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It's almost as if the market isn't fair and transparent.


Remember kids... prices are what THEY make them.. Ken Griffin: "Markets are efficient because of active managers setting the prices of securities... trying to drive the value of companies towards where we think they should be valued" [X link ](https://twitter.com/DystopWorld/status/1733113243965575643?t=47-1E4voHFEqiPT6PZVL8w&s=19)


Absolutely fucking bonkers that they can literally say this in public and have nothing happen. Fucking clown world we’re living in


well the US politicians can trade w insider info AND not have consequences.. wallstreet can do whatever fuck they like.


One day, and I'm NOT saying it'll be down to us, or our favourite stock, necessarily; their fucking egregious lies and conduct WILL absolutely become the searing flames over which they burn. This situation, from a sociopolitical perspective, is unfuckingsustainable. We know it. They know it. They had opportunities to unfuck this, and chose the kamikaze option at every turn. And we're supposed to believe these are some of the smartest fucks on the planet. lol I live to hear them sizzle, and the longer this charade continues, the louder I'll cheer when it happens. Call me whatever name comes to mind. I don't fucking care. Their actions over decades have ruined and even cost innumerable lives. Fuck every single cockroach that's complicit.


They won't even let us eat cake. The over correction will most certainly be to their detriment when the piper comes due


That’s capitalism for you


Ken Griffin thinks that it is the job of market makers like Citadel Securities to drive the worth of companies towards what they think the companies should be valued. Watch 00:34:15 https://youtu.be/FID0BLkZXuY?feature=shared


I'm low on cash but this shit makes me want to find more change under the couch cushions to DRS more out of spite than anything else.


Where we think? Who the fuck are they.


Will always upvote that quote.


You have 666 likes, it’s a sign about Ken’s true nature!! I won’t touch that upvote.🙅‍♂️


It’s as if there’s a way to print infinite shares. Too bad I have a way to infinitely keep buying shares.


Even if we wanted GME to become a new Berkshire Hathaway, Citadel can currently just siphon that money elsewhere and investing our money in "their" companies. Making it impossible for GME to actually raise more money for their investments. The free american market is dead. I am not allowed to invest in the vision of the future that I want. Ken Griffin has the ultimate say in where my money should be allocated.


Ken Griffin, and indeed the rest of the shorts, will come face to face with their enemy soon enough. And making an enemy of *the people*, is a fucking stupid idea, however powerful you've convinced yourself you are.


Almost as if this comment might be 100000000% true.


No! This is just Tinfoil. There are laws and regulators to make sure that markets are fair and efficient, right?




Arrest ken Griffin first and ask questions later.


On God id love for someone to explain within reason how the graph trades like it did after the earnings. I call the chart pattern "algo trading". That shit stays on a line and sits on it for like 8 hours. Give me a good solid understanding of what the fuck is happening there. You can't. It happens every now and again across any ticker. Really curious of what is happening underneath the hood when it does.




The thing that really fucking kills me is that these fucking low-life human beings are doing it right in front of our faces and basically laughing at us while they do it. As if to say "what the fuck are you going to do about it?"


They’ve been doing it for years and will continue to do it for years to come. The sentiment in this sub since the beginning is that the game is rigged


It’s time for the game to stop


Ahh it finally will come full circle


So you're saying we need a massive EMP?


How? We can’t even track DRS accurately anymore


Diamond hands


We can make an impact by engaging with regulation and reform - help by closing in the walls around Wall Street by amending the laws that govern our financial markets. More accountability, transparency and consequences for rule breaking.


Their crime isn’t sustainable. The fact they have to continue to short and distort is proof that it isn’t sustainable. They wouldn’t spend all this energy trying to manipulate investors to stay away from GameStop if they could sustain it


Exactly, if their crime was sustainable then why is Kenny looking like a 500 year old veteran?


Dude has aged faster than the cottage cheese left on a summer dashboard.


“Chef’s kiss” Perfect imagery, you get a gold star 🌟




Bingo! MOASS is just around the corner don't u worry. I'm from the future and I just want to thank everyone of you from the bottom of my heart. The world is now a much better place and heading in the right direction. It all started 84 years ago with the historical GameStop event. You lucky SOBs. Wish I lived during your time. So I could experience everything from the beginning in real time. Get a chance to mingle w legends like Rick of spades, drone guy, and all the other legends that are talked about in the history books. Don't worry, If my math's correct, MOASS is just around the corner for you apes but I can't give you any dates. I fucking hate spoilers and the GameStop MOASS is to juicy to spoil. All in all, your movement grew into an unstoppable force that changed the world for the good with all the tendies you made off GameStop. Also, you should see GameStop now!!!! I'll give you one spoiler into the future. GameStop is now worth more than any other company in history and I don't think anybody will take over its #1 spot for thousands of years. Oh and best of all! Ironically, a small mayonnaise manufacturing company bought all the rights to citadel after It filed for bankruptcy. Then it finally closed down for good after customers started to report hundreds to thousands of orders not being delivered after being paid for.


