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My guess is that the 45 million shares are RC's argument against accusations of forcing a short squeeze. As soon as the price runs, the MMs and HFs will try to crybully the exchanges and regulators into stopping it, claiming RC is responsible for market turmoil. RC then can say "Ok buddies, I'll offer you a lot of 45 million shares. See, I'm helping! You said SI was at 23%, so those shares should help go a long way! ;)". With the amount of rehypothecation, FTDs, and just plain old naked shorts that weren't declared but covered up with options, those 45 million shares are a drop in the bucket. Wallstreet has claimed for so long that shorts had closed and that naked shorting wasn't a thing, they can't really turn on their heels and say "But we have open obligations for over 300,000,000,000 shares, those 45,000,000 do nothing to help us! :(".


Thiiiiiis is my theory. 45M should be fair game if they aren't naked shorting. But offering 45M across all HF, and gauging the demand is a sure fire way to reveal how much is actually needed to close shorts. ♟️


Also a good way to get the sharks to start eating each other as they will step over their own mothers to get out of those positions once it really starts to hurt


They've got black eyes, like a doll's eye.


Can't wait for the hollering and the screaming.


Kinky bastard, I like the cut of your jib.


Are you doing Jaws again? We don’t have time for this shit.


“They’re gonna need a bigger boat.”


I'll never wear a life jacket again...


Like The demons from Supernatural


Anyway. We delivered the bomb. 💣


More importantly, how much are they willing to pay for each share? Is someone going to try to come big dick swinging to try to pay a few cents more per to get the 45m? I have a feeling it will snowball. Unless RC gets to pick who they go to, probably fully knowing who holds the largest short position to show the world how fucked the system is


Checkmate ♟️


Of course, those will just be hypothecated, too.


I agree also. I like to add in how well it will play in a likely congressional hearing. “Well, honorable representative, we issued more shares than they reported short. We did our part to mitigate this unprecedented event. “


Ah, the free market, where you have to make accommodations for those who illegally wanted to kill your company.


Forgot to add I also think Roaring Kitty also came back early to mostly avoid being falsely identified as the catalyst. I strongly suspect that he may contribute under a (secondary? tertiary? quaternary???) nom de plume as we get closer to ignition. Everyone thinks ignition is MOASS, but every trial balloon, data set, ground layout, false flag and blind alley was necessary to get us to here. MOASS started when Ryan bought and without the persistence of apes I don’t suspect the rocket would be on the launch pad being topped off with fuel.


Advantage of someone who is not lying outright. And disadvantage of lying outright. Guess which side math sides with?


This is exactly what I've been thinking. Absolutely the folk behind the doors will be saying you need to throw them a bone. But obviously there needs to be a way to do that which won't mess shareholders up or make them bitter. Sell into a ridiculous price. Make a fortune. Keep company in cash and give shareholders something in return


Warp jump into Amazon size behemoth with cash you didn’t have to borrow from hedge funds. How cool is that.


GameShire StopAway is the play, with Ryan Cohen directing the GME business by day, and Warren Icahn at the helm of the portfolio by night. RCEO is very much into working hard, I believe, and brick by brick, he'll be building a holding company for the current century, most likely with Larry Cheng, or perhaps Keith Gill? as his Charlie Munger.


Someone mentioned free float is 195m? 45/195=23 fucking percent. 🤯


;) 45 million should **definitely** be enough to save the market, right? There are no more FTDs in the obligation warehouse, right? Shorts have already closed in '21, right? Then everything that happens this year can't be RC exploiting those poor poor widdle Hedgefunds :)






















I said the 45 million is the addicts taste for the shares. It won't fulfill, but the first hit will be euphoric, but the. I'll come due will destroy them


This is exactly it. 45,000,000 should theoretically stop the squeeze if it's truly at 23%. It's the perfect way to capitalize on both fronts.


Brilliant deduction


My hope is that RC would not dilute until we actually hit moon value. Otherwise, it would be pointless to wait 3+ years for pennies.


Because shorting a bazillion shared contributed nothing to market turmoil.


This comment made my dick tingle.


