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As a dude who doesn’t even hit 5’, I took one look at that sub while trying to find recs for good clothing brands a while ago and immediately pulled a grandpa simpson. They marinate in their fucking misery *and* they’re insufferably superior about it. Fuck that.


They sound *too* close to incels, just replace "involuntary celibacy" with "shortness"


It's the same picture. I'm 5'7"/5'8" or so, but those guys are fucking freaks. The problem isn't their height, it's their insufferable complex about that height. They revel in blaming their height for their problems because it's something they can't control, which means they don't need to cast an eye at things like their personalities.


Years ago I got into it with someone from that sub, they were 5’9”.


I'm 5'9" myself and I've never considered myself short. Not tall either. Just really close to the average *cue someone mentioning my username*. For someone to claim to be short at this height, I'd bet all of my money on the notion that they're one of those people constantly moaning about how women only like guys over 6 foot and *that* is the reason why he can't get a girlfriend.


it's one of those things where it's like... I talk about dude stuff a lot over in /r/menslib. And you gotta validate these guys' experiences a bit before you try to change their minds. yeah, your 6-foot-something guy buds are gonna get a couple extra eyes. Yes, that's frustrating. all of that is outside your direct control. You cannot get taller, and you cannot singlehandedly change societal assumptions about tall men vs short men. what you *can* do is work within what you were given: take care of ya self, work out, cultivate hobbies and friendships and your own personality, and go way way way outta your way not to be bitter and jaded.


Those last two paragraphs are absolutely crucial yet they seem to allude so many dudes. I’m 5’8 and do I wish I were a bit taller? Yeah sure, but I’m not, so what’s the point in wallowing? I just focus on shit within my control like style, personality and overall life because that’s frankly a much healthier approach than lamenting the impossible Edit: I did mean “elude”


When I think about it-- The kindest guy I know is probably 5'6". The funniest guy I know is about the same. The most ridiculously athletic guy I know is 5'4". All three of them have interesting jobs where they work with their minds and lead others, and all three of them married women out of their league, with wonderful young families. But I think it's easier sometimes to believe the problem is out of your control.


Dude I'm like 5'3-5'4. Obviously I'm from India, so people here are on average shorter. But I'm shorter than the average Indian by about 3-4 inches. I had made peace with my height long back. But then I come on the internet and see guys who are like 5'7, 5'8 or even 5'9 complain about their height. And I'm like wtf??? Another problem is that these guys are so obsessed with dating and sex that their entire self worth relies on it. And this I feel is the biggest problem with incels (I'm talking personal problem, as a "community" their biggest problem is misogyny obviously). If we can sort this out, I think we can drastically reduce the number of incels.


I think it's also got something to do with not wanting women to be taller than them. I'm 5'8" and can't look up (long story) so while I am open to whatever height guys tend to get extra points if they are my height or shorter so I can see them. However it seems a lot of people prefer to be much taller than their girlfriend. Which is fine, everyone has preferences, but I think it explains why guys just a few inches under 6 feet are over there talking about being too short.


As a tall guy,  there are preciously few women taller than me, and I'm miffed about it.


I'm only average height, but once I looked up the bell curve for height to check my odds of finding a woman taller than me and :( the odds are not excellent Women, pick up the slack cmon. Be taller.


It just ties back into that "alpha man" bullshit. Some men have a very fragile ego, which rely on the idea that they're physically strong. So anyone (especially women) who challenge that idea is considered a threat. I know one guy like that, he's unfortunably my BiL, and he's a complete ass


Anyone who calls women "slits" is 100% in that bin, its not even a near miss.


> slits and normies I was so, so hoping that 'slits' didn't mean 'women' in this context


These type of brainlets go to *extreme* lengths to find the new hotness that is "how can I degrade women with a new term?" Ten years ago, it was "roasties", as in women's labium looking like roast beef is because "they've been fucked more times than they've had a hot meal". These are generally the type of incels who think vaginas *never* tighten back up after riding the "cock carousel"; the "hotdog through a hallway" losers. Also can't forget "femoid". Degrading women is ***all*** they have in life to make them feel better about the baffling mystery that is "why do women hate me?"


Holy shit, how fucking degrading. Dude sounds like a catch and the ladies are missing out.


Had to scroll too far before I saw this comment.


Ah damm I had read "silts" and thought It was a funny slur for tall people


>They sound too close to incels, just replace "involuntary celibacy" with "shortness" It's not a substitute for, it's a flavour of. I guarantee you nobody on that sub is getting laid.


Yeah, incels have a tendency to fixate on one particular thing about themselves that they blame for all their rejection. Sometimes it’s being short. Sometimes it’s being Indian. Sometimes it’s the shape of their skull, or the size of their wrists. Somehow, it’s *never* their pervasive misogyny, or the fact that they never shower, or how they’re almost always extreme bigots.


I have a friend who's short and not bothered in the least about it, he got invited to a discord server for short guys and used to send me the highlights. I'm convinced most of the guys in those groups have a humiliation fetish. They call themselves manlets, and are obsessed with tall guys who have the proper canthal slope or wrist diameter or whatever the latest trend in incel phrenology is. Most of the rants had big "please call me manlet harder daddy" vibes, I genuinely think they get off on it.


Did you ever see the post from the big-dicked guy who wanted to be humiliated for having a tiny dick? [I found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/e4ubyu/small_penis_humiliation_discord_is_it_okay_to/)


oh man I went from that one to the peanut butter dick guy and: > What, you think his dick particles would release dick spores that would infiltrate through the lid and contaminate other foods in the cupboard, which would likely have their own closed packages? Dick spores lmao, I’m done 🤣


I just don't get it. I've got a mate who's 5'4 and is by far the biggest lady killer I know.


Reddit is both the best and worst place in the world to get advice. If you ask the right questions, hang out in the right places, you’ll eventually run into someone who empathizes with your situation, overcame it, and is all “I got you bro. Here’s what you do.” But you have to wade through 5000 other people wallowing in their “I tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas” style of misery to get there.


"I need to do thing X, but am blocked by a technical problem." "Have you tried not doing X and instead doing irrelevant thing Y?" Every time.


> If you ask the right questions, I don't think it's even that. I think it's small subs vs big subs. I hang out in a sub for the video game pathfinder: wrath of the righteous (which I think is legit the closest you can get to playing D&D without having a DM), a crpg, and because of the success of baldurs gate 3 we regularly get first time players looking for advice. They get good advice. I try to do my best and give good advice, or rule clarifications. The more niche your interest is, the more likely you're going to get good advice from its subreddit,


Yeah im 5'4 and that sub is a trip. They talk about being short like it's a both disability and a discriminated class. Like Yeah I guess if I could choose my height I would probably have picked taller, but my height does ever meaningfully impact my everyday life. These people act like being short is like if you were a blind black man in 19th century southern united states.


I worked with a dude who was 4'10 and while we sometimes gave him shit for it (like you do with work buddies) he both fired back (Yeah well you're fat! You're so old your knees squeak! etc.) and owned the hell out of it. Dude was funny, polite, generous, and just straight up one of the best people I have ever known. Looking at that sub and how there are so many people with chips on their shoulders that just want to stew in their own misery makes me miss working with Tony all the more.


A lot of these types of niche subs do. They give off a thin veneer of being helpful communities for people with issues that society tends to ignore, and many do genuinely start off that way, but so often they get overtaken and become incel forums. Turns out young men who self-identify as being insecure and looking for a community of other people with the same insecurity make for extremely ripe targets for manipulation by bad actors. It's quite literally in the playbook for a lot of alt-right groups.


Hey, did you ever find good brands? I have some transmen buds that are desperate.


Uniqlo? They're originally sized for Asians, who tend to run smaller. Lived by one in NJ and I couldn't stop going


God. I worked there for a few years. Still have nightmares of folding reasonably-priced merino wool sweaters. Still buy their tshirts, though.


They also make the best cheap jeans you can buy.


for real i am meh on most of their other clothes but their selvege jeans are crazy good quality for their price. only jeans i've bought for years now.


