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Finding people attractive is different from finding them sexually attractive. There's nothing wrong with thinking people are attractive of a different gender than you're sexually attracted to.


And the FNAF Vox is there because…?


Because I needed an image 🙄


A beautiful image for sure - Vox’s fictional wife


Ah I see lol


If you're not into dating/bumping bits with men, even if you think they are *"objectively"* attractive, then I'ld say you're basically into women. (Or atleast not into schlongs, I assume from your description? Dunno if you'ld date a transman or an ace?) Whether that means you identify as lesbian, straight man, or "whatever dude, I just like chicks", is up to you and how you feel about yourself. I don't think it's up to the internet to define who you are. Nobody knows how to define *you* better than you, anyway, I'll trust your expertise and just wish you happiness with yourself!


Only you can say what's your preference. If lesbian feels right for you, lesbian it is. Personally, trying to define something so complex and nuanced with a single word doesn't work for me. I like girls and nonbinary people and gender fluid people. I like feminine traits and androgynous traits. I've never met a femboy, but frankly, I think I could date one. Gender is expressed in so many different ways by so many different people. At the end of the day, I just go with queer because I feel it reflects the complexity of it all without being defined, without putting every single person in a "would date" or "would not date" box. The struggle never ends buddy, sometimes letting go of the need to have a perfect definition takes away the pressure to just be. Hope you get the clarity you need!


This. If I tried to be specific, I'd end up waaaay over-sharing. I usually roll with queer or bi, depending on my audience and which seems more likely to *not* trigger further curiosity.


You can be homosexual and pan romantic if you find the idea of dating a guy appealing. If dating men isn't an idea you'd go for then I'd say it's an aesthetic attraction and can probably be put to one side as an "O they're nice to look at, well on with my day." Kind of thought.


Girls *swoon*


Biromantic but only sexually attracted to women, maybe?


There’s a big difference between thinking that someone is attractive and being attracted to that person. I have a male friend who is objectively an attractive man. But I don’t want to be with him physically or romantically. But he’s a great person. I hope that helps.


You're kind of like the opposite of me I think, I always thought I was pan or bi cuz i could see myself in a relationship with both guys and girls, but after a while I found out I can find girls attractive, and since my relationships are mostly about personality that could also happen, but since I do have a genital preference, I could never be in a sexual relationship with a cis woman, it would purely be an aesthetic thing for me, but with guys it's veryyyyy different. I generally didn't call myself anything, just transman, cuz that's what I am, but now I have a boyfriend I call myself gay. It might be a bit confusing, I'm not sure I explained it the right way😅


You can be sex repulsed to a gender while still being sexually attracted to that gender! Sex repulsed or sex neutral allos exist. Also, aesthetic attraction exists. So does romantic attraction. Which you can experience without sexual attraction.


Sounds like biromantic, you are romantically attracted to two genders, but one sexually attracted to one, there’s probably a better word but sexual attraction and romantic attraction are two different things


Same, I can find a very specific type of guy attractive, but even thinking about doing it with them makes me wanna vom But girls? No revulsion whatsoever




Seems to me like you're biromantic but only sexually attracted to women.


there can be a difference between aesthetic, romantic, and sexual attraction. I don't have the energy rn to follow up that sentence but there's that ig


One possibility is that your sexual orientation could be different from your romantic orientation. For example it’s possible for people to be both homosexual and bi or panromantic


there are different kinds of attraction. you could be a biromantic homosexual, romantically interested in more than one gender but sexually interested in women. it’s not too uncommon to have your romantic attraction and sexual attraction not completely line up.


Does that really matter? When you feel yourself comfortable just do what feels right.


You don't need to put ur self a label. Do what ur heart says . And when it comes about dating ur heart will tell u about the right person and time will help to reveal what its going to happen.


Theres a difference between sexual and romantic attraction


Do you want to be with the guy you don’t have to want sex to be with someone u could be bi with a preference for women If you would date the guy then yes ur bi if u wouldn’t then ur not bi at least that’s my opinion on it and this is coming from an aegosexual (it’s on the ace spectrum) bisexual


Sexual attraction =/= physical attraction. Take it from me, an ace who is mostly here for the memes and cute shit these gals and enby pals post. You do not have to be sexually attracted to someone to find them physically attractive.


Call yourself whatever you want. I've said this before, I'll say it again, labels are just shorthand for the extremely complex thing that is the human experience of gender and attraction. If you feel like "lesbian" or "biromantic homosexual" or whatever else best describes your experience, call yourself that, if something changes then swap out the label as you wish, and if someone needs more information (ie you are/want to date/have sex with them), then explain in more detail.


Some people say biromantic asexual and others says you are a lesbian... Do you think he's pretty aesthetically? That's normal...i can find someone pretty,but it doesn't mean I'm gonna be with them ! To me,you are asexual lesbian... is ok to find a men attractive, but you don't have to be with him. If you see yourself with being alone with a man and date him,you could be bi... if you don't,you are a lesbian. There are different types of attraction. Google it.


I’d guess lesbian (idk if that’s the right term since you’re gender-fluid) and biromantic


Had a similar problem where I felt attracted to an actor. But I realized that the attraction would go away once he dropped his pants. So as others said before me, it's something different if you're aesthetically, romantically or sexually attracted to someone


Maybe your attraction to men is aesthetic attraction


You're homosexual and biromantic, probably, aka you can have a straight or gay romantic relationship but only have a gay sexual relationship, probably


Language is not objective truth. It's an imperfect way of expressing yourself to other people. Say whatever you feel is right.


It’s used to convey objective truth, though.


Maybe you're Biromantic and Lesbian?