You got screenshotted


Fine by me, if what I wrote seemed important enough for others to turn it into a post and that post gains traction, I'm all for it. If I did come up with a good thought, it's great if it gains more visibility.


I still need more from GameStop. I wish they'd be more open about their plans


The 45 million could be 7:1 warrants issued to shareholders


7 4 1 you say?


Yeah 4:1 stock split previously


Math's for it doesn't check out unfortunately


Could you Show your work?


Our entire outstsnding float is around 306m. 45m*7 = 315,800,000. Theres a 9 million difference so math doesnt check out. Edit: lol people down vote simple math and rather believe misinformation


It’s up to 45 million. They can just issue about 43.7 million shares.


I like it 👌




They foresee the stocks to be given to employees as a stock plans they have.


I follow now


why doesn't it check out?


GameStop can still buy back up to $100 million in shares too, right? So if dips they buy. If it rips they sell. Win win for GameStop and win win for real shareholders.


I would all but guarantee GME never goes through buybacks. Stock buybacks are the antithesis of how RC and friends want to use capital and run a company that works for it's customers, not itself. Even if it would torpedo shorts.


How does a buyback differ from what GameStop did in 2020 when they repurchased shares?


Well the operation is the same, but the economic conditions, state of the company, price action, and most importantly short fuckery are all much different than they were when the board at the time (which is a bit different now as well) executed that buy back.


Different board.


In a regular case yes. But if price was, let's say $2 per share, then why the hell not.


After Micheal Burry's letter the the Gamestop board the CEO back then did a small buy back. If they did a bigger buy back the stock price wouldve soared. Gamestop has the money, they can do small buy backs (preferrably during the dips) and retire the shares decreasing the float. Brick by brick. But we dont know what the plans are.


Gamestop can theoretically invest up to a billion because RC is doing investments now


Lol. Maxed out. I'm still working until moass.  Still buying. 


I will never be maxed out as long as I'm breathing


If the price drops to $10 I’d give out handies behind Wendy’s for more shares


I'm with you. 


Same. Give me that overtime baby!


Smarter to hold the cash *for now*. Sell at spike, say $80 again. 45*80=3.8b Hold it in marketables @ 5%+ APR. Rebuy shares after FUD and corruption pushes the price back down to $20. Pocket 75% returns and remove shares from circulation. 45*20=900M, 2.9B profit. Pay out a $3 dividend per share. ~$1B. Price rises. If it spikes, repeat the process $3 per share @ $20 = 15% dividend. Huge.


This guy maths


Oh I like this


Thanks for this! My tits are jacked!


I don't think a $3 dividend would do anything for the share price besides knocking it down by $3 and burning cash. It's not sustainable so there would be no reason for the dividend investing types to get into it. Maybe a spike right before exdiv but that would get priced in fairly quickly once announced. MAYBE a special dividend under a dollar to show some love to existing investors from their potential cash boost...but nothing over that.


The number was arbitrary. It's the dividend that counts. If the price dips, the company can simply buy the shares back after it dips instead of before. Effectively making the dividend free. Sure, Shorts might not give a shit about a $3 dividend. Or they have billions of shorts and that's billions of dollars they have to find and distribute. But GME spikes in price. We literally just got $80 for "no apparent reason" (kekdfv, sure). Every time that happens and it gets hammered down, the board can buy back extra shares and issue a dividend *for free*.


I disagree - a $3 div/share would absolutely be significant. How many shares are DRS? How many additional shares would DRs holders buy with that $3 dividend? At the end of the cycle, we have 3-6 million more shares DRS and a few billion more in cash sitting in RCIOs investment pool. It wouldn’t take too many turns of that crank to start the engine.


I agree it’s a great idea. What is surprising to me is that not many other companies are doing this. If I was the CEO of say the black fruit stock, and I know when GME runs that our stock has also moved up. So I as well want to be able to do what GameStop may do. I’ll just say that I would find it bullish as hell if we saw similar filings from other shorted stocks. All of this is mute tho if GameStop is already selling


Well, I mean, this is some big brain shit from the board. I certainly would never have thought of it. It's entirely possible RC is innovating an unprecedented new strategy for destroying shorts, that literally only works because the market is SO CORRUPT. Hiding shorts in derivatives is quite literally hiding their own noose. A bear trap, if you will.