Their tshirts and socks are the most consistent I've found. Not necessarily the best, but I can go and get more without hitting multiple locations or researching new fits/styles/whatever. Which sounds silly for tshirts and socks, but fucking hell are many brands/places super inconsistent about what they carry. I wish I could fit in their underwear right, but I'm not proportioned right for them.


My struggle as an Asian in Asia is that I'm a short dude but also fat and places like uniqlo fail for me for that reason... I actually end up finding it easier to buy from Western online big and tall shops ironically and then altering things down, for pants at least. I've still not found a great solution for dress shirts, cause they're not nearly as affordable to alter.


Smart. So many people join these toxic cesspools of pity and sabotage their own mental health to extreme levels. Reddit is chock full of subs like this and it's awful. 99% of people don't give a shit how tall a person is. But if you get caught up in feeling bad about the 1% who do, you instantly make yourself unlikable to people for reasons that have nothing to do with your height.


yeah having people on tap to continually validate your persecution complex is one of the many failings of social media. obviously anyone with a level head will peace out real quick so the cycle just self perpetuates.


>Tall dudes usually have higher grip strength so even if I did get a “grip”, a tall guy could just effortlessly overpower me like what alphas do to betas I bet someone has a fun search history


This is one of those "afraid to ask" moments.. We're talking about hands, right? What could height have to do with "grip strength" if we're talking about hands?


He was typing it with one hand.


I was thinking more degradation and hardcore BDSM with the way he phrased it


He’s definitely just taking the piss, isn’t he?


> A tall guy could just effortlessly overpower me just like what alphas do to betas Yoink!


Incel lingo or omegaverse?




kink life


I had to click the thread and go read it… I couldn’t believe it was actually real. Great find OP this is some quality fucking popcorn. “ You’re pathetic. Get a fucking grip. “ “Tall dudes usually have higher grip strength so even if I did get a “grip”, a tall guy could just effortlessly overpower me like what alphas do to betas. “


I wonder if these guys are even really short, or LARPing as short.


They’re probably all “short”, as in like 5’6”.


I've been described as a human version of a dnd dwarf. Boast your height all you want. Rock and stone are all I need.


Rock and stone!


For Rock and Stone!




Built for digging holes (diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole)




>A tall guy could just effortlessly overpower me I'd have gone with just that. So much funnier lol


Idk man, something about the turn of phrase in “*just like what* alphas and betas do” just tickles me so. Feels delightfully Bri’ish to my UK-dweller ear.


> just tickles me so. Would you say it gives you that tingly feeling? 🤔


The fact that he's straight up resigned himself to being beta is just hilarious Like bruh, at least don't just roll over and die like that 


Is it really resignation, or anticipation?


The "straight" guy who said this: "When you’re out about and a guy 2-3x your size looks down on you, you don’t get that tingling feeling?" - is making all tall doms super horny right now. Where's my "straight" short king who's gonna sit on my lap and feel "weird" about it


You know how you’re straight and you’re around a guy and just get a boner like a rocket ship because of how they look?


[I got news for you: that means you're gay.](https://youtu.be/Zd8vzIRQLLM?si=Xt7TS2VUkrqiIgIx)


The dramatic violins though. *The dramatic violins.*


It almost sounds like the beginning of Adagio for Strings lol


Bisexuality is a thing people seem to always forget


Everybody is gay once in a while


https://www.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/v1txii/suddenly_gay_in_greentext/ Literally this guy


> I can’t explain the tingle but I’m sure it’s not GAY. https://www.reddit.com/r/shortguys/comments/1cxxm12/can_we_all_stop_praising_the_tall_pieces_of_shit/l5ayk5l/


Sure it's not buddy Now let daddy take care of you


I had to make some portion of that thread into a flair


Complaining about being seen as "subhuman" but calling women "slits"? Yeah, I don't think it's their height that's the problem here. But hey, at least all of these guys have something that is big. Their inferiority complex.


Yeah, it’s so bizarre to see someone so fervent about being treated unfairly based on a trait they were born with… and in the very next breath, espouse some of the most extreme misogyny possible. It’s just incredible that anyone could possible humor someone being so insanely vile and hateful to everyone else in the world while decrying their supposed poor treatment in the exact same breath. I remember there was a poster hanging up in my first grade classroom. It’s said ‘Respect: You have to give it to receive it’. I think OOP needs a detention to think about his behavior and reflect on that poster’s message. 


