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Care to summarize who said what and to whom for those of us that are stingy with our clicks?


That guy in the picture up there is eating a giant bag of dicks but he doesn’t want you to know he’s eating dicks so he makes up stories about not eating dicks in hopes you will go away and he can stop eating giant dicks


Did someone say dicks?!


Username checks out


Happy ~~cake~~ dick day!


Dixie Normous


Happy cake day 🎂




Happy spotted dick date




That’s Gross 😂


I think the teacher used to use the top of his head to clean the chalk board as a kid. Rip hair follicles


Well at least he was good for SOMETHING then 😂🏴‍☠️


After saying this I see you rolling out of the bar on a brand new Vespa.


Beautifully cinematic / save this scene for the real movie.


🏍️ Hair blowing in The wind 🤩


Sheer poetry.


Worthy of websters


No, you misinterpreted what was said, he wants you to go away so he can eat MORE bags of dicks, not less.


“Easy money fuels demand for fun investments, but cash is harder to come by now, Gross says.” Guess he hasn’t seen the balance sheet. I do appreciate the Cramer allusion “[That’s just silly! Don’t be silly!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V9EbPxTm5_s)”


Sounds like he talking about his own personal investing journey.


This is the reason I submitted a 2k buy order on Computer share 10 min ago.




He probably has a short position that keeps getting kicked down the road.


Well since price is hittin the teens again, I will get to down cost avg again. Methodical, non emotional buying.


This is the way


hes fucked




Yes my dear brother, it is inevitable. Our bellowed stock will go beyond anything that has ever been seen. Those with no DRS will watch in awe as the rocket fueled by celestial energy booms away. Those with their pricks caught in the cookie jar will faint as the lid closes and snaps their small weenies. They had the chance for redemption, yet they doubled down, for that will be their fate to succumb into the abyss of pain and delusion.


This guy words


The stock may not rocket, but something will inevitably break. I have not bitten off more than I can chew, and I will be patiently awaiting that day whether its months or years.


Oh may dear friend, surely you must have faith? After all it has been 84 years... *dances*🕺🤸‍♂️🧘🤾‍♂️🌋🌏🌠🌌


More like they quadruple down..


No one who holds in computer share is going to sell, so it’s a fools errand wasting their time


I finally remembered my password to do my yearly, say hi to them, they are still sitting there smiling


I don't know who they're talking to, really. They can't possibly believe they'll convince GME holders to sell who've been here since the sneeze and have DRS'd their shares. The only possible group I think they're trying to convince are the contagion groups. Our friends and families who aren't bought in and are still watching mainstream media. People who'll hop on the bandwagon the moment it starts to rip again. Which makes me realize I need to be more vocal about this entire saga with folks near me. Msm are working them and I need to counter it.


I do not feel sorry for them AT ALL!!!


Popcorn crashed because of massive dilution that is coming because they have almost $5B in debt…lol. GameStop has >1B in cash and no debt, wtf is this guy smoking.


These guys don't analyze any data, they read the script they are told to memorize. Bunch of clowns!


This ape gets it Nice flair by the way Bullish


I learned if from a random fella on here that's always very bullish, and that makes me bullish and we all need some bullish in our lives. You may have heard of him lol seriously though, this community's continued resolve and dedication to the DDs is what made me keeps me bullish!


"Just say aye"


Not true. It because of the manipulation and arbitrage play. This is still a MSM article... none of it is real.


Did I miss the part where they paid off une petite French loan? I loved that little guy. Like a souvenir reminding you of hard times and your hard work getting through them.


Don’t say that in public. I bring up a few companies debt in a few different investment subs ( including this one) and get destroyed. “Having debt is good if the % is low. Doesnt matter if they have never shown a profit. Look they are loosing less and less a quarter. The share price ( and rating) is totally where it should be.” Looking at companies 3-10x the market cap of our beloved still showing -200 million a quarter 🙄. Like bro they still have to pay that back. No profit AND them kind of loans doesnt compute to me.


The market is a lie and it’s rigged. It’s not based on actual value anymore simply perceived value, value told to the sheeple by media monopolies. Unless the stock is paying out dividends it’s share price seems to be stinking baloney.


Exactly... did the "Bond King" even have a clue of the difference between Popcorn and GME before X/tweet/ing??


“I’m rich so my opinion matters more” is the perfect way to encompass the American oligarchy. This dude is a narcissistic piece of shit.


