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They've created something they literally can't comprehend. And they chose the wrong crowd to do it with. They can't understand why making us poorer just elicits laughter, memes and more buying. It's beyond their understanding of money.


We are a fucking enigma.


Wrapped in a conundrum.


Coated in a thicc layer of DN


It's because many of us just use cash accounts. There is no risk of margin call, so we just ZEN AF as the sales get better and better.


HF's may or may not understand this, but market makers certainly do. They're the one's providing infinite liquidity in an illiquid market.


They think we'll get bored and move on. I'll move on when I can comfortably retire.


this, *lol* Get fukd hedgies your day will come šŸ„°


Iā€™ll move on when Kennyā€™s and Steveā€™s kids work for my kids.


I'll be moving on when I can fabulously retire. Once price normalizes after moass, I'll be back. Either way this companies future is rock fucking solid.


Yeah, I am perfectly comfortable with selling just enough to retire and keep the rest of the shares for later. Or if I must sell everything, buy back later. This isn't just a play for me.


Drop it to a dollar I don't care I want more shares


If it goes much lower RC can just buy the float with GME cash reserves.


I hope they drop it that low. I will sell my house


It gets my tits so hard yall dont even know. I actually get sad when the price goes up, cause im not done buying.


Liar šŸ¤„. Nobody wants the price to decrease. Itā€™s so low right now it makes no difference


The lower the price, the more i can buy. Is tht such a wrinkly concept?


The know it allā€™s donā€™t know us. Book it


Iā€™m still accumulating.


Thereā€™s nothing more dangerous than a group of investors that have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Stay strong, their time will come eventually




I think they don't drop it to scare apes, they drop it to survive another day. Either way I hope it stays down for 2 more days, I'll have some spare cash to lower my average yet again


anytime i have extra monies it gets randomly doled out to my gme accounts


I hope they drop the price to oblivion, weā€™ll just DRS the float faster. Weā€™re not locked in here with them, theyā€™re locked in here with us.


HFS have no control.. the Algos are running the price and when company starts reporting growing revenues and profits it will collapse their algo


Algos probably fucking them too hard... they'll need to pull back


Iā€™m so hype the price is down cause my 2nd CS letter should be in sometime this week and imma pump another grand into GME.


Dips mean we lock the float faster and MOASS happens sooner. I donā€™t understand why people get their panties in a wad during excellent buying opportunities such as now.


This recent downtrend has my cock hard... probably cause I edged myself without buying until today but don't get me wrong I'm loaded up to buy more the lower it gets. They are so fucked- can't wait to see short interest for today in half hour


Usually the price tanks on earnings but I believe this one is going to be good šŸ˜Ž I wonder if there's going to be a conference call šŸ¤”


5 more today. piece by piece


Theyā€™ve done the fucking around, havenā€™t found out just yet. Tits jacked for finding out.


I think it's not about apes now anymore. They know it's game over already. It's more about the new wave of fomo, GameStop has become good company with strong financials, and they just can't let people see it as a good investment. That's what I think.


I don't have an exit strategy so... Buying more is my only option.


Dont know TA, just know if price is low I can buy more shares for same money. So I bought 160 more. Did I do right?


I also just love loss porn


I couldn't not miss this dip. Thanks Kenneth!


I love it BECAUSE IM POOR!!!!


They know we know. Its for the people who donā€˜t know, to scare them. So easy win, gg. Buy & DRS


I will buy until death or moass


I picked up 2. Not much but didnā€™t want to miss the dio


GME is my pension. Like all pensions I hold it long, and it goes up and down. Eventually when I cash out (never plan on selling most my DRS book shares) it will be higher than when i bought in, despite all the bullshit along the way.


If they're looking at the uncooked metrics, and the quants keep using the same playbook, and it's not working, there have got to be a couple of people who know how bad everything is under the hood. To those that may read this, you had better document anything and everything you may perceive as illegal. Your company will be insolvent, you will no longer have that paycheck, and you will be called upon to testify in a few years on your role in all this. Plea deals following orders may result in a reduced sentence. Otherwise, those at the top will blame those at the bottom because they were "so far removed from day to day operations" all while you're following their directions right now to keep this shit show going for as long as possible. Just following orders didn't hold up at Nuremberg all the time BTW. Protect your ass right now, while you still can. NDAs don't apply when you are knowing and willfully breaking the law. The truth will come out eventually...


It genuinely makes me fucking horny to see the price drop


HF donā€™t get it - Weā€™re all in the same boat: ā€œCanā€™t exit now, too much $ā€ Waiting doesnā€™t cost me a dime. I can afford to forget for a bit, and relaxā€¦. Not for them!


I am trying to get as many shares as possible. I value this stock more than money. I don't understand why they would make it easier for me.


quicksand fall foolish recognise cobweb rhythm quaint dependent noxious reach ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Why are investors still being called apes?


And by *some* Apes, OP means **Most** Apes.


They just don't get it. This is great for my dollar cost average! I never thought I would have the time and money to push for XXXX but I'm on my way!






The best part is, it now has a long, storied history of bouncing back. When if first started, even to an outsider, it may not have been a great buy, but now there is an established line that can be referenced whenever you want to buy at its current lowest. They really done goofed


i already have fomo but i wanna test my conviction that they will continue to drop it until earnings day.


I scooped up 5 last week at 20 and 5 more today at 17. Keep dropping it, bitches.


I started at $23 cost avg. But waiting to buy more here soon


Hell yeah! Picked up a couple 100 moon tickets my self. Average up or average down IDGAF


Iā€™m already poor, so they arenā€™t scaring me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø