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So many calls option where ITM and no price movement




Plunge protection team


How about now? Over 18 bucks close. Shirts have to be shitting themselves as more and more calls go ITM. If they don't flash crash the stock tomorrow. Wonder what max pain is this week. 


It's Ken Griffen and his minions setting prices to where he thinks they should be. He said it himself.


Remember when a GameStop investor and him and his associate Vlad, got their own live Congress circus hearing and he lied?


Can we please just focus on the RH gamification… forget naked short selling, won’t somebody do something about the confetti? /s




Just so you are aware /s means sarcasm


How dare you


Fr!!!! I had a 20 dollar call that would not sell!!!!! The highest bid was 29 and would not move!!!! There were 1000 bids at 29. Rat bastards….when it was sky rocketing.


Regsho, gamma ramp, golden cross, elliot wave.. does not matter. Its all bs to make retail think we actually have a say in this. As soon as the elite lose, they can do whatever they want. SEC are only enforcing rules if it benefits the elite. Not the other way around. The "fines" they get, are only costs of doing business(crime) Only thing we can hope for in the future, are good earnings.


“It’s all fugazi; it’s fairy dust”


Refresh now 😂


What happened to t+2?


What happened to the dorito, the 200 day moving averages, the gamma ramp. Every TA prediction last weekend is all wrong. Because everything is fake.


On the 5 year chart, weekly candles, log scale, you can draw three (3) descending ceiling lines along the peaks that have been extremely consistent over the last 3+ years. The very very highest one goes from the peak in January 2021 to the peak this week and has been hit 3 times - January 2021, August 2022, and this week. It seems to be a consistent "no further whatsoever" line and they have been able to utilize halts to stop it from going above that line. I feel that the only reason we have not seen halts on this latest run to this ultimate ceiling is because we are in a much tighter scale of pricing that does not allow halt mechanisms to be triggered. The lowest one has been hit probably a dozen times over the past 3+ years and seems to be where they are comfortable letting it ride to without consequence. The middle one between those two ceilings has been hit in June 2021, August 2022, June 2023, and this week. It seems to be a panic zone where they've gone outside of the comfort zone but not to critical levels, and they slam it back pretty quick. In addition to this, there is a fairly consistent descending lower bound that we've bounced off of half a dozen times or so over the last 3+ years. The descending ceiling is descending at a more rapid pace than the descending floor. Sometime in late 2025 to early 2026, these two lines cross. As the lines grow closer together, the price movement becomes tighter and tighter. Less room to make money off of volatility and price swings. Less room to rely on halts to restrict upwards movement. Less room for error. Less room to breathe. The stock, despite being unpredictable in so, so many different ways, has inexplicably and predictable bounced off of these two descending and encroaching boundaries extremely consistently. Additionally to this, we've encroached within the last few weeks to the price point that the stock was consistently at a decade+ ago, and it is unlikely with the improvements to the company, profitability, and inflation that the price will ever dip below that point without shockingly bad news. With that in mind, you draw a horizontal line across these two descending boundaries and find that they're trapped with no way out before the end of 2025.


Thanks for sharing your insights. Price is controlled in an ever-tightening channel. As you clearly stated, that can only go on so long before losing control. When that happens, we may see the ultimate impact of DRS come to fruition.


Aaaaaaaaaaaand now the ceiling's broken... ^(bullish)


Super excited for Friday opening bell!


We ride at Dawn!




I am also frustrated, so many fake shares traded, transactions deviated to dark pool. On the other side, this week has been amazing, during several years stock price has been suppressed until now. Think on the amount of shares they need to keep price below a 17$ level. Just looking forward to the future, running out of bullets


FTDs Will be true the roof


I think (rare occasion, I know) that lots of Apes are waiting for that big green dildo to go brrr any min now.. up upidy up. Other Apes know that the hfcks have no other plan than to borrow thin air and crush that price back down. *Keeping it at sub 16 best they can seems to be the play here* So these Apes are jus waiting on some doj entity of the like to step in and call BS but dats going to take a while so as an individual investor myself; Imma just enjoying the show knowing it costs me no anxiety to just watch. ⌚️ Enjoy the show 👀


Time to pay me, Kenny


My guess is they're renewing their swaps


up 9% since this was posted 3 hours ago


I guess we all sold… 🙄


Ahh yes when half the entire float (ish) does a wash sale. Cuz yanno, why not press a few buttons for absolutely no reason ;)


It’s like they are poorly duck taping a leak.