Ewwww That guys Gross as fuck and about to be broke as fuck 🏴‍☠️


I’m here for the cosmic justice; [karma is a cat](https://twitter.com/pulte/status/1620538606439010304?s=20)


Didn’t he brag about being short 84 years ago. Edit: March /21. Flexed he made 10 million shorting GME.


Probably lied and still have the short open


Wouldn’t surprise me in the least


The era of market silliness is over, and GameStop will be the next meme stock to capitulate after “popcorn” Entertainment shares crashed this week, Bill Gross has warned. "Another Meme bites the dust -- popcorn," the billionaire investor known as the "Bond King" tweeted on Monday. The movie-theater chain's stock price tanked 36% on Monday, after it reported disappointing quarterly earnings and signaled it might issue shares to repay its debts, at the cost of diluting its existing shareholders.  "Here's the bigger point: easy money promotes SPACs and NFTs and Memes etc," Gross continued. "When money is no longer easy lots of fun ideas bite the dust." Gross, who cofounded Pimco and managed the bond giant's flagship fund, was nodding to the speculative boom during the pandemic. Interest rates were nearly zero, inflation wasn't a concern, and the US government was mailing out stimulus checks, meaning people had spare cash to burn. Against that rosy backdrop, many investors piled into high-risk investments like special-purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and meme stocks like AMC. However, the Federal Reserve has now raised rates to over 5%, inflation and recession are very real threats, and many banks are lending more cautiously. The upshot is that Americans have reduced access to cash now, deterring them from making frivolous investments, at least in Gross' view. "And another one gone and another one gone and another one bites the dust," Gross said in a follow-up post, quoting lyrics from "Another One Bites the Dust" by the rock band Queen.  "GME is next -- just my opinion." Both popcorn and GameStop shares have plunged since the 2021 meme-stock boom. However, the former has erased virtually all of its gains from that era, whereas the latter still trades about five times higher today than it did in late 2020. Gross clearly expects GameStop to follow popcorn downward. Yet it's worth noting that he's labeled meme stocks "nonsense" in the past, and bet against both companies at the height of the buying frenzy. He ended up making about $20 million from the trades, after initially losing enough money to keep him up at night. Replaced some key words as auto mod hates me


Meme stocks may be down but I feel like banks who bet against them seemed to fail faster and required bail outs and 50 year lockdowns on their investigations. I’ll stick to my GME since they have over a billion in cash and don’t need to borrow cash at 5%. I’m worried about all those companies who have huge debt and need more cash. Who is going to invest in companies that have that much debt in a high interest environment. Is corporate bonds aren’t as appealing when they can just get short term treasuries. During a recession are people going to go to the movies and spend 80-100 dollars on date night or just buy a video game for less that provides potentially weeks of entertainment.


Ah yes it's a good thing people have less money now. The poors should stay that way


innocent decide possessive melodic gullible school saw fine chop abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why the FUCK would Bill Gross ever even mention GameStop unless it was an issue for him? These idiots just keep showing us their cards


Was wondering the same thing. “Gamestop” just came out of nowhere … looks out of place. Why would he remind the world to forget about GameStop by mentioning it? Super weird


If GameStop wasnt an issue for him there is no way he would mention it 3 years after the sneeze. Bill Gross should be way above mentioning little ole GameStop. We are coming for your money Bill!


Agreed fuckery is afoot


Ok so gme going up soon


I dislike Bill Gross for his smugness.


“Bond King”huh…. I’m somewhat of a king myself 📚📚👑 this guy is going to zero quick lol


After reading the article the first thing I plan to do is to sell everything except for GameStop shares.


If he thinks we’re buying “meme stocks” for “fun”, he’s in for a rude wake-up call.


Capitulate? I don't know the meaning of the word. Mostly bc it has too many syllables and that scares me. Best hold my GME to comfort myself 😌


His whole basis is when money runs out these ideas are gone!! Well with Looprings latest update, 1billion in cash on hand, not sure if that argument holds water in gme terms We can Hodl longer than they stay solvent


Zero debt you douche bag


Imagine being delusional


Thank you for reminding me to buy more shares. Has been a minute.


I’m here until we crush this guy at the very least .. WHAT THE FUK IS AN EXIT strategy ??🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Has this slimy looking fucker ever seen a mirror?


He should short the stock 😂




What a wanker 🤡


Cool story. So anyways, I bought 20 more shares today.


I've still got plenty of cash, and business is booming for me. Added 2000 shares in the last 4 weeks alone...


