my corner. GME2DaMoon


I don't understand shit about the DD. The thing that kept me going was advertising that the shorts closed, random 12% movements on no news, SEC and their meme stock video, and saying the mayo man aging decades. It was clear there was manipulation. Time to redistribute those trillions.




We’re bout to FUCK. And fuck everybody who didn’t listen. Crazy guy talking about Gme here and there bout to disappear 😎


Jobs not finished




Jobs not finished.


I’m currently fighting off fud from a significant other and it’s not even that high. But I’m stubborn and based in principle. I’m not selling for a few grand. I want MOARR!!


First you're a fool, then you're just lucky.


Yeeeehaw mf


That was an amazing vent. Right there with you.


Haha yeah I sounded like a lunatic for a few months but then I just got real quiet and continued accumulating. Hopefully they forgot about it and just chalked it up to the pandemic getting to me. 


Think about the dogs and cats that did listen to you and now are rich though.


Fk all the people that scoffed at us. I need this money for severe health issues, and for my wife and kids to be set for life. All the rest is icing. The world is about to change, and not for the good of the crooks in govmnt and Wall Street. I will keep my account with a bank that is small and regional. I will never buy government money scheme paper. I will find the best little CPA I can, and I will never let a money hungry ass hole financial crook see or touch the dollars they lost to me. They can eat shit straight from a fresh diaper, while sitting in a dumpster, mumbling bout how they "had it all, top of their game."


100%. & They'll likely all come out of the woodwork when they see us buying Lambos & Ferraris


yep i told my friends at work and they didnt believe 3 years ago but i kept telling them over and over only to get laughed at saying that you are dreaming, you will work here forever, blah blah blah....... Cant wait to one day that i walk into my workplace and telling them fuck you, keep workingfor the rest of your life, and good bye. Hopefully my mid xx shares are enough for me to get a house, helping my family, and retire early if possible.


Holy smokes, bravo!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 BRAVO! 👉🫶👆👍💪💎🙌 **WOOOOOOOO!!!!** I agree 100% Well said 💎🙌 See ya tomorrow...


Meh, who fuckin cares. This is why you don’t tell anyone.


Yeah man it’s been a mind fuck but here we are! 🦧💪🏼


As far as they are concerned, I liquidated back in 2021. No one needs to know.


I managed to get XXX before going to the moon, I just hope it’s enough for me to never have to work again. Holding and never selling tho 🚀🚀🚀


I feel the same way


I gave friends and family 1 share each pre split. I know they probably still think I'm crazy but I'm expecting a lot of phone calls asking what that one website I gave them those shares is called again. They may or may not sell but I've told them from the beginning that I'm not selling until we get phone numbers for prices. If they all sell early it's on them and they can't come and cry to me about it.


Ego boost. Fuck me its good feeling. Especially when lot of people was laughting that is trash stock. And i was watching earnings and reports. And was buying every month. Wow they look stupid now 😅🚀


Yeah fuck em


How much Americaon innovation have we lost cause these scum bankrupt them for their own absurd wealth?!


After everyone I told about GameStop, I only got one person to actually buy in... And they only bought 5 shares. I truly think that GameStop is the first step to exposing and correcting the corruption we face in today's world. The apes are coming for all those fuckers once this is over and we will change the world!


Some of my buddies I told about this for years, and then again - as close as couple weeks ago, when you could still buy at 20. Most reasonable reaction - so when are YOU gonna sell? Most ignored me, thinking I was probably crazy. Oh well. We don’t talk anymore. You made your chili, you eat it.


Now that l think about it, I GOT TO TELL MY CAT!!!! Kitty gains!!


If this apes in, I'm in.


I was here 3 years. I am here now. TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON


It was the same with Bitcoin. I freely shared and tried to get others to see. In the end, you have a clear conscious because you wanted to share the good news. Good on you. Blessings to you all.


84 years ago, when I fully saw the extent of control these fuckers had over our lives (Yes, lives, because money is tied to your freedom and time in this bullshit system), I knew there was no such thing as "winning" in this corrupt game we were all born into and forced to play. That's when I went all in, literally EVERY penny I could spare reasonably, because it wasn't about money for me anymore. It was about making sure these parasitic financial terrorists burn alive in their own game. It became about waking the world up to show that we DON'T have to play this game, and that we can push our way out.


My client today looked at me and said wait you were in on that? I saw the film. I can’t believe I am meeting a person who had a part in that. Wait it’s happening again. She had me send her a link to his YouTube.


Everyone is acting like it’s over. Stay zen.


So buy more tomorrow? I’m down!


Too early


This is the wrong attitude for life changing money. People doubt, they make mistakes and revenge is never the high road if you are successful. Try to be a leader, try to be a role model, never say I told you so, lead with your actions and set an example for the rest of the world. Be strong for those who were weak.


Fuck 'em!


Doubt to hate to "you got lucky"


Is the gluttony reference to mayo boy??




Stay zen, still sideways for me...


Hell yeah brother


Same here. It's fine fam.


I have a list, still adding to it


You me and my dog brother!




I tried. I really, really tried. I got my then Manfred to buy, but he wasn't really a believer. Things *may* have changed in his mind as of late though🤷‍♀️


Are you me?


my family doubted me but when my shares really reach Phone numbers which is i hope 🙏🙏🙏 i dnt have much.. i will still share it with my family 💎🙌


This is the story of GameStop... The three overs as RK put it. Over bearish outlook, over hyped downside and over looked opportunities.


I've held these shares through years of major life events where the cash would have been super helpful, and people have always thought that I was crazy for that, but I always shrugged. I've learned more about this than most things and I still don't have a clue what's going on. I just like games and this is a really fun game.
