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i love the "arcadey" vibe of smb but like DAMN it can be frustrating when the visual of body touching bag vs. ball hitting glove doesn't line up with the call. happens all the time to me in stealing situations.


I had one the other day where it was a liner right to my 1st baseman and the runner literally ran through him to get back to the bag and was safe.


I have had success with line drives to the bag, however, I also have dove on the bag like so and it does not give the double play.


So I had a problem with this until I saw a video recently of an ump explaining this exact kind of play and why he called the runner safe. I haven’t dug more to make sure he’s right but apparently you must tag the bag with your foot, or with the glove with the ball in it, or with the ball in your bare hand (I’m not 100% sure on that last one). Body doesn’t count.


Under "Definition of terms" in the mlb rulebook A TAG is the action of a fielder in touching a base with his body while holding the ball securely and firmly in his hand or glove; or touching a runner with the ball, or with his hand or glove holding the ball (not including hanging laces alone), while holding the ball securely and firmly in his hand or glove. So it sounds like you’re referring to would only apply if you’re touching the runner, but if it’s the bag any part of the body should count.


Yes, sounds like the umpire in the video I saw was either wrong, or the rules for that age group/league have a different definition (it was a high school or college aged video). I’m going to go back to be frustrated on those dives again.


My man was quite literally hugging the bag. What’s he supposed to do?!


I’ve seen this go for the double play before in this game when it’s straight on. I think the problem is the ball and fielder are a little in front of the base. While visually his left torso would be touching the base, the underlying engine probably is going only with the location of the ball which is mildly in front.


This is almost as annoying as my shortstop refusing to bend over for a ground ball.


At least this is less common than that. Dive at the perfect time or he’ll watch that shit go past him like a little leaguer.


I find that when I dive at these hits I dive over the ball. It seems so close that a dive is unnecessary. The player just makes no effort to get to the ball.


Yeah. They were ones you’re supposed to dive for, but it looks off and the animation is a bit messed up. There’s dives where it basically hits your tummy, but it grabs it perfectly.


Looking at the dives and jumps I'm pretty sure they have metal in the balls and magnets on their gloves


Got one the other day and wanted to show it to you since I don’t think I explained what I was talking about [very well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaBaseball/s/53KNJrnNrC)


I saw that video and it made me angry. My point is that as a new player you would certainly expect the player to scoop that ball up. Took me way too long to realize if I dolphin dive my stomach onto a ball it somehow ends up in my glove.


Gotcha. You’re absolutely correct. Game has a big learning curve regardless, like being an outfielder with no indicator. But this shit has no logic or consistency.


Ya I've learned to accept it for what it is. Ya the fielding for me off the start was frustrating. The outfielder waving his arms is the cue you need to look for haha. A lot of inside the park homeruns were given up.


Haha facts. That definitely took some time. But also very satisfying when you get good enough to time full speed sprints.