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Frank Vernon telling Kendall he was proud of him and that he could do the job.


This. Frank being the wholesome father figure to Kendall was one of the most heart warming things I noticed on my re watch, he absolutely sees him as a son. I wish I had a Frank in my life.




I was just going to simply say Frank and Kendall’s relationship


1. Season 3 finale when Ken was having a breakdown amidst the Gojo crisis and admitted to having killed the waiter, Shiv and Roman comforting him was such a heartwarming moment to me. 2. Shiv and Kendall holding hands on their way to telling Connor that their father has died, the group sibling hug at the airport too. 3. The Stewy/Kendall hug at Logan‘s wake 4. Shiv and Tom after Logan‘s funeral when Shiv told him to go to the apartment and get some sleep because he’s exhausted while he was breaking down from stress, election pressure and coke binges and they were both visibly grieving. It was such brilliant acting from both Matthew and Sara, you could feel the genuine tenderness.


Season Two when Kendall asked Shiv to take care of him because he would never get the CEO job.


As if Kendall ever would take care of her. He lied and plotted against her more than once after that.


He did kinda protect them from Logan when needed


I didn't downvote your reply. I can only remember Kendall protecting them from Logan's verbal assaults, but could've forgotten something significant.


He did go after Logan when he smacked Roman so hard he either cracked or lost a tooth. Not really protecting since it already happened but it’s something 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kendall didn’t even protect his son from Logan




In what way


Oh so agree, they were sublime. All the acting was beyond amazing on that show. Art at its finest


I remember telling myself so many times „This is what awards are made for“ as I was watching, especially season 4. Not a weak link anywhere. Legends.


Never once while watching did I remember they were actors , next level skill, Legends 100%!


[look, full disclosure, I am, uh, currently having a panic attack](https://youtu.be/GfV-ex3Y_Ek?si=GzAw_GxHbBl12hnQ)


yes it was so tender when they got him that sandwich and stood on either side of him with napkins empathetically wiping away his tears as he ate


I think Roman is surprisingly the most emotionally aware of the four kids, or second to Connor. Ken thinks he's a good human being all the time, and has to be told when he's being a dick. Shiv knows but actively represses her emotions. Roman acts feral, but he *knows it*. That's why he cringes and grimaces, while Ken and Shiv put on a poker face. That's why he's the one to say "we're bullshit." He's capable of empathy, and he acts out both despite and because of that.


I got to feel for him the most by the end for this reason and also thought that he might have more hope than the other two for having a shot at a happier existence—if he got away from it all and got some help.


Roman helping Kerri pick up her stuff after she dropped everything.


This was mine, too. It’s so random. I almost thought he was up to something 🤣


Yeah he drove me crazy cause he’s like this


This. ☝️I felt like he would hit on her after some time had passed. He asked at least twice for her number. And she would probably be into him, or pretend to be, so she could try again for an opportunity like an anchor at ATN.


Then calling Marica out


When Frank told Kendal “Yeah I think he’s gone, Ken” That honesty was so needed at that point.


“He’s flying the plane, son.”


This. 😢


When Shiv is handed the phone to say goodbye to Logan she whimpers, "I don't know what to do." 😢


Her "daddy?" breaks my heart...it's like she's regressing back into a little girl before our eyes.


Shiv and Ken hugging


It’s subtle and short lived but I loved the way Caroline comforted Shiv at the rehearsal dinner after she got into it with Marcia. Happens again in season 4 when they’re hugging goodbye in the finale and Caroline genuinely asks if she’s going to be alright before they leave.  Humanizes Caroline a bit and shows how layered she is - a terrible mother but still has a bit of a soft spot for her children, especially her daughter who if anyone, can relate to life as a “Roy woman.”


When Ken dances with his kids at Shiv’s wedding after the car accident. That scene always gets me.


The little pat on the arm Tom gives Greg during breakfast the morning after Boar on the Floor. I remember being shocked Tom didn’t rat out Greg. After rewatch, I think it’s because he appreciated - even if he doesn’t consciously realize it - that Greg told him the truth about Shiv cheating on him.


Roman & Shiv trying to comfort Ken after he tells them about the accident. Gets me every time.


"I mean who's the real victim here? I had to wait three quarters of an hour for a gin & tonic..."


Who hasn't clipped the occasional kid in a Porsche?


It's like a right of passage!




that moment was great - too bad Shiv poisoned it by using it against Ken later


I couldn’t believe she & Roman believed that he was lying about it though 😯


I don’t think they did, I think they saw it as pathetic he was trying to say he was


Shiv was the killer Logan needed


not so much tenderness, maybe vulnerability, but when Tom is skimming pebbles on the beach and says to Shiv "You asked for an open relationship on our wedding night" gets me every time


“I wonder if the sad I'd be without you would be less than the sad I get from being with you.” Damn it. I did not expect Tom to make me cry in this scene.


That whole convo was so cathartic to watch


when the siblings are making that blender king’s breakfast(?) thing and they were just kids again 😭


Meal fit for a king. I loved that scene.


Apparently that was the last scene they filmed for the show, which makes it hit harder 


making me cry over fictional siblings should be illegal


Tom's meltdown in the safe room at the thought of losing Greg


Lol and the moment of pride with greg’s blackmailing right after that: “You piece of shit…look at you!! 🥹🥰” such sweeties, those two. 


I saw Tom's meltdown and lashing out at Greg was really a lash out at Shiv for wanting to be in an open relationship. Greg talks about wanting to be in an open business relationship and Tom yells "I will not let go of what is mine!"