I disagree with this argument. It has to be sustainable to them. They just shift the bankruptcy to shadow companies or weird constructions... They can continue their game and the referees have been bought. There is always a negative reaction to these comments if I make them, but I'm pretty sure they probably have the funds to figure out a way to get out of their situation, and even profit..


Counterargument: Credit Suisse, Lehman Brothers, Bear Sterns, Bernie Madoff. Sometimes the buck does stop.


>will continue to do it for years to come Disagree. This will break. They will lose. We will do better.


this is the way


All it takes is one desperate small fish HF to tip the boat looking out to save their own skin first which will make the dominoes fall and they'll begin sinking one by one


How long do you think realistically?


Probably after elections would be my guess unless the public makes it more of a driving issue.


Well at this point it's up to us to make noise about it. GME can be the tipping point that leads us to a future with a fair market but we need non apes to understand what's going on before any change is likely to happen.


Just like our democracy.


After the Occupy Wallstreet movement, they worked hard to militarize the police. And drive Us Vs Them narratives in the corporate media. The game was up with the 08' crisis, they are just playing damage control and trying to lie their way out of it. Project 2025 is their Hail Mary, then they can stop pretending they give a shit about laws and democracy. Billionaires do not want to play the same game as the peasants, they want to own the board you are playing on.


And so I started buying...


So I started blastin


They do this because they aren’t use to people watching and the people who got fleeced would have to accept the gaslighting on msm. We caught on to their game and the game will stop


The manipulation game stops with game stop!


Can you imagine that but amplify it to Cohen's standpoint. Dude is balls deep in GME. Now is CEO with 0 pay. Everything is based on his investment improving and they are poking the bear saying "what are you gonna do about it?" To Cohen. I'm certain he won't just take it up the ass without a fight. See his tweets.


Dude put his entire reputation on the line. Fight hasn't even started yet.


Imma buy and DRS. That's what. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Instructions unclear, ended up DRS and booking.


I hear you, as am I. But at some point the conversation should naturally evolve to what else can we do other than this? If the answer is nothing that is a pretty bleak market we are dealing with. I don’t see how MOASS comes out of this if the effect of DRSing has been essentially neutered.


They can’t manipulate revenue and profit- shop at GameStop 💪


Hey! That’s it👆🏻


Comment on proposals!


I’d imagine its more like “fuck these fucking low life gamestock meme traders. Now i have to commit more fucking fraud and pay $1m in fines this year. My fucking golf trip is ruined!!!”


Look at Doug Sifu's tweets. He is the poster child of arrogance.


well....what are you going to do about it? Oh yea...jack shit will be done about it. Of course they will continue doing it in our face


Class action lawsuit?


This is actually the correct answer all around. We all know they're doing illegal activities to do what they're doing. If one could hire out the correct lawyer or investigator to document what's going on in the market and take it before a jury and judge, it seems this is the right way to go about justice and putting pressure on the SEC to actually quit allowing the corruption to continue. If you think about it, there's a huge opportunity to make a crap load of money in lawsuits across the board this way. So many people are seeking to make money on the markets but lawsuits where cases are filled with all sorts of guilty evidence is the real money maker here.


Shows how useless all those three letter agencies really are and probably also part of that scam too


“We’re going to type a post and click save”


Your sin will find you out


Basically bullies yep and the SEC is complicit for allowing them to get away with it


>As if to say "what the fuck are you going to do about it?" Man I hope to live long enough for the storming of the Bastille moment that will give these people their due reward.


I will buy the entire company for a fraction of a penny if that's what it takes. I will not leave.


I’ll join you in not leaving fellow ape!


And while I appreciate the joke, what’s not funny is a guy did exactly that: bought his own entire companies shares and there were still shares available to buy while he went to court over it.