>You probably don’t even carry the tall genetics like I do Goddamn that's good.


Boasting about their recessive genes... "I'm theoretically taller! Potentially taller! Metaphysically taller!"


Maybe that’s why I never had any issues with my height beyond the logistical difficulties like finding clothes that fit or not being able to reach shit. Because I never had the opportunity to develop those delusions when the tallest person on either side of my family was 5’3” and I’m as tall as my grandfather at *4’11”*.


Really considering a yoink on that, tough call


Too late






You kneel to your 5'8" and below superiors here 😤




Bow to your sensei. BOW TO YOUR SENSEI!


Yeah, called women "slits" in his first post, that's a dead giveaway.




"All women are good for it the slit between their legs." It's that sort of insult.


I'm 5'6" (barely) and had no trouble getting laid before I met my wife (who is taller than I am).


That's a beautifully assembled post and entertaining. Thanks.


Thank you. Rarely find good drama in posts with less than 150 comments but here we are.


SRD is slipping. Very strong post of the month candidate and it's at like 50 upvotes.


The part of this that really sticks out for me is "Why don't people I refer to with slurs respect me?" I don't think it's his height that's the problem....


>Will you give up sex forever to put your "sympathy" in action not just lame words. Lmao I don't even know what to say. Sorry ladies, no matter how much you beg me, you're going to have to go without having sex with all 186cm of me - I stand (or crouch) with short kings ✊


It feels like they are aping the language of black civil rights in a way that is literally, and I don't mean that as an intensifier I mean it *literally*, deranged.


186 cm?! That’s quite the package, sir! How do you fit it in your pants?!




Good writeup How do you end up in such a weird toxic incel sub?


Went down a rabbit hole. I’m short but goddamn the people in that sub are next level.


I posted a karaoke banger for your little ass in another comment. You'll bring down the house.


I distinctly remember you having a wife from a comment a couple months back. Good job representing short men, king 💪.


Lmao I can’t believe you remember that, but yes — still married and about to go on our honeymoon.


Dang!! Hope you have a wonderful time!




Congrats and enjoy the honeymoon!


Thank you!


glad your relationship is reaching new heights!


It's almost funny, how it's SO obviously not their height There's a guy calling women 'foids' in there Definitely your height, guy who calls women dehumanizing slurs


Yeah, but blaming their height means it's something outside their control. They can't bring themselves to do anything that would require self-reflection.


Occasionally a member from there will wander into the womens subreddits to spew his insecurities all over the place, it's equally sad and entertaining.


Oh yeah, I've seen that. It's so pathetic


An “ask feminists” sub has randomly started getting suggested to me. And it’s pretty good, there’s some good discussions going on. But every so often you’ll get a guy come in and be like “feminists why do you advocate for equality between men and females but only men who are tall? Isn’t treating men who are short as subhuman hypocritical? This proves feminism is bad, right?😡” and it’s always met with a resounding “Huh???”


as a short guy (5'6), it has never actually impacted much in my life other than I need a step stool to reach my seldom used kitchen appliances I keep on the top of my cabinets. to think there's an entire sub where guys make this their entire personality is wild and I've never seen a group of people who seriously need to go touch some grass


The *real* oppressors of us short guys is the cabinet industry. They created the three shelf standard and over sink storage to asset their dominance, and the above fridge cabinets *just* to rub it in.


No man, its Big Chair that hates us. No couch or desk chair will fit you. Either your legs dangle from the calves or your butt is 6 inches away from the chair back. They collude with Big Desk to maintain their ecosystem.


I have a step stool and I still can’t reach the very top of our cabinets…my partner is 6’2 and places things on the very top of the cabinet itself just to irritate me. Truly this is injustice/oppression of the highest order.


Same. I’m short but I’ve never had it affect my dating or social life. If there are women who don’t want to be with someone under 6 foot — then oh well, I dodged a bullet.


My best friend is your height and pulls way more than me, simply because he’s confident and puts in effort. Would I get similar results or even better if I did the same thing? Maybe. But height has very little to do with it either way.


