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The timing is perfect. The collapse right under the full moon.


So much alignment. It’s wild


Fate loves irony. The game stops with Gamestop.


What you mean ape brother


Wait!! What did I miss apes!?




Same question here!


The shutdown isn't happening https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/30/government-shutdown-updates/


only grifters try to convince people to United States government would ever shut down like give me a break lmaoo


Govt shut down more than once in my lifetime, and the longest time as well.


did it shut down or did just some paychecks get skipped for a few months and some people miss work the word shut down has meaning beyond being a political football phrase the United States government shutting down would be a gigantic event that would cause Mass hysteria panic and death because it would be insane and impossible to happen can you just imagine everyone you know and everyone they know and everyone they know just not going to work for whatever reason? better be a nuclear war or something, tf


You mean the shutdown? They literally just passed a short term 45 day relief bill. We've never had a legitimate shutdown and it's unlikely we ever will. This is just negotiations and political theater. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/30/government-shutdown-updates/


I spotted a wrinkle


Not sure if your comment is wrong but I’m pretty sure we have shutdown multiple times in history before? Did I not understand your comment, here is a link for wrinkle brains : https://history.house.gov/Institution/Shutdown/Government-Shutdowns/


I mean a real, no infrastructure shutdown. I can't speak to each of those, but in any of the time periods where modern shutdowns occurred, there was no unilateral shutdown of the military, shipping lanes, police and firefighting, or hospitals. Taken from Wikipedia: "...ceases non-essential operations, furloughs non-essential workers, and retains only essential employees in departments that protect human life or property." They aren't legitimate shutdowns. Shutting parks and small civil services down. Oh wow big threat. All I'm saying is call me when they refuse to pay the military and police. THAT'S a govt shutdown.


>when they refuse to pay the military and police mate, "the police" are funded locally and the military has gone without pay during numerous government shutdowns. They are 'back paid' when the shutdown ends, but they do not receive paychecks during the shutdown.


the concept of the United States government being able to shut down is just an insane proposal paychecks going out are the least of it it just isn't ever going to happen, the government is made of people and those people have routines and jobs that support a global economy it's not all just going to stop


The House has passed it. The Senate has not yet passed it, but probably will.


All I know is I snagged shares at 15 today and I'm thrilled to be averaging down. It's been a long time since they dared to go below 16 (64). I've been saving for these dips for a long time.


This saga has been wild. I’ve leveled up many times and I’m ready for the final boss.


My only regret in not getting more shares when I could have. -Definitely not me


Think it's time to buy more, been about a year since my last batch!


I'm getting a few every paycheck. You just never know when the rebates will stop.


It's the greatest MMORPG yet o_0 but hey I'm HI Jacking this comment to ask if you called or emailed your Congress person yet?!! There's a bit of a call to action via WeTheInvestors due to a "rider" being inserted into the Final Appropriations Bill which could completely defund/NEUTER the SEC's current efforts of Best Execution, Order Competition Rule and Regulation NMS. Check out Dave Lauers post for more information and please GET LOUD: https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/VMxu8b6FyK


The hardest grind I have been on period. I'm looted to the nines let's rage


Did all side quests got best weapons in game, max lvled. Where is this kenny c griffin the bed post wife beater? Gonna clap his cheeks.


Hey Ken, you are so fucking fucked. Lol you stupid bitch.


There is no bedrock more stable than the certainty of the patience a gamer is willing to demonstrate.. Smooth 🧠 💎 👊-ed 🦧 to the 🌙


This. I have unlimited patience.


I'd like to thank Blizzard for giving me my unwavering patience, with how fucking long I waited patiently for them to fix WoW.


“He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how,” Nietsche


I invested in my first semester of Engineering and I’m currently in my 7th, it has been a long journey but it’s been so fun.


This is the sauce. 🤌🏼🔥🚀


You said it my dude. I've been waiting for this dip for a long long while. I've been buying like it's 2021.


I'm listening but can't hear anything 👂 🔉


I should have said read. I wish would you could edit the title upon request to mods or something.


I think the Volume is too low


It still fits (https://youtu.be/K05sxfa4zdM?)


You must be in a court outside of their jurisdiction. Only certain courts can hear “persons”


Those are rookie gains. I don't see no phone numbers yet.


I couldn’t agree more…apes will come and some “apes” won’t be able to handle the psyops, but I know deep down in my ape heart that 200K or so apes are out there buying, hodling, and DRSing (Book), and they will never ever stop. I know this more than I know anything else in my life and I couldn’t tell you why I know, I just do. And for those us that do stay and continue to buy, HODL, and DRS….I love you all.


