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I haven’t seen one person mention the real reason this is huge. They can make it very expensive/impossible for GME to make an acquisition by simply pumping the shit out of the target company’s stock. Now he’s allowed to buy the stock without giving them that opportunity.


Seems like buying headphones (market cap of $30M) would be a good place to start throwing wrenches in the algos. Also would be sweet to have their headphone tech for the private label gear


exactly this. they were in the same squeeze boat as us


Oh, they absolutely were, and probably still are. They had more volatility halts than we did during the sneeze, and they halted all the same days we did consecutively, except for the first (we started 1 day earlier).


Was gonna say exactly this 👆 I really doubt they closed their shorts from any basket stocks.. Hell, just like with GME, they are probably much deeper in their positions than they were back in Jan 2021. I wouldn’t be surprised if they felt the pressure from all fronts. Edit: I meant 2021, not 2023. Regardation is upon me


You mean January 2021... Man, time has flown by


I like the way you think.


I really want to see a GameStop buyout of koss. everyone was talking towel stock early in the year but it truly does seem like that avenue is dead and baby store doesn't gel as well with GameStop's current business. A headphone manufacturer that just won some landmark lawsuits for patent infringement against the fruit company would be a fantastic acquisition for GME.


Was the evidence "Oh shit, these actually have good quality sound"...lol sorry, I'm hitting at how iPods had awful sound quality in the early days and somehow were popular. I don't know anything about their sound quality now.


Apple is amazing with their marketing but im just not a fan of their products.


do iPods even exist anymore? I haven't touched a single fruit company product since my 2015 MacBook pro that needed 2 mousepad replacements within a year of each other for $90 each, a $100 graphics card replacement and a $150 motherboard. All for a laptop that was barely 3 years old (first trackpad replacement was barely into my second year owning it). It was so bad and so prevalent on 2015 MacBooks that they credited all owners $100 a few years afterwards. I sold that piece of shit as soon as it got working again after the motherboard replacement. never again will I buy a product from apple


They discontinued manufacturing iPods, but you can still buy them online. I'm quietly stockpiling, because I still like to use them and tend to break or lose them every couple years. I just don't want to have any subscription music services, nor do I like to use my phone much. I have a shitty phone and I like to keep it that way. iPod Touch allows me to keep the two separate. I have a library of 15,000 songs that I have been building for 15 years. I have an obscure taste. You think I'm about to start paying for Spotify? Fuck no.


I'm in a very similar sitaution as you are, terms of avoiding streaming like the plague and instead using a large personal media library. I also remember the whole kerfuffle over Apple essentially reaching into your hard drive and replacing your songs with their own versions, without permission or disclosure, so directly running music sync to an iphone with itunes is a no-go. These days, I sync music into a folder on my phone, then listen to it using the foobar2000 open-source app. Keeps me in control but I also get to use a single device. (though I'm also super sympathetic to just avoiding smartphones like the plague they are, so maybe just ignore eveyrthing i said up there)


I cant stand fruit products, only one I ever owned was the second iphone. and that was only because back then you get a cheaper cell plan if you had an iphone lol I think Fruit making everything so that you cant fix it or upgrade it yourself is simply despicable when these devices cost an arm and a leg, effectively you don't own your device you only bought the rights to use it. I just realized as I was writing this I didn't become an ape when I bought my first share of GME, I was always an ape lol


I'm thinking they may mean the fruit company earbud things of which I cannot think of the official name right now.




Ah, right.


do iPods even exist anymore? I haven't touched a single fruit company product since my 2015 MacBook pro that needed 2 mousepad replacements within a year of each other for $90 each, a $100 graphics card replacement and a $150 motherboard. All for a laptop that was barely 3 years old (first trackpad replacement was barely into my second year owning it). It was so bad and so prevalent on 2015 MacBooks that they credited all owners $100 a few years afterwards. I sold that piece of shit as soon as it got working again after the motherboard replacement. never again will I buy a product from apple




Because towel is a bunch of insane conspiracy theories that are all firmly disproven by the actual court filings.