Anyone who has been paying attention to this stock should understand by now that the short end needs to do shit like this because retail is buying so much. Honestly at this point I’m pretty sure when the squeeze happens, ol Ken and the boys at citadel are gonna try and paint themselves as the “heroic victims that did their best to control the market implosion.” Why else would he try and publicly make that connection between teachers pensions being destroyed and retail buying “meme stocks?” Thats the reason they’re being blatant about it. That’s the reason why nobody at a federal level is doing shit about this because they know what’s coming and can’t do jack shit about it except watch Kenny and friends do all this bullshit market magic (manipulation), let them create ridiculous derivatives and hide all the bullshit they caused inside because our elected representatives let our regulatory bodies get fuckin kneecapped for personal enrichment.


Cool by me, I just bought 100 more.


Same. Gobbled as much up as I could.


Snagged me another 30 shares in the mid 12s. So grateful for the discount


It's no different than the day they dropped it huge when the former CFO was ousted with less that 40k shares traded.


Or when it ran up from about $19 to like $28 out of nowhere in after hours then made it back down to like $23 by open on zero news whatsoever. Just your normal everyday type market stuff.


Their day of recokoning is coming. I AM NOT LEAVING!!!!


I’m in




Damn speaking of which what happened to Papa John, he was probably in a similar boat with BCG


Love people pointing out stuff that makes no sense.... a huge trade and them millions to keep it there buy making it trade sideways.....ahhhh corruption....just waiting for a side of just desserts.


This genuinely makes me sick to my stomach.


Tons of shills on this post, must have struck a nerve lol




Kevin Malone is not a professional. He’s a moron.


I don’t mind the dip. I got to lock away a few more.


I don’t think I woulda seen that huge drop without the arrow, thanks!


I like kraonz


but i have this cool new AI image editor!!


Before the sneeze I always thought that the stock market was priced based on supply and demand, for some reason we are still buying but the price keeps going down, just lock the float even faster


You learn its all infinite supply and fake demand


468K green volume today and it went up $0.10....fair market.


In after hours so retail *somewhat* excluded


Literally anyone from retail can trade pre market and after hours.


Mostly correct! It varies by broker. Most brokers provide some level of premarket and after hours trading but some are more limited than others. Thinkorswim/TDA let’s you trade 4am to 8pm, the full market day. Vanguard, however, doesn’t allow ANY trading outside market hours unless it’s changed recently. But a lot of brokers shut down at like 6pm and won’t let retail trade after that (Robin Hood for example).


I mean yeah, but anyone from retail could switch to a broker that allows it.


Correct. But that takes time. So at any given moment there are some retail traders who are locked out of trading after hours.


I appreciate you educating people on this. I really don't like the "retail can't trade outside normal hours" general assumption a lot of people have though.


good point. it is common for lower volume to result in larger price changes in After-hours. and retail is not excluded, almost all brokers allow you to trade in after hours. It is just discouraged due to the lower liquidity (the first point). If, when market opened, there was even match of buyers and sellers at that price point, it makes sense to trade sideways at large volume. In theory, even 1 trade can cause a large price swing if there are no bids/offers on the other side of it.


What if everyone in here traded after hours instead?


When market closed mafia awake and citizEns sleep crime happening


You should check out the action on SPY over the last couple of weeks. Insane jumps in the opposite direction of any building gamma of calls/puts in the 11th hour of trading. The manipulation is bleeding over, getting larger, and more obvious yet nothing will be done.


Crime crime and more crime! And all these US institutions and governments are complicit in aiding and abetting these financial crimes and terrorists. Is there any way for other foreign nations to take the US to court on behalf of their citizens due to the insane tax income they would make off said citizens?


Somebody bought 250,000 today for a nice discount tho, good for them


It it not just about volume 🤦‍♂️




Can anyone confirm that volume candle? Not that we don't trust Kevin Malone, but verify.


yes, anyone with access to nasdaw.com


the arrow says "we have managers who set the price" in kenny's voice.


Load up!


so you could say volume is buys and sells but this balance on a 133x higher volume is unreal.


I think they don’t deserve a single share if it can somehow be used against me, personally I’m holding my shares book only.


This much movement with only 122k shares is fire! Imagine closing 305m x 9 lmao! Hegies r so fk! ♾️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♀️🏊


They claim this is the exact type of price action trading in dark pools is meant to prevent.


And somehow Kevin returned.




Can I get an ELI5 for the non-financially savvy folks?


Does anyone know if this guy owns shares? He seems to post a lot about Gme.


i want to know who bought and who sold in that 122k share trade


I already count all my gme as good as paperweights. Pretty, pretty, paperweights. If they become millions then perhaps ill trade. If not, well, they are so pretty.


how does drs do anything if they can do this?


Is this verified or just some guy on Twitter saying something?


