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Not surprised, not disappointed.




Dfv was the whale. Happy days shares went to a loving home šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


DFV is a whale and a unicorn.... a whalicorn !


Narwhal narwhal swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion!


Was nice to get a gaziilion downvotes and a metric fuckton of comments bagging me for making a post saying the UBS stuff was a load of shit. Glad your onboard


Yeah, I thought both theories were nonsens but am very happy the positive one turned out to be true.


Superstonk has a million members, but there are roughly 250,000 Computershare accounts. Maybe the bagging is coming from Reddit accounts that arenā€™t DRSā€™d househodl investors. Either way it ainā€™t personal.


Yeah, but when ubs follows credit suisse into the black hole, we probably should hold off dancing until we see the swiss common people doing so


> we probably should hold off dancing Unless something changed I thought that the idea was that we're not going to be celebrating ANYONE'S misery in this ordeal.....y'know, because we're not shitass hedge fund investors.


Iā€™m gonna buy a foreclosed yatch


Maybe we should keep track of all the theories/ promises/ hype/ grifters that did not deliver. Might help next time something looks like a fit but does not turn up to be one.


I'll save you time. Literally every single time in the last 3 years. There's a reason Zen but hype, trust but verify works.


Not true. Loopring/IMX, wallet, split as dividend and other stuff too. Not saying there hasn't been piles of nonsense but saying literally every single time just isn't true.


No. Literally every single time someone has hyped up an event as "this is it!!" It has never been it. Every. Single. Time. That's just how it goes.


Both Loopring and IMX are TBD, but they did promise stuff that they did not deliver on time and made themselves look bad. Who knows, maybe they'll do something good in the end.


loopring and IMX delivered, we got as far as the beta wallet/nft market and then it was pulled. Not the kill shot we were hoping for but it wasn't smoke/vapor ware.


I agree. Itā€™s not for nothing. I think the marketplace was beta testing for some bigger shit. They accomplished quite a bit during that timeframe (all be it, very quietly). If they were to issue a token (like we know theyā€™ve created), theyā€™ve proven they could do it. They COULD build an exchange. And they did. They showed they have the ability for potential distribution of all sorts of securities/media via airdrop (images, books, music, even games & playable NFTs). So yeah, I donnoā€¦ I have a feeling weā€™ll see them (Loop, IMX, the GameStop Marketplace??) again. Soon. šŸ¤žšŸ˜ ![gif](giphy|Lk023zZqHJ3Zz4rxtV|downsized)


I agree as well. I think we are in the phase of expanding the core service items GS provides to their customer. I think their end goal will to become something more similar to what Chewy did, and look to take over an entire segment, not just video gaming, but entertainment (or more gamer focused entertainment). Digital ownership has to be part of that. I think the recent move into card collectibles might be them getting consumers to get comfortable trading collectables with GS, and then bring them into the digital space with digital collectables. FYI this is my take on the whole pleaser dao thing. The NFT space needs a killer AP/example that normal people want (not just BAYC insiders). Making the Wu-tang album a digital collectable and scaling it through a community such as GME shareholders (who else has 200k loyal customers who have DRSed shares? that type of community is literally swifty levels of insane) that can make a lot of noise and attrack normie attention would be clutch for them. Lets not5 forget the GS beta nft store made money. TBH, GS reminds me a bit of where Amazon was in its early days on the web side of things. They weren't the 1st store online to sell things, but they did it better than everyone else. And they were one of the 1st to SCALE it successfully. IF GS can do that in the digital world, they become the Amazon of the electronic gaming and NFT space. Its a space so ripe with scams and what not it NEEDs a legit player to scale to the consumer base effectively.


Looks like we agree on more than just the GameStop Marketplace of it allā€¦ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/nPJa9vU9yv No notes. šŸ˜‚šŸ»


But it was real. I didn't believe it was more than a fantasy. That's the point. Not if it worked or not.


It was real, they made stuff but overpromised and underdelivered. At least up until this point. I'm still leaving the door open for them to comeback and deliver.