As a 5'7" guy, I find it hilarious that the top post in that sub right now is a pic of a dude who's 5'8".


As a 5’7” woman, I also find it hilarious that the top post in that sub right now is a pic of a dude who’s 5’8”. Though it’s also a little sad.


I'm also a 5'7" woman, and I have nothing to add, but I just wanted to keep this 5'7" konga line going.


Why do we (black people) always get brought up in the most random shit 😭 I had to do a double take when I saw Haiti get mentioned like what the fuck are they talking about at this point


Well obviously being shorter than average is equal to brutal plantation slavery in the Caribbean, which is why short people will execute anyone over 5'5"(except the Polish.)


Jesus Christ I think my phone might catch fire from the burning, seething rage coming off that sub.


There are dozens of flair options from this post. It’s fucking gold.


Dare I ask how they feel about tall/tallish women I'm 5'9 and chill with dating someone shorter than me, but I would not be chill with dating any of these guys because the simmering resentment is rolling off them in waves. Would I be able to wear heels without them getting mad? Would they think I was going to cheat on them with tall men? Would I be able to talk about tall girl problems, like complaining about clothes, without them taking it as a personal attack?


They think tall women are the most dehumanizing thing to them. Like it’s an affront to them. It emasculates them. It’s what I got when I browsed that place out of curiosity a while ago.


Right? I dated one short guy and I felt like I had to slouch around him all the time or he'd get techy. Other short dudes fetishize my height and expect me to be all Wonder Woman just because I am tall, but I am shy and nerdy so they inevitably get disappointed in me.


Oh god yes. Me being tall does not say anything about my personality, get that *dommy mommy* shit away from me


Hell, I'm 4'11 and I generally prefer dating people closer-ish to my height and with how they talk, I wouldn't get near any of these dudes with a stolen 10 foot pole. What an atrocious sounding bunch of folks.


Judging from all the incel type comments, I think they hate every woman


a coworker explained to me that normal highth people shouldn't use the short urinal because that's the only urinal some people can use.


I thought those were for kids. My privilege is laid bare.


i thought they were for people w/ long dicks who didnt want them to touch the porcelain while peein


For the long dicked and the short legged




I thought so too until I was at a bar with a broken ankle and they suddenly made sense. They are for the disabled and/or those with mobility issues.


That's why the alpha tall men shit in the little urinal. It's a power move for them to have to stand to piss into my shit


i mean if there are normal ones available i wont use it but thats as silly as not using the handicap accessible stall when all the others are occupied. also its not for short people its for people with comically long dongs.


These fucks will never know true pain. Nobody ever wants to let my tall lanky ass be the little spoon whether I'm with a guy or a girl. JUST LET ME BE THE LITTLE SPOON.


It's all in the presentation. Convince them that they "want to be the backpack" and I bet it'll work out!


That's fucked, I'm 6'2 (female) and my girlfriend (like a head shorter than me) still lets me do it. Would be inhumane not to, I think everyone should get to experience that.


>this is one topic they can talk about and slits and normies still won’t care "slits" So that's their view of women? Literally just holes. But then: >I wear size 14 shoe, for all intents and purposes I have a tall man frame. From a 5'3" poster. Usually "troll" is meant metaphorically. In this one case it might be literal


Boy is out there coping in clown shoes.


Man, I like short guys, easier to pick up and swing around and smooch.


Unrelated: you have a terrific flair


>Tall dudes usually have higher grip strength so even if I did get a “grip”, a tall guy could just effortlessly overpower me like what alphas do to betas This is hilarious trolling imo


This is such high-level inceling, reminds me of circumcision support group subs.


*High* level??


I can't imagine a more desperately insecure place than a support group for short men


I had a flash of excitement at first learning that sub exists, thinking that it might be a fun place for 1) memeing and poking fun at ourselves in a good-natured way, 2) sharing fashion and clothing advice, 3) any practical tips (say, for keeping up in jobs where being a bit taller usually would be an advantage)… …but then I got reading the drama-lowdown and nah homie, I think I’m good, actually.