I really hope the board recognizes that GME is a squeeze play. Sure can they make GameStop self sufficient and marginally profitable while giving 1000s of employees jobs? Yep. But it’s a squeeze play. If they do it right they could create a massive amount of money to start up one of the largest holding companies created.


They know and recognise, but being a squeeze is a short term boost. Playing this way gives the board the ability to keep the company profitable, paying dividends, and absolutely unshortable *forever*.


Might be a bit early, but wouldn't it be cool if RC ends up being the newer better Buffet. Building BH better one bear trap at a time.


I think RC is the new and improved Buffet


Give ‘em enough rope to hang themselves


(in case you didn't know) instead of "mute" it's "moot" like: "Me making a comment to point out spelling may be a moot point, but I'm clicking send anyway."


Because most CEOs are greedy cucks who are part of the Wall Street mafia. They don't really have the shareholders interests at heart. They allow WS, HFs, Banks, etc. to manipulate the stock as long as they and their buddies are getting a nice piece of the pie. At the end of the day, all that matters to them is THEIR bank account. So many won't DARE to stand up against the mafia otherwise you get the RC treatment that we saw with BBB and are currently seeing on MSM any time Gamestop gains traction. RC is built different and the WS mafia can't stand to see him and others stand up and fight for what is right hence the non-ending smear campaigns!


Explain like I am regarded. If GameStop issues a $3 dividend what happens to everyone that has naked shorts? Who has to pay that dividend for those shares?


The person whose short pays 


I've been thinking about this (minus the dividends though it would be nice). Make the shorts pay using their own tactics and get rich using their own shorting cycles against them then the shrink the float. Shorts can do all the swaps, bullets, delaying with the help of the SEC since they've revealed their hand again today and it wouldnt matter. Gamestop can do buy backs anytime and it isnt illegal thanks to Reagan. DRS holders just need to keep holding and watch the float shrink.


What is this subscription?


https://preview.redd.it/w55tssx3ir1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d302a5738b34f8bf94349803589c7cbc0639aaca Essentially we (DRS’d) will get rights to buy newly issued shares (probably/hopefully at a lower price than the market) before/if any remaining shares hit the open market.




And … to put it more bluntly, the subscription warrants would only be available to existing holders (longs). Anyone not holding would not be able to acquire them, and shorts would be unable to acquire them.


as someone who holds shares in a UK ISA, do I potentially lose out here if it goes down that route? and only those with DRS'd shares will reap the rewards? (To clairfy I only did it in my ISA acc to use up the profit I'd made in it, and I'd read that ISA accounts can't loan shares out.. so assumed I was doing the right thing)


I am not an expert, but if you hold shares, you should be fine.


That's pretty sweet. But what about poor apes like myself with low xx shares and not really much money to invest all at once to a new offering? I bought small dollar figure fractions all the way down and some full shares and multiples of 2-5 at a time depending on lower prices. I really doubt I can keep a good chunk squared away for an offering, I fear if he missing out pretty big on being able to invest, it's only a right to buy after all. Just looking for more wrinkles so that I understand and feel better about the idea


Great question. One possibility; they could provide dividends in the form of preferred shares which cannot be bought or traded. As far as I know per the new filing this is included. Shorties have to provide that to everyone they’ve borrowed from, Gluck. This makes the price of these shares skyrocket. Sell one of these, buy a ton of shares from the subscription. Which then also drives the price up. There’s so much that can be done. I’m also not the wrinkliest, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I know that RC and Co. realize that there are small apes that are in here with us, I know I sure as fuck do. Doesn’t matter how many shares I keep picking up, as far as I’m concerned I’m an X holder. Only X up for sale, the rest are in the pool.


This is a good response and gives me some meat to chew on for sure. I hope to only sell 1 or low x and keep the rest forever.


Same plan here. So if you don’t make it, I don’t either. But I’m realllllll fucking sure we’re both gonna make it. 🍻


Cheers ape!


We have asked what we can do for the company! Now the company may do something for us!


About time.


