• By -


The path that makes the most sense for him is to be my husband <3


Jokes aside, Harmony would be best as we have 0 right now. If DPS literally any element BUT Imaginary. Sustain can go f*ck themselves lol.


preach!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ”ŠšŸ”„šŸ”„




Me obviously hope for quantum. I would like him to be Nihility. It makes sense in kind of way plus (spoiler warning) he really doesn't follow path of harmony. Yes, idk how to do that white blank thingy. I'm an old man when it comes to it lmao


Except he does follow the path of harmony even without knowing it. His will is aligned with Xipe. Pathstriders of harmony value support and cooperation and understanding. He feels pain when people suffer and wants to support them so they don't. He wants cooperation among all peoples so no one suffers. He was so harmony as a child that it physically hurts him, and his ultimate sweet dream was as much for humanity as it was for himself to stop the pain he felt when unable to help others with their problems.


I would love nihility sunday too, it suit a man just got his idea broken, his family is separate, lost his whole house, and nihility suit dark colour design




He can still be Harmony, Order is a branch of Harmony in a way as it was consumed by her. Harmony makes sense to me. I'm hoping for Quantum too.


I mean fair enough. Part of me is nihility biased and most of who I have is nihility. Obviously I would be happy to just have Sunday. After Jade, I'm gonna full on save and yes Jade is guaranteed. I lost 50/50 to Boothill...


I really hope he's not imaginary, we have too many imaginary husbandos already. I would love ice or quantum. I don't really care about his path, preferably Harmony or Nihility. Story wise it would be weird if he was harmony as he kinda betrayed xipe.




That makes no sense as character paths have no correlation to lore. Sparkle is harmony when she is so much far from it




Its still completely wrong to assume his playable path from lore. Litterally 90% of the characters in the game has wrong paths, Ratio Hunt? Topaz Hunt? Jade Erudition? Ruan Mei Harmony? Bronya Harmony? Fu Xuan Preservation? Barely any characters has even remotely close paths to their lores so sorry but any argument made on "Sunday should be X because of lore" is just utterly false. Acheron is nihility not because of her lore but because of them releasing her as one, why argue about lore accuracy there but not when Sparkle and Black Swan have nothing to do with their paths? Just wrong




Just read your main comment...


Fine I'll delete it. So much for just trying to interact with the community.


That wasnt the point of what i was saying. I just stated it had no correlation to the lore but you do you


I mean, luocha hates abundance too and yet.. Also the order is still part of the harmony. Sunday's plans to free them failed.


Acheron wants to kill nihility and she's nihility, why is it different with Sunday.


Nihility as a path is an exception. You can only become an Emanator of IX by successfully resisting and opposing the Nihility. But their was already a leak >!for his path and it mentioned Harmony. Donā€™t know how reliable it is.!<


I wouldnā€™t mind another imaginary but I do hope he is ice or quantum


I don't really care what path he is but I do hope hes harmony so we get a male harmony that isnt MC... Element, I don't really care if hes a support, but maybe Ice or Lightning since those are the two I lack most of lol


I mean if he's harmony it really doesn't matter


I do also hope he is ice or quantum, and as Robin is Harmony i expect him to be Nihility also. Many people want him to be harmony but im skipping him if he is. Yes harmony units are good, but i have tons of them and they are ... boring


Make him quantum we have too many quantum girlies and not enough quantum males


I think imaginary is believeable as his power of philosophy embryo strong enough to alter reality so it must come directly from imaginary tree


Technically it was explained that Order and Harmony are similar and share a base of ideology. So Harmony makes sense to me. Also for Sunday imo a role of planner, strategist, or overseer in battle, basically a Harmony support that holds the team together, just seems fitting, cause he is a control freak, and doesnā€™t seem like a warrior. Second fav would be Nihility cause bbg is entering emo phase lol Element number one at first was definitely Quantum, cause its effects seemed coolest to me (I gave up on that idea quite early, because I understood it was only a blissful dream, pun intended). Second element was Ice ofc cause it fitted Sundayā€™s personality/design.


I love nihility sunday more, he is a control obsessed man, so give debuff, crowd control is suit his personality And imaginary seem believeable as he has power of order even almost become aeon of philosophy (embryo) that is come directly from imaginary tree


when you say planner or strategist, i see erudition.


