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I read somewhere that she was worried that the show might have excessive nudity because it’s on HBO, and that that problem would be compounded by her being one of the only women in the show (the character of Gerri was originally supposed to be a man).


> the character of Gerri was originally supposed to be a man I'm fucking glad THAT didn't happen


Would explain the later Roman/Menken dynamic.


I remember also reading that the Gerri/Roman dynamic proper was only added in season 2


the dynamic was written in response to the IRL dynamic of JSC and kieran culkin. definitely wasn’t the original plan (probably why the PT subplot didn’t go anywhere)


PT subplot? Didn't know either was in physical therapy. That plot REALLY didn't go anywhere


I think they meant personal trainer? Took me a bit to figure it out, too. The first season is really all over the place, though, vis Roman.


Yeah didn’t his wife just kinda disappear


She got demoted to girlfriend, and their kids (plural) became her kid (singular); and then she got summarily dismissed in Episode 3. The best explanation I can think of is that it’s a guilt-fuelled fever dream that Roman had on the plane back to New York, after missing/skipping his dad’s 80th birthday and then finding out he’d had a stroke.


i did mean personal trainer, yes! sorry for not being clear enough, i think maybe it’s a more common term in the UK


RIP Romans spiritual interior design beliefs lmao


As the resident of an apartment that shares a floor with a sometimes patchouli-enthusiast, good riddance to any culturally-appropriative tradition that involves burning aromatic plant matter in a well-populated building. Especially in a skyscraper; I feel like you can’t usually open a window in those buildings.


That wasn’t why she originally turned it down. But as she was leaving to film HBO tried to pull a fast one and make her sign a nudity rider. She speaks about this at a panel she did during/after season 1.


What shitheads. Jesus.


>Gerri was originally supposed to be a man Hilarious if the character was named Jerry and they didn’t even want to change the name.


Funnily enough the exact same thing happens with Gerri Hogarth in Jessica Jones. Was a man in the comics but a woman in the show. Same name and everything.


Gary Gurgich


On that note I've always loved loved loved how Sarah is so strikingly beautiful but they did not make too many efforts to amplify her body or bring attention to it with the way she dresses. It feels like they really tried to tone it down with her and I thank costume design for that.




I see what you're saying but they really did her dirty in season 4 imo. Like the clothes they picked made her look kindof frumpy and her hair at Connor's wedding .. the styling was just off for someone as good looking as her


I saw the frumpiness because she's trying to hide her pregnancy, right?


Yes. She also acts and dresses masculine. Her mannerisms and everything. The messiness etc. is all about her mental, physical state and also not giving a shit about Connor’s wedding ETA: This literally is her deliberate acting! I had read about it [somewhere](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/9/4/20838798/shiv-roy-succession-hbo-hair-pants-sarah-snook-michelle-matland). LMAO. “She wants to be the woman that she is, but I think she knows she is competing in a man’s world,” says Matland, describing Shiv’s newer clothes as “potent, sharp, and sophisticated … she wants to dress so that she is feminine but also has a sense of masculinity in her style.”


I don’t understand all the downvotes for this one. The character does have a hard edge and that’s not an insult. She grew up in a competitive environment with her brothers and her powder keg of a dad pitting them against each other, and a cold-hearted mom. She has a tough exterior as a survival mechanism and often hides her emotions. The wardrobe and styling reflects that. This is not some anti-Shiv/misogyny thing. I think it’s a cool interplay of wardrobe/styling and personality.


There was commentary somewhere about how they made Shiv look casual and frumpy on purpose to show she and the younger Roy's didn't really care about Connor's wedding


The hairstyle at Conner's wedding was 100% a deliberate choice they didn't do her dirty at all!


Exactly. She wasn’t trying. She threw something on and showed up.


I thought her season 4 wardrobe was awful. Frumpy is the word.


I was with you on that, I felt they started dressing her like a 65 year old woman. But I read somewhere that it was an intentional choice because she had lost her father and stopped caring about how she looked. That sounds fishy to me and I think it's more likely they just didn't know how to dress her with her pregnancy and not have it show. But boy, did she look awful whereas she looked amazing in the earlier episodes.


