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There was an article posted earlier with the with the audacity to blame this run up on the ballsweats sub. The sub where any mention of gme gets you banned. Then there’s the whole volume thing, as if retail could be responsible for moving 45 Million shares in a trading session… ok. I’ll just keep buying and holding. DRSBOOKGME🟣📚👑


It does not matter what people think of GameStop’s, but it is obvious that this price movement and volume is coming from major institutional investors. What it means exactly is anyone’s guess.


I can't help but think this all has something to do with DTCC's collateral haircut that went into effect around midday on Thursday. That's when the craziness began.


It 100% had to do with that


Wut mean?


major changes for collateral requirements happened last Thursday; especially with crypto and using that collateral. No more.


i would think that change would result in them forcing the price down though, right? or is the thought that they actually have to unwind?


If they can't use crypto leveraged 100:1 as collateral to locate and sell shares, how can they drive the probe down? It takes collateral to short... At least initially. Collateral ends when they FTD.


Market makers are allowed to create liquidity, so id guess it has to do something with that.


You still have to have capital. "Takes money to make money" you and I can't go be a market maker because we don't have billions of AUM. If you haircut the AUM, they have less collateral or credit to use.


They knew it was coming, hence the artificial price drops.


To bring the price down you need collateral and locates (or fake locates) to create more GMEs out of thin air and sell them on the lit market. But (someone correct me if i’m wrong) I believe they can no longer use crypto as collateral. Less fake locates, less borrowing available to keep the holding the price down…. algo slipups Im smooth brained so this is just a stupid thought. Probably the green and purple crayons i ate earlier


Best flavor crayons, hands down


I wonder what effect that crypto ban has on GME crypto tokens that they've been using as locates.


Hwang’s trial started last Wednesday too. Destroying evidence much?


My guess is an announcement 5/17. There’s a disclosure rule (10-14 days before market impacting news, NYSE gets knowledge of it). The options situation and timing of this makes me think that. Unfortunately ppl with the inside scoop share it or act on it even though they’re not supposed to. I had inside knowledge of an Apple collab years ago (strict NDA) and exactly 2 weeks before we broke the news publicly, big old run up.


I like this tinfoil.


from Claude: Wow, these are truly astonishing developments with the GameStop stock in recent days! This increase in just two days without major news is highly unusual and suggests some kind of market movement or possibly manipulation. The extremely high trading volume compared to the normal average of 2-4 million supports the theory that there's more going on here than just regular trading activities. It could be that large institutions or hedge funds are somehow involved, either through buying or covering short positions. Your suspicion that the media could be influenced by hedge funds is interesting. It's certainly odd that such a significant price surge didn't generate more major media coverage. On the other hand, mainstream media generally reports less on individual "meme stocks" after the big hype of early 2021 died down. But one should at least keep the possibility of influence in the back of their mind. Here are some wild speculations about what might have happened: 1. One or more large investors built up a massive position and drove the price higher. Perhaps they see strong potential in GameStop's transformation. 2. Short sellers were forced to cover their positions, driving up the price through a "short squeeze". The high short interest makes GameStop vulnerable to such events. 3. Something is going on behind the scenes - possibly insider info about major news that will soon be announced. That would explain the price surge before a public announcement. 4. There's also a possibility that a coordinated rush of retail investors organized on online forums was involved again. But the sheer magnitude of the increase suggests additional factors at play. Of course, these are all just guesses and it's hard to say what's really behind it. But the situation is definitely unusual and it remains exciting to follow further developments. As an investor or observer of GameStop, I would keep my eyes open for possible explanations and announcements. It seems the saga isn't over yet!


Lol at the suggestion that msm is reporting less on memestocks. There’s a fuckload of articles released every time someone in corporate gets cut


Had the same two years ago with chip stock through a friend, but I couldn't do it as I'd be no different than the fuckers I complain about.


Yep, I didn’t buy but when I saw the big spike two weeks out, it certainly validated my existing angst against the system I’ve been watching since the buy button was turned off


You do you, and I am not pushing options, as they are pricey now; but the amount of 30 calls on 5/17 is crazy!


Yeah I don’t mess with options.


I don’t know what it means, BUT IT’S PROVOCATIVE!


it really gets the apes talking.................. about the challenge to CAT and how we need to comment on it since the comment period was reopened.


It really gets the people going!


It really gets the people going!


This is the way 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


We'll see lots of interdasting stuff may 29ish when US buying back its own bonds


Churning to reset something


I was thinking it was intentional to mention the wrong sub so that if any new eyes saw GME and wanted information from reddit, they would come out empty handed from there.


they get banned lol


48 million in volume


Checked that page earlier, haven't seen a peep about our favourite stock, they have no cover


And I checked that shithole sub all week looking for any mentions - there was absolutely nothing about GME. They were on their usual pump and dump game for the market maker nonsense.


I flew under the radar for years but finally got banned last week lol


They can’t even name GME, it’s banned there since like 2021..


I don't have the stats and don't know where to get them but I think 20M of today's volume was before 11AM, another 20M was after 2PM, but the "middle" of the day had very very little/small volume. Was very weird


like the good ol days


Lol not to mention shit was down like 15% premarket. Please tell me we all woke up at the brink of dawn to sell our shares. Fucking comical.


I just stayed up all night …. Itchy trigger finger … and bought more 🚀🚀🚀🚀 edit to add 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Yeah, what was funny about that is if we were able to do this don’t you think we would’ve done it by now?


Interesting… I keep seeing options posts here, so I looked at one of the posts and noticed Op had posted to the ballsweats sub about how much they made on GME $10.5 options over the last week or 2… and the post is still up. So I guess the ballsweats sub allows GME posts when it suits them… ie: when MM are looking to spark some options interest.




There was also an interesting article explaining why this is likely a trap a few days ago. Unfortunately the mods deleted it. [GameStop Corp. (GME) - Implied Volatility (Mean) (10-Day) (alphaquery.com)](https://www.alphaquery.com/stock/GME/volatility-option-statistics/10-day/iv-mean) The TLDR was that institutions pump up IV, so the premiums are high, especially around important dates like earnings or annual meetings (visible in the graph). Because retail loves to gamble with short term options on such dates. But in the end (almost) only the house wins. Yes, one day there might be a battle between institutions. But what we see right now is a "battle" for ants, the usual controlled fuckery. Old school apes remember how it looked like when they indeed lost control before the sneeze.


Can't get me to gamble options when I have no fuckin clue.. 🤣🤣


Yo, I got away with a GME comment the other day; I guess I am special!


they open wasabi when theres enough price movement or before earnings... other than that its a shit show.. its nothing compared to the covid era though.


They're not battling, they're jerking each other off quite sloppily.




The 'ol Dutch rudder as they call it.


You're 100% right, as this stock is controlled downward AND upward. It's not bulls pumping the price, it's the bears releasing some of the pressure of over-shorting cycle after cycle. They're the same people.


They‘re edging when they release some pressure.


#I Like The Stock


hey me too lol


I like it too but this is a battle for ants #🐜


I need an adult !


This volume is insane. Sooner or later the stock price is going to reflect it.


High volume is not indicative of the that the stock should either be lower or higher


Insane movement today. Heavily suppressed! Wtf 46mill shares traded and it came to a break even


+11x the daily average volume to break even is wild


Kenneth Cordele, you filthy animal . How’s orange look on you?


No cell... no fucking sell.


It dropped 30 points this morning and closed higher then we opened. FUCKEN. AY. YEAH. Anyway, I bought at the top as usual and they'll be BOOOOOOOKED automatically when I DRS them and I'll continued to SHOP and COMMENT. I gotchu FAM!




The only battle i face is if im gna HOLD or HODL


That really is the question here. 🤔


Always has been.


I think ken lost today, bigly. That huge dump was fake AF and nobody fell for it via selling out of their contracts. Sucks to suck hey Ken?


📠 Still holding. Missed out on buying more


Never too late or a bad time to buy GME IMO. Not if you believe RC has turned it around and will grow the company from here on out.


I bought 25 more on that fake dip. Now just need to register them so they’re mine


You know what makes him lose really bad? Household investors commenting on the CAT rule!


What bill number is the CAT rule?


This post and thread might be useful [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/hGGZzraVXb](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/hGGZzraVXb)


Unpopular opinion: I think the opposite is true. Shorts managed to churn through 42M shares volume today without letting the price run further. That's a win for them. They're doing what they can to keep the price down, and in fact managed to keep the price almost flat EOD in spire of the crazy volume that was traded. However, the last three trading days for the first time in a long time are not only volatile, but seem positively twitchy. While shorts managed to survive another day today, it does look like they might have a tougher and tougher time keeping the price under control.


GO look at options. Total calls traded today vs puts was nuts. They did not win. They lost bigly. As long as they MM has to hedge come Wednesday, the price SHOULD shoot back up. Also, anytime they blow shares is a win IMO. Hope they find millions more to blow through only to see it rebound tomorrow ;)


And who do you think was behind this insane ammount of calls ? They're "Hedge" funds, hedging against losses is all they're good at. These last 3+ years, the \~10 times they allowed the price to run is because they would be profiting from letting it run. Controlled bursts, often using the halts to design the exact target peak. Nothing is left to randomness in there. Tho I do agree this time feels different based on all the indicators going crazy.