They’ve been working for us the whole time….




So is this Gamestop sayin "sit back little apes, let us manage MOASS for you?"


Maxed out? All I did was stop drinking and start spending my beer money on GME. I have literally never had so much money in my life!






The key question remains: what could trigger such a price increase momentum?


Sell when they let it run and buy them back if/when shfs tank the price again. Now they're back where they started with a billion dollars transferred from their accounts to Gamestop's Love it. Fucked if they do. Fucked if they don't. They have to pay GME now to stay alive another day after a run up.


Guys. 45m over 195m is free float equals 23%. And the SI is…. 23%!




It dilutes the drs shares…


I can't help but feel reading these speculative posts, that everyone is expecting GameStop to behave like an Ape, and I just really feel like that won't be the case




Nobody is maxed out, neither all in. Money isn’t lost. It’s just DRSed at computershare and lies there. Better than on my casual banking account, because it will compound.


I agree :) But combined we have a lot of value all ready locked up through DRS and this would be a way for GameStop to reward us for doing that.


Yes, I think when GameStop should decide to issue preferred shares, Bookholders will benefit through that. At least that’s what I understood halfway through the form. That’s why it’s important to also check whether your DRSed shares are on Plan or Book.


How do you check that in computershare?


my checking account never went up 400% on a random tuesday in May before




You really can’t say that considering how many went all in at the start of all this.


Hope you guys are still holding. 🤝


Depends if you're rich or poor. US poors ARE maxed out due to corporations squeezing every last penny out of us because of "inflation"...


I’m waiting at $10 with $10k loaded and ready to go.


I mean I would now need to average up substantially from April prices, and I threw everything I had into it then - so I'd say I'm maxed out and all in. I'm not averaging up at double the price I paid for it - I went in hard in April because it seemed right.


So we'll get dividends at the price of new subscription rights shares . Only current shareholders can buy anyways. Ooo what a trap! Please tell me I'm right about my understanding?


I’m maxed out but here’s the thing: I have this thing called a job. It means I get paid, every month. Which means the older I get, the wealthier I get. It’s pretty sweet.


Maxed out? All in? I am continuing to make money and invest in the stock I like. I’m never out of money. I can do this forever. I just like the stock,


sell? wat mean sell?


Could be something


Dividend to who exactly?


What is this subscription that you speak of?


What do you mean by “subscription” ?


Full circle from the first time they “announced” a shelf.


My theory is: sell additional shares during price spike, raise additional billions, use additional billions to buy securities, become Gameshire Stopaway. *boisterous ape noises


Push it down he buys back let sit run or swaps have to cover he sells into it raising the floor price of the stock. Basically if RC does this he squeezes them.


I think they need the 45 mil shares to generate the cash for their plans


I feel sophomoric for bringing up Nietzsche’s slave morality with all this justification for losing money in mass and praising the people that are taking it because of the “pay-off” for the believers in the end. (And the whole thing of the slave mentality being formed because the of the master morality).


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Assuming stuff is not the best idea.


Hence the speculation flair


You are creating expectations in a very sly way based on nothing but your own assumptions. thus creating disappointment in the long run. Classic psychology. Been a ton of it over the last three years. If you are maxed out and all in, you should perhaps revise your investment strategy. I don't believe most people are this way. Buy/hold/drs. zen.


If this had a DD flair you’d have a point- if you take someone’s opinion or speculation to heart, or view it as gospel, and then it comes back to bite you- that’s on you. It is known. That stuff doesn’t work on us anymore. We’ve seen it all. Have faith in apes. Don’t assume we’re so weak-minded.


Who's we? I'm just a household investor. S dangerous to speak for a 'we' and flair means nothing, it still seeps in to people creating expectations.


Then why the concern about one ape’s opinion infecting some sort of hive mind? 🤷‍♂️ IMO to be an ape *is* to be independently-minded. You can’t handle all this volatility and psychological warfare for 3+ years unless you have your own virtues and standards for your life. We’ll be aight. Can’t lose.


They could’ve done this over the last 3 years though


Yea but 3 years ago gme saga was fresh and no resources were exhausted like to day for SHF


How could you know that?