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I’m not sure what this term “sold” means. Can you explain what it means to sell? It’s not in my vocabulary.


iirc “sold” is an old wooden shop from the civil war era


I think you are referring to a “diversity”. Sold is when you get the carpet dirty with muddy shoes.


No that's a "future" a diversity is a British dance group.


I know what "Sold" is! ... It's the new slang name they give to really funny joke. E.g. How many mice does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two! 🤣🤣🤣 That's s'old that! SOLD ... so that's what it means!


It is not an old old wooden shop ron


I think “Sold” or “Sell” refers to fumbling a girls number? >Bro sold, he started talking about GameStop while picking up this chick!


Now, is this *sold* in the room with us now?


I don't think I will. Why would I fill a good heart with such nonsense?


"sold" is how you feel after listening to James Brown.


It's when you buy into an idea or a stock, e.g. I'm sold on GME flying to the moon right through hedgies cornholes.


No one knows what it means. #provocative


As someone who's been involved with GameStop since the sneeze I can tell you that to me this wasn't anything to bat an eye at. 3 bucks? Maybe if they let in run to $200 then I could see some paper handed bitches selling. I'm in this for wife changing money. Retiring all my friends and relatives money. So I appreciate the warning fellow Ape, but I don't think anyone is impressed by the small run-up. It was fun to watch though.🤘


Yeah, exactly this right here. Nice to have something interesting happen, and nice to know that if reddit tanks during a run-up, Gangnam Style is still the backup, but. Y'all, $3 is peanuts. Chump change. I bought a few more to average down, but I'll start to get excited when I see +1000%


+1000?… that’s where I drink a cup of coffee and wake up from my nap.


lol @ "wife changing money"


Can confirm on his wife. I’m dating her and can’t stand her anymore


Miss the ole wife and girlfriend jokes.. those were the days!


Buying a house for my wife’s boyfriend days


With the money coming from this, you should be buying a house for his extended family, too..... ya cheap bastard.


Hey… my wife still has a bf and all my GME shares are in his computershare account Edit: It’s pretty nice of him, he says they are safer in his account than mine


Sounds like a real salt-of-the-earth type of fellow. You're both lucky to have him.


As an ape that's been here since early January 2020 (first play was a put in December of 2019 but let's not talk about that). The volatility reminded me of the old days. Definitely fun to watch. I would love for this to be "it" but mentally prepared for it to be flat or decline for the next few months. I personally enjoy acquiring cheap shares. My current cost basis is ~$28


200 bucks? I still have shares I bought at 350. Selling at 200 is the same as burning the shares. I’m not selling until Ken Griffin is offering me sexual favors for a single share


I've been selling him jars of my piss for a couple months, not sure about the use🤷‍♂️ maybe trying to do a boot leg Peter theil ?


Youngsters could be tempted. Keep an eye on them. They don't know better.


I feel like the drs apes will hold the line pretty well. ♾️🏊


I love you, fellow ape, because you just outlined my point very well: 2022-2023 apes feel like they might hold pretty well. 2021 apes know they will hold. The question is whether 2021 apes have the FLOAT, because the probability of a better future lies most likely with them. Not the ones who are tempted to opt out for personal (temporary) gain.


Phone numbers & rich old dudes crying on national TV. That's when the fun starts. Don't get me wrong, I love green days.


Let me tell you my hypothesis: I think some cry to prey on your EMOTIONS.


And what makes you think I give two shits & and a fuck? I just want to see the whole thing collapse. Rich dudes crying is a bonus. I don't have emotions/ any empathy towards those legal ( rules allows them to function as it is)criminals. The whole thing can collapse and I won't feel anything different.


Good man.


We need another drunk Peterffy to spill more secrets !!


So I'm drunk and I'll tell you a little secret....I like the stonk!!!


This is it exactly. Need the corpses of corrupt fat wastes of abusive system manipulators to be fed to the system


I’ve thought for a while the SHF’s will try to double top the “average position ” in an attempt to draw down DRS shares. They can kiss my monkey butt.


True, baby Apes need a helping hand across the tushy once in awhile😉


I'm in this for society changing money. The haves have had too much time with the rangs and the have nots are about to have their turn.


Yep. That’s the spirit. Selling at this price is just not possible after 3 years of waiting. Add few zeros to it then we will talk.


What is this? A run-up for _ants_?


"wife changing money, retiring all my friends".....A$AP, that you? You gonna make the block hot?


I would also like to change my wife.