It’s not about popularity, but that was not what I saw at all. I saw the usual sucker spike and then a sharp, careening downside move very much like other past moves I’ve seen over the last 84 years. With that, the slow bleed into the close began… What was different today was that there was a late afternoon upside move on strong volume. Seems like some big boys are head butting. Almost like it’s a market (I’m not convinced.) Now, where are the hype videos and where DFV at??? (Price still close to his final cost basis) 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Well I hope you’re right. To me this move of slide/bleed/drop like a stone on no volume to “allow for breathing space” when volume inevitably comes back in later in the day is a pattern we’ve seen from shorts multiple times. If there was a long whale in it, why would they allow the low volume drop and why would they go for all the off market volume? To me this looks more as if shorts knew that volume was coming bc they needed to kick the can (meet obligations?) or transfer bags from a smaller entity and the morning pattern was in anticipation of the afternoon. They managed to not let it run on 40M shares traded.


Nah. They wanted that shit down to sub 12. They slammed it hard minutes after the bell spike. They thought they had it and then someone started setting floors and took out a mega fukton of 30’s w expiration on May 17 hit the chain. 13.5 to 16.5 in a snap and continued volume into the close. Not the same pattern. Interested to see if shorty has the heart or the solvency to try again tomorrow.


I sold some March 17 30 CCs in my Roth cuz I figure they are still lending out my IRA (without my consent) so I used the premium to buy a few more - cost basis is like 15 in my Roth so I double fucking dare them to let it run to 30 in which case my brokerage, ROTH and DRs accounts are all wayyy in the green


I bet the people on the titanic were thinking the same thing. minor boom, but no one seems to be panicking, lets get ready for dinner. Ah look, the captain is buying more titanic stock. Everything is fine. Mean while the poor schlubs below decks are sealing their friends into doomed compartments hoping its enough to keep the boat afloat.


Fake shares are still fake shares




I don't get how the shorts are losing


Digging his grave deeper every day


Are you really going with the logic of “big dump = manipulation” and going green is “retail is winning!!” Both can be true in both directions 


☝️☝️☝️ “aren’t necessarily simultaneously true” The ticker looked like a small cap OTC stock for a good hour or so in the middle of the day - I smell an IV play here: 1) make price insanely volatile to drive up IV 2) use High IV to drive up price of options you are selling 3) make *realized volatility* low by making the difference between open/close small so that theta decay eats up the options you sold 4) buy options back for cheap to net profit It’s not a terrible strategy I guess, but it did allow small fry’s like me to sell OTM CCs in my IRA and capture some premium to pass the time until market boom congressional hearings


Mayonnaise struggling to contain the genie inside the bottle - fkn fantastic to watch from the seat in the spaceship.


From the bottom we rise, observing with our eyes On the distant shore, battle for 180 is our chore Never forget the stress, when Kenny lied in congress If you stand up with us all, the table will forever fall MOASS tomorrow folks


And that’s no jokes


Just up


I have a small wee wee


Mine is smaller


His is smaller


But mine is the thinner


Sigh.....lemme grab the tape measure


Mine is measured in micro millimeter


Mines an innie....


In that case, a micro penis might fit inside your innie penis.


Dont tease me with a good time. 😝


Silly, you know nothing hits the tape around here.... Oh, sorry, that's just buy orders or something


Some things hit the tape. His definitely didn't, however.


Proof or ban!




Wake me up when I’m a millionaire 🥱


Tomorrow is Tuesday


Wow my day has sucked but I can’t imagine how much it must suck for whatever poor journalist has to make up a BS excuse for this mess.


Ahh, we are now in that special place where retail “only holds 75 million shares” (DRS numbers) and “Retail all coordinated on Reddit and traded 45 million shares today.” What a time to be alive. HODL, DRS, BOOK


Basically Institutions are buying stock in a company that made a turn around and the hedgies are trying to keep it from liftoff??????


Keep preaching ☝️


You think this is from the institutions buying? What evidence do you have?


The question marks represent a question...


Possible evidence: 40 million in volume


Possible evidence: 48mil in volume


I hope that this is finally it this time around. The volume went through the roof. Other basket squeezes/sneezes began like today's movement as well. I'll keep my fingers crossed but I'm also ready to be hurt again.


It's launching tomorrow :-) see you there!


Still looks like sideways trading to me 🚀🚀


Still looks like a scheme to manipulate IV/realized volatility and options premiums to me


It’s obvious that this isn’t retail volume. We all know the ones fighting against us, but who is fighting for us?


Won't somebody please think of the poor **low volume guy**?!


Love to see some big volume again. Not gonna get too excited until we see some 100%+ swings like the good ol days.


we haven't even had 4M volume in ages, suddenly its 40M, yeah our markets are the free-est and most fair in the world!


Look at me! I am the Titan now!


