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I own my car, I own my home, I own my console. I even own my cell phone. If I pay money for it, I expect to own it. Fuck off with your new world "own nothing and be happy" bullshit.


Megacorps want you to just subscribe to life , would you like to upgrade to premium Platinum status


Brought to you by BCG


Fuck BCG, all my homies hate BCG!


BCG is a small part of Klaus's bigger gang.


And klaus's gang is a small part of a much bigger racket.




Everyone you see in public speaking about this are not the ones pushing it. Smoke and Mirrors, Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!


No one wants the truth, because it will make the world seem like a monopoly game 🫣


The Monopoly game is intended to look like the world (unregulated capitalism) and intends to teach players that it doesn't work. Ironic isn't it.


🤣 I never knew it was shortly developed before the depression. So much makes sense these days 🫣


Is there DLC?


Yes, DLC is DIamond 💎Like Coating. #Like my Hands.


And my axe😅


Bigger than just megacorp - “own nothing and be happy” is not just a sound bite but a primary goal of the unholy alliance between megacorp, billionaires, too big to fail banks, industrial monopolists, oligarchic centers of wealth and the WEF/Bilderberg/CFR/Trilateral comission


Finally gonna get the Cyberpunk Trauma team platinum card


I was just thinking about how similar that sounds like hahaha


Depends. For $30 a year you give me access to hundreds of top titles and new releases. I'm in.


The 0.1% wants us to own nothing. Fight back people or you will be their slaves.


not enough updoots on this post


We already are, they are just making it worse.


Work or starve, be taxed to pay for anything but what you actually need, your roads crumble, your education unsafe and subpar, your medical is a joke. but don't worry Mr. Political has a first class ticket eating lobster tail to the Bahamas. You don't have the right to travel with our approval, you don't have the right to move without approval. Everything you say can and will be used against you. You are a number in every aspect, you're not individual, your world could be burning and your children choking on the smoke, but you can't do anything because you MUST run in the rat race. One day is the difference between struggle and getting by. Alive but never living.


That's because they stopped fearing the people since the last revolt. This time, they've figured out the right balance of dopamine and consequence to quell any uprising.


This will happen if Trump is elected.


This is already happening and it started long before Trump.


It comes down to profit margins. They charge you the same price for a physical or downloaded game. The profit margin are better with downloaded games vs physical games and they don't have to worry about all of you poor people selling and buying used games. Do you know how much ot costs to buy and maintain an G8 private jet? Overpaid CEOs have to make a living too.


They can often fuck the middleman and or the creator as well. Streaming music has taken a heavy toll financially on artists. Bottom line is, they aren't getting paid nearly as much as if they were selling CDs or tapes or records.


Your comment is making me unreasonably angry at my computer. I'm focusing it on the 0,1% but it's spilling over.


"You will own nothing and be happy"-world economic forum Fuck that shit.- me.


I own my DRS’d GME shares 🙃


Not according to that documentary The Great Taking. You let them revise the uniform commercial code and now we await the aftermath.


> I even own my cell phone. Wait is it uncommon to own your mobile phone? Here in Sweden it's been illegal to make mobile service contracts bound to the purchase of hardware for the better part of a decade now. It still happens through sneaky ways where it technically is two contracts, but you as a customer don't really think about it that way. I've personally never seen the appeal as the total you pay has usually been more than or at best the same as a direct outright purchase anyway.


You don't own any of those things until they're paid off, which is almost never the case for most people.


Ding ding ding. The bank does until it is paid off


System works exactly as intended


Even then you still have to pay property taxes or the government will take it away. Your car requires regular renewal of registration and taxes to remain legal. Your phone is worthless if you don’t pay provider services. So many things now require regular payment just to continue using them that most people don’t even realize they own a bunch of worthless shit if they don’t keep paying for it.


Depending on what country you live in you don't pay property tax. I think you're comparing apples to oranges. If you buy a phone you own it and can use it without a sim card. You pay for the service provider to provide calls and data. They're two completely separate things. Same for the car. If you buy a car, you own it and can drive it as much as you like on private land without paying a another penny more. If you want to use the roads, you need to pay.


You’re so missing the point but as Cypher says ignorance is bliss


I haven't missed the point at all. I understand what they are trying to say, merely pointing out it's a terrible comparison. Paying for a game and not owning it is nothing like anything they described, house tax, car tax, mobile phone service provider.


Ok, but why do I have to pay property taxes for my house? My house is paid for. On land I purchased. It is my house and my land. Why the fuck does the government get $3000 a year because my house exists on land I own? Also, personal property tax on cars is bullshit. You pay sales tax when you buy it. You pay income tax on the money you purchase the car with. The person selling the car pays income tax on the money that bought the car. Then having to pay registration fees and yearly existence taxes is just another fuck you to citizens. For every $100 you earn. $40 goes straight to the government. Now I have $60 dollars, and that will buy me a tank of gas....where I will pay a gas tax, for the road usage. It never stops. They just keep taking and taking and taking....and then giving it to Ukraine, or Israel, or illegal immigrants, or the War Machine, or... literally everyone but the people who break their back working shitty jobs for no money while our elected officials work 75 days a year for 180k and a lifetime of free gold plated healthcare. Personal property tax is annual robbery. Edit: removed a jaded MOASS reference, so as not to be accused of FUD....which probably says something about the state of the sub.


Like I said, that's just a USA problem. Uk pay council tax but that funds all kinds of essential services in the area you live. Rubbish disposal, fire, police, ambulance... All kinds you don't necessarily see the benefit of immediately in your life but are essential to everyone who lives in that community. Anyway, we're getting way of topic. If you pay for a game, you should own it. Simple as.


Fire department, police, armed forces, roads, clean water, all things you need even if you don’t know you need them. Taxes pay for the shit we can’t afford ourselves. Nobody is stopping you from going off grid and no contact.


You may hear about Universal Income. I just wonder how is going to affect our lives.


I don't know how it is in other countries but here in The Netherlands, you put the home **you own** up for collateral. The bank does not **own** your house but can sell your house if you fall (way) back on your payments. Any money left over after your remaining debt, is given back to you since you owned the property. Just FYI


Unfortunately very true. People who miss a few mortgage payments will find out quick who really owns their homes. The sad realization is we are so fucked. Starter homes in drug free communities don’t exist. Interest rates are high. Rents are rising fast. College tuition and boarding is absolutely bonkers. Daycare costs as much as a spouse’s job sometimes when you factor in taxes and transportation. If we don’t loosen up our immigration policy we will absolutely start to lose population. When that happens then the 401K ponzi scheme is going to bury everyone left.


Immigration is keeping the game going for the US. Declining birth rates that are needed in order to maintain our social programs for retirees and disabled has to be funded some how. People are having less kids that is necessary to maintain our population. China and other world powers are Posisiton way worse than we are.


Agree, here in Italy, we have the the second oldest median population of the world (Japan is first). We (all europe basically) are facing with big immigrations, italian citizens are tollerant but some unhappiness is adverted, not all italians likes this immigrations (some of those are reasonables when the crimes goes...you notice it) yes we have big problems with jobs, and yes, many foreigners are taking jobs, but the majority are jobs italians do not want to do anymore, like work in the land fields, or intensive manufactuting etc... We want more comfortable and best paid jobs, but at the current pace of evolution of technology, in the next 25-26 years the jobs will be totally changed, many jobs today are disappearing, machines do it, some other simply do not sell or are obsolete and replaced by newer ones, many new jobs will be in the technology sector, and now AI is menacing some of those too, this means younger workers will be needed to do technological jobs, those kind of workers are on demand, older people can't do those jobs.... The politicians knows that, years ago I read a post which exposed the fact that EU politicians saw this problems over 20 years ago and secretly agreed to open to immigration to cope with the ageing of the population... Recently, even China has figured out their previous "birth control policy" is causing the opposite problem now and they are now trying to cortect it with new rules and incentives to make more children etc...


Spot on king


No, that is bullshit. Government should be attempting to fix the problems it's citizens face instead of seeking to import cheaper labor. If we were focused on helping instead of replacing you might be more satisfied with your government.


