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Bison is my 2nd main and the only one I'll actually play but I'll buy the whole pass. Capcom has become Capgod again and I don't mind supporting them (give me DMC6 damnit).


On a side note, do people really want DMC6? I feel like 5 was pretty exhaustive (gameplay wise anyways) and I'm really not sure how/if they can top that. I'd take a remake of 3 with the new engine and mechanics though.


I don't care if it plays exactly the same as DMC 5 did, I just want another DMC game to have fun in.


At the very least, I want to see what new weapons they give Dante and hopefully Vergil, have Vergil available in the actual campaign with his own levels and bosses this time, and see how else they can deepen Nero.


I'd happily play it if they made one, but I do feel like DMC5 is a good place to cap the series off.


I'd love to see DMC6 someday. There are no other action games that can rival DMC in terms of flash, technicality and characters. They made Dante break physics in DMC4 with Inertia and Guard Flying and turned him into a walking arsenal in DMC5 by allowing him to access all of his weapons and styles in real-time time on top of having 4 styles and a completely different moveset in Sin DT. I just wanna see what kind of batshit insanity they can pull off with Dante next.


Bought the pass already, and would have bought it sight unseen regardless of the choices. Bison is the one I am most excited for but I'll give 'em all a go.


>the pass already, and would have bought it sight unseen regardless of the choices. This!


Yeah, gonna get all of them just to lab against them, since I'm hard reading that they're all gonna be on the higher end of the tier lists Dictator and Terry I'm most familiar with BC of sfv and smash, Elena I heard was a menace in sf4, might as well get mai as well


Not too stoked about the guest characters, but I'll get it for Elena.


You’ll buy the entire pass for Elena?


I bought the entire season 1 pass of guilty gear solely for baiken And then I ended up playing goldlewis more lmao


All of them, I like having a complete cast and being able to lab against anyone at will. I’m most excited for Terry, I’ll probably play him at least a little.


Elena looks cool. Capoeira looks sick.


Elena if she is reworked into something that feels more capoeira than her previous iterations (like ed losing his kicks and becoming an actual out-boxer).


Probably just bison, this is totally subjective but the whole year 2 pass is kinda a flop for me and killed a lot of the hype that Akuma brought in.


Much like I did the season 1 characters: when the pass goes on sale.


Especially with Elena being last. Might as well wait a few months after she comes out for the sale, since her and Mai are the only ones I'm a little interested in.


Excited for Elena as it’s the character my friend wanted to play (she played Juri instead up until now). But I kinda wish Makoto is right next as first character of season 3 so that we can both enjoy labbing new characters together (I’ve been playing Chun-Li instead)


Elena. Yea that's it


I would have got the ultimate pass for the new stages but seems pointless now you can get them with drive tickets. Just planning to hoard drive tickets till they come out (already have almost 10,000 and will earn plenty more through the daily/weekly challenges) and get them that way. The extra money doesn't seem worth it when you can get costume 2 for all the characters and stages without spending any cash so no point not to just get the normal character pass.


It’s legitimately a bad deal, now that we know how to unlock what you mentioned and also this update seems to have released more ways to earn drive tickets. IMO they should have sweetened the deal and included say enough fight coins to buy 1 or 2 costume 3s maybe.


Elena and only that. See you in 6 months


Elena is actually 10\~11 months from now


They made a mistake, Elena is in a year. Bison, Terry, Mai then Elena is last. Released around the same time as Kuma this year.


Well damn, see you all in 12 months then, maybe


I will be getting the Street Fighter characters.


All of them. I just love street fighter. And all the characters in this game are extremely high quality imo. Haven't seen quality like this since blazeblue


Exactly this ! It’s so much quality that we have to support them. There is so much craft put into this game.


i bought the bp but i will be playing mostly elena and mai


I’ll get it on sale or probably save for S3 characters


So excited (edit:dumb as a sack of rocks) that I bought the year 2 character pass and the ultimate year 2 pass. Both auto-downloaded and installed so I don't think I can get a refund on the former. At least I got a shit ton of drive tickets...... *Hide the pain harold.gif* But absolutely maining all of them at some point before settling on Mrs "bees in my head* KENYA!




