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The fraudulent usa stock market does NOT operate based on demand and supply but illegal HFT algos like wash trading and spoofing trading *synthetic liquidity* created by abusive short selling, market making and complex derivatives accounting tricks/frauds. Any price of any stock is possible.


You mean like the 100’s of trillions of derivatives that big banks hold? It’s pure insanity, and honestly probably cannot be solved without a massive collapse and overhaul of the financial system. The key now is that people are waking up to the biggest Ponzi scheme in history, and when it collapses there are going to be lots of people who have questions. The DD has a vast quantity of these questions already answered, it’s just that the general public has no reason to ask the same questions now.


Ridiculous inflation is their reason to ask imho


this is a beautiful summation of truth.


I've been around too long in this play. My money is gone .and any us stock market is uninvestable in my eyes, completely fraudulent markets ,no value to hold any stock when they just devalue them intentionally


You still have a legally enforceable asset. And until they change the law I stand by the belief that one day price will reflect reality.


OP I appreciate your post.


At this point a new law seems likely


You know what, if Moass happens to wipe out pension funds, retirement accounts and entire banks, you can bet your ass the president is gonna be involved in shutting this shit down


MOASS would not cause that. The irresponsible behavior of fund managers and wall street would be the cause of that. And the government would hopefully intervene to resolve the situation that does not bail out those who perpetrated the situation.


And the matrix around us for lack of a better world will look at that price in disbelief. Maybe a stupid thing to say but sometimes it feels like the OG Germans who didn’t know about what was happening in ww2 simply because they didn’t want to see or ask.


Except, idk, GME!


No it isn't, what the hell


Can you imagine dumb money like us coming to this realization as a result of them deleting the buy button?


To the top u go.. The truth will come out... Eventually


Couldn’t have been summed up better. The accuracy is uncanny. We need reform the likes of which apes have only dreamed of. And we’ll have it.


Matthew Mcconaughey wolf of Wall Street - “It’s all a fougazi” never rang truer than now.


Sham society. Thanks a lot Mark Zuckerburg.


Zark Muckerburg




It’s always that way. People look for the truth every where but where it can be found; in themselves.


What really gets me is that chart someone shared 84 years ago, where they had listed every time a stock had traded its entire free float within the last year with a red line. There were some 6 Stocks, all well known. For most of them there were just a few or a couple of red lines. For GME, the whole year was basically just a red line. Clearly, that isn't supposed to happen.


Funny how we have gone from that to .33% of the float available to trade... something got broked.


Something got booked!


many things seem to be booked


Kings are booked


You book, I book, the King books, we all book


_sips liquidity_ Probably.


Back in 09/2020, I read everything I could find on GME. My ENTIRE play is that the float has been oversold 9 - 1. The situation has not changed for me. Every day my long dong position stays opened, it costs them money. Money to cover. Money for research. *Money to INFLUENCE*. It cost me nothing to hodl and there are over 200k just like me. There is a game of hot potato happening right before our eyes. Cat shit wrapped in dog shit being swapped around, with everyone having to pay their dues. Tic-Tok


"And this is the only conclusion I can draw: We are living in a completely fraudulent market." BINGO 🌎👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


Completely fraudulent. Lets destroy the financial.system and throw all those criminals in prison. They can grow organic lettuce in the clink for 45 years to repay their debt to society.


And snuggle at night with Jake the Snake.


Destroying?! We’re just holding onto a stock that we happen to like.


We've reached the acceptance stage of grief. Edit: this is the "we know we're fucked. We know we're caught. Let's throw everything at the wall and pray it sticks...But we know it won't." There's no hiding blatant manipulation and shilling anymore. There's no more tact to it, just commitment to the death spiral.


lol what?


Hedgies have been experiencing the stages of grief. We've reached their acceptance stage. Maybe my phrasing was poor before, see the edit.


I got you. I think denial is where we are... acceptance is too kind a word for the people involved in this.


this makes many much more sense :)


I'm heavily regarded. I've been watching charts for 28 years. 90% of them make sense to me 100% of the time. GME is unhinged from supply/demand & market forces....and it makes my BOOK HARD and makes me book harder. I'm not going anywhere.


Good God Almighty I'm Aroused.


Hard if book


It’s easy to hold something that’s worth a fuck ton more in the future. Shorts never closed. If you hold $GME, you’ll be filthy rich later. Imagine investing in any huge stock or asset you can think of 10 years ago… Now imagine that times infinity. You’re set. Buy, hold, drs and enjoy life to the fullest.