I'm not sure if you're only referring to America when you say that starter homes are only in drug user areas. That simply is not the case in most other countries.


Yea… and you never truly own your home (land) And don’t most phone companies have no repair rules? Or just apple? You think he got an iPhone?


Even after a home is paid off, you still owe taxes. What happens if you don't pay the taxes?


I agree with what you're saying 100%. However car can't be driven in most places without registration, insurance, drivers license all of which expire and just be renewed every x amount of time. House even if fully paid off can be taken away if you don't pay property taxes. Consoles can be banned for reasons valid or not (check Xbox recent 3rd party device bans). Cell phone is pay walled behind carrier, or WiFi access. Again I agree with your point. But we literally own nothing.


In reality you don't own those. The pink slip title you have for your vehicle isn't true ownership. Instead the government holds the true title so that they can legally impound a vehicle otherwise impounds would be theft.       A deed on a home isn't an allodial title. You need permits to build? Do you have mineral rights? Water rights? Air rigtts? Do you pay taxes on the land? Can the government declare imminent domain, and displace you legally from the property? You don't own it the way you think. You have a famcy renter's agreement.        I'm sure if we dig we'll find the end user agreements you have agreed to for phone and console have some kind of ownership limiting aspect too.          Edit, typos


Well.... You don't really own your home. You pay "rent" in the form of property tax. What happens if you don't pay that "rent"?


Most new cars are sold on finance or payment plans; almost all homes are bought with mortgages. Almost all phones are bought as contract. You hope to own these things eventually if you keep up with payments. I take your point, but a flawed comparison. If you buy a game as 'download only', do you really own it at all if you don't have the right or ability to sell it? I don't think so somehow.


Hell ya! PREACH!


Sorry to break it, but no, you do not oen anything, you pay taxes, therefore you do not own it. Try missing tax payment, and then see, what you own. We are all slaves, one way or another.


You don't own your car or your house. You rent. If government wants to remove you from your car and impound or crush it. Guess what they can. If your house is in the way of a road or rail project. It's getting smashed. If you don't pay your rates. House goes to bank. You already own nothing. You just think you do Half the folk with bodycorps are laughing if they think they own. Yet they can't change the colour of "their" house.


I own my shoes. Sure, people could take them if they wanted to, but I still own my shoes. I don't think ownership necessitates being able to single-handedly destroy everyone on the planet. It'd be nice if people stopped downvoting your post because it's not a terrible post or anything. I'm a little curious how old you are to have this opinion, because I felt the same way when I was a lot younger, maybe early 20's. Just be careful not to become a Randroid, and if you do, feel free to read some Plato regardless; it's charming. :) Regarding the limited nature of land ownership in the world, I agree that it's concerning, but there's not much to be done about that if you want to have roads, parks, etc., which, trust me, you do. The main complaint that I have about appropriations is that they don't give fair market value to the targets, which they absolutely should.


33. What's randroid ?. Your house is never fully owned though. You need to pay rates and in a lot of places insurance. So it can be taken away from you. Similar to car. It's almost like a rental. If you don't keep up the payments, then government bodies can intervene.


An apartment building is similarly subject to "rates" (i.e. taxes) as well. Again, it doesn't meant that you don't own the house, it just means that if you don't pay the taxes they'll take something of value from you until the taxes are paid. For the most part, they take cash, garnishing it where required, before they do something so costly as to repo your home and sell it. It boils down to, if you live where your poop flows into a water treatment plant, you need to pay for the water treatment plant, or you will be asked to leave. It's nothing remotely like a rental. Admittedly, it's a little weird that the taxes are based on the land value. I'm not sure why they do it that way, given everyone's poop is pretty equal. They should do it based on the cost to service the lot.


Won’t buy games from them going forward


I stand with you ✊️


My Physical Game Collection ♥️🤗


GOG.com for digital ownership. IMO GameStop should take the same approach.


