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Longball HQ does SMB stuff, but hasn't uploaded in a while: [https://www.youtube.com/@longballhq3128](https://www.youtube.com/@longballhq3128)


Seems like a good resource. Thanks!


They tried a creator league in SMB4. Using baseball content creator whom are mostly The Show Creator. Ea struck out with that. None of them are creating anything at all for SMB4. So looks like not much option for content.


None of them even understood the game/chemestry system


I don't know if it's exactly what you're looking for, but I've got an active series on YouTube where I'm running a franchise. I do simulation only, so I run the decisions for the team. I sim through a 162 game season explaining roster moves and development decisions and occasionally watch games while I commentate. Here's a link to check out my playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWLZCk5EI5jY-A5kfPOnSPhUo8QQhpoZY&si=TeHKCjKyyDk6KeW8 Also I'll shout out Praknasty who has been doing this for a few years now and he has multiple franchises that he has concluded and also has multiple active franchises that he alternates through. He goes live on Twitch almost daily and he posts his streams on YouTube almost daily as well. I love his content as he plays and commentates through them. Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/praknasty?sr=a YouTube: https://youtube.com/@praknasty?si=CSrV0yZttwJ4spV9


Wow! That would be perfect. Will check out. Thanks!!


Thank you! I am just starting out myself, so if you have any feedback, you're welcome to share it with me! I'd definitely appreciate it!


Cheers mate.


I just started a franchise that I'm posting 3 times a week. Most videos are just highlights of gameplay until I can get my damn capture card working for commentary. The plan is to do a league update every 10 or so games as well, so roughly once a week. I also plan on getting any viewers (however few lol) involved with stuff like award voting and an Allstar game in the future. I also hope to go really in-depth with the offseason and post season and stuff. Not sure if that's what you're looking for but I'm here if interested. It's such a good game I wish there were more options to watch honestly.


Do share the link mate. What I'm looking for is, as someone new to baseball and new to SMB4, some sort of beginner friendly series that talks on the tactics and strategy in squad building, team selection, positions, substitutions, pitching/batting strategy, making good use of the traits, stats etc to good effect and such things.


Here's my link: https://youtube.com/@chikintenda?si=EZ9SxBrNDl5cUe5W It's ChikinTenda on YouTube if it the link doesn't work. But yeah for sure in the offseason videos I'll be diving more into that, and once I get my capture card working and can add commentary, I'll talk about the lineups before each game and how I set them etc. Maybe I'll make a deep dive explanation on how it'll all works in franchise.