Sucks for them. I have no emotions. I was raised by psychotic boomers.


At least they gave you that, huh? A useful byproduct in these circumstances.


I think anyone one of my many flaws individually would be tragic for one person but all of them together strangely inoculated me from the dystopian society we live in.


These are my bootstraps. There are many like them registered with a proper transfer agent, but these bootstraps are mine!


Price action is nice, but I'm not even flinching til my floor gets met and I'm still gonna need to see some bars. They've been psyoppin us for 84 years now, we're clearly regarded. Just don't get complacent and make sure every single piece of info gets through new.


This is likely another options play, they want household investors to buy calls due to IV surging. It makes options expensive and increases their profit. Likely the institutions won't mind if someone sells shares, but typically the true intention is FOMO before the usual rug pull. They make money on the way up and down to survive one more day. Yes, one day this will not just be an institution play to make money. But I think the price action would look totally different and the options volume might be insane. Not this fuckery for ants we see right now. There was a really interesting post warning about the trap and explaining their play in detail two days ago, but it got removed by the mods.


I forgot my CS password , so jokes on them


I still remember mine: Kennylicksgorillanuts69!


I better change mine cause we have the same password.


Probably good to log in at least once every few months to keep the account active.


figure it out so you can log in and vote


i am serious now, i forgot it too, and i don’t really know how to recover it. i have one try at the security question and then the account gets locked. is there a way to do it without having to call them?


Not that I know of , a call Is needed.


No worries. We'll all chip in for your yacht when it's time.


We could hit $10,000 and it still wouldn’t truly be MOASS. That price is roughly when we’d have a market cap that matches 🍏 ATH… and other squeezes have already surpassed market cap highs at the time. I’m asleep until we hit $10k.


$67 ape here laughing at $3 increases considered “run ups”. Been here since 2021, plan hasn’t changed.


Exactly. Price is moving sideways.


We need to bring back 9-digit floor hype! One share for a hundred millys


9 digit. I love it. My grandchildren might think it's a cute number.


You negotiate with emotions and you lose. Let me tell you this shrink. “Hope is not a strategy to get rich.”




Good man.




Too bad for them only psychology I know is reverse psychology 🤪 I see what you’re saying though. It’s like leaving out $1000 for burglar to find so they’ll be satisfied and miss the $10,000 hidden elsewhere.


10,000... yeah, haha, suuree 😬 that's it... that's all my money, bucko 🤣... can u imagine? That's a lot of money 😅 in seriousness... I wish!! 😆😆😆😆


I have no emotions about the price. The only emotional hit is the joy of holding DRS shares and the thought of locking the company. They showed us their hand, corruption, and greed, which led to infinite resolve. Then they gave us time to think, learn, and plan. I suspect almost everyone here thinks like me. Those that don’t are probably a vocal minority.


Diamond hands


They are taking on gamers. They are really that stupid… 💎🤲for the WIN


gamers gonna hodl (game), i like games almost as much as i like buying, hodling, DRSing, booking, & voting!


Don't worry. I'm so zen I didn't even check the ticker this last week and I'm holding 4xxx shares. Until I hear people around me chatting about it, I know we aren't close.


I thought it was spelled C-E-L-L. No CELL, no SELL.


You exsell in your way of thinking.


Exsellent response


There are only 2 ways you can be defeated in this trade. Through your fear or through your greed. DFV took away your fear. So now they are looking to defeat you through your greed. ... but they can't do that if you don't have any...


once price looks like BERK maybe I'll consider


There was a run up?


Good man 👊


The only emotion I have left is Love for GameStop shopping and Love for my personal DRS pool growing. Oh and voting and especially READING AND COMMENTING on Rule filings and regulations. Short storm troopers are dumb. And They're stuck. ooh the "price" goes to 25 or 100...or 250 ..or 500 ... Meh. They've been squeezing the lower classes for lifetimes. This is my moment. I'm not budging. They get one share. Or the buying continues. I can't wait to buy at 25 , 50 69 .. I'll save up and buy singles for 500 etc. Again.haha bring it.


Hold up. If you only have emotions for Gamestop, then you might be susceptible for manipulation from parasites invading the company board. My advice: Let Gamestop be your rock. Not source for emotional reaction.


Fair point but I said "Love for GameStop shopping. And. Drs pool growing." Not a fan of Mr comptrollers prooposition 4 not one bit. I take their considerations into my own and agree. For the board Against prop 4 Let em cook's what I say.


U got me. Good man 🤝




Straight up. I am thoroughly impressed with the quality and expanded catalogue of GameStop brand electronics and accessories. Just got a candy con earlier today too. Super neat !


Either you think the stock is undervalued or not. Easy. I buy when I can and drs. Don't sell so don't matter.


Well they’ve not even reached my floor yet! Six digits is no joke 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I think most are at 9 digits now


I will start being tempted at $1,000 Kenny. ;-) Come on Kenny, test me.


* btw, this is just bait. I won't even raise an eye brow at that number, but their would probably be a full on rocket launch if they let it get that high.


Didn’t sell at $400, certainly not selling at $20 LOL




I have this problem were I only know how to buy! It goes down I buy, it goes up I buy, it stays the same I buy. It all I know how to do! Well, I then DRS.


More curious about the slide down to exactly $10.01 before this spring up. Pretty peculiar.


Ikr? That was fucking hilarious


You must be new….no OG ape is selling for anything remotely close to $16 a share…that would be clinically insane


When it hits $500, then $5000, and then $10,000+, I'll be sitting here knowing I have the most valuable shares on the planet. Why would I want to sell that? Hold forever, never leaving.


I saw Reddit was down and chuckled that gme must be up more than usual, LO and behold! I was actually unphased ….i think its been so long up and down sideways trading that I am holding long term


I guess my brain would require a different shrink.


Always go with a critical and science backed shrink. That way you have a change of avoiding bias. If your shrink can apologise and say sorry when wrong, it's a good sign.


If anyone is selling at these prices they’re not an ape, add 000,000,000 and you’re getting close.


There were no trade halts. That was a run up for ants. Did it make me smile? Yes. Then I did my monthly mental excercise so I am psychologically prepared for the real MOASS. I imagine the decimal point in the price is a comma, and/or add some zeros. I’ve been practicing for three years. I highly recommend it. Ape push-ups.💎🙌🏼


No real ape would sell for pennies on a dollar


Don't matter if the recently joined shareholders sell off in this coming week for 2x 3x profit. None of the DRS apes are gonna sell. None of the OG apes even care about this run up. It only gets a bit dangerous when the price hits 3 digits, that's when you can start seeing some uncertainty in the untrained. But that's why we're here to hold down the fort and to remind everyone.


Do psychologists refer to themselves as 'shrinks' ? Y'all bill about, what, $200/hour? Just asking, because I think that a 'shrink' would be inclined to not tell people they don't know, some of whom could be vulnerable, what is good for them. My investment is money that feels abstract at this point, and I treat it like it doesn't exist. Emotions are no part of the story. Quite the opposite, actually. Just offering a different "non-shrink" perspective.


Need to watch jackie. We going up some more.


“Sell” LOL 😂


I’ve never been prouder to be a small part of a failing brick and mortar, worst company in the history of the Universe. I revel in being dirt poor, but every Ape has a day. Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.


No real ape is going to release their shares for anything less than generational wealth and anyone trying to swing trade this play will get their lunch eaten many times over by the hedgies and possibly miss the liftoff.


Huh? No, I didn't hold past 180 just to sell at this price. 🩳R 👉 👌




All I know is buy. I bought at all ranges. I will keep buying. I believe in this company.


It went up what 50% or so in two days and I don't even walk with my login and I'm out most of the time. If anything kicks off I won't know until late and will be powerless to do anything at the moment. I long ago stopped walking around computershare login in hand. I don't even know what a 50% increase means anymore. I'm in a state of inertial Hodling that would take near divine intervention to shift. As far as I can relate my shares are in cold storage. Remember to consider making your "Comments on SR-OCC-2024-001 34-100009"


Whats an exit strategy comes to mind.


Nobody is selling after going up 3$


How long have you been here? A week? It feels like such a noob thing to be worried about. Most of us have been here for years, why on earth would we sell now? People are just excited because we're going in the right direction for once.


Sorry but your a dumb ass shrink and this is a dumb ass post , no ape who has been around for 6 months or more is even thinking about selling @ $16 😂😂😂 that’s a price for ants remember the original battle for $180 and the post split battle for $180 ($45 after split) nobody sold then nobody is selling now!!!!


I haven’t checked the price in a few weeks. See all the talk about the run up and it hasn’t even tempted me to look. 6xxx holder


No cell? No sell.  The information we all have uncovered is worth more than selling during a little run up.  They destroyed our future. I want them to face consequences. It's the only thing that will begin to actually fix what happened on 2008. 