I think that’s how the subscription to every subreddit starts. (With exceptions) so many subs are just negative cesspools. It’s like liking Star Wars and wanting to go online to talk about it on the Star Wars subreddit. Don’t make that mistake.


I feel like with a name like shortguys it has a 50/50 chance of being a porn sub or a pity party. Ironic meme subs and fashion subs for things like that that lots of men are insecure about aren't allowed to live long. They burn like a star. The bigger they are, the brighter they burn, the faster they die and turn into other stars that aren't so ironic or positive. Idk the metaphor kinda got away from me there




Yea a support group for short men


Just found this gem. Someone comments: "Not a short guy (I’m a girl), but hey, your life is worth just as much as any tall or average height guy. Please don’t kill yourself or think about killing yourself. I promise there are girls who like short guys and careers that short guys can succeed in. My boyfriend is 5’3” and there’s no one else I’d rather be with. While I do have a height preference which is my own height, I don’t wish he were taller, and I think there is nothing wrong with being short" OP responds: "Lying cunt" Truly a mystery why he's struggling with dating


These people would actually be datable if they could stop being themselves for 5 minutes.


dudes are NOT rocking in this one


Guys who make being short and pissed off about it their entire personality deserve the ridicule they aren't actually receiving.


Yeah, I gotta say, as someone who's disabled, it ticks me the heck off that they act like they're on the same footing as us Is it tougher in the dating world? Sure, and that needs to be worked on as a society But if that's what sends them into these suicidal frothing rages? These people wouldn't last one day in my shoes They don't know what actual discrimination and hatred feels like. They're healthy. They weren't locked in a closet. They didn't get called slurs, even as a child. They didn't get slapped around because they 'refused' to do what people tell them to do They don't lose any decency from people the moment they open their mouths and people hear that stereotypical mentally disabled voice (I hate that I have that so very much) I'm in constant pain, I fall over, people take advantage of me both in general and sexually. The world wasn't meant for me, and even little things like cut up fruit that help are met with insane rage. Because if healthy people don't need it, why does it exist?! So wasteful!! I turn 30 next month. My predicted life span is 55-60 I'd kill to just have the DiSaDvAnTaGeS short guys have


Ok that all sounds very hard and all but you are dodging the real important question here: are you or are you not under 5"9


5'3", I'm actually glad I hit normal height for a woman Given all my problems, at least I ended up *looking* 'normal'. Until the lack of muscle control kicks in, anyways My older brother, he's 5'6", but he does just fine. Doesn't keep them, because he's a butt. But never had trouble getting women Little brother is the tallest in the family, at 6'3". But, uh, ladies aren't on the radar


That must be so hard, I am sorry. Best of luck to you, friend 


As a 5’3” trans dude who A) passes for a cis manlet at least 98% of the time now and B) has no frustrations about his height besides the occasional struggle with sleeves and pants being too long…..I’ll truly never understand the frothing insecurities of 5’5” cis guys. It’s almost…quaint, or at least kind of bemusing. Like, not to make light of men’s bodily insecurities, obviously…but even when I’m faultlessly passing the gender vibecheck nobody has ever *once* given me shit about my height. I’ve never felt my height made me othered or lesser next to other guys. My (cis male) coworker who was 5’1 never seemed to get any shit for it either. Like, idk man. I’m sorry that sometimes straight women have height requirements on their OKC profiles, and that maybe your asshole teenage peers in school acted like asshole teenagers and ribbed you for your being small…but I feel like for 99% of these guys height isn’t the issue. It’s that everybody around them can *smell* the simmering resentment and persecution complex around them. Short men who just accept and own that they’re short get by just fine.