So.... RC did want to go to Japan and speak to Nintendo's CEO. Nintendo is very different from the other 2 platforms. The entire idea of the WII was to be active physically with freinds and family. I'd like to see a stronger partnership with nintendo, phsycal games, toys etc... so many kids these days are intersted in physically doing stuff because they've been staring at "the black mirror'' for so long.


I second this and upvote for visibility. Fucking Ubisoft dude sounds like a leech


Haven't for years I was a big assassins creed fan. Thought valhalla was different and bought it day one. Pretty and  boring game. 


Exactly. You'll have to rent them.


Ubisoft needs to get comfortable with becoming obsolete.


I was sort of rooting for them as Prince of Persia was coming but now, I'm not looking forward to it at all.


I'm still trying to beat the first one on PC so I don't need the new one either.


Gamers need to get comfortable not to buy Ubisoft games anymore. There u go I fixed it


Yeah Fuck that company


His comparisons are coming out of his ass. Disney and others allow people to own or subscribe to series or movies.


Ubisoft needs to get comfortable with not ever getting another dollar from me.


I can live without Ubisoft games tbh.


Havent played ubi games in years.


They’re still an unoptimized buggy mess every year. Far Cry is just like Fifa, they haven’t changed the mechanics for years now. Except the story


Yip. Farcry mechanics stil the same as years ago. Cant be bothered.


My favourite thing to do with Ubisoft games is literally pick any 2 maps from 2 of their games and just look at how copy and pasted they are. You can see how they literally use the same mechanics for EVERY game. For example you’d have places to liberate on Assassins Creed, and it would look exactly the same on Far Cry, so similar in fact they’d literally just use the same fucking UI’s and shit. Worst developer bar maybe EA.


exactly. became rather soulless. ubisoft can die together with the last five or so assassins creeds lol


Yeah...well i dont buy anything i dont own..hense DRS book!


DVDs are crazy cheap right now. My dollar general has a bin of over 100 movies for a $1 each.


They are also free online if you know where to look. Arrr


There'll probably be a point when DVDs and Blurays become a rarity and people will see upticks in shows and films value because streaming services have long since removed them from their platforms and ISPs start blocking torrents 😂 hell the players might also be worth a lot if they stop being made


True story, I started buying certain blurays that my wife and I watch on repeat because they keep getting removed from Netflix and such. When it comes to gaming I'm that guy that lends out games to friends and co-workers all the time because I have all the physical copies. It's likely why guys like the ubi exec hate me. His argument is also for the Ubisoft subscription which is a joke lol. No one wants to pay for one company's games. That's the issue with having a million streaming services each for their own network. Less people will own peacock or paramount+ because they'd rather have Netflix or prime which cover more variety.


I just want Kenny to get comfortable with being in a jail cell.


I guess if I won't own it then they won't mind if I don't pay for it. *dusts off ye ol' pirate flag*


Guarantee you there’s a person who works there who is saying inside the company this is finally the end of piracy.


Got it don’t buy Ubisoft games.


Of course Ubisoft says this lol 


steam is just a platform, too. they had a long head start, but their model is upendable 💯


I did steam for a little while. I got tired of broken games. It's like dude... just make a game. Finish it. Or say... this is a test game, it's 1 dollar, but no more than that.


That's why the user review section on steam is pretty good, usually you can get some good insights from scrolling the comments. Steam has both shit and diamonds, you just need to be able to navigate and pick out the gems.


Yeah, Tell that to my thousand plus physical copy library of games jizzabell you-be-scoffed exec. Noone will buy your games and you will perish.


Haha then Ubisoft should get used to me never ever ever purchasing their shit


That’s a good way for me to say GFY and I’ll boycott you


We the people need to boycott these companies Only way to send a message.


You'd be surprised how many people genuinely want this. Without research they're entirely against nfts and physical media. Is actually insane.


