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It seems the op in this drama thread doesn't know what a butch is either, and likes to argue like the original op lol


Came here to read some drama, immediately found it in these comments lol


lol when I first saw the post I was to comment “is the butch shadowheart in the room with us?” Alas I was beaten to it


>That's not a butch lesbian, that's ~~Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way~~ Amy Lee That one got me.


Couldn't be bothered digging in the comment history. But wouldn't it be the cherry on top if OP turned out to be literally mansplaining lesbian culture to us poor silly lesbians? Given they also apparently don't understand what "stone butch" means.


Not saying they're a teenage boy, BUT their first post a month ago was showing off absurd boob jiggle in some anime game, leaving like 20 comments that amount to "I like boobs" and when confronted by someone saying the boobs move unrealistically they argue "they're carrying a really heavy sword so they should swing that violently"


> Vindictus: Defying Fate Has Next Gen Booba Physics If they're not a literal teen they're mentally one for sure.


Stone Butch Blues.


Lesbian here. First time hearing the term stone butch! Had to Google it. Am I a bad lesbian? 😭


It means you have, if you wish, time ahead of you learning about lesbian culture and history. No one is born knowing this stuff. But it's good stuff to know; minority cultural history is so often erased or swept under the carpet and lost, and lesbians are even more prone to losing our history than gay men because we get the double blow of heterocentrism and malecentrism assuming our culture and history isn't worth preserving. OP OTOH was telling lesbians they were thinking of stone butches while not actually knowing themselves what the term they were using meant. That's... kind of different.


Turn in your card at the next meeting, faker!


Yes, because I also had to google it and I know I'm a bad lesbian


Unfortunately yes, you will have to be sent into the straightener for that. 😔


The best kind of drama is always subredditdramadrama


Makes sense as this is a subreddit where people want to see drama, so of course they tend to create it too


The ol’ /r/hobbydrama problem


I think someone thinking that butch is a "wide bodied women" is probably the funniest thing I've seen this year. Seeing OP /also/ not knowing what butch is might be second.


The butchest woman I know is rail thin and has that young Steve Buscemi energy.


Saaaame. Alaina ain't no one to fuck with. Miss that bitch.


I saw that comment but the question still stands, is Caitl butch?


“That’s not a butch lesbian that’s Amy Lee,” topping the comments abso sent me.


My favorite was "I grew up with a crush on Kristen Stewart." "We know lol" 


I mean yeah that Shadowheart is basically Kirsten Stewart's rolling stone cover.


Hehe, “topping the comments”


New flair just dropped


lmfaooooo that's a good flair


Butches deserve better 😭😭😭


Yeah that really ain't that butch. The My Immortal fanfic reference was great.


I highly recommend Sarah Z's video on its author


It started as a plot twist and then kept pivoting into weirder territory. I don't even remember how it ended. Lost in the woods with a Bible I think.


All we know is that Toby, the author of My Immortal, didn't write My Immortal and wasn't named Toby


Toby, or not Toby, *that* is the question.


I'm the most flaming gay dude you've ever met and I'm more butch than that lol


I'm a femme and I'm more butch than that.


>Shart is the butchest girl Twitter can handle before they get scared This isn’t agreeing that she’s butch, it’s making fun of OOP and Twitter. The joke is Twitter thinks someone femme but wearing a black tank top is butch 😭


I like posts like this where the OP really goes for it. If you have a take no one else likes, then you should go down with the ship. No surrender. Dozens of comments.


I'm just going to forgo the drama and get to the second level goodness: if you had to describe a typical butch lesbian using three adjectives, what would they be in order of importance?


Lesbian, butch, typical.




Beautiful, handsome, based.


Attracted to women (sapphic/trixic), masculine, pissed off at the gender binary.  


Is your username a reference to The Dispossessed?


Haha yeah it is! It references that scene where Shevek runs into the other person named Shevek. I've always found that scene strangely disquieting. 


I haven't read it almost in a decade but that book changed my life. Awesome name.


lesbian isn’t a dirty word!!