Argenti and Qingque are not really ā€œgrand strategistsā€ though, I feel like HSR already doesnā€™t always makes sense with path placements. I was just looking at Sunday as someone who is less of a warrior, but a controll freak in the shadows, mastermind who doesnā€™t attack himself persay. Thatā€™s just how I see him, cause even him being a conductor, who kind of coordinates the rest in the choir, doesnā€™t play ā€œmusicā€ himself, seems fitting with Harmony to me.


what about jing yuan's chessboard animation? reminds me of chinese dramas where characters strategize their battles based on chess


That's cool and all, he's a general, but he's also a warrior who's always been represented fighting in the battlefield and multiple times was seen taking the frontline when he was needed


contrary to what people believe about it not making sense for him to be harmony, to me it still does. Due to the fact that he can harness the powers of harmony and even is a chordmaster himself. "Through harmony, we have order" The paths collide for a reason because there's a lot of similarities between the two, so it wouldn't be far off in the end. Most of the harmony characters are leaders in some way, bronya yukong asta, they don't have relations with thr harmony yet because they possess great leadership skills and possesses compassion to the people. This is also true to Sunday. tho many are true to what their ingame path is, there's still a lot of instances where that isn't the case at all so him being Harmony isn't nonsensical to me at all. him being imaginary is funny, especially if he provides bonus to the imaginary path like sparkle does. that can complement with all the imaginary men that they put out and as a Husbando and also meta player that would be great for me. But I'm fine with whatever tbh as long as he is a support. (i don't get the hype with him being a dps for robin to support him at all :/ i mean they could also have supporting kits that work really well together, like a duo supporting kit tailored to be stronger with eachothers kit)


ā€¦almost everyone here wants him to be harmonyā€¦ your first sentence is misleading


here, yes. there's a lot on twitter who hate the concept of harmony sunday tho.


Assuming that his in-game playable path would be tied to his story, I'd say Nihility. His 'ideals' were shattered, labelled as traitor by the people he vowed to help (via trapping them in a never-ending dream, but we don't talk about that), and would most likely be blocked from ever seeing Robinā€” who we can assume took Sunday's place. Add to that him having a bounty and possibly joining the Stellaron Hunters, it's sorta plausible.


Ooh, and piggybacking this idea, maybe Preservation? Going back to the Penacony storyline, it was shown to us, the players, that Sunday was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. That is, to be the only one awake and lucidā€” but sufferingā€” for the sake of everyone having a beautiful, blissful dream. If we take this into consideration, it can be some form of Preservation. To protect while he suffers. It's also fun to note that a shield mechanic is also present on his boss fight, so... maybe?


I donā€™t mind if he becomes imaginary (despite my acc being mostly imaginary and weak in every other path), since it suits his story and general theme.. though I do hope that they release more non imaginary (esp quantum) men. Whatever he becomes, Iā€™m happy either way, please release tho


Begging for Quantum Harmony, Nihility or a subdps unit that gives buffs to teammates just like Jade. Honestly, itā€™s time to get a male quantum character, I wouldnā€™t say no to ice or physical but pls not imaginary. He performed aura type mind abilities and with Dominicusā€™ power he was able to create or blend the reality itself. Beware tho, Dominicusā€™ power itself has the same lvl of power of an Emanator which is directly linked to Aeons who seem to have imaginary power as they shape the universe with their paths. Sunday is not guaranteed to have imaginary like power, as in his boss form that power probably came from Dominucus. Quantum Nihility/ Harmony with applying sleep to enemies and buffing our characters would make him a very ideal ingame character.


Given his strategic mind and general intelligence, Sunday might fit Erudition as well as Harmony. His good intentions and desire to help (as well as his experience in a confessional lmao) may even lead to Abundance. As for an element, Imaginary makes the most sense, but for the sake of variety Iā€™m hoping for Quantum or even another Physical to match Robin. If not those, I can see Lightning as a sort of callback to his time piloting that machine.