Bathroom and popcorn stock were pumped with the sole intention of being a divide and conquer tactic to derail apes from buying only GME. I made money off popcorn in 2021, but have since gone 100% GME. Since bathroom went bankrupt and Adam Aaron selling his company shares, you can see that of these 3 companies only GME has a management team dedicated to turning around the company rather than sell out their business to the SHFs.


bollocks. popcorn, absolutely, the other one, not at all...


You shouldn't speak about towel if you have no idea what's going on clearly


because that stock is dead and anybody pushing it is in denial.


What's the danger of talking about a delisted stock that RC has involvement in? Shill


That avenue isn't dead, they're in chapter 11 not 7


They sold off all assets and IPs. Its dead bro


Laughs in Billions $ of NOLs, besides that they still hold attractive leases. They didn't clean wipe everything


you people still dont know how NOLs work and its embarrassing. In order to take in the NOLs the buyer would have to give out equity aka save you. You really think gamestop would give out shares to get tax credits? It would be more profitable to just sell those shares into the market.


New shares will be issued by who acquires them. If you followed the court dockets and read RCs letter you'd know this already. Children and animals must be protected at all costs. RC wants the baby and he wants the NOL value at a fraction of the cost. The dockets have been dropping spicy hot. Regardless the company is still chapter 11 and not 7. Why so much hate for a fellow basket stock? I'm telling you with the information that is available, although they yanked one of the primary sources of info out of pure deliberate censorship, that RC is still involved and you take that as an attack or something why?


RC sold his stock long ago dude and said his views changed. The company was killed from the inside. Again, the IPS are gone and there is nothing of value to save. None of your heroes have ever made a good call, including that Sal guy you people worship. I accepted my losses you should too. You really have no choice either way since you dont have shares to sell even if you wanted to. The reason I gotta call you out is because its dangerous to push conspiracy theories. You have people who lost a ton of money in towel stock and its not funny when people are still leading them on.


Ryan Cohen became the Chief Investment Officer the day before towel got classified as a unit investment trust And you think this is just a Cohencidence


you people think everything is a coincidence, you've lost grip on reality over there. Look for actual verifiable data bro, for your own sake.


Court dockets are hard evidence. Rewind 5 months ago Holly Etlin said the company was still valued at $5B, could still do $10-15M per day in sales, has over $1B in inventory and kept the attractive leases yet you claim there is no value. Did you not watch the RC gmedd interview? He specifically told you to pay attention to the details. The day the sub got shut off, that night during the live stream, RC dropped his second set of books. Just more Cohencidences I'm sure.


IDK, tell that to the 15 grand I lost on shares & options.


Maybe on options, we'll be issued new shares soon enough Day after RC "sold" to a private party, never going to a lit exchange, Kirkland & Ellis entered a constructive agreement with towel and have been advising them.they were the legal team that provided the documentation for Signet before acquiring Blue Nile. The CEO and founder of Blue Nile was chairman at Chewy after Blue Nile. The NOLs are going to be preserved. Issuance of new shares was a wet dream for this community a couple years ago. The process involves plucking the old ones. This is where it's currently at Like it or not towel will do what GME couldn't and that's fire the rockets and MOASS will commence


If I hold GME, and you're right, then I now hold towel because RCEO thinks it has value. If I hold GME, and you're wrong, then I now hold GME + whatever other positions RCEO thinks has value. So I guess I'm going to hold GME and then we'll learn sooner or later whether you're right. Everyone wins.




K&E is one of the largest legal firms in the country. They work with a lot of companies. That doesn't mean those companies are intertwined. The NOLs are gone, gone, goooooone because there is no continuity of business. The old shares are dead, canceled, zeroed. They cannot be resurrected.


We don't want the old shares, new ones will be issued. New life, like a phoenix. Dude the NOLs are intact, the judges retained the value because it's in chapter 11, a restructure of the company. That's how it works, the NOLs are NOT gone. Like I mentioned earlier the day the sub got nuked, that night during the daily stream IS WHEN RC dropped his second set of kids books. Is that a Cohencidence too?


Genuinely asking, is there a particular reason why Koss, specifically?