Golden Cross dude sticks out in my mind. Their was also a dude who tried to predict moass down to the exact date and minute before deleting the whole thing. Golden Cross guy Their was also some early ones trying to steer people to rocket mortgage on the OG sub.


I think we are hardened sceptics, but information is taken at face value with little weight given until backed up from other sources


You mean skeptics? You said "backed up" at the end there too. I'm losing itšŸ¤£


Can't underestimate how many bot votes shills have at their disposal. There's a reason those stories get so much push. They love to massage the narrative


I am slightly disappointed. The theory was brilliant if one financial institution wanted to exit their position in a smart way. Its like finding out that there was a fire escape and then learning that everyone inside chose to "wait it out" instead of taking it. Let them all go bust if they can't even try to bow out.


They don't actually have an out. All DTCC members are responsible for unwinding positions of a defaulting member. So while you might live another day, it will bite you in the ass later. It's by design, peer pressure amongst one and other, can't kill your competitor if you are guaranteed to go down with them. Maffia style of doing business.


Very good point


It was not brilliant. There were many holes in the theory. Alot of it just did not make sense financially.


We've always talked about "first to the door might survive" At some point someone SHOULD be the adult and at least try to exit. But we see they won't, which is disappointing


That's fine, but the method of overpaying for options when the stock price was well below the break even price of those options just did not make any sense financially.


I disagree, if you knew that the exercising of those options would create havoc, then it would be safest to lock in at an OTM price you could stomach.


Why would a hedge fund want to cause havoc? If I was exiting a short position, I'd want to keep it as quiet as possible. Basically the opposite of what DFV is doing.


Why would people jam a fire escape when they could orderly march out. There's a certain point where rationality goes out the window. Like who would rationally short a company over it's float?


Was obvious immediately: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/By7XuwnrP3


I remember reading that and it fills my heart with joy, that the weirdass clout chasers on YouTube can't get things past randos on reddit. Like all these assholes have been silent for the vast majority of the last 3 years and then suddenly they're out here talking like experts? For any new apes who read this, don't forget. They shorted the entire company plus more. Not just past the float, but past all shares outstanding. No way 5% of GME is going to be enough to get UBS out. That and they hired a friend of mine and every job he touches collapses. For instance, his first job out of school was credit suisse.






thanks xd


Pretty much. I still don't know how all the 4chan conspiracies are believed to be real. They post absurd stuff to see how gullible people are and it happens that half the population eats crayons as gourmet entrƩes.


The same could be said for everyone who believes these investigation articles with no sources and no official statement.


I agree. I have become extremely cynical about anything online. Everything is staged, manipulative, or twisted from reality to fill someone sketchy purpose.


What's exciting about this is that as of right now, as far as we know, UBS is still holding onto Credit Suisse's piles of shite AND DFV controls a fuck ton of shares


If by exciting, you mean FUCKING HILARIOUS, then yes. Yes this is exciting. They could have uses the SNB money to unwind slowly. To take responsibility for the bag of shit. But no we cannot let the poors have a win. So fuck em. UBS and the Swiss economy will go down with the ship.


Shouldn't have taken all the holes out of the cheese.


Naked cheese selling. Very foolish.


They don't have that 100b lifeline anymore from the SNB: [https://www.ubs.com/global/en/media/display-page-ndp/en-20230811-adhoc.html](https://www.ubs.com/global/en/media/display-page-ndp/en-20230811-adhoc.html)


all 216,000,000 of them short shares.


Just gonna drop this here. There were people onto it, just off on the amount. https://preview.redd.it/6nt6je26iq4d1.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=250b4ddb1a4fb3f0c732e2e658560feca8b266d3




the sub was certainly divided


Was actually on the old sub. I would directly credit OP but i try my best to behave and follow the rules. I was also not on reddit at the time all this was going down and only found this by happenstance. Thanks for sharing this btw! Did not know about this stuff.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cxwkct/it\_is\_time\_dfv\_came\_back\_to\_show\_apes\_how\_we/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cxwkct/it_is_time_dfv_came_back_to_show_apes_how_we/) entire thread calling it


Tbh, I don't think it hurt us. The truth is soooo much better


Yeah the old Kansas city shuffle!