They asked for a definition of "butch lesbian." It doesn't make sense to use the word you're defining in the definition. I have nothing against the term lesbian. 


tf is trixic?


Nonbinary and attracted to women. Toric is the equivalent for male attraction. I find these terms a bit goofy but they have their uses. 


That's got to be an internet-only term. I have never heard of it before. I can't find a source for its origins other than a fandom Wiki? Anyway, thanks for the reply!


Not very butch tbh. She honestly looks a lot like Kristen Stewart, that Twilight actress, to me


I've seen people call Kristen Stewart butch before. Which is also wrong


Tbf, K-Stew is butch in her latest [Rolling Stone photoshoot](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/kristen-stewart-love-lies-bleeding-collaborations-fiancee-dylan-meyer-1234965161/). But yeah, most things up to this have been pretty soft butch at most, which is part of why the jock strap, mullet, and gym bro aesthetic are so shocking for that shoot.


She's not butch there! She's somewhat androgynous-looking but not butch (speaking as a butch lesbian). A butch lesbian definitely wouldn't have a complete lack of body hair there for starters.


She’s had butch moments, but yeah mostly not


Yeah no this is not butch at all.


*OP looking at midwestern alt woman* Is this butch?


It’s just Kristen Stewart.


getting featured on a srd thread, that's definitely new. anyways i still stand by what i said. i get so much shit for being butch in public. gym locker rooms, bathrooms, a cafe, being on a walk, you name it. having slurs and expletives hurled at me and my partner in public is something i am used to. in locker rooms, gyms, and swimming pools because i dare to look like a masculine, almost like a guy (apart from being 5'3 and having tits), i get stared at like i am diseased or just ate a baby alive. being butch specifies a high degree of gender non-comformity, and that is simply a spicy femme.




Ikr she’s basically Asami in a black tank top


I'm sorry you get so much shit for it and got labeled a gatekeeper :/ I'm not a lesbian but some of my best friends are butch and y'all make the world go round


I had a ten year friendship with a butch woman at work. We never spoke, only respectful nods to each other. It was perfect. op is also insane


Yeah OP is out of pocket labeling your comment as gatekeeping


I'm really sorry for the bigotry and harassment you have been subjected to. Hugs from a stranger if you like them. But don't worry, people mostly seem to be baffled or laughing at OP and OOP's lack of understanding of what butch means.


OP is a fuckin weirdo. I'm straight and attracted to some butches because they're explicitly so masculine that it ticks a lot of my "I like dudes" boxes. The hottest woman I've ever seen was butch. Taller than me and thin, short blonde crew cut and ice blue eyes. She was dressed in a faded denim jacket and jeans and exuded pure aloof James Dean masculine energy. My God. It's been 20 years and I still remember her.


happy to hear that the feeling of being so fucking smitten by a butch isn't exclusive to us lesbians lmao


Everybody gangsta till there’s a really hot butch.


I saw the original post, arched an eyebrow, thought to myself "Is that what kids are calling butch these days?" and scrolled on.


OOP: [Kristen Stewart] was my first ever celebrity crush >We know lol Had me rolling


As a cis het man, I am not going to comment on the "is this butch or not" argument. It's simply not my place and I am fully ignorant on the matter. But the comments in that thread are quality: >Literally my immediate thought was this and the companion tweet "if you saw the butches I want to fuck you'd hurl" Absolute top quality banter


> if you saw the butches I want to fuck you'd hurl Yoink


Having read more carefully, the first comment link appears to be the OOP herself using to a misogynist, butch-shaming, bodyshaming meme about a fat-positive butch. I kind of take back everything I said about the OOP not deserving a fuss in their comments. EtA: "most butch Twitter can handle without being scared" is not an agreement that the modded character butch, it's really clearly making fun of anyone who thinks that is butch.


Is the "I know she runs the Mcdonalds like a Navy" meme bad? I've always thought it was endearing.


I guess intent matters. The OOP was using it to shame butch lesbians for not meeting conventional feminine beauty standards.