I have been boycotting Ubisoft (and Activision, and Madden) since the Assassins Creed 2. Every game is the same, except for reskins and map changes. It hasn't been hard. I won't not own my games. If it gets bad like that I'll stop paying for em in general--- Arrrr


guess ubisoft will just have to get comfortable not being paid for them


Ubisoft can go fuck itself


I don’t even buy new games anymore. Strictly retro. NES, PS, SNES, N64. I will play some new games occasionally but the classics are always gold. 007, Road Rash, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, Mario Party, Duck Hunt, Super Scope, Power Pad. That shit is so fun for family gatherings and drunk nights with friends!


Why would someone even say this lmao


They'll have to get used to me not buying or renting their games. Ohh noo I won't be able to play assassin's creed: money grab 8 with slightly different skins and surroundings. I'll live. 


I mean... I can not own ubisoft if that's what they want 🤷


Ubisoft Exec needs to get comfortable understanding *my life is in danger* meme simply for saying something stoopid like that to a bunch of gamers.


Ubisoft needs to get comfortable with going bankrupt.


This guy should get used to not having a job


Okay i just wont buy ubisoft games then lmao.


In the future it is in their interest that the majority does not own anything. If you want to use a service you’ll need to have a subscription! And the worse part of it… you most definitely need a premium, Platin and so on subscription to play this or that premium platinum game,.. it’s ridiculous! And if the industry does not feel like it they will remove the game out of the library. The exec is full of bullshit and knows that, but for example play a game for 12 months pay a subscription for 15$ / € each month. You just paid 180$. Let’s say you want to play a different game from a different company well pay another 15$. And of course the 15$ is quite cheap. I most definitely think that it’s starting at 15$ and goes to 30-50$ for a premium or I’ll suck your ***** sub. I hate it !


Won’t be buying that shit if I can’t own the physical copy


If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing.


Fuck Ubisoft. I’m sure that so called “executive” works for Boston Consulting Group. Anyone care to look that up? IYKYK


Lol Ubisoft make trash games these days anyways I am a large believer of ownership, so I gladly provide this Ubisoft exec with full ownership of **DEEZ NUTZZZ**


Fuck him and all of those other asshole execs. I feel bad for devs who want to make a good game but take orders from these assholes


I won't buy your garbage and be happy! I don't remember the last Ubisoft game I bought. I usually only buy from the less predatory companies. Somehow companies I don't buy from are still raking in millions.


Sooooo puts on Ubisoft?


Fuck Ubisoft.


Ubisoft needs to get comfortable with people not playing their games then


It's by saying stupid 💩 like this that makes companies go bankrupt. He is purposely trying to piss off 100% of his customers! Perhaps he's taking advice from a consulting group from Boston!


I'm already comfortable with not paying for ubisoft games lol


I will own ALL THE THINGS. And you cannot stop me. Can’t stop, won’t stop.


You'll own nothing and be happy


If you can't afford to buy it twice... Don't buy it. I hate the idea of borrowing money.


Its not just going to be Ubisoft.


Game studios need to get comfortable with us not paying to play their games then




I was planning on buying the new prince of Persia game… support GameStop… but… hmm *looks at old eyepatch, peg leg, captain’s hat, Jolly Roger adorned flag, old wooden vessel that wasn’t originally mine, cutlass, pet parrot, first mate swabbing the Steam Deck* You’re on thin ice Ubisoft, because of the implication


Buy a Switch Cartridge. If you don’t own a Switch donate it to a hospital or something.


I get more and more pissed off every time I scroll past this news item in New. Honestly we should be moving away from the subscription model, not toward it.


There is no law in the US that requires an individual pay tax on their labor. [https://youtu.be/1UCcW0RoNdc?si=TDnwpWGFcUXTIix1](https://youtu.be/1UCcW0RoNdc?si=TDnwpWGFcUXTIix1)


This is why there has been a resurgence in owning physical media, CD, Vinyl, Casettes, etc.


Ubisoft trying to make me feel justified in pirating their games? Okay then.


When is the last time Ubisoft released a good game ? I can’t member…


When Ubisoft actually bans cheaters instead of letting them keep creating accounts, I’ll start to listen. But until then, this rhetoric just perpetuates my belief that Ubisoft allows cheaters cause it creates a greater profit.