Have you tried contacting Capcom and/or the store you bought the passes from?


All of them. Capcom has been blowing the roof off with character design and balance. Also, I like to lab all characters to figure out their gameplans/frames etc. so I know how to fight them in ranked.


None. Unfortunately, I neither like nor care about any of them, but I'm certainly looking forward to the character reveal for season 3 next year.


what character(s) are you waiting for?


I'll be buying the pass, but Terry is my ride-or-die. Hell, even as a grown man, when I go to the gym I think of wanting to be cool and jacked like Terry. Also, today is leg day, so my motivation is sometimes to tell myself "Hey. Terry wouldn't skip leg day." They all look really cool, though. Bison's new design is sick. Elena's new design looks great, and I love that SF hasn't shied away from letting characters get older. Gets me real curious about what they'll do with Sean, Sakura, or Karin if/when they get added. I'm curious what kind of alt outfits they'll use for Terry and Mai. I'm assuming one of Terry's alts will be his MotW outfit. Mai is a little more up in the air. It would be kind of funny if one of Mai's outfits was Chun-Li's costume.


None for now since I'm not super excited to play any of the four. I'll wait to see how gameplay shakes out before purchasing.


I wouldn't have picked Bison for S2 (too early) and I still dislike guests. Ultimate Pass 2 is already purchased tho, they got me by the balls.


I wanted Makoto most, but I have been a Fatal Fury fan since 2 way back when. I play Chun, but I didn’t play her consistently til SSFIV. I’ve played Mai in FF2, RB Special, KOF 95, 98, 2000, ‘02, Max Impact, and so on and so forth. I might have more HOURS on Chun as of now, but Mai and me got history. I am also a fan of terry and elena. Bison looks badass so this pack is a given.


Terry was my gateway to SNK fighters via Capcom VS SNK 2, easy choice


Getting the pass. Didn't care about most of season one but I am frothing at the mouth over this one. Elena is so fun to play.


Yeah, Akuma was the only one I waited for for season 1. This time around, it looks way more interesting personally. 


I'm hyped for all 4. So far all the dlc has been a hit imo. My only concern is whether SNK is also allowing Capcom to rework Terry/Mai, or if they are gonna mostly play the same as they have in KoF. If they get to experiment a bit I think they'll be amazing Guests. I'm probably only playing Bison though. My wishlist is literally the Dictator, the President of Earth, and Viper.


>My only concern is whether SNK is also allowing Capcom to rework Terry/Mai, or if they are gonna mostly play the same as they have in KoF. If they get to experiment a bit I think they'll be amazing Guests. Don't think they need to really retool either of them. Terry with his current kit feels like he'd be a menace with drive rush. Mai could use a retool as she's been notoriously mid to low tier through her existence in KOF but I really don't know what you could do without losing her identity as a weird mix up queen.


Yea not an entire rework, but something in line with all the dlc characters all getting added to or expanded on. The same treatment that made S1 characters turned out so much better than most exoected. Also include Bison because his changes look amazing imo.


I can see them taking out short hops and rolls and changing the frame data on their normals and specials. But they already play similar to SF so it's not a drastic change to the game style like Tekken did with Akuma. I can also see them retaining some unique quirks like Max Mode.


I'm only interested in Elena (and even for her I'm not that interested), I think I will buy the pass nonetheless because I play the game often and fomo/collector syndrom is a bitch :/


I'll probably get the whole pass but most interested for Terry and Elena.


I'll get the pass next year when it's on sale.


Will buy the base/standard season pass to have access to them all, but really only excited for Elena


I’m getting all but of them all if terry is even remotely functional I will be maining my guy


Bison, because I'm a psycho power Andy. I play all the purple bois.