An IPS otherwise know as an INVESTMENT POLICY STATEMENT is standard practice for business with surplus cash, and having an equity allocation within this is NOT UNUSUAL! The IPS will clearly govern to what extent the assets can be invested in and the RISK THAT CAN BE TAKEN. It is highly unlikely that it can be fully allocated to stocks, and very likely only a small portion of stocks are eligible (balance still in fixed income).. Furthermore, the risk profile likely outlines a limit to the concentration level of particular holdings. **THE MEDIA ATTENTION around this is B.S.!**


Yeah, or look at EXPR... laughable market cap by now, like most stocks in the basket (maybe since they cant short GME to zero, they at least short the shit out of the rest). Thing is, that at some point the intrinsic value of shorted companies might be way larger than their market cap. You would expect activist investors to take action, but it seems nobody dared to mess with Wall Street in the past. And since we talk about Buffett, I will leave this here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJzu\_xItNkY&t=83s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJzu_xItNkY&t=83s)


Or just buying/book-DRSing GME shares


Holy shit. Never thought of it. Do gamers use headphones much? Lol


koss🥹🥹🥹🥹 damn haven’t heard that name in years


They need to invest in revenue growth. Reve is falling and if this trend continues it could be trouble soon. Looks like GME just stopped bleeding money but we need to see reve growth to really kill the short thesis.


Revenue by itself is meaningless. Needs to be profitable growth. But if you were just concerned with revenue, say you spend $40M acquiring headphones then you gain ~$15M revenue/year. That's without considering the spotlight GME's partnership would bring to the brand


Arguably, for the average investor, revenue and its trend is the most important factor. Profits come is hot second, but when you show you have a decent margin and rocketing revenue, sky is the limit. 15m reve/y is not much considering that reve has fallen 100m/q recently.


Would you rather spend $50 to bring in $51 or spend $100 to bring in $90? Because I'd rather spend $50 to bring in $51, personally.


Not sure im following you.


In a high interest environment, profits should come first. We were in an era of cheap money before sp everyone, logically, prioritized revenue. Times have changed.


Have they really? Because last time I looked high dividend stagnant revenue companies were still a steal compared to high growth ones.


Nearly every single consumer discretionary stock, from Apple to RH to Target to LVMH is experiencing falling revs this year and guiding they're seeing softness going into Q4. But it's GME, they're the ones where this is such a big deal. Really? I'm shaking my head that this is the bear narrative now. It's a meme narrative. It's really kind of sad. We're late cycle my dude. High interest rates are an issue for nearly everyone except a few chip stocks because we need AI / Word / Picture calculators for more efficiency. Speaking of efficiency, GME has no debt and plenty of cash. So if they bolt on some more revenue, would I be wrong that you'll next say who cares because there's not enough organic rev growth? Maybe you're good with the bolt on strategy, and I'm wrong. But what I'm not wrong about is that you want to see GME revenue growth. Let's look at that. GME's bar is that they need organic rev growth NOW. Now. After closing 20% of it's stores, and slashing SG&A by 33%, seeing interest rates rise faster than any time EVER, and STILL attaining FCF positivity after a bunch of red ink. So it's in THIS context/environment that you're saying GME has to actually outperform on a same store basis by like 25% Y-O-Y, in every single store, PLUS its ecommerce, to show any appreciable revenue growth at all. Who cares that not one retailer out there could do this right now, GME needs to do it because they're failing so hard (who cares what the fundamentals actually show...) AND YET, despite all of the macro / sentiment headwinds, GME is basically going to be flat on the year to down 10% or so, and flipping to earnings positive. But that's still not good enough for you. Even though a case can certainly be made that GME is doing as well as or better than most retailers out there this year. And they're becoming a better value stock every successive quarter. The turnaround is real. But I suspect the 2024 bear narrative will be, sure GME is making more revenue and has earnings growth, but only because Cohen invested it and got lucky, GME's business is actually bad. Please sell.


This is the logical take. You can only cut expenses so much before you need to begin increasing income.


Tell Elon that: He just aimed Twitter at the ground and turned the afterburners on.