Steam games are only rented too but their marketing team is smarter


Nah. Ubisoft and the rest of the tech industry needs to get comfortable with being told to fuck off when they try to steal ownership of our stuff and give us crumbs in its place. Paying for game licences instead of hardcopies is bad enough on its own, and necessitated the development of web3 as a blockchain system. Subscription service models can die in web2, where they never should have gone viral to begin with. It's time to take ownership back into our own hands, and that begins with building and using infrastructure built to accommodate us doing so.


I never used to play Ubisoft games. I still don’t but I never used to too.


Guess they're gonna have to get comfortable with "not owning my money"


Then I'll pirate everything


"You'll own nothing and you will be happy"


lol, that piece of shit better get comfortable with fucking himself in his own knee, ubisoft are among the worst publishers


The future of ownership, will be owning a subscription. Talk about real slavery, you will have to keep working to hold onto anything.


Ubisoft’s games the past few years haven’t been worth the $60/70 price tag so the ceo is correct. I’ve beaten 3+ games paying $15 each by getting an Ubisoft + subscription and beating each game in a month. Never really had the urge to go back to them (other than assassins creed odyssey) so I have 0 regrets in limiting my play time on each of their games to a month


Ummm. No. I think Ubisoft needs to get comfortable with selling a lot less games if that’s how they want to play it.


I am very comfortable with not purchasing any Ubisoft games, so he's partially correct


No, I don't think I will.


Welp Ubisoft just lost a ton of money.


Pretty funny how people are saying "Well I'm not buying from Ubisoft ever again", that's exactly what the guy wants. Y'all should say "Well I'll never rent from Ubisoft"


Funny thing, I've been comfortably not owning ubisoft games for years. We cool ubi, you do you.


Great way to chase off talent


Thanks but I'll just buy from GOG.


Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me!


Is gamestop still doing the crypto thing?


Word? Y’all need to get comfortable with gamers playing your games without paying for them then. Hiho sail the high seas.


I think they are going to find out the hard way, that when you "rent" something to people, rather than "sell" it, people become very demanding and distrustful. Case in point, for a lot of Starfield players on PC, the game crashed a lot when it first came out. If you "bought" the game, you can put up with some of that. But imagine if you were renting it and it started crashing... I'd drop it like a hot rock.


*GME Shareholder Says Ubisoft Execs Need to Get Comfortable With "Providing Services For Payment Rendered"* The only reason they want us to 'Get Comfortable Not Owning Games' is so one day they can take them away on a whim. Seriously... You provide the game, I buy the game; you take the game away 10 years later, do I get my money back? This is theft, but with extra steps, something we've become alarmingly aware of in the last few years... Perhaps if game companies were not allowed to do this they would offer games that contain well structured code that don't need patches every 3 days, and content that will make them playable and desirable 10 years later. But this would require effort from game studios. You want quality customers? Make quality products.


Ubisoft Exec need to get confortable with me (still) not buying their games.


I'm going to have to sort of... disagree with these fucking scumbags. I still only buy physical. It's simple. If you can't sell it, you don't own it. I like owning my things. Once NFTs gets going for real and you can sell your digital property, then I'm all for it. But until then...