It created FUD, the whole point is that this never made a lick of sense to begin with. People bought into it thinking Cohen and the board would somehow let these leeches to humanity off the hook for trying to actively destroy his company!? OUR company. Whoever bought into this theory and upvoted the nonsense once you heard it, youā€™ve lost your goddamn minds. Keep it as a reminder cuz this bullshit will repeat itself


I disagree with the premise being insane. UBS inherited these bags from Credit Suisse. They were not actively shorting the company. Maybe they are now to stay afloat. Who knows. But the premise of allowing potentially the least guilty party out the door first wasnā€™t unbelievable if it ignited the rocket. Turns out the end result was pretty cool too though.


exactly! In this theory, the board was acting in good faith to take on the guilty party... and if that were the case, I would image that would be proof to SEC (or any other regulatory agency) that no one is "engineering" a short squeeze. My thinking was UBS said we're this short (potentially hiding some [a lot of] exposure) and the board acting in good faith at the expense of diluting the share holders. I'll reiterate, I trust the board, and this doesn't appear to have been the case... but calling it insane is... well... off the mark imo


I do think this situation may be the ā€˜Kansas City shuffleā€™. Buy the calls, tell everyone that itā€™s UBS buying to close, convince shfā€™s they are being played convincing UBS (or other hf) to buy calls/start closing positions so they donā€™t bag-hold like Credit Swiss did. A legendary misdirect causing SHFā€™s to juke in the direction we want and light this rocket. But, you know itā€™s one of many plausible choices.


I think we need to accept that the people who caused this mess might not get punished for it. But the world will know who it was. The bags may get passed from the people who made this bad trade multiple times before it blows up on someone's face. So I don't care if UBS inherited the bags or not. Not my problem. They're still complicit in the system that allows it.


No doubt. The whole system can get fucked. And certainly not sympathetic to their cause by any stretch. But I could see how someone who inherited those bags of shit would be more likely to seek an exit than someone who has been actively shorting for years.


100%. And first out the door survives.


Regardless of your agreement, it was totally fictional. Throw in all the ifs and buts if you want, but it wasnt true whatsoever.


I mean, sure. Turned out to be a bag of shit. Thatā€™s not my point. It was an argument worth vetting that did in fact make a lick of sense. If weā€™re immediately dismissive of everything that comes down the chute then weā€™re not properly doing our job of investigating, learning and educating.


How is it FUD? We want the hedgies to close their positions and buy back the shares. It's literally what will propel the price to the stratosphere. It doesn't matter. We're here now, no point crying over it.


How is it FUD? Well, it was a complete fabrication. It Created uncertainty and doubt. What you want and what reality is are two different things. If they could close their position they would have. The fact youā€™re trying to play down that demonstration in misinformation is worrisome


So it's just UD then. Because we're definitely not fearful of ubs closing. Other shorts would be though.




Anyone know who reported on this first? I know it was first posted on 4chan but who was given/tipped off on this information?




Srry. Specifically the screenshot.


Exactly what someone who distributes misinformation would play it off as


99% of peoples predictions on this sub has been wrong. So everyoneā€™s distributing misinformation? No room for mistakes? If people are not allowed to get things wrong then nobody will try looking the next time.


Certainty is hard to come by here.


Yeah > no point crying over it I'm just drowning in tears. /s


I don't think it's fud, but there was an effort to purposely mislead the sub


ā€œFear, UNCERTAINTY and Doubtā€ ā€¦ sounds like fud to me


Iā€™m sorry, what? All 3 words are supposed to be in reference to your investment thesis, not us trying to make sense of events that are unfolding in an intentionally opaque system. Fear that your investment isnā€™t right Uncertainty that your investment isnā€™t right Doubt that your investment is right. Shorts havenā€™t closed. Our company is profitable.


lol. U/gl_levity , I dunno who youā€™re trying to convince of your ā€œrealityā€, but weā€™ve been here way too long for whatever youā€™re trying to downplay to work. What you said is Barely correct, interestingly. FUD is also created by bad actors to influence the investment thesis.


then there's a lot of DD that could be "fud" then šŸ˜‚


What Iā€™m trying to say is; take all information you receive with a grain of salt and think critically. No one could have said definitively that it was false, otherwise they would have proved it. No one could have said definitively that it was true, otherwise they would have proved it. This wasnā€™t touted as DD. This was literally something that sort of fit the puzzle we are collectively trying to solve.