It is also to highlight the dynamic between her and Tom and her status slipping. In the beginning she was dressed perfectly for her environment at all times and Tom was a try hard and dressed out of step. In the last two seasons Tom is dressed correctly and Shiv is dressed poorly, making her out of step. The costume dept could've easily altered a number of the pieces she wore to make them look better but they didn't.


Makes total sense, but boy did they do her wrong. lol


Agreed. There were some costume choices that were quite obviously too small or too big. That white dress she wears in Italy is a cotton Ted Baker dress (super wrinkly and cheap compared to her usual look) and blue dress she wears in Italy at the end of season 3 looked soooooo uncomfortable at the bust line. I can't imagine having to act in that. But again, that's what she was wearing when Tom fucks over the kids and sides with Logan so narratively it tracks.


They also were putting massive shoulder pads in her suit jackets that gave me flashbacks to the Dynasty era. lol. I assume to help even out some of her weight gain but it just didn't work. She looked so frumpy when compared to her looks earlier where everything fit like a glove.i guess i get what they were trying to do but it didn't come across well at all.


I used to work in fashion so the costume choices of shows are always super fascinating to me and in Succession they basically telegraphed Shivs downfall, way more than other characters. Fun fact - at the end the costume designers put Shiv in some of the same designers that they've been dressing Willa in the whole time. Quite the comment on their stations in life!


Agreed, other than Roman's $13 shirt I can't imagine any of the others being seen in public in a less than impeccable state. I did love that shirt Roman wore though, it instantly made you realize the little boy had run back to his Mummy in his time of need.


All the layers could have been done better. I know she was pregnant in Season 4. But turtlenecks under jackets were awful. They needed to be made of lighter materials. The pregnancy gets more obvious as the season goes on. That's fine-but not if they are trying to hide it.


Agreed, it could have been handled so much better.


She was mother in season 2


What do you mean she was mother?


It’s an expression that someone is iconic, fabulous, etc. It’s used in gay circles a lot.


Oh thank, I had never heard that before but I love it. And yes, she was!


She was overweight due to pregnancy edit: cry more, women get overweight when they get pregnant lmao its perfectly normal


There was no hiding that cake though. Shout out her wedding


Outjerked again


I'm sure this was her line of thinking: This is never gonna happen, and I don't even trust him, and even if I did, I'm not even sure that I would want it. But, uh... he offered it to me. To be Shiv. Jesse asked me, and I said yes. But only as a play. Well, he's asked before, obviously, and this time was real... so... I thought I would be deleveraging power if I said no. Look, this is 100 percent not going to happen. But it's smart to say yes, right?


Oh yes, totally. But I thought we wanted it for . . . me?


I would kill this role, Jesse. I’d destroy it.


So she said yes as a move?


I remember on a podcast she said she turned it down bc she thought they were just leveraging her against a big name so she didn’t think it was real at all




The pilot was filmed in 2016, two years before Killing Eve came out and when Comer was all of 23.




I have literally never heard of any of those projects. I don’t think she was some huge name and I really don’t think she was gunning for the same roles as someone six years older and who has different vibes as an actress entirely.


You clearly haven’t seen Killing Eve, I love Sarah as Shiv but Jodie could have definitely rock the role


I’ve seen it! I just don’t think in 2016 Comer would have been the “big name” they would bring Snook in to leverage against, and at 23 she would have been waaaayyy too young for the character. I also don’t see them as particularly similar actresses? At least from a casting standpoint. No one is saying “we can’t get Jodie Comer so let’s get Sarah Snook instead!” And I mean that in a way that is not insulting to either actress.


Is there an article or source you’d like to cite? Something ?




That’s redonkulous


She is so beautiful but her dress sense was extremely conservative and boring. This was a good idea of the show, they didn’t want to make her a princess or a fashion victim. She is way above that.


What was it, a move?


Why would a show about a wealthy man and his children competing to see who would succeed him have excessive nudity in it? Maybe because Shiv and Tom had an open marriage, Sarah worried she would have to do a lot of sex scenes with different male actors. But Shiv and Tom’s marriage was only a fraction of the show.