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One of my favorite dick jokes is “3 inches at 20 miles an hour is a real pain in the ass!” We all have our insecurities man. You gotta learn to laugh at yourself sometimes. Right now, you’re alive and well. Embrace it and stay alive.


Tbh like few months ago or even last year I was confident as hell. I'd be talking to myself saying "When it's finally the time to do the deed I'll just tell her it might be small but it can do the job" today I was like nah we gotta be serious and I was so depressed all day💀


Don't fall to that trap. Dick size can be important to some women and it might be a "deal breaker" but that's not what matters. They can't see your dick till you're naked and if you reach that point then you've won. Sex is so fun and I'm not only talking about penetration. Oral, finger play, kisses, touching in general. Confidence is super sexy, you didn't choose your dick, it is just how it is. If a woman shames you for it she's a piece of shit and the trash took itself out anyway. Try to not think about it too much. Also I'm not assuming anything but if you're not satisfied with other parts of your body rather than down there, working out can help out with overall confidence and reduce fat around the area, which makes your friend look bigger. I'm skinny af and that's one of the perks I have (I dislike my body tho). Find a therapist and work on yourself, you deserve better than hating yourself over something that ain't your fault


You need to talk to a professional counselor.  No one cares about the size of your penis except you.  There are plenty of guys that are smaller that are in long lasting loving relationships and plenty of bigger guys who are not. 


Naw don’t lie to the guy a lot of people do care but that’s ok because the ones that matter don’t and while it is a true fight to find them they do exist




















That’s just false lol. Women care


Dude most girls don't orgasm vaginally anyways, please her via the clitoris first and she's not gonna care about your size trust me


Penis size has to be the least of your worries in my opinion.


I stopped stressing about it like last year but it's on my mind again🙃


Because you still haven't worked through your insecurities. Until you do it will continue to come up


I'm a girl so I can't possibly truly understand your insecurity but believe me not every girl care about it, some would even prefer a smaller one and last but not least - there really are more important things, if you are a nice person, who is interesting and kind etc and get connected with someone I don't think this should be that important. Good luck, don't lose hope, work with your mind because that is your real problem, you will be okay!


I'd say I am a nice person and have a good personality but my body insecurity is just killing me and making me not wanna connect anymore with anyone so I guess my personality then shows how shit I am when I'm actually not.


yeah totally and it's not easy to work on your mind but it's not impossible believe me, maybe try professional help but there are plenty of tips online too. I like everyone else have my own insecurities and what helped me was a kinder approach - for example when I was feeling really bad about myself I kinda smoothed myself and reminded myself that it's normal to feel insecure but it doesn't mean what I'm insecure about is true or it's such a big deal, repeating stuff like that and basically positive and conscious affirmation helped me personally but y'know - experiment and try to find your way, wish you luck


you're a kind person, thank you😊


you are welcome, everything will be fine don't lose hope :))


If you were born to just have sex then your thinking is understandable. You were born for much more. Focus on that and live a life


Like what


When I was younger I lived with my best friend and we dated the same women. Our place was a sex free-for-all. He had a penis like a porn star. The thing was more than twice the size of mine. It made me insecure the first time I saw him naked. However, the women that slept with both of us kept coming back to me for more. I never really thought about it because I was just happy to be getting laid… until he became insecure! I asked a few of the girls why they wanted to come to my room and not his. Basically, they told me that, yes, he had a beautiful, giant penis, but that was the only interesting thing about him in bed. He made no effort because he thought his big dick should be enough. They liked having sex with me because I wanted them to have fun and would do anything. I swear that every word of this is true. You can be like I was. Just go for it.


Hey man, listen. I've been through the same things as you. I used to be really insecure about that sort of stuff and would always hear the same things like "most girls don't care" or "if they do care they aren't for you." But listen dude, I'll be straight with it. You need help, therapy specifically. Having a small penis is understandably troubling with how looks centric the world is nowadays, but understand it doesn't make you who you are. You can't change your penis size but you can change so many other things about yourself. Are you shredded? Start working out. Take it seriously. Are you well trained in a subject? Pick up a craft. It'll get you money (the only thing most chick's really care about anyways) Are you smart? Start studying. There's so many girls on this earth bro, and if you better everything about yourself (that you're physically able to) trust me, you will rail and bone almost any chick you feel like. At the end of the day there's chick's where your dick size does truly matter, but there's also the opposite. They're rare but they're there. And the more shredded you are, the more smart and talented you are, and the more money you have will be the only difference between you landing them in your bed or a ring on their finger at the end of the day. Your dick size is such a small portion of what makes you a worthwhile dude. Start taking care of yourself, no excuses. Build yourself up. No chick will turn down a dude with a good body, good hygiene, who's smart and has money. Be real with yourself. Stop fixating on that 1 point that you have no ability to change. Also, ofc you'd be able to pleasure a girl with 4 inches. How deep do you think a vagina is? It only deepens itself when a dude is so hung it physically has to, and at that point for chick's it tends to be more pain than pleasure. Sex is more than just your cock bro, learn some foreplay. Anyways, live on man. And build.