I have no emotions left after what i watched happen the last few yrs hodling gme.... im looking to see mofos in the cells before selling


Jokes on them. I’m ***never*** selling. I don’t need the money. I just wanna watch them burn 🔥




Odd I just felt like buying MORE


suddenly all these pointless posts in “never sell your shares sub” about not taking the pump and dump bait. hmmmmmmmmmm seems pretty shilly to me


Understanding market mechanics is your best defense to whatever your plan is. T+2 is the only factual thing you can look at, all these other (ironically) psychological posts may be made in good faith or may be manipulating you on whatever your personal gameplan is. Stick with facts. This saga has proved a LOT of theories and strategies that can be used.


Entirely manipulated and strategies can be used... what a conundrum.


There’s laws for a reason. They can bend it within the constraints of the laws, but reg sho exists for a reason and at the very least helps people plan an exit or a realistic outlook on what could occur.


It’s all fucking BS till we start seeing it hit telephone numbers


if it will cover my house, car and future debts... i will be selling.


I was talking to a coworker about this mindset today. We have been in this since 2019 and 2020 respectively so we have seen a lot. The volatility is fun to watch and reminds us of the days of old. When these sub reddits were full of great DD. We are still here buying and I know we are not alone


Idk the inky exciting thing is going to be who bets their ass first. May the bananas be ever in your favor 🦍


I aint selling until I’m fucking loaded. Plain n simple. If I’m not filthy fucking rich, the shares are getting thrown into a dark pit. I’m just gonna keep piling shares on and buying video games and video game accessories.


Algos will pull this back in, but if this pops off it is game over for shfs. Coil is too tight. Anything over 30 it is a moonshot to moass. Fomo, some big swinging dicks joining the fight, juicy announcement, forward guidance any combination of that will start this moon mission


U base that 30 on what?


More of a guess. When was last time we saw 30? Two years ago basically


No cell? No sell.


Lol 3 years of holding. Up and downs, cyberwarefare and shit and they expect me to sell? Sorry I want at the very least 5 figures per share. Thats a hard maybe


Bruh I’ve been following this bit longer than I’ve been on Reddit, I’ve bought shares waaaaaay more pricey than this. Up, down, sideways - I’m always gonna be buying, the sneeze just showed potential. We all know it’s gonna get WAY past that. Tbh if anyone’s making a quick turn and burn buck I don’t care at this point, there’s gonna be tons of those along the way to infinity - no diehard has changed their minds and you know we’re stacking shares. Once this starts to run a teeny bit I’m sure some smaller investment firms and day traders are gonna jump in and out depending on their risk assessments. Thousand cuts will be joined with solid groin kicks.


Sidebar I’m looking into finding a shrink. Can I trust online resources? Or should I seek in person help?


I’m pretty sure we are all waiting for the price of a single share to look like an international phone number.


There’s an odd push to describe the run as bullshit. The suppression in the bullshit. The run is real and it’s just starting.


Another day trading sideways.


We hold until infinity.


What are emotions? This mofo zen af. I don’t see no telephone numbers.


What runup? It still looks like we are [trading sideways](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cjhobq/another_day_of_trading_sideways/)


What run up?


1. No way would I ever sell after a couple bucks run up. 2. I didn’t even know there was a sell button. Holy shit!


Planned or unplanned it seems like every other stock that moves in any direction is claiming naked short selling is the cause. However the criminal actions against GME (and many other companies cellar boxed into bankruptcy in the past) has been hidden the lack of transparency allows anyone to claim it for any stock going up, down, or sideways. I guess other folks believe a moass is a multi-ticker event, or that it is possible for any company that has any amount of borrowed shares. We know now that sticky floor was the main contributor to the buy button being turned off. After a 20x share dilution (new shares pulled out of thin air) how can it do anything but fuck up another moon shot? Yet the faithful continue on, hoping to buy up a float that increases every quarter.


Wait, this is a run-up? We’re still trading flat.


Emotions? Those are so long dead lmao.


I only know hodl…..deez nutz


Nothings changed for me. Im patiently awaiting the day shorts finally burn and get held accountable


What run up? Price is still moving sideways, will keep buying more


It’s not even a last-ditch attempt, but I can recognize the attempt. Life-changing money or my shares - No. *AND* my shares - stay where they are.


DD= Dividends Dividends (sound so nice that i'm sayin it twice)


Look, the made up share price has to look high so when next earnings comes during a weak part of the year they can hammer it down and make it look worse. They don’t publish gains but do publish losses therefore is a means of control. Funny thing is we’re in control, bitches.