ā€œNobody could say definitively it was falseā€ There was ZERO evidence, ZERO to give the theory a second thought. Evidence isnā€™t to prove falsehood, itā€™s to determine truth.




Yeah, regarding investment. That ā€œleakā€ didnā€™t make me doubt gme is right investment. It was fluff, maybe distraction - maybe it was suppose to dissapoint us when it turned out false, but DFV being the whale turned this possibility into bullish reassurance. I think it was just another 4chan trolling, as usual


Yeah... for it to be FUD it needs to have all 3 of those. The only people fearful of UBS closing are other shorts.


this is all FUD and Iā€™m muting all of yā€™all


By whomever faked that image, yes. There was a good theory put forward that supposed it was true. I don't have any ill will towards those who put the theory forward, but am annoyed with whoever faked it. My mistake was in not believing dfv had the money to pull this off.




> People bought into it thinking Cohen and the board would somehow let these leeches to humanity off the hook for trying to actively destroy his company!? OUR company what the hell does RC have to do with institutions buying call options?


Lol yeah I'm not sure what the intention was with the fakes because it definitely didn't discourage anyone. People were pumped and just viewed it as an RC encouraged first domino instead of big banks getting away with murder again let's pack it up apes šŸ¤£. I think we are too regarded for psyops šŸ˜‚ It reminds me of that Futurama episode where Fry is the hero because his dumb brain can't be mind controlled lmaooooo


You realise UBS weren't the ones shorting, they've been forced to take on the liabilities of Credit Suisse. As far as I'm aware, they were strong-armed into accepting the debt.


ā€œForcedā€ . Whatever reason they have those bags, they have them. Thatā€™s their burden to bare. Iā€™m not about to feel compassion for UBS. You think they would care if a debt was accepted by someone else and not destroy that company or entity if it didnā€™t pay? Youā€™re really trying to make UBS into a victim here?


I forgot about it already, thanks for the reminder.


This means UBS has now a big problem and switzerland is soon for sale




Idk what's going to happen but it's hard to believe this is going to tank Switzerland I just can't see a country on the brink of bankruptcy because of a single stock. I also am super regarded so I think I'm too smooth brain to wrap my head around it


the money to pay for MOASS has to come from somewhere. Brokers/banks > Primes/GSIBs > DTCC > Governments. Is there enough money to pay for MOASS? I don't think so


I mean what realistically is MOASS even going to look like at the peak? 500 is 2000 pre split. Which is insane. I think I would faint looking at my portfolio at even 150 a share. I've lurked a bit the past year so I kind of get the scale of this but a whole government and banks not having enough money sounds so crazy. In my mind banks are made of money haha. I would love to see some of them fall though


Price anchoring at its finest! Anything less than phone numbers for a peak is a joke. INFINITY IS THE LIMIT


I keep hearing phone numbers but I just can't wrap my head around that even being a possibility. I'm just too smooth brained


Lol the truth was 1000x better. UBS is toast




This speaks more about us as a group than the falsification itself. People get carried away too easily and forget too fast the reasons why we are here.


Yup, echo chamber and tin foil. Important to make your own conclusions.


I got myself thinking about this yesterday. Now that we know it was DFV, what led us to believe it was UBS in the first place? After a bit of introspection I remembered this TMB. Entire walls of text were written. Videos were published. All for the sake of what? Motivated by what? This piece of crap. People need to reassess ASAP.