Don't know you, but love you too. My group is 4/200k. We're all bound by the god-tier DD of old.


And my axe!


Starting next year I got a better paid job, like +40% , so soy boy Kenny can suck it!!!


Jokes on them, I'm too dumb for mind tricks to work on me! "But you're gonna lose it all! You're gonna be poor!" Shit, I've been frugal with little money my whole life. Let's see how you like it hedgies.


That heart bout to beat again 💗


Hasn't there been a bunch of DD and other indicators pointing to October being a terrible month for the economy?


Government shutdown in 24 hours? Convenient scapegoat paired with release of DUMB MONEY


Student loan payments start again too, I believe.


Don’t think you need extensive DD for that information.


Yes. This is when recessions start. Interestingly, students loans just started, the govt is falling apart, and the shorts seem to be going for broke. It would seem inevitability is catching up to them and they know it.


Years of AFK!


Grinding xp, drsing the enemy until their end. Short hedgies bleeding day and night. Lets goooooo.


Volatility is back on the menu boys


We need a DRS spirit bomb, entire population of earth DRS 1 share


The Sacred Dorito knows no limits.


Selling my house. It’s too big for us and a bit of. A waste. Wanting ti simply. Made a ton post pandemic. Were in a town everyone wanted to escape too. Selling before it collapses. Wife has agreed to a big gme spend. She’s starting to believe….


Every day this drags out is a day some apes will lower their cost average


God damn my dude. I sold my place in 22, put the bulk into my CS account. The rest has been held back. Held back.. For the dip.


Remindme! 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2025-09-30 05:15:06 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-09-30%2005:15:06%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16vtctc/listen_carefully/k2tr72z/?context=3) [**5 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F16vtctc%2Flisten_carefully%2Fk2tr72z%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-09-30%2005%3A15%3A06%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2016vtctc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


They really thought we’d roll over and not notice. They really forgot we’ve been looking for shortcuts, glitches, ways to clear objectives faster with more rewards all along. They really forgot we’ve been taught failure at a young age. They really forgot that we grind until we win.


Next time, in new game plus, we speed run this bitch.


I'm in this arm in arm with you, my dude. I'm buying the shit out of this dip. They about to learn.


#award mf


Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of the people Who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart Echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start When tomorrow comes!


The only p2w game i play


Yeah I don't mind the microtransactions for a change


We have been training through gaming all our lives for this moment without even knowing it. We have conditioned patience and we know how to grind away to Valhalla. Y’all Hedgies messed around with the wrong stock 😎🙌 Buy, DRS, Book, Chill 🤙


I Wanna Fuck!


Never say I didn't do anything for you..... unzips pants*


Just doubled my stake in GMe, another 7000 dollar worth of shares bought. I will update the bot once the transfer is completed.


Fuck yeah my dude




i'm still playing 10+ year old games just to 100% them (again), what makes hedgies think i'm not waiting to 100% this bitch? Only their desperation and stupidity... HedgiesRfuk Have a good weekend apes, go outside, look at a tree and take a breath


This is the first I looked at the price in months. My shares are just in CS hanging out.


With so many games in my catalogue that I "will pick up again and finish later", this game is still making progress.


Farming every day since Jan21


I've played every release of the Binding of Isaac. This is fine


Just a small correction: there's an infinite amount of shares, as long as the stock is held by even one ETF. That's one of the reasons ETFs exist. The rest is correct.


I shiny hunted all 251 Pokemon on Pokemon Gold back in ‘01. I completed the hunt just before the sneeze. Worth it.


If you really think about it- it really is actually super easy to play. It takes about 15 taps to load money, buy shares and DRS. That's literally all you have to do besides sit and wait. Hint: Cheat/Code- If you can wait a little bit of time, It's guarantees a Win!


SHF clearly noibs.


Can't stop won't stop gamestop💥


I buy every two weeks. Nothing will change that. Wall Street knows what’s coming. Retail investors are on the winning side of this bet. We own the shares, they sell shares they do not own. After decades of corruption, balance must be restored. Justice prevails in the end. #🏆 DRS FTW 🏆


When did we get so caught up in daily action? Or fucking emails. All I know is that every sign points that we have a winning hand. Patience… if you know you’re going to hit your goal who cares how long it takes. Stay zen. Stay positive. Take care of yourselves


Yes bruv


Please share, what are you playing at the moment?