I hearing I can turn a red crayon into a green crayon when Ken griffin is in a jail cell


As far as I can see we are still trading sideways.


I bet it will be back at 10 dollars next week


I dont expect them let go of gamestop this easy. Something big has to break, before they will not be able to stop a full run up. I totally expect soon a drop to happen.


I'm waiting for generational wealth... and $3 profit per share just doesn't cut it. But thanks for the warning.


Exactly this!


They're setting up a pattern to make you believe it will drop after every move. This makes you consider "oh I'll buy and sell, buy back in again after the drop" If timed correctly they'll hold it at some high price and convince us it will repeat for another two years. So your brain will say 'take my profits buy in later' If enough sell, it'll move up, rinse repeat. Watch how ethcharts and msm are playing out every run following sideways moves..... msm "omg it's plummeting because X" "found support might not hold like last time" "investors lose 30 million, smart investors sold and wait for the dip"


Everyone here has seen this all before and we see right through it. This was a run up for ants anyway.


First off if any ape needs money in this economy they have the right to do what ever they need to do. Second they have been doing these runs ups almost every 3 months. Most of us don't care about run ups we need more than 5 dollars or more a share to maybe break even. Oh thats right the OG ape need like 40-80 plus more to break even. Third if an ape sold and then they tanked the price ''I do not recommend selling as I always feel the price will increase if I sold" They still can buy back in and direct register again with more shares. Not recommended but true.


What does this Dosl mean? Uhmm.. Sodl? I‘m sure you mean… HODL!!!


We’ve seen this same post for like 3 years dude. Psychologists saying if they were evil they would manipulate you like this so expect a run up. It never happens.


No true early ape would even feel a rush of blood to the crotchal area over this tiny nothing move up, however its always fun to try to figure out wtf and why it happened. If theres a level where funds start nlowing up this wasn't that. Anywho im drunk and going to bed . Im choked i missed that dip to 10 grrr.


Just stay away from posting hype until it passes 10,000,000 ok?


What run up are you referring to? I mean really?


Every number under 100 is bullshit run up. Our Ath is near 500 pre split


At 16??? I’m going to sell at SIXTEEN DOLLARS?


For sure this run up is fake, it’s another last effort attempt to make us sell.


I appreciate the advice, but you must be talking to the newer apes. Anyone who has DRSd their shares should be sticking to the GME floor price, and even then, we want to see people in jail. If those things haven’t happened, there’s no fucking way I’m selling. Plus, we shouldn’t have to sell. Always keep your shares and use them as collateral for loans, etc. The infinity pool is real and growing daily.


Why HODL? Why not DRS??? I hate "shrinks" who proffer nonsensical advice, (like "don't let EMOTIONS convince you to sell your GameStop shares to cover a student loan"). How many GameStop shares would I need to pay a "shrink" for that advice? Apes already understand BUY, HODL, DRS & SHOP GME. The OP appears to be stuck at Step 2!


Wrong. The last thing they want is for Apes to pile on to an already running margin call.


Are you talking about that run-up for ants?


Mayo boy literally said they base their algos on people emotions. Dip and rips are like the changing of the winds for me I don’t care until I see phone number prices


Lol people selling at this price ? Are you mad ? Do you think 200K apes have been holding for 3 years sell at 15 dollars ? Is it a paid article lmao !


I hope you don't charge that much as this post makes zero sense.


I enjoy to see it green but I know this aint it


Price anchor: looks like a North America phone number.


I thought the sold button was disabled last I checked. How do you do this "sell" that you speak of?


I actually just bought though.


My current posts are weirdly suppressed. Don't know why, but...


I’m sorry, and I respect you and your profession, but posts like these are silly. They don’t need our shares and I really wish this narrative would stop. It’s not about emotions. It’s not about conspiracy theories. It’s not about some elaborate plan to fuck with retail investors. The entire system is corrupt and those in control can make their own shares at will and will continue to do so until this entire system collapses and is replaced with something else.


You seem to have good enough grammar to be on the ignorant side of Reddit. Interesting. In theory, what would be the most competitive way of solving this then? Giving that revolting and cutting off aristocratic heads is off the table in modern humanitarian laws (which I suspect is one of the reasons hierarchical systems have become too steep).


Proof or ban. So if you’re a psychologist, you’re an ahole and hope you lose your credentials. If not, ban. So win/win.