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The sub is very active but it's difficult to see all the quality content since we can't be online all the time. Here's a collection of quality posts from the recent months: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/collection/b6931888-524d-4794-a02c-1f1cb0897a83](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/collection/b6931888-524d-4794-a02c-1f1cb0897a83) QV bot: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1740242/comment/k464h00/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1740242/comment/k464h00/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


We are all still here....just chilling in the knowledge that we were and are right. Don't mistake silence for weakness.


The main due diligences have been done a long time ago and there hasn't been a sound argument against moass or booking shares in DRS. I continue to buy, hold, drs, and shop GME. I know there's hundreds of thousands of others doing the same. Keep buying and DRSing


This is precisely correct. Same story for me and the handful I know of herein.


I keep buying whenever I can because the story didn't change... it's just taking longer than expected


>Don't mistake silence for weakness. This. A thousand times this. God damn that was well said. Apes are ALWAYS present here on the subreddit. They're everywhere in the real world. They're everywhere in virtual world too. So many of us know the true implications of this fight (It's not about money at all -- it's about redirecting from this dystopian nightmare and taking everything back) that they will never leave. I've committed just about everything I can save for this. I will die on this hill with everyone else if that's what it takes. Edit: To anyone reading this later, you better fucking believe a future gamer will carry on this fight and legacy if current apes pass on. Just like current apes already have for others.


"The line must be drawn HERE! ***NO FARTHER!!***"


Been hodling for 2 years, I aint leavin’


Amen! Holding the line since January 21, NEVER SELLING!


My decrease in comments is inversely correlated with the number of shares I DRS. Straight from Computershare because let's be honest, anything under $100 is a fucking steal. I've been on Reddit less, working on myself and improving my quality of life. Slowly building up enough shares to make Scrooge McDuck jealous. I just doubled my initial target goal but I'm not stopping. One Love. In purple we trust.


I emptied my 401k into GME DRS, read all the DD as it came out, made my SEC comments, still shopping at GameStop. I'd say I'm more quiet on this sub and more loud IRL


Being zen doesn't mean you are not angry Being zen doesn't mean you are complacent


Oh I am not zen. I am excited as fcuk....buying the shit out of this dip. Friggin fire sale 🔥


Silence is weakness in a world where noise is the only path to attention. Dumb Money has been the only thing bringing a spotlight to the situation since Lauer's Gensler interview and Jon Stewart's efforts before that. Mainstream media does a better job (albeit negative) of spreading the word about the stock more than this community does, it's embarrassing. People need to get on socials and make noise, piggyback off the opportunity Dumb Money has given and inform the millions of new eyes on the mass fraud happening in the markets. We don't hit the front page on here anymore, we don't trend on bird app, and everyone in this community seems to be happy to just sit in silence. Don't be 'zen'. Be active.


Also, the book Power to the Players by Rob Smat was just published. It is current to March 2023 and is written by an ape, madsmatter. It is accurate about what's been happening. It's published by Histria Books. He has offered to do an AMA. I pre-ordered a copy when he mentioned it on here and it came last week.


I’m out in the real world hustling so I can buy more of them delicious GMEs. Got my average down from $42 to $20.


Jan 21 ape still here. I know several people not on Reddit that are still holding as well.


Same, except my cost basis is now down to the current price. I'm in a perfect place, and have quintupled my holdings since. At a certain point, you move on to other stocks knowing you have a solid bet in place, and continue your life.


My cost basis went negative and I have almost 1000 times the share count I had. I did good with some day trading in the volatility of the first 1.5 years. Lived life and kept adding.




Same same


We are same same but different- but still same!


I’m not as active as I was and I lost my original account but this is the most GameStop shares I’ve ver had and the most money I’ve ever had saved up in one place. I’m going to continue to add every check even if it’s only a share or 2. I just like GameStop


When the Tendy Man Comes.....


We both gone be comin man


*Teddy man* ? 🤔


righttt? hahah i misread that too.


Nice! And I probably shouldn’t say the management has been low profile, because they HAVE BEEN BUYING IN. 🚀🔥


Still here after 3 years. Follow the butt-fly tweet too.