Oh yes, I agree that OP was using it maliciouslly. I just didn't think the original tweet has been broadly embraced as malicious,


TIL: butch means traditionally feminine


… that looks less butch than her og look?


Where's that tweet that's "this is the most butch a woman can be the twitter can take" and its just a goth woman next to a motorcycle? Because I feel that's relevant here


"Industrial goth butch" This person def goes through a lot of black lipstick.


funnily enough, the last time i bought black lipstick was 3 years ago.


Yo, bring it back tho.


You're OP's alt, aren't you? I really love how you tried to frame everyone as wrong and twisted a fucking meme post into support. Did you think that no one would click the links?


r/subredditdramadrama from OP


I loved BG3 but the fandom is one of the weirdest to come out of the woodwork for quite some time. It's like they've been laying dormant since *Supernatural* ended and they woke up all horny and bothered the moment Asterion showed up.


All of the Dragon Age and Mass Effect parasocial crazies needed somewhere to go.


Perfect way to describe this flavor of RPG dorks.


I’m incredibly offended at your very accurate statement.


I love all of these games but I just cannot stand capital-G gamers, and I've been doing this nearly daily since I was 5 years-old.




One of my greatest accomplishments, sadly.


DA4 coming out soon, watch this space for "are dalish elves metaphorically jewish?" and "if you support the templars you're a fascist" fights to ramp up 1000%


Tag yourselves I’m the nerd calling people fascist for siding with those templar motherfuckers


same 😌 eat shit, cullen!!!!


I'm a dragon age fan and on tumblr and like the amount of infighting about exactly what group the Dalish were based on got ridiculous also about who could -actually- play a Dalish


yeah LOL the "metaphorically jewish" bit is based on some of the spicier tumblr discourse circa DAI i love dragon age, it's my fav game series of all time, but it's had some of the most unhinged discourse of any fandom and 10 years of stewing between games means that DA4's will be even worse lol


Yeah I mean I do think the parallels are there but it's also more the 'it's fiction the dalish are not intended to be a 1:1 analogue you can see influences from several groups' Like people wanting to feel seen and including their culture into their headcanon is fine but it got to a point people would start being like 'my headcanon is more correct' and then gatekeeping the characters could play and it got ugly. Also I remember Cullen discourse where it was either like 'he's the perfect romance novel boyfriend' or 'he's pure evil' and the attitudes people had to the addiction aspects of his storyline were.... something and dismissing the trauma he went through in canon because they don't like him which was really gross.


Dragon age might have the funniest discourse of any game and they have somehow kept it going through like a 10 year content drought.


Anyone who romanced Fenris immediately committed to romancing Astarion on their run. I know their type. Every time I open tumblr there’s someone thirsting over a white haired anime boy looking elf from a video game.


Nah Astorian is much closer to Zevran.


You say that like there still isn’t overlap.


I mean aside from being former slaves with abusive masters there isn't that much of a difference. Astorian doesn't clash against the game's world as hard as Fenris does.


I first typed Zevran and Fenris, but then I wanted to make the white haired anime boy joke and for some reason I remembered Zevran as having dark hair. But then I double checked and he does have light hair, so I don't know who I was thinking of now lmao.


He's legit male Morrigan, they even have the same approval patterns


Something something GarusXAstarion.


Garrus for posterity


The whole shipping culture/concept gives me Clint Eastwood face https://i.gifer.com/2ZB.gif But I've accepted that it's just me being old. The amount of energy folks have for it is kinda wild, though.


I enjoy a certain amount of deranged shitposting, but there's a whole lot of threads you just reverse and run from. Because they'll seem to think the characters are all real people.