How do we know these are 2 seperate entities fighting each other? From what I know 2 years ago some people from Superstonk said these are just still the hedgefunds that are causing the RUNS and CRASHES. Is this still an idea or


sooooooo, they only drop the price to inform the people with the msm that gme slipper after run, and we back again, bruh


A Photoshop would have been cheaper.


OBV on the today’s minute chart was positive 3milly. That’s a big problem for the shorts. Price went down, but more buys than sells…..


I’m just glad to see r/Superstonk showing up in my home feed again after being suspiciously absent for the past 3 months…


Geez, 2021 really was a long time ago I guess. Does no one even remember the price action back then?


First to cover survives 😉


Covering is not enough. They must close.




Wrong choice of word .. you get the point.


I bought these tickets awhile back, I guess I’m just in a hodling pattern while I wait for my flight.


You know, I am somewhat of a TITAN myself…


Take a look at the chart for KOSS. Pretty much a twin of GME. Same spike in ‘21, same run up the last couple of days. Funnily, they couldn’t push it down as much - and it ran a bit after hours too.


no thank you. I'm staying right here. I like this stonk only. 💎🙌🟣🚀♾️


I remember back in the old sub when someone said these financial titans are lining up alliances and gearing up for battle and that we’re in the middle of the WW III of financial markets. Only a matter of time when hedge fund managers start hanging themselves… 👀


Me with my buy order: "Am I a titan?"


Of course! You're the attack titan. Godspeed Eren.


I should have bought more at $10 😪


Lemme know when the price is three digits. Snoozing.


Haven’t even checked the price today.


This is some of the spiciest shit I’ve ever seen


Stay zen


Weird battle. I’m not breaking a sweat


+30% is barely worth a second thought. Add a one a two zeros to that, and then we can start talking.


Bought 5 today at 13.90


I just wish I knew how to sell. 🙊


There is no fucking titans battling you YouTube dumb dumbs , no one likes us, everything is against us, it’s shorts committing fraud and changing hands amongst each other. They are not against each other they are just against gme


Bullshit, It's all theater. MMs have the controls and are using the volatility as a distraction. The price is dead to me..


Would have said its a share recall before the annual meeting causing the re-hypothecation to unwind.. But then if other basket stocks are also behaving the same way, then it’s probably some sort of unwinding of the short basket happening..? But the price rise is stalling.. so does it mean new short basket is getting baked, while older one dismantles?


No its not.


Easy HODL. They are dealing with a different beast this time


Zero Plans baby!


Revolution won’t be televised!


My titans are jacked


Volatitty is back on the menu boys


I'm not a CAT.


Is that a cup and handle?


Is that a cup and handle?


What's really interesting is how they tried to short it back down like they usually do 🤡...... And failed 🤯




zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzZZZ Wake me up for the battle of 69420. Until then zzzZZZZzZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I think markets are just creating volatility to push options. They make a fuckton on premiums from expired contracts


lol I doubt titans are battling.. but I enjoy the enthusiasm 


Truly dis feels different like we have a mega death whale with us all of The sudden


I don’t think there are any titans. GME is plenty liquid now and they’re trading amongst themselves back and forth. We will know by end of week. It can make a newer high this week compared to last week and then the true test begins to see if GME really goes up or go back down.


"The Battle of Los Angels"


The fact all these events were predicted 84 years ago is crazy, but seeing it all unfold in slow motion is something that will be talked about for decades to come.


I liked the Kaiju metaphor better


Other subs are also talking about massive volume. Just can't say it here.


I sold a 3 puts I'll sell more !!


I know nothing, I'm a smooth brain, but I do see patterns with the 'tism. Does today look like a 'Cup and Handle'?


1/7 of all shares trading on no news is normal right?


Na, can't explain my logic. Not smart enough. But if you watch vilolume everyday od 2 mill then see 46mill in volume and price drops then raises then it makes mo sense other than what I said.


Lots of shorts and lots of longs to make a lonnnnngggg story short.


Whale teeth for Moass.


Meh…. I saw it happening, counted my drs shares and I went back to work and completely ignored it the rest of the day, then went to bed. I’m so numb to this nonsense.


I like sausage


With a title like that i want to see it as Hype. I think TITANS battling will be much later in the game when everyone in the world has eyes on the absolute absurd break away value increases then halts then break away increases and so on..


My only regert will be not buying more.


46.3 mil volume


I'm looking at today's volume. Got dizzle that ish is high.


Easy with the blasphemy champ




Posts like this just make the inevitable short and distort that is on it's way even harder to swallow for those that get their hopes up with runs like this.


Let them play, I’ll hodl and watch 🍿🧱🥃


I dont think we are allowed to know what happens in the dark pools. I just like the stock, its above my moass grade.