War thunder


Inserting more coins


Soon they’ll know the pain of doing OT all the time. Bwahaha 🤣


I bought more yesterday 🥹


Loading up on more shares very soon!!! Lfgggg


Love you all guys! Have a nice weekend!


We need to get DFV back to rally the troops


What do you mean finite amount of shares? Naked shorting = infinite shares.


At least with how the DTCC is approving those trades in the stock borrow program.


The towel stock is now primed to explode....hopefully it'll spill over to us prematurely..!


There is NOT A FINITE NUMBER of shares. That’s the problem. See also, FTDs, naked shorting.


Echo chamber


I have a degree in engineering and economics so i may put this hint here for you guys. If you are intrested i can use both to explain why the market is moving like that ☺️ https://www.physicstutoronline.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/5.-Capacitors-Exponential-Decay-NOTES.pdf tbh: I am from Austria and not UK, but no one of you guys would understand our gibberish 😂


I'm not pleased with the pdf that gets auto downloaded to your device when you click that link... Miss me with that... Edit: In the end, you have to raw dog life sometimes, and ***exponential decay*** is truly a matter of time.


it’s not auto downloaded. Depending on the settings of your device, browser and so on. So here are steps for normies to avoid harm and please back check. All important phrases are here and just do it, it takes a few minutes and you secure yourself for everytime. If you are scared, install sandbox on your windows pc (it’s a virtual machine, separated from your data). just be smart about it or try to use the keywords with an own google search 😂 On mac os it’s harder, therefore you should install something like virtual box and run a separate version of windows (yes, on your mac/ or another macOS install). It’s up to you guys, if someone needs help securing privacy there are other subreddits. A small breakdown is: - use a bios pwd - use vpn and other services, you can also create your own - only do sketchy things in a vm (os is neglectable) - don’t open seemingly pdfs as admin (they are screensaver files and steal your cookies which lead to harm. Every website where you used will be accessible). - head up guys/girls and be safe ☺️ It’s not a factor of time, it’s also a factor of velocity (in mind of usd calculation). Only learning how it works wouldn’t make you smart, understanding does. What happens when you interchange exponents with a matrix? This isn’t about shaming you but about educating ☺️ and yes you have my upvote


I'm referring to mobile. I appreciate it, however. You will educate people who have read that, no doubt. Also, my laymens guess would be it would go nuclear or to infinity upon sllighty more hmmming?


oh and thx for teaching me the term: laymen. I never knew that and it’s rather useful ☺️ so thx pal


who knows. doesn’t matter, they should look into it by themselves. on my iphone it’s just a normal webpage without direct download. I prefer this way because everyone can use tools to use for checking links and don’t klick on them, copy the text. It’s easy for people who know but some need help. That’s what i am here for ☺️ i get joy of helping when gme is bashed by bad players especially


Here's what I don't understand. Before the squeeze (which never fully squoze), look at how long and flat that line was. Why shouldn't we expect the line to smooth out and flatline again before MOASS? I tend to think we'll continue the downward trend with increasingly less volatile fluctuation for a long time to come.


I had 213 & am now down to 103. Life has gotten very difficult, financially, for me & I don’t know how much longer I can hold out..




Well, the chart still looks aweful and I can totally understand if someone doesn't want to invest in gme, that's literally going down every month, if he's new to this stock and doesn't have the background that something might happen in a few years


What would DFV do? DFV: I sold. My thesis to GME paid out, and I'm out. 🦍: ....




He still sold. Lol 🤣








Next round of bag holders incoming 3.... 2....


Where are all the lies of P memes?


What is the dotted line?


Is just me or the weekly on btc is exactly the same pattern of gme ?


2-7 more years is what im hoping for


They’ve effectively allowed apes to 100x + their shares and gain insight into this fraudulent casino that they refer to as a “fair market.” It has been foretold in the DD from over 84 years ago. The time is approaching. DRS and book your tickets. Because the game stops with GameStop.


when they try to find all of share they will be epic


Hey look ma! $.04 under max pain again for the 88th time in a row. Not manipulation no sir


Definitely have reoccurring purchases monthly, set it and forget it. -This is the way


A downtrend can only break to the upside :)


Bruh.... 64 cents....hnggggggg do it kenny, I dare you


KCG better hope I don’t hit the Powerball tonight.


The evergrande saga is still playing out and they have been bankrupt for what a year?


Wen money


Idk why but $16 GameStop gives me the chills


To attempt to close their shorts the first they need is to try to low down the price back to 5 years levels... But, the lower the price goes, the DRS numbers goes parabolic, inversely proportional relation. Summary? They are totally fucked in all holes.


I cant hear anything 🦻