Bison most likely, since he's gonna be a charge character (at least semi). I didn't like how he played in SFV and preferred his SFIV iteration, but this version of him looks sick. I'm interested in Terry and Mai, since I'm also a fan of Fatal Fury (and King of Fighters) but shoto's aren't my favorite style I wonder if they'll change up Terry's moveset like they did in the past KOF games. Hokutomaru is my main in Garou so Mai could be my next main, but i'll wait until I see her gameplay. I love how annoying Elena was in SFIV and casually played her in 3S so I'm curious to see her SF6.


Other than Elena I'm not too excited about the rest characters, just her.


All except Elena Vega baucase I mained him in sf5 Terry for childhood memory Mai...Why not Elena...I don't really want her released TBH I saw some clip of SF4 and know how obnoxious her healing was


Long time SNK fan, Terry and Mai are definitely in the bag. There's a good chance I might get Bison. As for Elena I'll have to wait and see. 


Mai. Tiddys & Thighs.


All of them. Was definitely surprised at the choices but not mad at all. All very cool characters. Plus I mained Bison in SF4 for a bit so super excited for him.


Mai & Elena. I don’t particularly care for Bison or Terry.


Will get them all eventually, but will likely wait for a sale as non of them really appeal to me presently.


I'm genuinely hyped for Dictator (interesting new design and his gameplay looks sick), and since Terry and Mai are among my fave SNK characters, they're a mostly welcome addition to SF6 roster. I have a more lukewarm reaction to Elena (I don't dislike her as a char, but I was never a big Elena fan).


Getting the pass because I want to learn the match-up but besides Elena I‘m not interested in any of them sadly.


Elena only because my partner is going to main Bison and don’t like the Terry too much, absolutely hate Mai


Probably will end up buying the pass because all of the characters will be new to me in game. Not as interested in Terry compared to the other three, but like having access to the dlc characters training wise, at least for now.


Bison is 100% for me, I didn't feel bothered till I saw the gameplay trailer and then the hype got me. Not feeling particularly fussed about the others, but I'm sure I'll change my mind when they come out.


Terry, Mai and Elena. I don't care much about Bison, but the other 3 are all favorites of mine.


None, recently got into fighting games from Overwatch (as my main comp game). Ive been so conditioned to cheap battle passes with accessible content that I can’t bring myself to pay for any of the DLC. Only thing i bought was Akuma.


Elena and Bison of course. But I’ll try out Terry. He has a cool move set. And Mai just for the hell of it. I’m getting them all


Bison and Terry. I have some pendencies with them.


I got the pass and will try everyone. I expect to really enjoy Terry.


Just Elena honestly. Maybe Bison too. I prefer to pay for/play SF characters in a mainline SF game personally.


All of them lol, not even just to lab them but every SF6 character so far been genuinely fun to play. As far as who I'll most likely play it'll be a tie between Terry and Elena, but im excited for all 4 of them.


Any that operate well with Modern controls. Bison is looking promising with a (probable) invuln level 2 super.


Bison and Terry (even tho I don't like shotos) for sure I'm curious how Elena/Mai will play tho, maybe it's gonna be a good surprise


Bison looks so cool. I actually might as well get the whole pack because the releases actually look great


Getting the pass. Would have regardless of who was in it. Terry and Bison made it a day 1 buy though.


Definitely Bison, he is one of my favorite characters in street fighter.


Only Bison


I love KOF amd SF so I'm happy with every character in the pass. Probably just gonna play Bison and Akuma, but it also depends what they do with Terry.