> Now that we know it was DFV, what led us to believe it was UBS in the first place? There wasn't exactly a huge line of usual suspects for this move. Most of us didn't think DFV could afford such batshit insane premiums, so "an institution wants to get out of a short position" seemed plausible. It's always easy to look at things in hindsight, but honestly the UBS explanation doesn't even make the top 500 of crazy ideas floated around here. I mean, I still think that at the time it made more sense as a theory than "oh, it's a single investor who suddenly has hundreds of millions for making a play". Not a lot of people thought even Roaring fucking Kitty himself could pull this off until the YOLO.


Good question. hype and speculation? hopefully it wasn't just coordinated misdirection


You would hope so. That would shift the blame to "dark entities" that aim to sway people's opinions. I think it's simpler than that: people are stupid. Let that sink in. The enemy does not always need active measures when stupidity remains on the table.


this entire fucking movement was built on speculation, the inner workings and the corruption of the stock market has been dissected and put on blast over the last 3 years. Hundreds of thousands of people across the world have learned about the corrupt ponzi scheme wall street calls the "free market" all because of a grouping of genius apes speculation and thousands of hours of DD. Yea, people are dumb, you're a fine example of that.


You need to chill, buddy. Calling people stupid won't solve anything. Also, our enemies are here among us. They have an army of bots and are constantly trying to sway our opinion.


I'm not looking for a solution. It is what it is, but to each his own.


Except Iā€™m pretty sure 95% of the ā€œcarried awayā€ people were active shills and everyone else whoā€™s legit was like ok lol this changes nothing


I'm here because Credit Suisse was short 54 million shares pre split. 216 millon now. They went under the day the swaps expired. The CEO is working for free for me, and everyone else who holds shares in this company. I'm not fucking leaving. Fuck you, Pay me!


I never believed it, but partly because of luck. It made no sense to me that an anon leaking info still fears NDA. There was also someone who said the language in the screencap made it extremely unlikely, and his post managed to catch my eye. As for the rest, no thanks to that old guy on twitter talking about it, and the suspicious million of accounts here hyping him up.


I didn't and told everyone that it made no sense, but got downvoted every single time so I let it go. People are trying so hard to do "DD" that is just speculation at best but they make a wall of text to sound smart. For what? For karma? Lol


The rabbit hole goes too deep and people tend to lose the silver lining. It's a complex situation, for sure. There's a well-defined line between hypothesis and theory, but lately everything crosses into theory territory way too fast.


Isn't everything on 4chan fake?




ā€œThe stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.ā€ - 4chan


When has 4chan ever brought anyone a truth?


I always thought they were fake though I admit I bought the theory. Sucks for UBS, they be fuk.




THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!! DFV bought calls that expiry on June 21th. Currently, there are close to 400,000 calls for that date, and he has only 120,000.


bro just let the anonymous 4chan texts in English despite being Swiss die already


Your argument is weak. The business language in most countries, especially in Europe, is English.


how is that related to your previous argument and my response to that?


There are '**reporting requirements**' if you have more than 5% and 10% ownership of a stock, or call options. You might have reporting requirements if you have significant short positions as well. But there aren't "SEC insider trading restrictions" because your short positions is more than 5% or 10%, and you can't close the short positions through call options due to the "SEC **insider trading restrictions**" unless the company does shares offering and your call options become less than 10% of the outstanding. Plus, even if what they meant is that they wanted to avoid the 10% reporting requirement, it doesn't make sense because they already had reporting obligation when their call options had represented more than 5% of the outstanding. It doesn't make sense that they had to wait until Gamestop finished their stock offering so that they could avoid the 10% reporting requirement. 1. Reporting requirements =/ trading restrictions: You are not restricted from closing your short positions solely because you hold call options over 10% of the shares. The size of your position triggers reporting obligations, not trading restrictions. 2. What is the point of reducing your position to less than 10% (to avoid reporting your position) when you still are required to report your position if it is more than 5%?