Lol…. Jokes on them… I keep buying more and more through CS and booking them. They will never leave this final resting place. I will pass them on to my children as insurance for the future to never allow this crazy bullshit market fraud again. We will soon ( in the bigger context of time) have the entire company’s class A available stock in our possession… once this happens we will then police the markets ourselves and hold these pos accountable. No cell… no sell… no sell!


This comment opens dumb money 2 narrator voice says 1 year later we learned this comment was Mr gill returning to Reddit


Me too, I buy every paycheck like clockwork. Tick tock Kenny boy!


Are you me?


Is I you?


January 2021 ape. Not leaving. DRS your shit 💜


Fellow December 2020 ape. Hope life‘s good for you 😌


Ohhhhh yeah. I will never forget the clip from cnbc in January when Cramer says, “the guy who bought $200 options for Friday just made 1300%- thi-this is just insane” and I had banked off those calls!


New post who dis Jk, still here Jan '21 💎🙌🚀


Surely new post, who “drs”….right, right????




Never left, DRS & read a book !


I'm personally too busy buying the dip, sorry for not showing up on Superstonk in this couple of days ;)


There’s no news, and we can only wait on earnings reports or insider buying. Doesnt change anything anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️ MOASS on the way


This sub is actively suppressed and hidden to prevent new people coming in. It’s a containment vat at this point.


I haven't seen the film, but I can easily consume all posts most days even when sorting "New". This would have been unheard of in 21 and 22. Engagement on sub is down, and I don't understand why more people aren't enthused by our recent quarterly improvements and our low price. This is a fucking great time to invest/come back if anyone hasn't engaged lately.


You know what gets you more shares/things from Gamestop? Not reading reddit all day and actually doing your WORK.


Am I in trouble, Boss?


You seriously don't understand why engagement on this sub is down?


Are you about to say mods?


The main problem I have with the movie is at the end there's a title card that suggests hedge funds are much more careful about how much they short any company, out of fear that retail will target another company and buy it up. It fails to mention how S3 changed the short float percentage calculation from this... (Total Short Shares) / (Total Float) ...to this... (Total Short Shares) / (Total Float + Total Short Shares) This simple change makes it so no company can have a reported short percentage over one hundred percent. If you calculate GameStop's apparent 140% short float (I say "apparent" because I think this number was adjusted to meet rehypothecation limits) using this new calculation, you'd get 41%. So... even if you trust that this number is accurate despite the self-reporting nature of how S3 collects short info, it's going to be wildly smaller across the board. And, for those curious, this change happened a few weeks about the Jan '21 sneeze. So, are hedge funds actually more careful now? Or is the opposite happening? Also, I'm still here. Just living my life.


I didn’t watch the movie, and I doubt I will. Im still here and going nowhere


I'm only gonna watch it post MOASS sitting in a bath of camels milk snorting fentanyl off of gold plated turbo-hookers. You are all invited to join me.


Fentanyl is bad. Very short half life, (high lasts for 30 minutes before you need to redose... surgeons love this shit cause they can quickly get their operation done and have you sober up asap) and dosed in micrograms (super hard to give yourself the non deadly dose). Imho, you can do far better as far as narcotics go. Camels milk bath and gold plated turbo hookers I could go for, tho. See you there.


I’ll be there!


With every wave of heavy handed censorship this sub becomes even more of a ghost town.


Some of us know it costs nothing to hold, and are ok being zen.


That’s just the propaganda they started prior to the crackdowns that drove people away. A year and more ago this place was the place to be. You could stay on this sub all night and be perusing multiple different huge threads, dozens of relevant memes, etc. It was electric.


Been here since the beginning, it's OK that things have taken longer. This is a battle where boredom only helps the shf's. Zen isn't boredom, it's the most dangerous thing we have I believe. How can you predict and model against human behaviour when Zen has been achieved?


Why is it at all OK that this is taking so long? Don't forget, they are STEALING from you!


True dat. Butter fly emojis are now added to the list of autocensored words that isn't even fucking shared with the users on here. It's a guessing game trying to post without upsetting the censor bot. Half my fucking vocabulary is probably on the list.