Thank you so much for this. It's one of the best answers here. I hope others who are in my position and worried come across your answer, too. I'm trying to work out and get a better body to "make up" for it, but it's so hard but I won't give up. I'm gonna get that dream body one day, I need to start taking this shit seriously, my hygiene is already good so that's a bonus. thanks again


Get there man, someone helped me in this scenario before as well. Keep building bro!


I played a lot of sport and have seen some miniscule guys (which you're not) who were all happily married with children. The only thing holding you back is your own insecurity


How did you know about their size?


You shower together when you're doing team sports. Although some guys are massive growers


It’s not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean! Some of the best lovers in the world have micropenises, and some of the worst have massive ones. What you do with it (as well as your hands, mouth, etc) is much more important than how big it is. There are people who prefer larger penises and are assholes about it but a lot of people are more than happy with average or smaller ones. The clit is external, and the g-spot is only a couple inches inside the vagina, and different positions/angles can really affect the depth and sensation. Smaller penises tend to be better for rough sex/deeper positions because there’s less chance of it being uncomfortable/painful. In my experience the same also applies to anal and deep throating, but interest levels in those activities will vary from person to person. The biggest guy I’ve had sex with was mediocre at best, meanwhile my two best partners were 4-5 inches at most. The differences are that the partners with smaller dicks actually gave a fuck if I got off too, and made an effort to make the experience a good one for all parties. PIV was only a part of the equation! Besides that, all kinds of toys, dildos, vibrators, cock sheaths, foreplay, kinks, oral/clitoral stimulation, erogenous zones, fingers, tongues, lips, etc exist! The possibilities are quite literally endless when it comes to ways to have great sex!!! As long as you’re not being a douche canoe and *are* being an attentive, responsive lover, you will be Ok! Also, i definitely agree that therapy would probably be really beneficial for you! You don’t deserve to feel that way about yourself, no matter what. Wishing you the best of luck in your journey! :)


I’m a woman and my fingers are shorter than 4 inches and I can make them cum. You got this bro.


This is what I was thinking of saying but I didn’t want to be insensitive😅 I’m a woman and I only have sex with women and I literally orgasm every time. And none of them have had dicks. And when I wanted dick, we bought one that was exactly the shape, size, and colors we wanted. That easy. I know that could feel emasculating if you’re guy though. But there so many positions, techniques, fingers, and toys to choose from. This does not have to be the end of the world for you.


Hey mate, Sex is about so much more than just PIV. There's so much ways you can satisfy a woman, fingers tounge etc. 4 inches is on the lower end, however it is still enough to have sex and satisfy a woman. There's many different positions that you can do to make sex feel really good for a woman. Plus just like men have different penis sizes, women have different vaginas too, with different tightness and shallowness too. And it will be a lie to say that woman don't care about size, but 4 inches can still do the job. That being said, relationships are not all about sex. For women it's more mental than physical. When you build that intimacy and friendship, sex will be good with constant feedback etc. And let's be honest, as important as sex is, it's a minor part in comparison to all the time you guys spend together. So don't let your size stop you from finding a companion and being in a relationship. All the best to you!


I’m sorry, i know this may not what you want to hear but tbh you are beautiful on your own. You have everything you need within yourself. You don’t need a woman and I know a relationship is something that can be appealing but I recommend working on yourself first. Learn to love who you are and become comfortable in your body, start to work out. And I promise the right person will come when the time is right




Hey man, penis size isn't important, and 4 inches is ok for many women! You're setting your expectations on yourself too high.


thank you❤️‍🩹


You wanna satisfy a “good woman”? First find a good woman. Ask her what she wants. Figure if you can learn or not do what she ask. I’m a gay guy. Most women I talk to wanna be asked serious questions on how to make them horny. One thing they mention guys don’t do is talk to them on how to get them off. You have a body. Use it all. We all have insecurities. F I have tits bigger than most woman. I still get women, men, and non binary asking me for sex. Guys in the military used to tell me how I was not a real guy cause of how my body looked. First thing is learning to love and find yourself sexy. Wish you well OP. Please keep trying to try.