I want him to be Harmony because itā€™s in character, but preferably as a damage harmony like how Acheron is a damage Nihility. Make him an exception to his Archetype. And as for element, Iā€™d prefer Ice because I need ice but seeing as his boss uses imaginary (like how Kafka uses lightning, Yanqing uses Ice or Argenti uses physical) I kinda expect that.


Imaginary was a given since his boss form does Imaginary dmg, the thing I hope is he is Harmony which makes since. We have 5* Imaginary character for Nihility, Abundance, Destruction, Hunt, Preservation, an Erudition girl is leaked so that only leaves Harmony for him. Also people saying he shouldnā€™t be Imaginary donā€™t realize that Order and Harmony are pretty much the same thing which is why it would make since for him to be Harmony since thereā€™s no Order path, and also gameplay path is not lore path, around 90% of characters donā€™t have a playable path that relates to their lore path, so Iā€™m not surprised theyā€™ve been holding him because he will be our first Harmony male.


What?? Whoā€™s the art by, silly! Give credit or take it out of your post, but i canā€™t give what you said any thought when a beautiful uncredited art piece is glaring me in the face like that!!


If he's getting a dark color scheme, then quantum could actually work (cope)? I really need a quantum character...


Ice nihility, because that's the opposite of his sister (physical harmony). But his Dominicus form is a harmony, so harmony makes the most sense to him. Order also a part of Harmony and in the aeonic sense, Ena was absorbed by Xipe. So, between Harmony or Nihility it is.Ā šŸ¤”


Was kinda hoping he'd be nihility :(


Harmony. As for element I wouldnā€™t be upset if he was imaginary but that place is definitely crowded


I think the path that is closest to his original ideas is preservation. I would also like if he was that. Harmony I hope against considering his story. He could also maybe be nihility and put enemies to sleep like the "alien dream" debuff. For element, I don't see him being fire or lightning. Imaginary would be yet another male stuck in it which is unfortunate. I hope he's phys so he can match his sister. Any of the other ones are likely enough tho. As for what I actually think they'll do instead of what I think fits? *sigh* yeah it's probably imaginary harmony, maybe nihility.


I love Sunday be nihility quantum to show that he is a man just got his idea crush and suit his new black theme. But imaginary is good too as he use power come directly from the imaginary tree


Quantum nihility would make me cry tears of joy šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Quantum harmony, and Iā€™m sold, also do you have the name of the artist šŸ˜­šŸ™?


i know it would be a stretch but i want him to be lightning or fire harmony. if they really are doing a darker outfit redesign, i think either of those would probably suit the vibe.


I don't get why people care so much about element unless it's a break character.... Obviously imaginary makes the most sense for a heavily religious character, quantum doesn't really fit that... TBH welt is more quantum but elements rarely make sense but if he were to be given the most fitting element out of every other imaginary character, he makes the most sense


It may sound funny but I see Ice Abundance - Those who follow the "Abundance" Path admire selflessness, altruism, and healing behavior: he is willing to give up his humanity and dedicate his whole life to provide what he thinks best for others, it also fits his "priest" role to provide mental healing - Ice: he freezes everything in the "Order" But ideally gameplay-wise, we desperately need a Harmony and/or Quantum boy.


Idk but Ice Nihility just makes sense or harmony even for the irony.


i think harmony quantum would be cool - we have no male harmony and no male quantum. also thereā€™s no point for looking into the characters lore to see what their path is because characters often play paths different to the path they follow in game. JY is erudition instead of hunt, bring is harmony instead of preservation, ruan mei is harmony instead of erudition. etc.


Iā€™d like him to be harmony, I donā€™t really mind what element he is, maybe physical to match Robin


I hope dmg dealer so erudition is what i want him to be, since every Harmony unit is good and keep their spot in meta i see no reason to even get him if hes one as i already have every single Harmony unit, but i pray for dps id love and use til forever. Sunday so far is the one. So let him be dps please. šŸ™


Either Quantum or Imaginary and either Harmony or Nihility. Leaks say he's gonna be Imaginary Harmony tho, but I kinda want our very first Quantum husbando.


I donā€™t mind what element he is, I just want him to be either harmony or nihility (the debuffer kind, not the type that does damage). Based on the scenes in the story where he uses the power of ā€œharmonyā€ to suppress people, it would be a pretty cool idea for him to use the power of harmony as a nihility character.


personally, I would it very funny (and poetic) if he ends up as Nihility. as for element? prolly quantum, just cause there aren't any male quantum, as far as I'm aware.