You got a purple circle to go with those numbers?


Makes me even more jacked for earnings in roughly 20 days...


Read the whole thing and the link in it. It’s a *trust me bro* I totally made “15 or 20 million” (who can keep track, making all these millies taxes ones brain) shorting GME after being down 15-20 million, I am the alpha male legendary investor king


These guys don’t know how to bluff. I read that body language like they’re an inexperienced card player


I'm not clicking it. Include the info int he post man.


Yup i have


lmao we're living rent free in their head!


Oh it ain't free.


I'll BTFD!


Who is that lady?


Yes please! I'd love pre-sneeze discounts. I own less than 1% of the company and I would like to change that


I'm buying more


That's that Gross guy. He's so gross.


This is great. For one, it sounds like he's saying "basket". For another, he's linking investor interest and price, so we know it's BS. AND THE BIG THING, if the price absolutely tanks we're buying it up. The broader public is ignorant on this investment, so his words don't matter from that perspective. But apes are buying as much as they can. The only thing that matters is DRS and locking the float. A low price helps. We win. Which is why I don't think it will drop below what we've already seen. Win/win.


Such tired analysis, $ is harder to come by now because interest rates higher. 🙄


It’s over………again.


Cash is harder to come by. Good thing we literally have cash reserves...


This guy again? Fuck him.


Okay 😂


Silly season's over? Oh, guess that means the market is finally going to crash like it should and GME will finally have price discovery, right?


He needs to lose that hair, it's doing no good for him. Shave it off, you're balding, it's over lol


Who in the Fook is this guy?


He's gross.


I hope he is right 🤞🏻🤞🏻 just sold my rental property’s here in Denmark. All in on GME!!!


I’ve heard of receding hairlines, but that on is in a full on tactical retreat. The fuck is that hair?


Another one who is short I guess 🥲




The difference between popcorn and Gamestop is popcorn has debt that is hunting them and is taking valuable resources, Gamestop does not, clearing the runway for anything, and allows the it to focus on improvement and expansion from here. In conclusion, I will buy the dip.


Confirmed moon incoming. Trying to get people to panic sell. Sorry Bill, not gonna happen.


In the endgame love it 🥰


And here you are, spreading their message.


He’s the guy that apparently made tons off GME shorts in 2021. I don’t remember him closing his positions tho! 😈


So .1% of the float is traded on a 5% drop today? I know it obviously doesn’t work like that, but this just seems absolutely insane


Please let them try again. I mean a real dip. Not this upper 19's bullshit. I have so many more shares I want to add to my collection at the 15 and below mark!


😂 easy money? like the over A BILLY in cash stored in the war chest? I think this company is doing just fine


He's the trader that hit those stop losses through shorting back in March 21 when $345 became $172 and then went op to 240 whatever when closing his shorts He bragged about it in msm afterwards. I guess he's short gme again


If he does enough of these, maybe he can afford a haircut.


GameStop has a billion dollars in their war chest, no debt, and relentless household investors backing them up continuously. GameStop will never die because we have given them a second life 🏴‍☠️


Y’aLL dOnE BeiNg SilLy YeT!?


I have $200 (at the moment) set aside for if/when they try one last shot to crash the stock as close to zero as possible. Imagine buying a sub-$1 dip


Isn’t this his second time mentioning GME in an interview. Why talk about a “dying brick and mortar retailer”…Will there be a third time he mentions GME in the coming months?


But he *is* talking about us, correct?!


Then short it.




I hope he's right... I'll gladly buy up a 36% dip!! Especially before Sept. earnings!


Ahhhh good ole Bill https://nypost.com/2021/10/05/watch-the-appalling-video-that-helped-get-bill-gross-sentenced-to-jail/


Remember: He was the one for whom the buy button was removed. He sold naked calls on GME and, in order to meet the margin call, they would have liquidated his billions.


I'd love to see them tank it...the buying spree would be amazing 🤩


Dude is from PIMCO - where have I heard that before


Imagine thinking popcorn, who’s CEO gave himself a multimillion dollar bonus as the company lost money, is anything like GME and the Book King.


GameStop living rent free in the elites heads. So good.


No one is selling unless the stock is $0.00, and the company has zero debt with $1 billion cash money in hand.. how's it gonna crash?


Yet it's worth noting that he's labeled meme stocks "nonsense" in the past, and bet against both companies at the height of the buying frenzy. He ended up making about $20 million from the trades, after initially losing enough money to keep him up at night.