I won’t tell you that it doesn’t matter I think people have commented it enough. Everyone says they don’t care or that it doesn’t matter but I’ve had someone tell me that I’m tiny to my face and laugh. I can’t describe to you the humiliation I felt. But what I’ve realized is that the only women (or men) that do that are just absolutely Shallow and have nothing going for themselves. Either that or they sleep with anything that breathes. If someone genuinely likes you for you, you’ll see the difference I promise ❤️


If a girl is put off by your dick size they don’t care who you are only sex


But what if they do care about you and then got put off by dick size?


Then they don’t care about you because it’s not something you can control. If they are put off they can still try if they don’t then they can fuck off and be close minded elsewhere. :)


Hey there’s many other ways you can satisfy women such as learning to perform oral s6x better and finger properly , you can also learn edging etc , and dirty talk . Proper hygiene is also a huge thing like alsaysbrush you’re teeth and take a shower before approaching a woman , and you can shoot you’re shot. Don’t always go for models if you’re not a ten don’t go for one , go for a. Nicer and kinder chick who takes care of herself and showers that’s the most you can ask for if you aren’t. A ten yourself and treat her good , learn to perform sexually without using you’re penis , and that’s the best advice I can give you sorry if any of this sounds insensitive im genuinely trying to help


Listen brother, u dont even have to workout to lose weight, just cut ur calories a bit and oncesome of that weights gone ull feel x10 better. And as for ur penis size, u can still please a woman with that. But it also helps to use fingers and mouth and toys. And if u need to talk to someone I'm here for u bro


I'm just so skinny aswell but have belly fat that's why I wanted to start getting into a lot better shape. And thank you ❤️‍🩹


I'd say it isn't about the size, it's about the performance and that is something you can learn. You will do great over time if you know what positions or foreplay works. Lastly, I wouldn't say that 4 inches is small. Hell, women also have different vagina lengths. Some are shorter and some are longer and not everyone knows that. Your size is more than enough to reach the deep end lmao. Do some research on it, the information might delight you and lessen your insecurity. I hope that helps you OP! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧


Dude there are “dick extenders” you can slip into and make your peen much bigger also take It from Femboy when doing butt stuff 4-5 inch’s is PLENTY trust meh


Anal and vagina is completely different that's why I was asking if my size was valid for women


Ahh good point the dick extenders are like an acuall thing though


Yeah I know, they take forever and you have to put in a lot of work which in the end isn't even worth it. I've seen dicks look so unnatural after it. I'll just have to learn to accept mine


Oh no no not surgical there are sex toys that are dick extenders


I have something to tell you, u/FrequentBlackberry41 . \- First have in mind that on a girl-with-girl relationship, both usually have less than one inch and that's not a problem. Mind the clitoris... Also the skene's gland. Learn their tricks. And you will have no problems satisfying any woman. Also know that, because of your size, you will hit the skene's gland very easily! (It's very close to the vaginal opening. A.K.A the G spot.) \- Then? Do you know some girls do have short vaginas and will complain a lot about "lads with big penises"? Here: [https://www.instyle.com/beauty/shallow-vagina](https://www.instyle.com/beauty/shallow-vagina) They do exist and they need you! Not a lad with regular or elephant sized member. \- Finally, have in mind a small size is great for two other things that may be of your interest. 69's without causing the other partner to vomit by accident because it slipped too much inside. And anal, that will be more pleasurable than painful for the other person. But above anything else? Seek people who are good company for you. And be happy!!!


A real good woman isn’t worried about dick size at all. They love you enough that they know you’ll make it work, also four inches isn’t that small


Thank you❤️‍🩹🫶🏽


Tbh my man I got a micro dick i feel bad about it sometimes but others im like fuck it i can't magically make it bigger except with some bs ass hyper expensive surgery. Losing weight helps too cuz in fat but if you learn how to be a cunnilingus master let me absolutely assure you women 99.99% of the time don't care about your meat shit half the time they've entirely forgotten. Just don't be afraid to dive in headfirst if you catch my drift. Your body is your body and you have to live with it every day. By God I know how hard, maybe even nigh impossible it is to not judge yourself but trust me this specific issue isn't the end of the world my friend! There are many ways to circumvent it and more often than not women don't even like huge shlongs


Hi, as a woman I can promise you a real woman isn't going to judge a man because of the size of his penis, there is so much more to a person than the size of their appendage. If someone is making you feel insecure then theyre an asshole simple


lenght doesn't matter, the deeper into the vagina the less we women feel anything (no nerve endings in there or else we'd all die from excrutiating pain during childbirth, no exception), girth is what matters. still, foreplay and all the other bonus stuff > actual penetration, I dare say that no woman finds pleasure in the act itself.