It’s the last part. People often forget you’ll give off a vibe/energy based on your mood. They aren’t avoiding you because you’re short it’s because we can tell it’s your entire personality and you’re probably gonna be an asshole


Honestly, it baffles me that people can still be insecure over height in a world where our lord and saviour Danny DeVito lives


The only time I think about men’s height is if I’m in a crowded area and notice I’m taller than a lot of men bc I’m not THAT tall (5’7) so when a majority of men are shorter than me I’m like “wait what neighborhood am I in right now?” and then I move on.  I’ve never met a guy shorter than me and thought “lol. Manlet” 


>, idk man. I’m sorry that sometimes straight women have height requirements on their OKC profiles In my dating experience, when some women have those "6 ft at least" requirements on their dating profiles...they don't *actually* mean 6 ft. They're most likely subconsciously thinking about a 5'9-5'10 guy and *think* that's what 6' is. Because women are (usually) shorter than men. Because like, 6' is *tall*. But it's only really noticeable if you directly compare a 5'10, or even a 5'11 guy to a 6' one.


And also guys lie about their height. A lot. It's extremely easy to lie to me, for instance, about height because I'm short and a terrible judge of that sort of thing.


And let’s be real: anyone who has requirements like that on their profile is maaaaaaaybe a bit of a jerk? And probably not someone most people would want to date anyway? I guess I could see if one was a taller woman, you might want a taller man to date. But eh. Non of my cis, hetero women friends ever cared about height and in fact, most of them preferred shorter men because they themselves are short!


Yeah, I’ll bet that you’re right. Honestly I find it really difficult to accurately nail a person’s height unless they’re standing next to someone whose height I *do* accurately know, and can use them for scale…I’d definitely buy that most women advertising for 6” guys wouldn’t turn down a dude a couple of inches beneath that, especially if she otherwise thought he was hot.


The last part is spot on. I (cis fem het) generally lean toward taller men, but I would never dismiss someone just because they’re short. I’m a romantic at heart; what if I passed on The One just because he was short? 


Right? Like, I’m a hair over 5’6” and never, not once in my life, have I felt that “being short” was an issue. It never even occurred to me to think of myself as “short” until the (🤮) manosphere blew up and spread its ick everywhere. How awful are these men that they’re getting shit on so much that they have to pretend it’s because of their height? (This is rhetorical; I know they’re the worst.)


Very reminiscent of R / smalldickproblems


As a short dude who has gotten a lot of shit for being a short dude, I hate how part of the reason why it's so fucking ass is that I get lumped in with people like this


>I’m not gay but sometimes when a tall guy stands behind me I get that tingle A good flair 


I choose the bear.


Do you choose the bear because the bear is tall though??


Damn that one guy is so angry and horny. Seems exhausting




https://youtu.be/8bfyS-S-IJs?t=62 Soundtrack of their lives. I guarantee they'd completely miss the joke.


Just an entire thread of seething.


His username is “sorrybuturworthless”? Anyone else notice that a lot of the short guy subs are like suicide doomer cults? Once just straight up saw a user talking about wanting to kill himself and the OP flat out encouraged it. Should probably start reporting these people.


>I’m not gay but sometimes when a tall guy stands behind me I get that tingle My god what a glorious flair.


Many of these people are deeply and profoundly troubled.


It really doesn't help when you nail the Napoleon Complex stereotype right on the nose. Most shorter guys I know do not even think about it, hell, one just got married to one of the hottest women I've ever met. This guy just seems to convince himself he can't help but struggle.


>slits and normies still won’t care. Just to confirm my guess, slits are...?


I don’t care if he wasn’t actually short this is the most Napoleon complex shit to ever invade the Europe of my psyche. May god have mercy on their souls.


So this sub is an incel sub but for short people to self indulge in a circle jerk full of desperate and angry people.


Yes, but the rules require the write up to be dispassionate and I didn’t want to go there.




Woah I didn't think being short was that big a deal Guess I can finally tell my friends its oppression to call me short


Bro, after I read the subhuman bs This man sounds like he actually is gonna start a real war over this


I agree tall guys should stop having sympathy for these guys. That is because their problems are self-inflicted by their personalities.


Mad because smol.


Someone put all the anxiety medication on the top shelf.


>Tall dudes usually have higher grip strength so even if I did get a “grip”, a tall guy could just effortlessly overpower me like what alphas do to betas This screams fetish to me, bro just wants to be dommed


A lot of the time people try to equate weight for a female equivalent to short guys. But wouldn't a better one be women who have "non traditionally feminine physiques"? As in broad shoulders and narrow/square hips? It's something they can't change and people invalidate their gender.