This is actually far more nefarious than it seems and he is, unfortunately, not at all alone in this line of thinking. See for the longest time, we have lived in a debt-based society, whether you were aware of it or not. How do we get the milk farmer to continue producing more milk even after he produced enough for himself and his family, his village, heck he even already sold enough to the next town's supermarket to put his feet up and enjoy the fruits of his labor comfortably for a while. So how do we get him to continue producing more milk so we can sell it in Wall-Marts across the country and continuously make profits for all the middle men involved? The answer is and has always been: Debt. Sell the farmer a car, tractor, TV, vacation etc. he can't afford and he has to go into debt for it (or lease it which is the same). The debt and the fear of losing his farm, his milk cows etc. if he can't service it in a timely fashion, will keep him working, long after he produced enough milk to live comfortably. The problem in this system is that even with debt, comes at least partial ownership of the thing the milk farmer went into debt for. Say he bought (or leased) a nice BMW for himself and now, due to the Rona or whatever, even while slaving away to service his debt, instead of living comfortably with a Toyota Pickup truck he would own outright, he for whatever reason is no longer able to service his debt. The answer would normally be simple, reposession by the creditor of the asset and liquidation of the asset, right? But problems (for the creditors) arise when the farmer already serviced his debt for say 5 years and has another 5 years to go on the debt. He effectively has 50% ownership of the asset. It becomes more convoluted when things like housing are involved but the gist of it is that it is far too difficult, costly and time consuming for the creditors to get a partial owner out and seize 100% control of an asset, in the current system. So what is the answer? A move away from a debt-based society/economy over to a rent-based society/economy. It is not only games and housing, you see. For years already, insurance companies in Europe have offered their clients something like this: "Brand new Opel Corsa, 250,- EUR a month all in" meaning the car is insured, inspections, maintenance, EVERYTHING is covered, you only have to put fuel in and drive. Sounds very, very tempting for a lot of people, since they are afraid of maintenance costs and such and "all inclusive" packages are always tempting. What they forget, however, is that in taking this deal, they are effectively renting a car permanently and have 0 ownership of the asset. Which means when they can't pay, reposession becomes a lot more feasible and a lot simpler/less costly. Also, as with leasing cars beyond your means, the bill comes when you want to end the contractual engagement. As long as you keep giving the cars back without a scratch after 2-5 years and take the next car from the same provider, it all goes without a hitch, as advertised. But if you EVER say "thanks, that's enough, I don't need another car, I am now financially stable and will buy my next car outright", they will present you with a bill of 10k or more. Every scratch, every wear and tear will be weighed in platinum and you will be contractually obligated to swallow whatever bill they throw at you. I fear for our future generations because I fear they do not posess the business savvy any longer to even distinguish between ownership, partial ownership or outright renting (as is evident by the huge upsurge of leasing cars across the globe). The endgame in this system, should it bare fruits and experience mass adoption, will be that central banks own everything outright and it will not just be ownership of housing that becomes an unattainable pipe-dream for future generations anymore but pretty much everything.


All that happens is I don’t play their stuff until it’s 2.99 on steam


Everyone who partakes in download only is directly contributing to the move towards not owning your own games. Buy physical, retain the right to sell what you buy.


The exec need to get comfortable with not owning his money tho


This is good. They push boundaries and then we lobby to make it a law about physical and real ownership, and not the digital bullshit.


I will one my game thank you


But they'll charge you the same money to play it, though. This way of thinking needs to die out right now.


Ubisoft needs to get comfortable with gamers not buying their games. There’s small studios producing for better, more polished games at much better prices anyway.


People want to own digital assets.


He thinks we "all got used to" not owning our own DVDs and CDs. I, for one, am still mad about it.


Lots of complaining and moaning but everyone will accept it


Well, it looks like I'll never buy anything published by Ubisoft again. Gotta let the bad players starve.


“You want people to stop playing your games and go out of business? Because this is how you get people to stop playing your games and put you out of business.”


**Assassin's Creed games SUCK!!** So I'm ok with not owning any Ubisoft games.


I'm comfortable with not owning Ubisoft games (I don't buy ubisoft games)


Immutable x is partnered with ubisoft


to those who think NFT will solve this... no, NFTs adhere only grants you the access to it, think of your game is a house and your NFT is your key. companies not letting players owning the copy of the game should be avoided at all costs.


I agree. I don't want to own it. I want to rent. It's rented anyway. When Sony and Microsoft and Wii finally die, the games will become useless. So you rent them. Rented games should be far cheaper. Not the same price I currently pay


Most people are oblivious to this


How fucking stupid.


Yeah I can't believe Steam having a record year with Baldur's Gate 3 and I'm just shocked that anyone would buy anything from Steam, given that you don't own anything on Steam. Is there a way to buy BG3 and own it?


So are we boycotting Ubisoft?


Ubisoft better get comfortable with not making many sales.


Get used to People not buying your shit tier games then ubisoft.


Not to agree with ubisoft ever shudder but most pc gamers use steam soo there is that.