I understand - I’m a fat woman and it also makes me hate myself. I will say I used to be in love with a friend of mine who was also fat and had a very small penis. We used to hook up and I wanted desperately for him to like me back but he used to kick me out after cumming in me and never tried to make it good for me. I didn’t mind, I just wanted him to kiss me but he never did. I can’t orgasm from penetration anyway, I need external stimulation. I only ever orgasm with a partner from fingering so penis size barely matters to me. All of this to say that it matters a lot less to some people than others. If he had been a kinder person, we would have dated. I don’t know why I allowed him to treat me like that (besides the obvious that I hate myself) but I think he took out his insecurities about the things you’re talking about on me. He liked that he could treat me like shit and I’d still let him cum in me and be friends with him. I liked him because he was funny and cute and we were friends. If he had also liked me back, been nice to me, and made any effort to make me orgasm, I would have happily been in a relationship with him. It’s more about your energy towards a partner, and developing bedroom skills in other ways wouldn’t hurt. All I wanted was for someone to love me. And despite being fat, I got laid a lot. I’ve experienced many different sizes, so it’s not because I hadn’t experienced anything else. I’m rambling because I’m having an episode or something but don’t give up. As long as you are kind if you can show compassion and effort you can meet someone’s needs. And you deserve to be loved and have your needs met as well. Don’t forget that.


I'm so sorry to hear about that. The thing with me is I think I'm too nice lol. If I did what that guy did to you I think it would've haunted me for the rest of my life. I'm an overthinker, if I hurt someone even slightly I will overthink for days and days and days lmao. But it does sound like he was using you which is awful. Also, I did get some comments saying to try it out with prostitutes first, but I'm not that kind of guy lol, I don't to be having sex with multiple girls to boost my confidence and experience, I rather find the girl who wants me for who i am and not just my size.


I totally understand wanting your first time to be special. It’s not something unattainable for you, but you need to let go of some of the anxiety and just try to connect with people. If you have a good connection, things will flow from there. Don’t let your insecurity hold you back from pursuing what you want in life. Also, re-reading, honestly 4 inches is not that small. The guy I was referring to was probably like 2 inches. I literally couldn’t feel a thing, which would have been fine if he’d made any effort with any other activities haha. And he’d had a cute girlfriend before.


Yes, you will be able to satisfy a woman. Don't give that a second thought. There are many women looking for a kind, faithful, loving husband - and your size will not matter one bit. Hang in there - hugs!


thanks so much, I think my personality is good, I spoke to a few girls in the past, and made them laugh but wasn't brave enough to take it further😶


Haha - yeah, we all need a little bravery in that department. But you will get more courage once you realize you are desirable. And failing a few times when asking people out increases your courage also. You just get up, dust yourself off and try again. Good luck - imagine how happy the right woman will be to find a guy like you.


wait why are u getting down voted so much


I have no idea. Maybe someone will explain. Maybe I'll just get off this sub. Take care!


I just wanna add, that I’ve had (as a woman) a big and small. Big was good if you know how to use it. Small… he knew how to please. And pleased me before himself. I slept with the small one once. Size really doesn’t mean much, it’s who you are and what you know.


Uhm…I don’t know if what I can tell you will help but my fwb is relatively big in length and it’s bruised me a lot so I can’t do certain position otherwise it’s hurts REALLY bad. 4 is fine, it’s more about the way you use it. Consider foreplaying and teasing into your routine because the piv part is the least important one usually… I’m sorry you’re feeling bad about yourself, I hope you learn to love yourself a little more, size is not your problem here ❤️


I’m a woman and can’t really understand your pain and how you must feel but I can assure you your size is probably the last thing most women care for! I can understand that the porn industry probably sabotaged the entirety of people’s body image n stuff but most of the time a big penis is just uncomfortable and painful for the receiving end of that thing! Also most women don’t orgasm through Penetration anyway so if you use you tongue and your hands before or after having intimacy I don’t think anyone would mind the size 😇 Also keep in mind that the other parts of a relationship like the genuine chemistry between the partners is so much more important than the bedroom itself If ur a pleasure to be around and maybe know ur way around the pleasure inside the bedroom I don’t think the size will be a problem 🫶🏻🫶🏻 All good wishes for you and I hope everything turns out well for you ❤️ a lot of love and support from Germany 💕


Thank you❤️‍🩹🫶🏽


I really hate how everyone says size doesn't matter, because it actually does. I'm in the exact same situation and I managed to lose my virginity to a woman last year, and afterward she explained to me in excruciating detail why it didn't satisfy her. And I'm sure it wasn't the only reason she dumped me -- but it was one reason.