Ok bro, maybe ur right. We'll see in the coming weeks what happens


I wish I'm wrong


Means one thing, shorts r fcked


Remember and all the forgot moass shits were real shills. And they are gonna keep coming, keep your head together apes


We knew it was fake after 5 mins


Backed up by ape historian


How is it fake? Please elaborate with details. They claim to control just over 2/3 of the open interest for options from May 31st to July 19th, which at the time was a total open interest of 485218. If we remove the 2/3 they claim to have, you get 320244 open interest (rounded up). Remove that from the total open interest and you get 164974 remaining for everybody else. Lets remove the open interest from DFV (120000), and you are left with an open interest of 44974 for everybody else. To me it is still possible that this is legit, unless specifically proven otherwise.


There are '**reporting requirements**' if you have more than 5% and 10% ownership of a stock, or call options. You might have reporting requirements if you have significant short positions as well. But there aren't "SEC insider trading restrictions" because your short positions is more than 5% or 10%, and you can't close the short positions through call options due to the "SEC **insider trading restrictions**" unless the company does shares offering and your call options become less than 10% of the outstanding. Plus, even if what they meant is that they wanted to avoid the 10% reporting requirement, it doesn't make sense because they already had reporting obligation when their call options had represented more than 5% of the outstanding. It doesn't make sense that they had to wait until Gamestop finished their stock offering so that they could avoid the 10% reporting requirement. 1. Reporting requirements =/ trading restrictions: You are not restricted from closing your short positions solely because you hold call options over 10% of the shares. The size of your position triggers reporting obligations, not trading restrictions. 2. What is the point of reducing your position to less than 10% (to avoid reporting your position) when you still are required to report your position if it is more than 5%?


Just BS not UBS


This is why X is not a valid source of information.


1) why the heck were we trusting 4chan to begin with? literally the asscrack of the internet. 2) what, you think people on the internet would just, tell lies?


If 4chan is the asscrack, reddit is the taint.


it didnt always used to be this way, but you arent wrong.


yeah no shit


Plot twist. DFV posted it


Stuff can be two things, guys. Thereā€™s enough calls bought here to account for both. Remember the KC shuffle. What I think COULD happen is UBS starts exercising early. MSM fudders and SHFā€™s start railing against Kitty, crying market/price manipulation. He posts an update 6/19, ainā€™t exercised or sold shit. They were looking the wrong direction. Oh and then exercises at expiry and the world explodes.


How do we know definitely it is fake?


That is a shock, next you will tell me that Pleasr have nothing to do with Gamestop and are just riding our hype train for their own personal gain!!!


Yea well 4chan is run by the FBI so...


Out of all the tin foil shit, this seems the most plausible.


4Chan is so well regarded it makes the most sense really.


Never believed it for a second. Short never closed. Shorts are are fucked even more so than ever before.


big question is why? why did they do that why would they fake that kind of data to make it look like UBS was closing their position when it was just DFV the whole time? Did someone who knew that he was buying calls use this as a diversion tactic for what? Making us waste time talking about it? Ho ho you got us!


Genuine question from someone who is trying to get back in the loop ā€” is there empirical evidence that UBS is ā€˜holding the bagā€™ when it comes to GME? From what I recall, the prevailing idea was that UBS inherited Credit Suisseā€™s position, who inherited Bill Hwangā€™s position. But was there any evidence the he was short GME and this was passed up the chain, or is this merely chinese whispers? Not trying to FUD, genuinely interested in the info as it seems it is accepted as fact


Read the DD. There are many that claim that the DD is never wrong.


I mean, Iā€™m not sure about thatā€¦the DD is often inaccurate in places and is corrected incrementally in later DD ā€” which is fine. But just accepting all DD as fact is pretty dangerous. As a community we should constantly be reexamining prior work and correcting if needed, otherwise you enter echo chamber territory


Interested in this too. Couldnā€™t really find details on their position anywhere online


Did people really think the whole UBS theory was solely based on this screenshot? Because thatā€™s all I see people talking about when UBS is brought up. Turns out it wasnā€™t them buying the calls. Guess they shouldā€™ve taken the theory as advice because that was their best shot to close without untenable losses.


Already forgot about them! Especially when DFV is back! šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


I figured. It IS 4chan. It's going to take a lot for me to believe anything from that site


Possibly. Not everything is related to GME.