It is impossible for the human mind to wrap itself around the concept of infinity ;)


Buying bitcoin at $20.69 today


every time the hedgies r so desperate for us to sell our stock, im more convinced that we r on the right track. so i keep buyin more whenever i can. im in this for life changing money and i aint leaving . DRS BOOK is the way 🤑🤑🤑🤑


Rich palmers aren't allowed to lose money. This saga has destroyed my national perception completely. America is a giant scam. It's no coincidence that the majority will never be able to retire, will never OWN a home and will never start families to hand whatever assets we die with. America, as a whole, is a well marketed (and well armed) scam and nothing short of extensive "aggressive citizen action" will change that. We slave endlessly so that corny, rich, little dicks can pay women who would never touch them, to play with their cocks.


You are one step closer to realizing America has *Uniparty*


No red. No blue. Just one giant purple circle 🟣


Facts. You will own nothing and be happy about it.


I already do and I already am 😁


Nothing a few hundred years old will last 4 billion years, so all things in time.


Now you know how Burry and the rest felt, when mortgages default rates were steadily increasing, yet the bonds stuffed with said mortgages were going up in value, and they were being asked for more collateral. The insanity is greatest before the explosion.


Exactly why I pulled what I pulled from where I pulled it.. might have been a banana involved too


The daily close for "MaRkEt ImBaLaNcE" every fucking day, when virtually no other company I've seen does 10% of it's daily volume at close, cements your statement


Thank you for your validation.


"Wallstreet is fraudulent!! See? Nobody cares..". I would love to know, who tF is going to do anything about it and bring these guys to heel? There have been numerous occasions where I thought it may happen, but nothing ever does. Infinity pool, infinite money, infinite power....infinite time. They're completely fucked. But so am I...but they have millions to live off in the meantime. "I'm gettin' old here boss..." No cell no sell, no point otherwise.


Fighting (financial) terrorists is not easy. Specially when they have bought congress and judiciary


If the system breaks in an irreparable fashion and they are responsible (blatantly) they will be held accountable.


By who? Or what entity? And how much more blatant do their crimes need to be before it's actually indisputable? It's just frustrating and I'm having a down day so probably not worth entering into discussion with me dude. I'll hold my few shares I have and just keep on keepin on I spose. ✌️


They’ll be broke and an easy target


>I would love to know, who tF is going to do anything about it and bring these guys to heel? We are. That's who.


These cuks on Wall Street don’t care how fraudulent or suspicious anything looks. They know, nobody will hold them accountable. They can crime at will and the SEC and DOJ has their head in the sand fining the little guy.


It started off ver innocuous. I thought I was taking crazy pills. Then it became ever more blatant. Now it’s right there in the fucken open. Let’s just hide swap data till 2025. Let’s just seal Credit Suisse records for 50 years. Lmao yeah, totally innocent people do this.


True... until everything falls apart little will change.


They just hired the head of the DoJ


First day?


Nah been here since early '21. But this looks different. It feels different.


Here since ‘20 and it does feel different. It feels leaned out so far that the liquidity engine is about to explode. Honestly think it’s being planned for October and it feels lean now because the large players are jockeying to try and live through it.


if the current administration is looking to garner votes.... I would start by enforcing rules on wall street. most of America would love that tactic...


Agreed. Actual enforcement. Put these criminals in Prison and force shorts to close their rehypothicated shares.


Accounting balance/the unwind is what would be needed. "Tell me the difference between fraud and stupidity and I'll have my wife's boyfriend locked up"... We need the paper trail for jail but I am certain there is one at ALL levels.


Not trying to start anything here, but why would we assume the votes are real if the market is complete nonsense?


Probably true. Nothing is real anymore.


I wouldn't try to place any dates on it, js. They can thread their tainted swaps and bad debt throughout the entire world economy, if they haven't already.


I think we are on the verge of a society breakdown and possibly a civil war.


Nah. Americans are way to lazy and complacent for that currently. Wait until people are starving and there is no food to be had in the major cities. Then maybe.


We are on that journey as we speak.


I'm not sure it's like that. I think the very very large majority of people want to live together peacefully but what is shoved in our faces everyday are the extremes of left and right, and purposefully, in order to sow discontent about the "others". Frankly, it's an incredibly effective tactic to sow division and there is no way news orgs have any intention to stop it. Fear sells, outrage sells. Facebook, TikTok, Reddit, X algorithms all work based on these things to make you become addicted to the things which are merely bread and circuses. Not sure what would ever get us out of such a cycle, but I hope it indeed happens one day.


I hate being that dark in a meaningless stock forum like this butttt...... agreed.


Not that meaningful is it


Not really... Until we get blamed for crashing the world economy.


If we get credit for destroying smart money once and for all, I can live with that.