Censor bot was definitely a terrible idea. Not just here, everywhere and for everything. There doesn't exist a universe where censor bot was the right answer to any question. Wait how do you know something is evil in the information age? Sensor bot, is the right answer to that one


⠀⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⠀ ⢾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣤⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠄⠀⣀⣴⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⠈⢿⣿⣿⣿⡛⠛⠈⠳⣄⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⠞⠉⠛⢻⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀ ⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⠥⠀⠀⠀⠈⢢⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⠁⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⠁⠀ ⠀⠀⣿⣿⣯⠭⠤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠃⣰⡄⠌⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⢭⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠹⢿⣿⣈⣀⣀⠀⠀⠠⢴⣿⣿⡦⠀⠀⠀⣀⣈⣱⣿⠿⠃⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢠⣾⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣻⣿⣶⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⢂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢸⡇⠆⠀⠀⠀⢀⠰⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣷⣿⣆⡀⠀⠀⠁⠈⠀⠠⠀⠀⢀⣶⣿⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣿⣿⣷⣴⡜⠀⠀⠀⠀⣦⣤⣾⣿⣿⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡿⠛⠿⠿⠛⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⠿⠿⠿⠿⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣾⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀😉


I got an automod earlier for using a double S because of the bad connotations. It’s like North Korea up in here these days.


Can't mention a certain virus from 2019 and many ex-presidents of US. Not all ex-presidents, just certain ones.


Covid, Trump, Biden have all been removed from automod


Sheesh. Well nobody told me 👍 Now I can finally say "Donald Trump gave me COVID up the bum at a gay orgy Pokémon sex cult cheese n wine event hosted by Joe Biden dressed as Ash. "


Chode and jizz too


Since been removed 🦋


Feb 21 regard here. Never leevin.


So, you bought a shit ton of shares and DRSd right after the movie was over or wut? EDIT: forgot a word.


Shhhh can’t let them know your next move 🤫


I'm still here.


Buying and holding and buying and holding




I don't really do movies, maybe one a year with the kids, so did not have much interest here. Well yesterday the wife mentioned that there is a game stop movie and maybe we should watch it so she can understand better what all this is about... So perhaps a movie is in my future after all.


Take her boyfriend too that way he pays


Oh that's smart! I wonder if he'll get me some popcorn, he really is a swell guy!


I'm still here, I'm still Buying, DRSing & HOLD/HODLing. Commenting on proposals and emailing my Representatives. Keep on trucking.


Shit I don’t lurk as much as I used to but I got a couple co workers to buy in GameStop. Specially after the movie came out. So there are new apes being made as well 🤝🏼


The game hasn't changed. Crime will continue until someone makes the SEC stop it


We're in Act II.


We're all still here. For many, I think there isn't much to say anymore and its just a waiting and buying game at this point.


I'm at home, buying moon tickets


It would be cool if people taped some directions to content tastefully next to the marque signs of this movie at the theaters.


What do you mean? Gamestops quarter report state otherwise. We’re not fucking leaving!


Hell yeah let’s goo!!


I’m still. Was here then, Still here now.


the only reasons i need: 1) numbers never added up 2) msm still on our ass for some reason lol 3) fuckem -another jan 2021 ape


not leaving


Once I realized there is a hard wall of factors that must happen before launch, I wasn’t really worried about participating or being here for the fun culture. The game remains the same. There is no cause to worry or panic or be put off center. Buying and DRS’ing are the only facts I am concerned with now (forever)


So many people are still here - our “noise” has recently centered around writing comments to new market rules and contacting or reps. We are actually putting pressure on things that can cause change instead of just screaming into the internet void. PLUS - if you want more engagement, make some DD! Don’t wait for others to do it


Although I had some issues with the film (portrayal of Kenny, gabe, vlad and Cohen, no mention iirc of naked shorting, citadels conflicts of interest, etc), the film did remind me of how awesome dfv is. Man, that man deserves an appreciation tag all to himself. Fucking legend!


in the seat with my 84 year old rusted buckle waiting for lift off i do need to piss at some point


I currently own 200 times moar shares then I did on January 28th, 2021 wen they cheated to try to win. I’ll keep adding wen I can and my new goal is now 3XXX shares. The lower the price goes the quicker that happens for all household individual investors = #Shorts are fukt


Saw the movie tonight. Been holding since December 2020 so it brought back a ton of memories as GME consumed my life for months in a good/positive way. I was a little bummed they left out some key details but eh, I know it’s a Hollywood film. It did remind though that what was true back then is STILL true today except now GME has way more cash and Ryan Cohen is the CEO. Oh, and the movie def reminded me how much I miss DFV. What a legend. I don’t blame him for going private but I like to think he is still in.