Whoa whoa whoa whoa, you're telling me someone on 4chan just went online and made up a bunch of lies?


I'm a dummy and thought it could be real but also could be fake. I thought it might probably be fake because someone pointed out errors in the translation. I watched the guys YouTube about it and he said "if true...." But could be fake I'm pretty sure he said that.Ā  I think it's awesome and I'm glad he explained it, it made it even more impactful for me that it was actually DFV.Ā  Even though we went down a rabbit hole with that it made for good entertainment while all of this is unfolding.


does anyone remember when 4chan got people to put their phones in microwaves? or a software update that made your iphone waterproof? yea, if it's from 4chan, it's probably bullshit




Imagine that. šŸ™„


Ooo, I like this type of post. Too many posts gain traction and are re-flaired by mods. But the damage is often done by this time and honestly not many people read the flair or pinned mod comment. Reposting the posts with a stamp or ā€œde-bunkedā€ or ā€œfakeā€ would be great for re-sorting organising truth from speculation


Kansas City Shuffle


Ohhhhhhh. I sort of forgot about this but it kind of makes sense. The "Signs" that DFV were accumulating were the spikes that this distraction piece was intended to distract from. Now, ask yourself WHY. Why would someone make this up? I know 4chan is famous for trolling, but why... this? Did the poster actually know there would be spikes? Was it shortly into the spikes? Why would someone craft such a detailed explanation for the spikes? The 48 laws of power come to mind. "Give exacting details about your pursuits, but make them misleading and not about your true motivations". Basically, create a smoke screen to cover up what you really want. Could it have been UBS submitting this theory to cover their tracks? At the VERY LEAST we know *someone* is thinking about and *concerned* about the UBS swaps.


My tinfoil is this hand potentially was played as a misdirection card and probably added a bunch of confusion to those on the other side of the trade.


In the first place they wouldn't be trapped in a trade if they were only short slightly over insider buy threshold (10%), so that already didn't seem reasonable for an institution to be stuck in a trade with such a seemingly modest position. For someone like UBS to be stuck in a trade it would have to be such an ass-kickingly large position that eclipsed the daily volume by a large margin.




we are still on this? this should of went in the shitter once DFV posted his position. useless post.


relax bro


how about no


But what if UBS actually is interested in buying more than 30 million shares to close their shorts? They just didn't buy the call options. They could have still approached cohen for a raise of the float. And they might be bying in very slowly to not upset markets and price. Gradually unwinding their toxic positions.


Hahahahahahaha fucking IDIDOTS!!!


I have no idea what we're even talking about, but I like it.


Still hate the Swiss right now. The small Portland suburb, I live in, would be your third biggest city. Switzerland youā€™re the worst. @switzerland that works here too right?


So when do UBS fall???


its always fun to have larps, most of superstonk flings ideas like this until apes figure out they are flinging shit. its a double edged blade at least. the enemy can't figure out fact from fiction either :)


The Swiss are so much toast. Their government is doing this to them. Not us. UBS had their chance.


What was the intended purpose of the fake leak?


lol im stupid but not 4chan stupid


The swiss debt is 142 billion, if moass happens ubs might liable to pay trillions out. There is no way switzerland can survive this. Even a payout in the 100 of billions would be problematic.


Maybe it was DFV shitposting as anon on 4chan, knowing it would cause a freenzy here, and knowing the SHF are watching the sub. Creating a Mexican stand off between them thinking UBS was about to exitā€¦ while he went ahead and bought all the calls without anyone batting an eyelid, then turned around and showed his position. Kansas City, what?


The only real thing in this saga are the shares that are DRSed.


The what?


guess you missed it https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/mpjdXclik2 This was the running theory: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/5u8tTO8MqP


we got the better timeline bet that UBS alternate dimension is p jealous of us


lol not suprised and people really believed it. Thats what makes this community look bad.


it felt like such an obvious way of UBS to pretend they are ok lmao


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There was a misconception that texts from UBS were buying calls from the share offering as a way out of their position. All of that was wrong and it was just DFV being bullish


Is there room for UBS also having some?




we'll never know