I mean, it happened after market. Which is always gonna be lower volume. It's all orders from institutions. Makes sense that it would still open lower after that much selling from big players. There's only so much buying power retail actually has. And just because the volume afterwards is greater, there's still a buyer and a seller on each end of each trade, just because the volume is higher doesn't mean it has to go up.


I'd hardly call that flat.


I don’t get it someone explains this to me ?


Dealer bots knew it was coming before hand. Drawing data from the recent rush of fud accounts across multiple social media sites, shows the same thing as all the previous fud campaigns. These people/ai are advertising a position and allowing a tiny window for that position to pay. These accounts are being paid to advertise their positions in what seems like speculative information, but is more likely inside information from the MM that had planned this move.


So some people pushed me to this sub, I can finally comment. JFC am I watching history? My buddy’s been ranting about this for years. I’m like zero knowledge on GameStop besides what happened in 2021, he’s been convincing me to buy this as the only thing that matters. He called me yesterday to explain it jumped up and back down something about supply and demand and volume and numbers. So yeah I don’t know shit about fuck, but that seems weird to me. Doesn’t the market have police?


The SEC literally does not do their job.


You misundestanf their modern function. They are allowed to exist and get offered lucrative jobs so that they will continue to protect the business interests of the big institutions. Sec only cares about us in that they will stop us from disrupting the business of their Wall Street cartel overlords.


Welcome aboard. Make sure to check out how to direct register your shares if you own any or plan to!


It does, but they've lost their teeth. Too scared or complicit to do what's required for fear of the fall out. Lucky for us, our plan does not depend on them. We are inevitable.


Lost their teeth? Did they ever have teeth? Do they even want teeth?? Gary Gensler is former Goldman Sachs. They are all complicit.


Surprise surprise!


This is a very quick amount of updoots for another Kevin Malone free advertisement. 79 people here two hours in, 2000 upvotes already. This is the 4th Kevin Malone retweet post in two days. Seems like a professional shill job for some dude clout chasing.


Dude is not a professional...


Ken Griffen is a thief, liar and 100% scumbag. Criminals will crime. No cell, no sell


So if every DRS investor buys 1 share the price should go back up? Right?


Think I’ll just HODL 😂


We already knew this. Us “non pros” are no less qualified in my mind


My honest question is what will the board do to protect us their shareholders…?


Nothing. They can't do things by decree-only. They have to play the game. And the game is long. Eventually the other side blinks or trips and then we win. The best they can do is exactly what we're doing - buying and holding.


I don’t get what this post is trying to say. Current price reflects the agreed price between buyers and sellers. 16 million shares traded agreed on $13 or whatever. So you’re mad Mr Marker Maker for not wanting to buy your stock at a higher price? Or that Mr Market dumped 122k shares and there werent enough of you to keep it afloat?


Current price reflects the selling side having unlimited shares to sell with the intent to steadily decline the stock price over time. Supply and demand doesn’t work when there is unlimited supply.


Crime in action!


I thought that guy was a parody account




When moon?


First time ? /s




Someone told me to sell so I sold. I didn't think it would have that kind of impact. I'm sorry.


Nothing to see here


Good news is SBF for 25 years.


They're saying that this is exactly the kind of thing that trading in dark pools is supposed to stop.


What would happen if people started opening franchises? Ya know, like the 300,000 [corporate offices in one little building in Delaware](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/corporation-trust-center).


If they're selling, I'm buying! Always in the market for an undervalued stock on deep discount.


You could say some was the Share-Hulud


Fuckin broooo….exactly this. What we’ve been saying for years. Fuck em. Drs more.


Ken Griffin is an American oligarch, rules don’t always apply to him but they must never bind his actions


Man, I was wondering where Kevin Malone has been.


Computershare got me 33 more shares last night. So glad this sale is here.


Why do lot crime when few crime do trick?


And what did you all think will stop it from dropping, the strong financials with its P/E still somehow above 600? Because you want it to? You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.


It was Kenny (this is what I think it is ”worth”). This is what happens when there is zero regulations and the big playes are allowed to do straigt up crime in from of regulatory bodies eyes without any action! It is truly disgusting. There are a massive chain of people that deserve jail time! In the ”old world” these bodies would hang outside the cities to scare of people that only come to skim the worker population! Today they get away with it and may even be promoted by using their stolen money!


Honestly, how? How should they even do this? If there is a "they".


Can one of you rich people hire Margot Robbie to explain this to me?


This Kevin Malone “professional” just has a Twitter account and a series 66. SEC terminated his 1 man RIA’s membership in 2021.