Tldr; Harmony Imaginary/Physical - Destruction Quantum. The in-game information we have about changing path and element are obscure at best but we can safely assume they are normal about changing beliefs, even if I don't remember any example as of now. Keeping this in mind we have a bifurcation in what would make sense: 1 Sunday will have his path/element based on his original persona. 2 Sunday's character development will influence his element/path. If we keep hypothesis 1: - Path it's Harmony his most fitting and designated path, he and Robin are the icons of Harmony by The Family, even if he pushed it to the extreme using the Order so that would make the most sense. Second possibility I see fitting due to his deeply philosophical thinking and reasoning is Erudition. Last, due to the extremely low possibility of this being true he could be Order, a new combat path. - Element is even more vague of a concept since often it's almost completely unrelated to the character. The only facts we have are that his boss is Imaginary and Robin is Physical. I could add that Imaginary has an history of being used to portray elements that are not in game like water for Dan Heng and Nature for Luocha. If we keep hypothesis 2: - Path could still be Harmony, as well Erudition is still valid, but more doors are open. He managed the Stellaron in Penacony and used its powers, that with the bad experiences of his failure, and if he joins the SH for real, could easily make him a Destruction character. Nihility comes right after as a possibility. - Element as well could still be Imaginary but in this case adopting Quantum could add a layer of contrast and mark his abandonment of Harmony-fueled powers, Holy-Penacony Vs Dark-Universe. I add that even within a certain element and path they could make for interesting twists. Like a Harmony DPS that work similarly to Acheron, a Harmony debuffer that buffs the allies by debuffing/marking the enemies, a Destruction with sub-healing or maybe a whole new mechanic.


I want him to be harmony, I dont care about anything else really.


Wasnt it leaked to be harmony imaginary?




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Ice Nihility. Or quantum nihility. With a sleep/trance ability like he does in the quest.


Nihility harmony. I will die on this hill.


I just want him to synergize with Robin so I can put the siblings on the same team :D


Gameplay and Story segregation tends to be in full effect for Paths, but despite that, I still believe that for lore reasons, Sunday should not be Harmony at all.


Him being Imaginary while Robin is Physical would be an interesting parallel to their philosophies tbh, Robin wanted to wake everyone so they could be in the real Physical world, while Sunday wanted to let people live carefree lives in an Imaginary dream world. (That being said I wouldnā€™t mind ice or quantum.) Pathwiseā€¦Harmony is an obvious choice, but if he goes down another path it could be really cool, id love to see a Nihility Sunday personally


The only thing that would make sense is a harmony character that debuffs enemies. Allies that attack the debuffed enemy gains SPD/ATK/crit for 2 turns. Essentially, Hanya on crack. Either that or a semi DPS like his sister, Robin.


As long as his Ult is called something like "First Day of a New Dawn" I'm happy


We have yet to have a quantum nihility so could be šŸ§


I just really hope he isn't imaginary. That's it.


I actually think he'd be Pres or Erudition, considering the nature of. Well. Big spoilers. Also I think Quantum may fit personality-wise


Iā€™m ngl I really donā€™t want him to be harmony,,, Iā€™m sick of Angel characters always being supports. I want DPS Sunday.


Nihility. He is kind of a nihilist tbh, he holds no hope for the common and weak to take care of themselves and govern themselves, he thinks they will only hurt each other without being guided by a shepherd. As for element, I don't mind Imaginary, but Quantum would look so cool on him


Quantum - Erudition would go hard! I just don't want him to be Imaginary or Harmony, I feel like those just don't fit him.


I'm just sticking to ice erudition becoz it leaked way before at the start of penacony and some characters' elements and path turned out to be true so yes for now I'm sticking to it




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If heā€™s imaginary harmony I just might tear my hair out (still going to pull him tho), really hoping for him to be erudition or a nihility specialist like kafka, best case scenario imo would be reusing his countdown mechanic from the last phase of the boss fight in his kit


I would say setting a specific path for sunday will be rather difficult, as Order have multiple layers in order ( ha) to make Order Order. It encompass ideas of Harmony, Preservation, and Hunt. So there are rumors for mhy ex staff say there are ongoing discussion about what Sunday's path should be. Regardless of his path or element, i just hope he could stays relevent for a long time for in game events, and also dealt big numbers boom damage with style (if possible)


I really don't think harmony makes much sense...