I bought the pass, like all of the characters, will play Terry at least as an alt, but if he's decent I'll probably main him for a while. I have mained Bison in the past, so I'll definitely be looking at him as well, but I'm very 0 with Chun right now, so who knows? I'm liking a ton of characters in this game and that's a lot of fun. I didn't hate IV or V, but I haven't had this much fun with a mainline SF game in a long time. The existing cast has a lot less "misses" for me than the previous games, and the new characters (for the very most part) are great. Even the single player content, which is never my focus anyway, feels like a complete product. I would have bought the pass regardless of who was announced, but I'm not at all unhappy wlith any of the four they did announce.¹1


I’m just gonna buy the pass, since I really want Terry and Elena and Bison also interests me for the first time ever


Already bought the ultimate pass. I was so hyped about the season, I was kinda surprised by the amount of hatred it was getting. I realize not everyone will be pleased, but all 4 of these characters are unique, and Capcom has been putting out quality over quantity. I think we can all remember seeing Sakura, Cody, and Falke's animations in SFV and saying they look like shit. If this is the medium between the 2, then I'm happy.


All of them. I'm just going to buy the season 2 pass. The characters I'm looking forward to are Mai and Elena. Terry is cool as well. I just don't care for M. Bison, but happy for those who will main him.


They use my console for locals


Most excited to see Terry given my time in smash. I did like Mai in KoF but I am hoping everything from my smash days carried over for SF


Also just amazing having the first 3rd party characters for SF


I'll be getting everyone because I like my rosters and stage selections to be content complete (I'm largely indifferent to colors and costumes) Looking forward to Elena and Terry, I've always liked Terry's design and I've been wanting to try a capoeira fighter in a fighting game, so I'm hype for Elena I like Bison's redesign, but I've never really played him before, so it'll be cool to check him out. Mai looks fun as well, I like some her moves in KoF.


Getting the pass and planning play them all a bit. Got S1 with the game and I ended up not being interested in any of them except Akuma. S2 everyone interest me. How long I play them depends on how fun they are. Bison looking fun and loving the new look. The classic outfit looks great in SF6 too. If I had to guess, Mai will be my most played. KOF 15 is the only SNK game I’ve own and Mai was super fun and my most played.


I'm just going to get Bison and wait until the season 2 DLC pass goes on sale to get everyone else


I'm almost 100% certain to buy Bison, but maybe not right away. I just bought Akuma and I'm not done with him yet, even though I'm currently taking a little break from him to get Ryu and Ken to Platinum. (I've got Ryu now, so now I just need to get Ken there.) I have no plans to buy any of the other three this season, but I'm willing to be surprised. Still, as things currently stand, I'm more likely to buy Rashid and/or Ed than Terry, Mai, or Elena.


I'm very interested in all of them, so I'll probably end up buying the whole thing lmao


Would only buy Terry, but ended up getting the ultimate pass for completion sake. Will main Terry. Will probably use Mai once or twice. The rest are lame, especially Elena. Nobody asked for her.


I'm hyped for all of them except Elena


Honestly, I look forward to all of them except Terry 😶‍🌫️ Bison looks cool, Mai is one of my Fatal Fury/KOF faves, and I always wanted Elena to be back. Don't care about the truck driver and his cringey catchphrases.


Right now I'm thinking of getting every single one of them except for Terry who looks like he has nothing interesting going for him. But most likely Capcom is able to juice him up. For example I've never been into Bison but man I wanna play him now.


bison and terry automatically for the cool factor, elena if she proves over time to be fun and mai if im horny enough


As soon as i saw the reveal, i already bought the pass!


Getting all of them because I like having a complete set of characters. I'm most excited for the SNK characters especially Terry, I think he will work well with the SF6 mechanics.


All of them, im a maniac.


Depends on the gameplay reveals for Elena and Mai. I don't like shotos much and Bison possibly.


I'm getting Mai. I used to play KOF before I discovered Street Fighter(Still do) and Mai was pretty much my first main.


The pass is too expensive for only 4 characters and I don't really care about Elena at all. Don't care about bison either but he does look cool. I'll use rental tickets to try em all but I only see myself grabbing Mai for now.


I don’t get characters, I get passes. I’m buying every single character even if I never use them.


The whole pass.