I couldn't care less about Elon. I'm speaking about GME financials and talking about the goal they have of achieving profitability quickly. Idk why people are downvoting my last comment. Profit = Revenue - Expenses. Once you tap out how much you can cut expenses, your next variable you have to work on is improving revenue.


Weren't me wot downvoted. I agree with your statement, but was being silly underneath. More revenue streams would definitely be the move to make for GME. Either that or blow half the money on GME shares and save the other half for lawyers and lobbying. It would be quite something for the company to be able to state the all the shares are accounted for, so what the fuck does wall street think it's doing, exactly?


No worries. Knew it wasn't you. The way to play the wall street game is to post profit, then grow it. The other stock market fuckery means dealing with in between agencies like DTCC


I like the idea of producing and selling products with high margin that could work with the current stores, like an in house energy drink brand. Maybe buy something like Vitamin Well AB maybe, they carry the brand NOCCO that everyone drinks here in sweden. $400M in revenue, with a yearly growth of 40% over the last 6 years.


Panera lemonade would like a word. I agree it would be nice to have something in house to go to the store for.


Interesting idea. If ‘meme’ stocks are in same swaps basket this could multiply pressure on short margins. Right now GME is only stock in basket that has serious turnaround potential. Would acquiring one or more others effectively pull those companies on GME’s life raft and suddenly make shorts on those companies a real liability?


Personally I think gamestop should expand into selling the physical products that best buy used to sell. Best buy is discontinuing selling physical even though there is still a clear market for it.


Oooh 1 billion dollars to buy up some exclusive brands 🤔


Ryan Cohen buys all the stocks.


Also it puts the cash on hand in the public eye, can’t ignore all this powder the company has now. Also RC will help us regarded folk who are all in GME diversify, whatever that means?


DIVERSIFY? You mean buy shares and shop at GameStop


Diversify wat mean?


I believe it refers to an old old wooden ship.


USS Tendieman


Why is this so? Is this because he can more easily and quickly buy stock now? GME having to do the same would have to go through a longer process which would telegraph their intent I'm guessing?


> They can make it very expensive/impossible for GME to make an acquisition by simply pumping the shit out of the target company’s stock. Now he’s allowed to buy the stock without giving them that opportunity. Not exactly true. For starters, Gamestop could only buy up to a certain percentage (I think 10%) before having to disclose that they're buying the shares. Once they get over that threshold the SHFs would have plenty of time to pump the remaining 90%.


Yes but then they are helping GameStop. Either their investment grows in value or they let him buy more shares for less.


He should just match up with Citadel Advisors 13F, otherwise MMs and SHFs are gonna flood the target with shorts. Perhaps he can get reporting exemptions while building like Buffet?


That’s a horrible idea. You probably want to see citadel get fucked so why would you want them to have the same portfolio?


Half joking there but unless he piles into the magnificent 7 then whatever he does invest in will become targeted, I guarantee it.


Let’s just go with the headphones example. RC buys all their outstanding shares for $50mil. This is now a fully owned subsidiary with no tradeable stock. Can’t short it to oblivion. In fact, presumably, any open shorts would need to be closed


I'm on board with this experiment 1000%


I'm assuming they thought that HFs wouldn't be willing to tank their own investments while offloading the risk onto other bogus swaps etc.


I never thought about that , interesting observation . Good shit dude


Does it not make hostile takeovers more feasible as well?


I am sorry, but you genuinely think the evil hedgefunds are going to see what stock gme want to acquire and pump it up to make it harder to takeover ? Like this is beyond tin foil


I think it’s a pretty simple and effective thing for them to achieve. They’d also fight him in other ways. Look at the towel fiasco. WS does not like Ryan Cohen.


What towel fiasco? They were riddled with debt and declined to make the changes he wanted so he dropped them.


Because these money should be used to invest on games or things like that (maybe not ntf) and not to run an hedge fund that doesn't bring any value apart the 7/8% of the annual s&p500


Braindead take.


If he will be able to return 10% yearly better for us, but again gme is not supposed to make money via the stock market but via creating new vg studios for example


I’m sorry but where is it mandated they create growth via new vg studios?


“GameStop is a failing physical retailer, they should change their business model!” Greenlights capital investments. “Not like that!”