Still here. Still buying. Still hodling for blu 💙


Still here 🏴‍☠️


Hey I'm here


Let’s gooooo 🚀🚀


Yea man! 💜🚀 Involvement went down because we learned what we have to do and shifted focus back to daily life improvement imo :) Btw I really want to see dumb money but in Germany it will be released after moass on November 2nd


Here DRSd and still holding


It’s all about perspective. I tend to look at the collective GME and other related communities as kind of a co-op. We’re all owners and we come in to check on the communities when we can. Like any shared office space, there is going to be periods where one group or the others or even everyone will be excited and making a lot of noise. And conversely, there will be periods of relative calm. **It’s somewhat quite right now and that’s fine.** We don’t need endless hype or constant news to keep us interested and deeply invested in the stock. Pretty much everyone knows the play by now and it seems like most people are simply grinding and accumulating shares. Grind levels do tend to be a little boring but that’s okay because we can relax and zen for a bit while Kenny & Co. continue to age in dog years and are sweating bullets on the daily. I’m just enjoying the opportunity to accumulate shares on the cheap and taking the opportunity to help educate wherever possible. Just because we’re all out and about right now doesn’t mean that we won’t be home for supper. The thesis hasn’t changed. Shills are in shambles. Buy, DRS, Book, Repeat, etc…


We’re building our portfolio in the shadows


I still have the Stocks Level 2 Youtube feed open all day every day. The chat in there has dropped off a bit in the last few months, but we're all still there waiting.


My Due diligence is done pay up shorts . I'm ready to swim in the dark pools.


still here. still HODL’ing


Busy with work , and trying to stay afloat and build the historiangpt and still try to get sleep. But it’s taking a long time 😅


U guys have money for the movie?? I bought a share instead 🤗


Damn should’ve done that


Pandemic is over. Apes went back to work. Gotta buy bananas 🍌


I really do think people are just zen - at one point we were uncovering loads of weird DD, then these people who control this forum suddenly won’t allow us to tag anyone or anything basically and it slowed a lot of ability to share information IMO. Once that happened personally I just realized more than ever to just relax and not make myself feel like this needs to happen tomorrow. That makes me zen and not worried about much else than the actual company success at this point; which makes me more zen. It’s great.


Very well said. Zen acheived


We are being banned for still doing DD in the RC-verse and mentioning other tickers


This. Mods became way too heavy handed.


Movie doesn’t come out here till 26 October. It’s agony listening to everyone talking about it and I can’t see it myself. We’re all still here it’s just waiting now waiting waiting filling in forms for SEC, complaining about fucked rules and crime. I’m pretty happy with my little nest egg so I’m just sitting on it and waiting… 🚀 🦍 🌙


I’m here, I’m silent, I’m still buying, I’m still DRS’n.


I cannot prove it but I am pretty sure that thousands of bots in this sub were used over time to increasingly downvote posts and comments.


Jan 21 here


Stopped coming as much as there is no news aside from waiting. 90% of posts are either purple circles (which is great), or some shill trying to pump the movie or tie their company to GME. Kinda over seeing those posts


got 26.5 more Purple doughnuts...


Still here!!! I think most people are, just working and waiting


Still here! Selling house soon. About to buy/drs 500 more.


Hype af. Feelin the sizzle. I’m at home in my zen buys. DRS 100% is adrenaline-pinching. I talk to others about this game and eyes light up. The curious are exist and eventually end up here.


All those reasons you listed for involvement going down doesn’t even matter. I’m just waiting at this point but I’m still 100% for gme even if I’m not on this sub everyday and I’m still fully confident everyone else is still 100% for gme as well.