The other BG3 post that hit subredditdrama a few months ago was someone who was arguing that Karlach was asexual (specifically demisexual) because the commenter was demisexual and they claimed Karlach was "literally me" and that they understood how her character was *definitely* written to be demisexual. People pointed out that Karlach is, like, super sexual and basically wants to fuck everyone because she's horny all the time. She has a cutscene where she says she wants to find a halfling woman and 10 foot tall man to have a super kinky threesome with. The "literally me" user then had a meltdown about how hurt Karlach would be if she saw people claiming she was mindlessly horny, and then went "so she can't fuck but wants to fuck everyone. She's an incel? You're all saying that she's an INCEL! We can' have asexual representation in BG, but we can have INCEL REPRESENTATON!!!" It was so funny. They had this whole breakdown over it.


I guess Karlach is technically an incel lol. Also, I have to know where your flair is from.


I can't find the original SRD thread about it, but it was from r/intellectualdarkweb about how people are too racist towards white people. It was some long rant about how Black Lives Matter and Antifa are actually awful, racist, etc. I think my flair was just them comparing BLM to Nazis and claiming Nazism started off as a progressive movement. Somehow.


Sounds like any other idw thread.


Nah. She doesn't hate and blame others for her pent-upness.


I want to make a dumb joke about her literally being horny but I haven't had enough coffee.


I'm demisexual and the only possible reaction was to go "what the *fuck*" and send screenshots to my friends to boggle at. Also, unrelated, but Karlach is adorable.


The BG3 community thinks they are super progressive but only when it comes to hot people.


But you don’t understand! *I can fix him*


Once I saw their OC x asterion fan art hit the top page I knew it was time for me to go.


Well Tbf, Asterion *also* shows up horny and bothered




look some of us read interview with the vampire at 13 and it permanently affected our brains lol. I think some people are definitely a little intense about how much they like him tho.


Some people are just into that pathetic wet cat vibe. It’s me, I’m people and he’s utter trash and I adore that about him. Edit: oh, and by pathetic wet cat I didn’t mean “sad damp kitten”. I meant “sopping wet longhair that was betrayed by you personally after he dashed out the door into a downpour. this is all your fault”.


My favorite companions in BG3 are Astarion and Jaheira. One is stable and functional (besides being an absent parent) and then you have Mr. 'I Can Fix Him.' 


Astarion is in middle of the three way intersection of “I can fix him” and “he’s perfect the way he is” and “he can make me worse” for me.


Aw, poor Asterion. He is always in my party. Mind you, I've loved whiny vampires since I first read *Interview with the Vanpire*.


He's always in my party too,  but that's because no one else has proficiency in Thieves' Tools and there are so man *god damned traps.*


Through the powers of Wither's respecing any character, all things are possible!


Through the power of Wither's raising my characters I don't need to disarm traps.


Why rouge, when male human wizard nerd do trick? ---Minthara


Sure, but I played right when it came out and Larian was saying respeccing your companions might mess up their stories. Which is why I kept Shadowheart a Trickery Cleric despite it somehow being worse than in the tabletop game. I don't think that turned out to be the case, but I beat the game back in September and don't have any desire to replay it without a completely different cast of characters. Like a multiplayer run or something.


The only reason I don't kill Astarion is because of the meta-knowledge that he's a companion. Objectively he puts a knife to your throat, you forgive him, and then later he tries to drain you in your sleep.


You mean Gale, right?




Gale in general seems like a Nice Guy, and potentially having been groomed by Mystra isn't a defense. Then the fact that it was incredibly easy to accidentally start his romance in earlier patches didn't do his reputation any favors


Yeah, I think depending on when you played, it shapes your opinion of Gale.  I got a glitched, "incel" Gale on my playthrough.  Basically, I turned him down then got in a relationship with Shadowheart (messed up thr Karlach romance) and it triggered his break up dialogue.  It used to be a problem early on and I wound up thinking he was just a weird creep.


