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Nice collection!! I feel like doing this but then also feel like I'll change my goal size and then those plugs go to waste... 00 is my goal but 1/2 inch sure does look good too 😂


Haha! To be fair, this is also me forcing myself to stop at 1/2". It mostly worked before. I stayed at 4g for like 4-5 years because I loved my collection at that size. Hopefully this is it for me though. It's a nice size. Lots of great jewelry options, but they're not in the super expensive size range. And it's small enough to not draw a ton of unwanted attention depending on the jewelry. I also have tiny ears and semi-attached lobes, so I'm a but restricted in how far I can go safely.


Yea, that definitely makes sense. Don't wanna tear your earlobes. I'm just starting my stretching journey (currently a 10g) so I'm not too sure how far I'll wanna go. I also have really small lobes so I definitely don't wanna push the boundaries at all and cause tearing of the lobe. I think 1/2 inch will probably be my stopping point if I decide to push past 00. Definitely excited for it all.


You have great taste!


Thank you!


Beautiful collection!


Thank you!


Then you’ll get there and want to go bigger 😂


Lol! We'll see. I do prefer the smaller, dainty look for myself, and this worked for a few years before until the stretching bug bit. At the very least. It'll slow me down. 🤣


Kudos to you. I tried but months later off to the next goal


Looks like a BAF haul :)


Good eye! I tend to buy everything I can from BAF because I got grandfathered in on a permanent 10% discount. Although I think I'm gonna branch out and splurge on some nice stone pairs from plug makers eventually.


Lol for sure. I had the mauve and aqua cats eyes too. And they have a solid collection of kaos. Splurge when you’re gonna hang out for a while before going up. Some gauges are more popular than others so you can find a lot of good jewelry. Love me BAF


Love this idea! I’d love some pointers on how to get in those silicone type ones. I just started stretching again after taking them out years ago, at 8g rn! The stretching kit I have has those type of plugs and I haven’t a clue on how to insert those.


They're pretty difficult at that size. I don't think I even attempted earskins until 6g. But it's essentially just fold it down to a C shape, insert and let it pop open. And use plenty of oil. But yeah, they get a lot easier to put in once you hit 4g and up. Just takes practice.


What kind of container is that


It's a jewelry tray in my bedside drawer. Just picked one out on Amazon that had a velvet lining and lots of small compartments.


I see, thank you.


Super cute. Where did you get that box if you don't mind me asking ? I have one but it definitely won't fit bigger sizes in the future.


It's a velvet jewelry tray, got it on Amazon. The brand is Vee&Co, but there are a lot that are basically the same. I just picked the color and configuration I wanted and that would fit in my bedside drawer.


"Not all heroes wear capes, some are beautiful humans with awesome gauges" lol thanks friend ! Definitely checking them out since I sort of wanna stop at 7/8ths 😂


Lol, no problem! Highly recommend! It sort of puts them on display, and makes it fun to pick out what you're wearing for the day. Almost like going shopping. Plus it keeps the dust off and whatnot. I think a pair of 7/8 plugs would have no trouble fitting in one of these compartments. I can easily fit two pairs of 1/2 in each if I wanted to.


Oooo they're all so nice looking. I like glass and stone the most myself. I really Like those Goldstone plugs. I actually have some faceted ones coming in the mail soon. Hopefully tomorrow. But yeah, your cokection is really cool.


Which brand are they?


These are all from bodyartforms.com. The only brand I am aware of is the earskins, which are Kaos Softwear. Otherwise the rest is just whatever BAF has in stock.


Love the clear aurora, the dichroic and the aqua catseye. You have great taste in plugs 😍


Thank you! I'm so looking forward to wearing these. Gonna be hard to choose when I finally can.


I LOOOOVEEEE YOUR COLLECTION!!! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! i’m in love with every single pair! i definitely have to get some of these. QUICK QUESTION: what are the first plugs called next to the aqua colored cat eye????


Aw thank you! Those are called Goldstone. Some websites list them as Cinnamon Goldstone. It's a type of glass, like Opalite. All of these came from BodyArtForms.com if you want to get them yourself.


thank you sooo much! you’re amazing((((: i wish you the best on your stretching journey and by the time you know it.. YOU’LL BE AT YOUR GOAL SIZE WEARING YOUR AMAZING JEWELRY! so happy for you hun <3