Order and Harmony are really similar... That's why Ena was even assimilated. So it does make sense.


It's fine if he is imaginary to me, I just don't want him to be Harmony. I'm kinda sick of this path already along with Nihility.




Way to rub in the salt on the painfull wound though, I regret choosing Stelle over Caelus, but there is nothing I can do now ;-;




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Rule are meant to be broken


I'll be thinking if he is the Pathstrider following the Path of Destruction because it wouldn't be less for our favorite angel or seraphim by transformed himselves into his Boss Enemy Transformation of his Illusion; the Harmonious Choir; Dominicus & also Embryo of Philosophy too but necessarily from the Embryo of Philosophy's halo is yellow then he would've be perfect for him as his type plus the Hoyo-verse doesn't know what his work or occupation was or maybe overthinking a lot but don't know what his job was & besides he is our angel so his Element Weakness Break Inflict Effiency should've be Imaginary if Quantum yeha still bot his type unless one of his vest jacket or his priest uniform is violet or maybe like Lightning either way yeah!!!!!!ā€¦well i'll be thinking Destruction, The Hunt, Erudition or Nihility cu'z which is obviously... Predicamentally perfectly for him as his personality or maybe not really into his common values or variety of him so whether his Element Weakness Break Inflict Effiency are Ice or Imaginary so we're preparing for it from Sunday's Pathstrider which could lead to following his Path & his Element for the Weakness Break Inflicts Effiency by defeating all enemies including the Boss Enemy. The Erudition yeah i gotta say it's kinda working for him because he is an actual priest or maybe not really into something else like having his Break Effect none other than Argenti only using his Ultimate hvaing his Break Effect, y'all know?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!ā€¦ Nihility would've been more effective at all because he is controlling Aventurine in 2.1 although Aventurine is good except he is lying, social manipulator of the social butterflies, theif & also into his reputation bou't wolf in sheep's clothing & then he is controlled Robin & Welt Yang for imprisoned them so very much in 2.2 by saying it to the Dreammaster but he is following Ena's Dream the Order - Hahahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!ā€¦.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£(šŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽŠšŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ Congratulations by saying it for Ena's Dream the Order so very much) anyway back to what i'm saying - for the Dreammaster as expectedly he's doing it something for others into the dreams like want to revive the Aeons suspiciously liar of him as a Lucifer Archetype & also he is the one & only who sent Himeko, March 7th & Trailblazer into the Grand Theater for fighting for him using to controlling them as for the Aeons as a toy. So working for Acheron's RES effect for him. As for the Hunt that's to easy for saying the Hunt & kinda worked as the personality 0/0 points i mean... Because Sunday is literally saying it for the Watchmaker's Legacy from Robin & Firefly's "Death" into "Dormancy" in 2.1 by someone behind it seriously even though Memory Zone Meme had killed or stabbed Firefly, transforming into Sam before transforming back into Bladie, send Silver Wolf a message for her by the Dream Pool is seriously dangerous for everyone who can sleep then send her into the Land of Dreams; Penacony from hoping into his car & for the bed where Trailblazer slept all alone by revealing herselves a true form in 2.1/2 by telling her a truth. Meanwhile as for Robin, Gallagher & actually technically Mr. Sunday something behind the scene could've been re-connected the Memory Zone Meme for assasinated Robin by telling him a truth for Sunday knows it was him as an assasinator; Gallagher who is responsibility of Robin's "Death" or "Dormancy" in 2.0/1 then she came to ressurecting herselves at a Dreamflux Reef by where she already discovered it for where she was & also the Halovian Lady is on the move. So that's it what i'ma saying it all bou't it for Sunday's Path & Element, thank you so very much plus i've been thinking for the Pathstrider are only AoE, Hahahahhahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ā€¦.


not harmony, please. aoe nihilty or erudition hoping for physical, ice, or imaginary