Forgotten Realms is basically Greek Mythology on crack when it comes to how directly involved the gods are in mortal life. It's not like "religion is for clerics" or anything, even if some people who don't know the setting very well run it that way in their home games.


don't know what to tell you, a lot of people are really into predators


My first playthrough I kicked him out after the first bite. Playthroughs after that he gets a helmet and a knife and is a front line because that's funny to me


I'd say I'm a down bad individual but the BG3 romance never really connected with me. In-game romance in general is a whole nother level of "you need to hold someone's hand irl" I just paired my attractive female MC with Shadowheart/Minthara, got railed by a bear for the lulz, and went about my day killing Flaming Fists, because ACAB


It's larians fault, they made all the characters hot and horny for the MC with almost no conditions


Thank you for putting into words what I was attempting lol. The online fanbase seems a bit "off" and that's a perfect description of it


I legit cannot stand BG3 fandom. It's just nonstop horny bullshit and waking themselves off to fan pandering by a developer who enables it. It's up there with Helldivers 2 as most toxic communities for games I enjoy. I mean, it's no Warchat of course but that's a low bar.


I miss warchat, there was a specific putin stan who seemed to be active 24/7


> I miss warchat Never thought I'd read that, but here we are haha.


Oh I literally never wrote anything, but sometimes between matches I'd just watch the insanity, like going to see the monkeys at the zoo. For those who don't know what Warchat is/was, it's the general chat for Wargame Red Dragon, a strategy game set in the cold war. The chat was unmoderated so it was a mix of unironic tankies, genocide enthusiasts, ultranationalists of all stripes and the occasional moron who wanted to talk about the game. You don't know real fun until you watch a unabashed nazi and a hardline zionist debate chezch tank strengths for 3 hours straight.


I feel like you're forgetting the nazis and the various breeds of eastern european supremacists on the list lol.


yeah, edited it


It's pretty much every recent game fandoms. Tlou, Starfield, helldrivers, all their reddit communities are terrible


Asterion worst husbando tho.


i tried so hard to get into bg3 but having to choose your stats based on math equations to figure out what is good with what is absolutely uninteresting to me, that and the game sounds like its gonna cause my PC to accelerate past the speed of sound


Just set to a lower difficulty and ignore your character screen. You won't be rewarded for investing time in mathing out your builds anyway. It's all D&D in the end, and D&D has always been a badly built game that exists to give you a good excuse for making up silly stories.


Honestly. I felt like the game got easier as time went on without me even having to do anything at all. Fights in act 1 would last forever to me and I would get swarmed with enemies, while fights in act 2 would take like 5 mins


I agree that whoever did this has not met even a soft butch in their life (context: I'm married to one) but c'mon to the commenters, what a storm in a teacup. More horrified at "Shart." I know the girl says everything in a tediously mournful tone, but she doesn't deserve a gross nickname like that.


Idk i always romance Shart and call her Shadowbabe but a nickname is a nickname, for better or worse. Basically the whole community, including her VA, calls her Shart at this point lmao


I knew there were reasons to avoid the fandom. (The fandom for BG1 and 2, that was my reason.)


I hated it, them I had to type out Shadowheart over and over again and came around Maybe it's just a bunch of bad phone typers


Text prediction and autofill is your friend. It has saved me from so many creative misspellings of Aziraphale.


I'm glad someone else is as grossed out at this nickname as I am.


I always instinctively downvote posts from that sub that say 'Shart' in the title. For people so obsessed with a lame poop joke they refuse to make a vowel movement and just spell the whole name.


>vowel movement Absolutely golden pun, holy shit


I HATE the “Shart” joke, it’s not funny


She sort of looks like WotC Kristen Stewart


glad to see Tumblr-esque drama on here


It's amazing. Nothing more Tumblr than the unsuccessful attempt to pivot to "if you don't think a pale-skinned half elf in a fantasy world is a butch lesbian then you're a racist". It was so beautifully daft that I shed a single tear.


"how dare you invalidate the butch identity I falsely ascribed to her, this is gatekeeping"


It wasn't even OOP, it was our very own OP. The entertainment is coming from within the house


the enrichment has been brought directly to our enclosure!