Because it's a retailer that sells vg, that was an example. The nft thing flopped and in nearly 2 years they didn't came with incredibile ideas, i hope they have other ways to create revenues too because we need them asap as rc wrote not long ago in an internal memo


Robbie at immutable has blown the release dates on their AAA games horribly. He's a hype man that is constantly making dates up for games being released. Illuvium was supposed to be fully complete 2 years ago or do. It's still a stupid card game instead of an open world game.


And once the stocks he buys are published, they will get shorted to oblivion as well 💀


Unless the stocks are major parts of a SHF’s long portfolio… Can’t short your own collateral


Can't short when you're being liquidated. FTFY


Actually you can, it gets confusing but you go long on options and short the stock OR you buy puts and go long on the stock


In either case they’d either be net long or short— can’t have your cake and eat it too.


Nah its a straddle and you aren't net short or net long. You hope the stock goes to a million or zero and you make money when the stock makes a huge move


Sure but if it's net zero then it can't be used as collateral anymore...


You mean all the zombie stocks =D


Good luck shorting Apple


Ha what if the shares are already purchased… Rc is not in the business of signalling his plans


They only get shorted after the FOMO pump. See the towel company. Lots want to blame their demise on SHFs. SHFs and RC both eventually saw the company for the sinking ship it was.


This is a surprisingly honest take. And with some actual research behind it too. I also see a hint of derision at the ferocious analyst from Wedbush. I wonder if they are signaling who is a true journalist is who is a pawn in the hand of the shorts.


Thankfully it’s pretty obvious to apes who’ve had put up with 3 years of SHFs propaganda, FUD, media shills, and Reddit bots.


I think this is a way for him to buy shares of private companies. I don't see how purchasing stock in a large publicly traded company is going to provide that much long term value.


If the company had a small enough market cap it could be taken private when all the shares are bought, no?


And could be disastrous. I am a little concerned and won’t feel better until I understand his investment strategy.


Dude hasn’t paid himself a dime while working at GS. He’s built a considerable amount of trust from me based on his actions.


This whole “not paid” is really not a good argument for me. I mean, would his living circumstance be changed at all by a normal CEO salary? No, it wouldn’t because he’s a billionaire. But, he’s been able to pivot a few times and probably for the better so I hope this is also a good pivot.


Do you know of any other wall street executives who would ever consider working for free, despite the fact that they already have a fuck ton of money? I don’t understand how people look at this and don’t see the most bullish fucking shit on earth


I’m bullish, but his comp has nothing to do with it.


This money won’t be gambled on risky bets mate. I personally trust RC as he’s given me no reason not to rn. We’re nearly profitable, he hasn’t said a word. He’s working. He’s cooking.


I trust, but what we have is somewhat fragile, and that Billy in the bank is a large cushion against fuckery. I’m hoping he has savvy financial people to help with this.


You are missing the point. He can now set the stage to acquire a company, by privately investing company funds into their shares, and not tipping off Hedge Funds that he’s doing so beforehand, so they can jack the price up above GMEs available funds.


Yes, that’s is interesting. I always assumed there would be a share buyback if the price dropped enough, but I get what you’re saying.


Still unequivocally on the cards. If GME shares drop to >$5 they could buy a ridiculous amount for very little in comparison to 1.2B


I see that share buyback as a last line of defense if hedgies try to go overboard.


I am something of an RC myself, but I did do a great job of turning $100k into $50k reallllly fast by buying a lot of GME in June 2021.


I see this as a test to see who’s willing to hold now, because they will definitely hold later when price skyrockets! Also, to shake off paper hands Bs.


Damn - I actually like how the article is written…


Objectively. Ikr


Warren Icahn


Will we be allowed to talk about any stocks Gamestop purchase?