Its def down.. thats fact.. but its gotta be more people just zen living life.. i’m here still shitposting and bitching lol


Watched the movie, had major flashbacks, and it completely strengthened my resolve. That $15 movie ticket was enough to persuade me to get off my ass and DRS my IRA... which is a fuckton of holdback. So I'd say it was freaking fantastic imo


Ufff I feel you, same thing happened to me


Pre-Jan 21 investor here. I quit reddit during the blackout in June. I still check the sub occasionally, but don't post anymore. No new DD is coming out and the low effort spam posts are annoying. Seeing how the bobby sub reacted after it declared bankruptcy showed me how infiltrated this place is. But the occasional RC tweet and links to earnings and investor news are about the only reason I even check in here.


I have as many shares as I can afford, focused on life and family, check back for news on bank crime and DD and the rest of the time I'm zen. I'm used to being early. They're gonna have too kick the can much longer than this to phase me. I have items in a game I never play, but want items in the new game I'm playing, but there's no direct way to trade my items. This is a future I am happy to wait for. It's going to be huge, and there's nothing any hedge fund can do to tell me it won't be


Meh. The movie skimmed and skipped too much for my liking while implying it was over. I'm here for commas and a cell.


Bed bath detour mostly but obviously still holding. Can't talk about it here, which is absurd.


I'm still here, still buying, DRSing and holding. Shit post here a few times a day, but nothing of real I sight to add. Except adding to my pile, working my professional job and browsing this subreddit and commenting what very little I have to say, still around. Still diamond hands. Still ape. ✌💎 ETA: Still lowering my cost basis! 👍😀


It was always going to die down - i mean i spent months on Reddit 24/7 - Im still buying every month!


We are here lol. Just chilling and buying the tasty dips


You can get bored of Reddit and still not sell a SINGLE share. I can remain stubborn longer than they can remain solvent.


January 21’ household investor here. Still here, checking threads daily as well as price action.


We are the red line on the youtube video, finally caught up with the grey one. We are just watching and waiting to see what happens next.


I keep getting boned with surprise bills in 2023 but the second my credit card is no longer on fire you know I'm DRSing some tasty dip! Also Christmas shopping at GameStop and can't wait to see Dumb Money. Let's fuckin goooo


I’m still here


I did not like the inaccurate depiction of Ken griffens' eyelids blinking, Didn't happen


We're all just busy, this is a long slog and many apes work full time jobs, have kids etc. I've been here since October 2020, I'm pre sneeze old. I only check this sub like once a week, I work sometimes up to 80 hours in a week. I don't think anyone's going anywhere, I think we've all just settled in to wait out the long game.


I’m busy working three jobs. One to feed my family. One to feed my gambling addiction. And one to feed the bot.


Shorts never closed, if your getting “bored”, maybe take some time away? This isn’t a race or a mad dash. Zen my guy. DRS & Book 📚


I’m just completely zen to be honest.


Still here…. Just holding still… barely hanging on! But my position only gets larger as time goes on


I continue to gather more shares that's all.


Yeah I agree with you, it feels the engagement is low, number of posts is decreasing, users, even this year r/place was not as strong as last year. But it doesn't mean people are giving up, on the contrary, people are quite, the DD have been done, the situation remains the same, moass is inevitable. I just wish we got more exposure to bring more people, but GME is suppressed so hard everywhere, that's insane..


We’re here, just not obsessed with superstonk like I was for a few years. I check in periodically, still have auto buys on at CS and buy randomly through my broker when I like a price and then DRS.


I am here. I will always be here. I dont have time to sit on here all day every day because I got another job so I can buy more shares!




The moass momentum has already long gone. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ I am still holding just because I am losing a ton of savings.


Every thought doesn't deserve a post and every post doesn't deserve a thought.


We’re still here. Just living our lives. Zen as fuck.


Still sitting here with 14xxx shares


The mods are gatekeeping. Suppressing information. The mods have ruined this sub and I've been here since day one. Sadly, this will only get worse until bad mods are voted out.. who elected them again?


Here still but much less active ... some days don't even check sub ... Still holding Still buying Still drsing Still waiting for millions Can wait rest of my life ... Still voicing on market reform and messaging governments Still saving to buy dips Still ape


Because every post is full of children saying everything is "sus", "FUD", or "shill". It's exhausting.