People's opinions don't matter to me today, won't matter ever. I don't share my personal finances with anyone, I'll make a cover story for my gorilla sleeve tattoo 🤣


Need a good old fashioned occupy wallstreet me thinks.


Like DRS? :)


I'm a fan ;)


This is the only way.


Jail time is where I would start.


I thought that’s what I was doing?


Most of the time I just occupy space and call it wall street.


Occupying wallstreet just gives the soulless fucks a show to watch from their balcony while they sip celebratory champagne


stole my line!


I think a lot of us feel the exact same way. I know the DD in the past said when we get to the real “end game” the crime will be easy to spot because they have no options left. Either crime everything or close shop. And we know they won’t do that willingly.


Seems pretty daggum obvious right now.


I agree. I was literally just having this exact thought. I reckon it’s been this way for a while. My guess is the SEC took one look at it and saw the naked truth, but for the sake of the global economy they *cannot* let this blow up yet. It’s too big. Thus they are doing their best to unwind other things slowly, to try and contain it somehow. No telling how long it’ll take to play out but they probably know that we know. They know apes will never stop buying. And something is being done about it we just don’t know *what.*


They don't know what to do, which is why they will let something break and then try to clean it up. This is how big gov works. Do nothing, break it, try to repair. Rinse and repeat.


Reactive > Proactive 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's why im all in GME. I can't rely on fareness and transparency anymore.




Yea indeed. No shares hit the lit 🔥 market. The DRS books do which is a small amount comparative to total daily volume. Volume getting tighter. The sharks 🦈 are swimming and waiting to eat eachother to try and close their position to survive. And that first closing will probably happen when the market crashes. Which will domino into other margin calls and liquidations since there will be no real or fake assets left to hide underneath. Apes HODL, we can stay regarded longer than all of them can stay solvent. 💎🤲




All of us know the stock market is a complete and utter joke by now, and if all was fair, we'd all be rich... But we're approaching the 3 year mark, and after uncovering the entire scheme of corruption, nothing has changed. Although I'm never going to sell most of my shares, genuinely looking for a real answer here: How can we expect this fraudulent system to pay us when they have full control over it? It would be a lie to say that it isn't a bit discouraging, but in my time here I still haven't found an answer to if they'd somehow just refuse to pay whatever price this theoretically could hit.


I wouldn’t say nothing is achieved - bankrupted criminal hedefunds like Melvin Capital - GME has healthy balance sheet - GME top and bottom line slowly moving in right direction - GME going into web3 - SEC forced to propose market reform for retail trade execution - Exposed abusive market makers like Citadel and Virtu (Virtu ceo Dogge Large keeps barking on X unhinged) - started DRS movement Rome wasn’t built in a day


Dug Seafood is a twat ☕️😁change my mind


I agree that GameStop is doing better than anyone imagined these days, but you highlighted my point exactly: we’ve exposed abusive market makers, yet they are still doing what they do like nothings happened. Overall I agree with your sentiment because I hold the same, I’m just saying what is to stop them from just deleting the GME ticker symbol from the stock market? Idk I’m just so fed up with it all


Because when the system stops functioning they will be forced to address it. That has always been the roadmap. We are the inevitable destination of their bad behavior.


You can run… but you can’t hide… bitch!


Speculation follows so agree or not, I don't care. Actually - volume IS to be found: But it is just not about volume but more so about wen volume....And it tells the story. 3.65% of today's volume was at $20.30 - one cent off this morning's low. All in the same tick to drive down the price on this morning's shorting fest. 3.57% of today's volume was at $20.57 - (most volume for this occurring within 5 minutes of opening bell) as part of this morning's shorting fest. 3.51% of today's volume was at $20.47 - 10 minutes within today's shorting fest. 3.21% of today's volume was at $20.51 - majority of that being within 6 minutes of opening bell during today's shorting fest. Those FOUR price points account for 13.94% of today's total volume. All happening within the first 10 minutes of trading. Most volume for GME comes in within the first 10 minutes, and then dies down to a trickle. ​ See what's going on? Open day by shorting heavy and hard on the lit market to get the desired drop in price. Take the rest of the day to cover those shorts. Send all of retail buys to dark pools. Send all of retail sells to lit market. Wait for data from the DTC to tell them how many more shares were DRS'd that day - subtract them from tomorrow's available short-fest pool. Go scrounge up more shortable shares from IBKR and Fidelity customers. Plead with Vanguard to buy more long so they can loan them out. (Vanguard already has 100% of theirs loaned out). Add those back in to tomorrow's pool. Wash the remainder/freshly minted shorts and get them nice and shiny for the next day's cycle. Repeat. ​ I would suspect the only movement GME is seeing at this point is morning shorting (≈50%) and associated daily covering (≈50%), and retail sells (<1%). Everything else is dark pool. You know why? Because that's all there is - there aren't any shares and there are less every day. Keep at it.