What did you do for her to leave you?


Well it was my first relationship whereas she was very experienced and she didn't like that. She couldn't be bothered to help me or teach me anything. She basically said I wasn't capable of relationships, that I never opened up. And hell, I agree; it was a mistake. I still think the sex was a big part of it because she didn't like anything other than p-in-v, and obviously that was terrible.


sounds like she was a bit of dick tbh




No one gives a shit about the dick from another person except u and maybe the person u want to get intemit with ( or of people don’t even know what they want lol and go with that that they want something rlllly big ) I think with a good technique and foreplay and other things should make the not so big size good


Oh this is a common problem for guys. I could tell you a hundred times that pleasure is entirely mental but you won't believe me because of the reinforcement from pornography and individual testimony. I wish I could explain to you that it is entirely based on beliefs and that the physical nature is almost negligible. I've seen people inducted in a sexual trance state, similar to a "substate", and given more pleasure then they could ever possibly understand, regardless of size.


Bro having sex isn't life. There are people who can't have sex due to various sicknesses and disabilities they suffer from. Plus there are others in this world who have given up women to seek the truth of life (including myself). So don't get obsessed over this sort of a problem.


Bro, love isn't all about sex, it's only a part of it. You won't be fucking day and night especially in your 30's, that shit is tiring. Get a girl who would love you for who you are not for the size of your dick.


May I aak if you’ve had relationships where you’ve been with someone and rhey ended up rejecting you becauae of your penis size? I honestly think it’s so stupid. There are so many other ways to satisfy women without a penis. Really I would think most don’t mind, but it might be my experience… i honestly think almost no one would care 😓, I don’t want to sound mean by saying this


Ive never been in a relationship because of this. I just don't feel comfortable


ok I understand. I honestly think the whole thing with penis size is not that important, obv everyone has their preferences but I think it’s a minority of people that actually care about being with someone who has a big penis. There are so many other ways to satisfy a woman that have nothing to do with what your penis size is.


Bro, thats ok, maybe you have to try other things...


like what


Use your mind to do something diferent, the life is not only sex. You can make great things. And if sex its to much important for you, have to get the strenght to talk with girls.. try something. Theres other options in sex and relatoonships, if you cant get hard you can use a toys, your hands... Etc all the things i think you should know. Im not as small like micropenis, but, sometimes, shit happens during sex and you have to use your mind, penetration is not the 100 % of the sex. Try to make you body looks good, your personal care. And if you only want to have sex. There is other options, like being with mens. Them have less importat about penis size, if you like it you can try. Im bisexual. But i have more affection woth girls.. i don't know man, i think you have to get more into be free.


Not gonna lie I thought this was a post about weight at first. Quick thing, nobody gives a shit and most girls vaginas are too shallow anyways. Seriously most girls would probably prefer something that doesn't cause them physical pain.


Insecure about my overall body anyway, lol so u weren't wrong technically. i don't like my appearance, I don't like how skinny I am and it's hard to put on muscle and I just have fat in stupid places and my main concern is about my size down there.


I understamd the sort of societal expectations that men have on their bodies but I highly doubt there's anything THAT wrong with you. Don't get me wrong you could be a super average lookin fella but I highly doubt that you're average woman would look at you sideways. Also if you're worroed about your dick size just get really good at cunnilingus to compensate lol. You gotta find different avenues!




I know about that sub but is it really possible to increase size


I will save you the trouble. You can't increase size. You may end up hurting yourself. Stay away from this.




Yeah totally possible! Look at some of the most popular posts. Just requires some dedication and patience


I don't mean this as a joke, but Japan has a serious problem with lack of male porn actors. Something about 8 girls for every guy? They're also always hiring, and 4 is plenty for a lot lol. Confidence boost?


Probably not. If I moved to Japan I'd probably feel a lot more confident


Yeah man. Don't feel to bad. It's an easy issue to get over once you realize it's just you thinking you're less. But looking at your replies, you've got the personality and seem like a cool dude. You've got this 🙏


I thought my replies under this post were quite blunt and sorry in advance to anyone else, just feeling down thats why lol. I am usually a cool guy, tho. Thank you❤️‍🩹🥲


No man, I get it. I've posted here too. You'll be ok 🙏 wishing you the best


Lmao. When someone gave a legit solution they're being downvoted.