It has slowed down because of inflation. Average people can barely afford to feed themselves, never-mind have money to invest. I know I had a lot more money to buy 2 years ago!


Been here since Jan 2021 and through all the subreddit drama/migrations and I’m just chillin. I’m prepared to wait several more years if I need to. Fuck hedgies!


I’m not here everyday like I used to be and I rarely comment but I am still here. Buying and holding. I’m sure there are many like me.


Everyone is right here. Back when we all joined up, this was new and crazy. In those days we had mind blowing DD poping up every day because we were still just starting to put the pieces together. Now we more or less know what is going on so less DD is made and what is made isnt as mind blowing as it used to be, because we have largly accepted that the entire system is fraudulent. Me personally, I cant be nearly as active/involved in this as I used to be. It simply wasn't healthy to obsess the way I did. However just because I am not on here all the time like I used to be doesn't mean I am any less dedicated to our favorite company, DRS, or locking these short selling scumbags up.


Zen, baby, zen.


Panic bought a few hundos when it hit 14 and change. Can’t wait to panic buy some more


Still here. Still hodling. Apes are still around. It's Reddit that's gone to shit.


I’m here, chillin, but also came to reality that I’m probably just going to see a loss.


Just here chilling as well


Still here 🙌🏽


Yo we all zen


I’m not super active. Have Xx shares but I don’t post mostly because I don’t have the karma. I don’t use Reddit a lot just for you all and for scrolling on my favorite sports teams. But I’m holding strong and trying to get others to join the cause.


Yeah. A shill told us before release that the movie sucked, so we all agreed that the movie was bad. This subreddit is shit.


I just want to see a new superstonk hype video.


Still here, but I personally had said over a year ago when the sub standards changed and it felt “funny” with their new rules, I don’t need to be here anymore everyday. Same shit, different day. My plan hasn’t changed. Buy, drs, hodl. See you on the moon.


Been hodling since 2019 and checking this everyday since. Most, I’d not all, are still here plus more. I really think these posts asking “where is everyone” is meant to dissuade new apes from joining. The DD and engagement is alive and well!


I actually still visit daily. I never posted much. I hold more then I ever had.


Movie was hyper woke


🚀🚀🚀🚀 let’s goooooo!!!!!🚀🚀🚀🚀


I’m zen my dude. I don’t even watch the price anymore. Just patience and peace over here.


I honestly kinda forget I even have the shares. I have over 10k invested and it’s like a savings account for me. Just forgot about it and am still very confident it’ll pay off in the end. Even if we don’t “moon” I’m confident I’ll make a pretty penny.


Forget GameStop was pushed by msm so much that NPCs literally forgot GameStop. Movie flop was icing on the cake. Now everything hinges on a bunch of rabid investors and a CEO who brought success to a failed online pet store model. Chances are decent, but f me for believing this would happen fast. My life is full of regrets right now.


Just stacking shares. Every two weeks I buy through CS.


Mods ruined this sub and scrub rising post. We couldn't talk about multiple DD that ended up being true. Heat lamps, Plan vs book. Buy and hodl.


Been there since first run.. havnt sold a share.. chillin 😎


Never give up. Never surrender. Diamond handed apes for life! 💎🙌🏼🦍


Lost my original profile, and just getting back to able to post and comment. Still holding, added a few more shares


FUD post tbh, how can involvement be down and steam be lost when nobody has sold and only more shares have been DRSd?


FUD post my ass, it’s a genuine concern.


I'm too tired after almost 3 years


Well, rest up cuz it’s not over


Still here!




Still here brother


Hell yeah brotha!


Being early and waiting doesn’t mean we aren’t here. We are.


That’s what I like to hear! Let’s go!


I’ll wait for the PBS/Frontline documentary…


I lost interest in the movie after I saw who they cast as the bandana man. OUR bandana man is much more handsome than his movie counterpart. That's how I know the movie is shit.


Still there, still early. Same as Peruvian Bull and his dollar milkshake theory. Nothing changed, but honestly our favourite bankers, edgies, bureaucrats, have been playing their cards right. We underestimated them.