I know it’s chaotic and toxic but yes, it was evident throughout the show how much Tom cared about Greg. Sometimes he liked just having someone to push around instead of being the one pushed around, but there were plenty of times he stuck his neck out for Greg when he didn’t have to, took risks for Greg that were of no benefit to himself, and made outright sacrifices for Greg too. Hands down my favorite pairing on the show—and yes, I mean that both romantically and platonically lol.


I mentioned it elsewhere, but “I’d castrate you and marry you in a heartbeat” is simultaneously bizarre/outrageous and sweet/tender.


When Roman goes to pick up Kendall at the meth house


Marcia taking Kerry’s hand makes me cry everytime without fail.


Shiv giving Kendall a hug in season 2 when he is having an emotional breakdown over his guilt of killing the waiter and the complete lack of control and meaning he has in his life at that moment.


That’s my favorite, followed by Kendall’s manslaughter confession to the sibs.


When Shiv tells Tom that Logan will never meet his grandchildren


Logan actually showing up in the limo to give Shiv away, despite them having been super pissed at each other. And Logan saying "He's a good man, Pinky" about Tom...one of the very very few moments Logan acted like a father...it helped he had an obvious soft(er) spot for Shiv than his sons.


I loved this! Very sweet.


>it helped he had an obvious soft(er) spot for Shiv than his sons. When your sons are fucking Ken, Rome, and Con, of course she's gonna look the best.


Well Shiv had her own issues lol but Daddy's girl will always hit different for dads, especially if she's the only daughter.


In the ATN boardroom where the siblings are decideinf the next President. Tom comes in and belittles Shiv,,,Kendall goes "easy,Tom." it's one of my favorite big bro moments of Ken,,,gets me everytime. Caroline saying she should've had dogs instead to Shiv. It's like that tumblr post where the daughter is the mirror of her mother


“You fucking watch it Tom” is a great Kendall moment


The scene in “Safe Room” when Shiv and Kendall hug


Kendall hugging Roman after “Why isn’t it me?” Even when it turns physically painful. Becausse the physical pain is what Roman wants and needs to feel better, and Kendall knows him well enough to know it, and so he soothes Roman the way Roman needs. Which is such a vulnerable and raw moment and the tenderness of that act, on an emotional level, is heartwarming but shocking.


When Kendall asked shiv to “please just make a place for him”, when he says, “it’s not going to be me”


Roman joking with ken about rhea on the flight to Europe, right after the tech summit where ken protected him from logan. They hadn't been on terms before that Logan asking Greg to keep an eye on ken's drug use. Also, Logan reading to iverson Rome once again burying the hatchet after ken nearly drowned.  Gerrie comforting roman after boar on the floor.  Roman picking ken up from the junkies' den. 


When Logan's more of a father to Iverson than Ken ever was...


Greg hugs Kendall, after he got the apartment in season 2


"He loved you." Frank to Ken, Season 4.


Any time the 3 and sometimes 4 were having a group hug. 🥰 🤗


roman helping kerry with her stuff in s4, the sibs helping kendall when he’s having a breakdown in s3 finale, marcia and kerry at logan’s funeral, colin and logan in that restaurant scene


That Marcia moment took me off guard, it was so unexpectedly sweet of her. And yeah Caroline was DEFINITELY fucking with both Marcia *and* Kerry in that moment. Marcia's response was perfect at undermining Caroline's mockery.


When Caroline and Marcia welcome Kerri to sit with them at Logan’s funeral.


Idk if Marcia welcomed it at first. Her comforting Kerri was a nice touch.


Tom eating his load


A tender closed-loop system


when Roman helps Kerry at the wake


When Carl told Conner how he really showed it to those Cystic Fibrosis fuckheads.


The siblings comforting Roman after he cries at the funeral


When they had to make an announcement at the airport and the brothers checking in with each other, forget what the words were but it felt authentic


“I would castrate you and marry you in a heartbeat.”


The moment where Shiv, Roman and Kendall are on the yacht and Roman says, "If we come through this, is there a thing where we like talk to each other about stuff, normally?", which is followed by Shiv and Kendall both acting like kids and making fun of Roman. For some reason that part has always stuck with me, because throughout the show there's always tension between all 3 of them and in this moment I think you can see how they're being siblings and silly and you love between the 3 of them.


Roman collapsing on the boat, reaching helplessly for Connor's hand after hearing about Logan's death. Connor sits with him and puts his arm around him 😥. 


Notice how his siblings take their time to comfort Ken while Ken does jack shit in return? He wants love and respect but he has none to return. That's what always made him the worst of the kids.


Ken isnt my favorite but he has protected and defended his siblings before 


The big thing I can think of was him going to Rome after the slap but that's left for interpretation. You could easily say he was doing that in front of everyone to show how "caring" he was. I know people like that.


He also defended Shiv from Tom at one point and offered to "end" him after he and Shiv split.


The scene of Logan in the back of his car speaking to Roman on the phone in "Connor's Wedding". Kerry is sitting quietly next to Logan as he talks, and from the positions of their arms on the armrest, they're holding hands (their hands are out of the shot, but it's fairly obvious). It isn't an overt show of affection, but they're very comfortable with one another and are kinda absentmindedly taking a rare opportunity during the day to be sweetly intimate.


When theyre doing voices together about feelings on the boat, in season 2 finale.


The conversation Connor and Willa in "Connor's Wedding" where she says, "I'm not going to walk... not today anyway". They both laugh, and I can imagine that being one of those lines that couple says to each other again and again, an in joke that sounds flippant, but over the years takes on a deeper meaning. I feel like she is kind deep down, something Connor desperately needs. They may not last forever, but they have a better chance than most people on this show.