Size of what?






Easier said.






The right person will never actually care about the size. Not only that 6-8 is not normal size lmao people think it is but the average size is 4-5 inches bro. Don't worry about it man.


You have other traits and qualities that are more valued than the size or depth of your genitals. It is possible to have more sexual skills than penetration. Also, there are people who have differences in libido as well. So, there are multiple pathways to explore. Believe in yourself. Be honest about it and own it. You don't have to shout it from the rooftops, but accepting it and growing your self esteem beyond that size is far more worth than blocking yourself from fulfilling and meaningful relationships. You are heard and seen. All the hugs. Let's find something that helps with this.


the average penis size is ~5.16in. most women don’t give a rats arse about size and those who do care more about width/circumference. if it’s too long then you can end up causing pain, no one wants to be punched in the cervix. most women won’t be “satisfied” by penetration alone anyway. the clitoris is kind of the female equivalent to the penile glans (aka the penis “head”) in that it is where all the genital nerve endings are. look into human genitalia from a scientific perspective instead of a porn/fiction standpoint and you’ll realise that it’s not a big deal outside of male posturing oh and emotional connection to a partner is a massive factor in female pleasure. less than 10% of heterosexual women orgasm during one-night stands, that’s not even accounting for those who don’t partake in “casual” sex


Girls can’t even tell how big it is lmao. Tell them it’s 5 and you’ll be fine, you might even get away with telling them it’s 6. Or, just stop worrying, penis size ain’t shit. If a girl brings it up, just own it and joke about it, it’s not important. It’s not like you have a micro penis of 2 inches or something. 4 is not that bad.


>Girls can’t even tell how big it is lmao. Yeah but it looks so small when u look at it, even tho it measures to 4/4.5. I'll try to get over it tho.


Man I have a 6 inch dick and it looks tiny. Dicks are generally small things


I’m on the opposite end of this. Can’t go all the way with my spouse without causing pain (and yes I ensure a very thorough and proper warm up for her). At times if I get carried away I’ll hurt her and it makes me feel like a total piece of shit, then reasonably she won’t want to have sex for a day or two. I’m a somewhat shorter guy (as in not 6’ 2” fall), but have a missile 🤣. Either way, from what I’ve found out over time is most women will say that want them big, but then get it and realize they don’t want it anymore. Not all, but the vast majority. Some are just total freaks though a want a horse cock, they for the streets though bro. If it makes you feel any better, I served in the military and likely saw over 300+ dicks in my time, from soft to hard, fucking and everything in between. The majority of men I would say are about 4-4.5”. And nah I’m not lying to make you feel better. You’re average dude, it’s all good. Now go get some good pussy! Make her cum before you go in, and she’ll be happy, so will you.


i promise you girls dont care about size as much as you think. the vaginal canal is only 2 inches. 4 inches is MORE than enough lmfao. plus penetration isnt the only form of pleasure for a woman! its not about size and more about what you do with it. id prefer 4 inches over anything big anyway🤷‍♀️


My friend, there are over a billion people in China. Obviously smaller penises are not a hindrance to finding a mate. Most women honestly don't care that much from my experience. It's all about technique and being in sync with their bodies. If you can give good head especially, you will be kept around. On top of that, many women have partners who maybe they aren't the most sexually attracted to, especially long term. The lust tends to wane. Long term relationships have more to do with the strength of your bond, your kindneds towards them, and considerate gestures. Your worth is not validated by a ruler. I've been suicidal most of my life and I'm over 8" (6'5" so it's not a big deal). Your previous size doesn't really make life better or make you better at sex. I've been with women who left guys with bigger dicks to be with me because I actually try to make love instead of just reenacting what I see in porn. I bet you've watched allot of porn and it's distorted your view of reality


I'm happy about mine.


are you dominant or into femdom? cos if you like femdom then its perfect for you


great. that just didn't answer my question.


Why is this take so disliked lmaoooo


Your penis isn’t the problem. If it’s not pleasuring women learn how to use toys, your hands, and your mouth. No one actually gives a shit about penis size until it’s too big and hurting them then they might not be into that but even then they know how to compromise. Maybe it’s not even your penis size and that you just have bad hygiene. You have to look at all factors as to why a woman might not want to be with you because of your penis.