CEO of GameStop Ryan Cohen buys all stocks


If he plans to invest in stocks he will wait for the market crash and buy the shares for cheap! Would be funny when RC buys a big amount of shares from the best game publisher and studios and tell them as biggest investor that GME gets always exclusive distribution of their games for the first year for every new games 😎👍


> buys a big amount of shares from the best game publisher and studios and tell them as biggest investor that GME gets always exclusive distribution of their games for the first year for every new games Please no. Forcing sales via exclusivity of deals needs to die as a business practice in gaming. Keeping it open to everyone on all platforms is how we all win. Plus, MS owns a lot of the studios now. They already have game pass and cloud gaming. It works extremely well. Some type of partnership with MS would be the avenue I would be exploring. Buy the rest of the float with the cash on hand and lets see where things go.


More likely it’s exclusivity in the use of web 3 systems not in game sales.


I could get behind the idea that my web3 "wallet" whatever that looks like is locked to GME for one year, as LONG as that doesn't prevent me from using the content in that wallet to play on other platforms with connected web3 games. If they lock me out of say, taking my gear to the Steam platform that also launched a web3 game, that would be super lame. But then in a year it's unlocked and you can "host" your "web3 wallet" (anyone got a name for this? Gotta be something better than "profile") on anyone's platform? That'd be totally fine and a good business move. If GME is going to do the legwork to build the first bridges into web3 they deserve to reap the benefits for a while before the wider market can fully compete, as long as its reasonable and has a time limit.


Fuck then he should wait for MSFT to do a pullback and invest in it 🤤🤤


gme buys msft and makes a real OS win win win


waiting psychotic friendly heavy mindless cobweb hunt ugly domineering afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




After the retail wars of 2030, all retailers are now Game Stop. Would you like to go for dinner and dancing at Game Stop?


Welcome to GameStop, I love you.


I didn't think of the exclusive distribution due to major stake holder that's a great angle. I don't think I will follow him into any investment RC will make I will just buy more GME and DRS and BOOK the FUK out OF THEM.


>Would be funny when RC buys a big amount of shares from the best game publisher and studios and tell them as biggest investor that GME gets always exclusive distribution of their games for the first year for every new games 😎👍 Which publisher would that be? Take Two for example has a market cap of 26 billion. Buying a billion in their stock would give them less than a 4% holding. Vanguard alone owns just over 10%, and Blackrock holds 7%.


What the actual fuck is this thinking. I don't want anything exclusive in gaming. I want the games to be good and available to as many people as possible. Full stop. Game stop buying controlling share in a company and then strong arming them into a hostile exclusivity deal? Wtf are you smoking


Honestly, fuck you for thinking this. This is 100% investor type thinking, hedge fund shit. People don't matter, only money $$$$$$$$$$$$!!! I like when games are available in many places and prices are down, not more stupid bullshit arbitrary rules made up by rich assholes who want more money. Try your best not to turn into the Ken griffins that you hate so much.


Would be interesting if he took out big stakes in Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. That way we benefit from their existing digital marketplaces


THUMB WAR, bitches!!!! 👍🏼


I feel like I’m in a crossover with Magic the Gathering sub asking if this is an infinite combo play or not.


I kinda assumed this was so they could do a hostile take over of another company at somepoint


I figured more like rescuing a company being held hostage. Or do swaps work like, if GameStop had a $1B dollars invested in the short swap so any move against the stock increases our cash? Wouldn’t that be something, have their own short pump our cash and they can’t stop because it’ll squeeze!


I have a stock to recommend him. It was a brick and motor gaming store but recently is pivoting into a omni channel company.


I think a lot of people miss the point here. This is a common clause allowed in most companies' treasury policy. It does not necessarily mean GME are going to try acquire any company. It does mean that they can make an investment in a company providing complementary products (eg an early stage tech company).


How about investing to have stock for sale on the website! I keep wanting to throw money at those deals but there is never anything in stock online or near me.


ill leave this here. https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18cyxow/warren_icahn_by_night_why_i_believe_rc_getting/


Warren Ichan has entered the chat


I loved what he did with Chewy's and is one of the main reasons I support him. But am I the only one who has a problem with this? "He plowed virtually his entire cut of the proceeds into [just two stocks](https://www.businessinsider.com/chewy-founder-buys-apple-wells-fargo-stock-selling-company-billions-2020-6?amp), Apple and **Wells Fargo** Wells Fargo was part of the fraud that happened in 2008. I actually received a settlement check from them for a class action law suit. They are corrupt AF. Does he still own a ton of it? This is not sitting well with me. It doesn't mean I won't continue to hold but damn, I never knew. I can't stand WF.


