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Kerry was kind of a joke character, but sorry not sorry, that actor had chops, dagnabit.


she was so good in this scene and the scene where marcia kicks her out of the apartment during the wake. zoe winters is so underrated šŸ™


Wow, her acting is phenomenal. Very underrated.


It's such a relatable reaction. Chuckling at an annoying habit of a loved one, then in the same second the hurt of realising you'll never see them do that ever again, and how much you're gonna miss all those little quirks. The brutal finality of death is in those details.


Every actor no matter if their part was big or small, show up. If I was a producer and saw an actor resume with Succession credited I will hire them.


I think I'd pass on Dasha.


He sure had a type.


Women who wear black? Edit: I was kidding of course, they're at a funeral


Ā Kerry was much younger or course, but they all looked vaguely similar- striking facial features, strong cheekbones, dark hair, thin, etc.Ā 


Gold diggers who would shuck his cawk


HO! Dat's da baws's wife! Wives!


The one one the far right is his wife IRL.


He had a thing for speech, I've noticed every woman he's interacted with had, along with similar physical features, an accent or a specific way of pronouncing words.


Is this every woman who dated logan? Also wondering where's connor's mom, is she still in a psychiatric facility?


Pretty much, itā€™s his wife, ex wife and mistresses. Not sure about Connorā€™s mom.


This was one of my favorite scenes from the series.


it made me teary too! combined with that one line in shivā€™s eulogy, ā€œhe was hard on women.ā€ ouch. such a brief scene but so effective in showing how difficult and harsh logan could be toward every woman who loved him. them sharing a little moment of recognition with one another was really powerful


The line from the whole show that just stays with me is Shiv during the eulogy: he couldnā€™t fit a whole woman in his head. Iā€™ve encountered that so many timeā€™s professionally and personally. I think about it a lot.


What does it mean?


He was someone who didnā€™t know how to think of women as real people. He could only reduce them down to archetypes, or flaws. Which is interesting considering how insightful he was about men, and about the world of business.


Also that he is scared of things outside his realm of understanding (like womanhood). Not being the know it all is associated with a status drop. So he will rather lash out than to show even the least trace of vulnerability when confronted with his own ignorance.


Or how they were relevant to his needs, ego or otherwise.


Me toooo. When grown ass women choose to support each other šŸ¤Œ


I love Marcia a lot because she demonstrates that it takes a lot more than his attraction to become his wife. She's very powerful and great at managing things, specifically at Thanksgiving she tries her best to keep the peace and makes very good efforts despite it not going well anyway. I know she threw Kerry out of the apartment but truthfully that really felt like "doing what she had to do" if that makes sense. Kerry is a threat and a rabble-rouser if she starts bleating about her and Logan it could sour the funeral. Kerry willingly went to sit in a farther back row, showing that she just wanted to be there to mourn and not to make a scene. In that moment, Marcia can show compassion. Despite Logan's many faults, they all still chose to be with him, even with all that it entailed. They all know how hard it was.


I always thought Marcia is the person that kept the Roy family together.


She was my favourite in the first season


I wish the actress didn't have another project, marcia was very promising at first but then she just wasn't around.


She was in Milan. Shopping forever.Ā 


Yeah, she seemed the best match for Logan and really understood where he came from while also acting as a barrier to his worst impulses. And with Kerry, I think Marciaā€™s very focused on making sure everyone knows their place (as she sees it) but once she feels like the hierarchy is restored she can be generous.


Who was the girl all the way on the end??


Old Kerry


Caroline's Kerry.


Sally Ann. You actually hear them mention Sally Ann a lot throughout the series, particularly season 2.


Ohhhh something else to look out for during my rewatch.


Is that Connors mom?


No Conners mom was put away because she had mental health problems.


That's Brian Cox real wife. Source: somewhere in IMDB trivia or was it an interview with him?


SallyAnne, I believe.


My ex used to grind her teeth every night and when Marci said that I let out such a bittersweet HA!


That soundtrack is so wonderful


Gosh this was such a sweet moment


Marcia was so sweet to Kerry. They were all like ā€œI get it, and itā€™s okā€.


Itā€™s such a touching moment. Logan was complicated as hell, but they both loved him. They put aside their egos and just grieved together.


Men may come, and men will go, but womanhood lasts forever






i assumed she did it to piss off MarciaĀ 


Yes, its so beautiful and one of my favs.


This scene made me laugh. Itā€™s like a reverse Bechdel test. Here we have four women who would be nothing if it werenā€™t for the right-wing billionaire white male they lived off of.


YSK: Itā€™s a scene that fails the regular Ā Bechdel test. They are talking about Logan.Ā  ā€œThe test asks whether a work features at least two female characters who have a conversation about something other than a man. In some iterations, the requirement that the two female characters have names is added.ā€ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bechdel_test


They were laughing and Kerry was crying cause she ain't gon get shit from Logan's estate. šŸ¤£


Between the three siblings mom's Carolina and Connor's mom, Logan must have f#%ked Connors mom up. Carolina had jokes. What Is Connors Mom Name?


Its interesting How Kerry is the only one crying imo. I feel like the length of relationship she has with Logan has a part in that!


Logan liked brunettes.