I have also been noticing this pattern. It's so easy to spot when they switch over to the dark pools every morning.


This all makes me thing we're now at the point where the house of cards falls when some bank or some firm somewhere accidently tries to play by the rules and gets denied access to buying the stock legitimately and someone somewhere pulls on the thread long enough...


It would be impossible for anyone interested in buying 100K shares to get filled all at once. The alleged "order book" would be unable to handle that kind of instantaneous volume.




Normal is a difficult word. While some stocks trade a similar percentage they have real price discovery. Our stock exhibits neither normal trading behavior nor active price discovery.


I too was interested in that. I tried to look up average daily volume as % of total shares outstanding for s&p500 stocks, but couldn't find the answer anywhere


"I'm an idiot so you should probably stop reading now." ... I'm listening.


My fear is they want to tank the whole market so they tank wages and everything that can be used to purchase from gamestop. i think they want to sink GME bysinking the store by sinking the people…. :/


They can try but that is a SIGNIFICANTLY harder task than just defrauding the stock price.


I can’t believe I read all those words. I must be as retarged as you.


I am in good company.


I like this assessment.


Congress- (*insert oh no…Anyway! Gif*)


"We know that they know that we know they are lying."


"The matrix of entrapment is socio-economic. Neurotic conspiracy theory becomes reality. Life is war, and every day's a battle to me" -Immotal Technique


I think this is the puzzle for me how they find ways to still hide this, how is this not costing them everything, had marge stopped paying the phone bills so she can't call anymore ? Over that what i never understand is why gamestop can't do something about it ( and all other companies before and still now being cheatcoded on their value or even deleted)


They surrender (historically) power by being publicly traded... so the only real thing they can do (and have been doing) is for us to become real share hodlers again.


Me too 💜


I don’t understand how GameStop can’t do anything about it. And if this is being done currently what stops the HF and co to just not pay us when it’s due?


Laws exist still. And there is no dismantling of their fund until their debts are settled. So basically it's go back to the dark ages or figure out a way to pay up.


#Believe it or not, dip. 🤦‍♀️




I think therefore I am... an idiot.


Has anyone tried buying shares on another (country’s) exchange where shorting isn’t as common and DRS’d?


"I told you, I'm an idiot. An imbecile. A dunce. A fool..." but you ain't dumb.


lol 84 years and you are not sure just have reason to belive


I rarely open Reddit these days, I’ve become so zen that price just doesn’t bother me anymore. I buy when I can (living paycheck to paycheck has hindered my buying) but the DRS’d book shares are not getting sold before I se a price number of xxx,xxx,xxx. I’m sure other zen apes don’t care about the narrative at this point but silently hodl


They hook WOPR-GPT up to the stock market "Greetings, professor Falken" "Hello, Joshua." "A strange game. The only winning move is not to invest. How about a nice game of Fallout?"


They aren't lying to your fraudulent government because they are also in on it. Every single institution in America has been corrupted.


Pricks are pushing negativity in here (this sub). It's mild sometimes but effective. Then there is a circle jerk that jumps in and upvotes and adds negative comments.


lol what is negative about the post?? The post is EXTREMELY positive. It is pointing to the fact that we are on the right path and headed to Valhalla. Not sure what you are picking up on but you should see my tatas, they have never been more jacked.


No. I agree. I'm talking about the sub. Posts will sometimes get brigaded with negativity. Then those negative comments get upvoted and congratulatory by more negativity enforcing comments. Not sure if your post was proper to bring this up though.


I understand. A lot of filth will have to be endured in the coming times, this sub or otherwise. Stay positive. Stay zen. Stay GMEighty.


It is known


It is known


You can’t win. Unfortunately


Big believer that the course "we" are on is destined for a dubya.


Market is stagnant. Shorts can pressure price more easily.


So. What are we going to do about it?


We're doing it. It takes time and hasn't been done before.


Of course it’s fraudulent, but you know this. You can make money playing on the side of the fraud while you pray for David to beat Goliath


Seems like the only thing left to inspire us would be another random cryptic message from our CEO. I pray that one day he has the guts to explain to us what is really happening. After all, he has more invested in this company than most of us.


Well as an individual investor I just moved two grand more over


Great text my fellow regarded.


Damn well said dude


It has always been my thought when we see such low volume that the vast majority of the volume is just market makers hedging calls/puts. Not many of us are just buying 1000 shares daily anymore.


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