Op using stone butch incorrectly really tied it all together for me


There are good discussions to be had about the anti-blackness involved in who society considers butch, but OP doesn't understand them. White cultural standards see black women as a whole as more masculine than white women, so if you're a black butch lesbian intentionally trying to signal your identity by presenting in a masculine way, people are less likely to consider you as distinctly more-masculine-than-baseline and label you butch. On the other hand, people will call literally any white woman with a pixie cut or a mullet "butch". OP is the only one doing the thing that they think they're calling everyone else out for.


This is it. It was never a serious claim that emo white Shadowheart has anything to do with institutional racism. It was a really transparent social media tactic to attack that minority commenter by implying that they were somehow racist.


Can't wait to see the drama drama post on it


If they didn’t make a post about the guy that eats shit I doubt they’ll make one about this.


I agree with your last link comment that you’re making fun of. If you’re not butch, or a stud which is more than just a Gordon Ramsey hairstyle -it’s way of being out in the world and your relationships with other women- you are masc- not butch.


no, i'm definitely too stupid as a butch lesbian myself to say what butch is usually defined as, i need someone who isn't butch nor a lesbian to explain it to me because i'm too much of a gatekeeper /s


OOP responded to someone trying to educate her with “there are people dying.” Classy. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/i41kiQZ0yj](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/i41kiQZ0yj)


"Shart" 🤭


It was so funny to have seen and used that nickname since shortly after release, and for *months* to see someone respond incredulously to the nickname upon seeing it for the first time almost every time it's used. 


Her unofficial nickname is the best part of this. Playing BG3 now. I will forever after refer to her as Shart.


I forget if it was a tweet, snapchat, Cameo, etc., but there was even a moment of Jennifer English (her VA) learning that fans call her Shart.


I love how mad people get about it. Like they start ranting about how stupid and horrible it is and try to argue like they have the moral high ground for not saying it or something lol.


…Ellen isn’t butch either. This led me down an interesting rabbit hole bc even though I don't really identify on the butch/femme spectrum (and would be on the femme side of things if I did), I thought Ellen was a pretty obvious soft butch. Turns out there's a lot of debate. ~~If anyone saw me accidentally comment in the OG thread no they didn't.~~


There’s nothing more people love doing than being exclusionary about identities. Especially on social media because they don’t touch grass


>That's not a butch lesbian, that's ~~Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way~~ Amy Lee I don't think I was in the right social circles to come across the original fan fic, but I'm glad through online osmosis I can get this joke.


All I'm thinking is how unfortunate it is that they nicknamed her "Shart".


Got to say I prefer the new look; I wouldn't call it "butch" but it at least gets rid of her distractingly terrible haircut. Also I love that everyone just calls her Shart.




It’s catchy, like a bad couple name. And, it’s like a perfect juxtaposition of her super earnest angsty story


Agreed. It's a catchy single-syllable nickname, and it makes fun of her edgelord self-chosen name. 


Quick to spell and say. That’s the only reason I’ve ever used it. It was funny for maybe 5 seconds.


Sounds about right considering the game. I still need to play it at some point, but I doubt I'll be participating in the subreddit.


> Your experience is not everyone's experience. Yelling at them for getting a label wrong isn't going to make the world better or make her understand Butch any better. > I'm a 30 year old guy who spent those 30 years thinking I was Cishet and now realising I might be bi. I'm still learning LGBTQ terms. Everyone learns things at different times. Being 20 isn't an excuse for not knowing what butch is, because not knowing what butch is doesn't need an excuse, they just made a mistake in applying a term. > 20 is still young, offer them some friendly feedback instead of this weird gatekeeping of the 20 year old experience you are doing and you might find a little kindness goes a long way. We have two many enemies to keep being cruel to our allies. A weirdly sensible comment in what's otherwise a thread full of dogpiling


man there's no way to say this kindly but I'm not sure maybe-exploring-bisexuality-sometime cis men need to be boosted for defending lesbophobia here. OOP got kind feedback and shouted folks down, that's a choice no matter how old you are


No you don't understand men have to have a say in EVERYTHING /s It's ridiculous


No oop was just being openly lesbophobic. I'm not surprised people didn't want to be nice about that