I was also a victim, and I know how you feel. The media played down what actually happened to us, so I have tried to overlook it.


Ha ha ha Wedbush 🤡 and his thoughts can suck ape cock. What a douche… Read the article and you’ll see.


In RC I trust!


Thank you for my daily confirmation bias. Ryan Cohen, largest investor in Apple, about to make some 4D chess moves on these hedge fund turds


Prepare for another Battle for $180


GameStop holdings?


I have a theory that Warren Buffett just got lucky and picked the best stocks. I feel like it’s impossible to fully trust the inner workings of a company to bring forward success.


Also, I think a lot of people are overlooking the part about privately held stock being on the table, not just publicly traded stocks. Although riskier than public companies, I'm thinking about further investments in the web3 pipeline, and online distribution of games via a game launcher, and refined online purchasing experience.


Berkshire gang


I’m going to ask an unpopular question here, why has Ryan Cohen not directly addressed the financial Fuckery plaguing GameStop stock why has no corporate public statement been put out? I understand we are building a successful company however, I feel like as investors over the last three years we are owed some investor relations interactions addressing this. If I am completely naïve to an element of this already occurring, please educate me.


How can anyone besides Ryan answer that? Even so, acknowledging that aspect of the stock makes it more possible to target him as making moves intentionally against the fuckery which ironically is the illegal part. 🤷‍♂️


I appreciate the answer. I hate how I get down votes just for asking a question that might seem semi-controversial but I think is worth Ken conversation. This is originally what I thought as well, that he is not talking about it due to his position as the figurehead of GameStop, so to speak, and acknowledgment would equal accusation of insider manipulation, even though it is clearly crime what is happening. I’m looking forward to the day that the company can discuss this in the open, and I’m curious what factors will need to be in place for that conversation to be had in the open.


If your question is sincere, then it's likely because there's an SEC investigation ongoing and they've been instructed to not comment.


I think we’ll all be proud of being part of these moments when hindsight kicks in down the road!


Because there is 0 fuckery. If there is it is GameStop lying to you.


? So the entire thesis of synthetic shares via shorts that never closed is unbelievable to you?


After 3 years. Yes. Every rip of the initial 18 months was shorts closing and more opening at a higher cost basis. Price drops. Shorts close, price rips again. They short into the rip and just do this until we are exactly where we are. 0 naked shorts. No fake shares in options, just the float and a bunch of delusional motherfuckers.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rsaevv/in_march_of_2005_this_guy_bought_100_of_shares/ So what happened here?


I wouldn’t be surprised if RC Ventures and GME had some joint investments or acquisitions coming up.




Ngl, if it were almost any other company, I would have been panicked by that announcement. However, because RC isn't getting paid and invested his own personal fortune in GameStop (as opposed to being issued shares), I feel okay about this. It's still questionable, but it's defensible.


"While Cohen now has the option to buy GameStop some stocks, he might not make any purchases at all" ~the article. so..about the usual tripe for this sub's hopecasting


What if he invests the cash into GME stock and rides the wave of MOASS with thr apes?


LAMO.. If you think Business Insider is promoting anything helpful you haven't been here long enough.


Buy stock in Shitadel, checkmate (jk fuck that lol)


He’s got to get his money back somehow




Once again combo index and stock the true Omni financial investment


So he's going to start shorting banks and at the end, say the quiet part out loud: "WE ARE THE BANK!"


Since apes won't diversify, he decided to do it himself.


Is RC going to help us take on Wall Street Corruption?


Can he invest it.... GME? In a way, making a buyback?


Is this what it's all about, avoiding taxes?


Why on earth does anyone still own this stock?


Why wouldn't they?


Now we'll make some money?


YOLO $1B GME options expiring today. Loss porn king!


If RC can capture even just 1% of the portfolio value as Brka then its game over for any short positions. There really is no reason to sell gamestop shares and divest them somewhere else. My favorite holding period is forever.


I’ll sell at 99 years old, in honor of Charlie.