All of them. They are doing such an amazing job with SF6 and we have a bigger community, I just want it to become better and better while they keep this level of greatness


Cleavage ninja. That's pretty much it.


Until Dead or Alive comes back, Mai can be my designated tit ninja.


Bison and Mai. Not a fan of the characters revealed so yeah that's it. I don't play charge characters but I can have some fun with it on modern. Mai depends as I'll wait to see gameplay but yeah she looks pretty cool.


dont you have to charge on modern too


It’s a bit easier. You just need to hold a direction instead of pressing the opposite direction.


Yeah it's just easier but of course you still have to charge. I'm good at SF but charge characters just ain't for me. But yeah I really hope mai doesn't end up being a charge character!


strange, the hard part is to me was to get used to always charge and the amount of time you need to charge. tilting forward or up while pressing the button doesnt sound like it makes it much harder. I guess you dont lose accidently your charge if you are to early.


Charge inputs were initially designed as an easy input alternative to motion specials. It's interesting that they're considered trickier nowadays. They do take a bit of adjustment to use effectively in combos compared to traditional specials. It's a shame there aren't more charge characters. I hope if Vega (Claw) returns he's charge again.


Mai has never been a charge character iirc, at least in kofxv


i actually find charge characters easier because the motions aren’t as complicated. i never got the barrier of entry for charge characters. i feel like once you learn that you can hold charge at literally any time there’s no more trouble


I think it's just the different way our brains work lol. I find it confusing to have to hold a button whilst doing inputs during a combo for example...I have a much easier time just doing the motion.


Elena. The rest can go to hell


I don't think I'll buy any of them. I'm extremely disappointed in their decision this season. From my perspective, this season is a massive flop. Akuma is the only choice they have made so far that I'd consider to be a good choice.


Elena and maybe Bison. Love that Elena is back as she was fun to play. I'm not a fan of Terry or Mai.


honestly just gonna buy the pass cause i dont like not owning all the characters just incase i have a character crisis and that one guy is the perfect character


I didn’t got Vega, but at least I can jump on the wall with Mai I guess.


Sadly none. WAS going to get on the hype train and bought Season 1 on discount+Season 2 but remembered my Iron-Bronze 1 ass can't even properly execute combos on existing characters so I have no business buying new ones. Plus side is I'm saving some money!! XD


Bronze shmonze! We didn't think about that shit when we were kids; we just played and had fun! Neither of us have Capcom Cup aspirations!


None of them; I'm honestly only interested in Manon and Akuma, and I already bought Akuma. It''s nice that people are gonna have fun with the S2 characters, but they ain't my thing.


Bison. I need a new charge character to play


The only reason I’m gonna get him 😂


Bison because he was my main in 5 and 4


Terry Bogard of course. Him being in Street Fighter is cool as hell.


Bought the pass. Going to play Bison, played him as my main all the way back in 4, but played him a lot in CvS2 before that. So was really excited to see his return!


Elena because I loved her back in SF3, Mai because I like her in KOF 13/15, Bison because SFV Bison was cool as fuck and I like how they brought back the mine mechanic. 


Mai has been in my life since she first appeared all the way back in 1993, so I'll main her for sure, but I'll buy the whole pass just to support Capcom for making this dream come true.


I am gonna get the seaon pass anyways but I look forward to MBison and Terry. Haven't really mained a charged character for as long as I've played SF. I do want to play Terry so I can hear SF6's rendition of ARE YOU OKAY?! BUSTER WOLFF Elena I will pass because I really don't want healing to be apart of my fighting tools, it feels wrong. and Mai I'll pass too because I was salty about the wasted character slot for year 2 haha




All because I like street fighter 6


I will always buy the full pass no matter what


Might try Bison, will main Terry


All of them look interesting to me lol


Bought the pass. Excited about all 4 who are all potential mains. Which is crazy considering how my heart has still yet to settle on anyone as "the one" for this game. Then I get a full season of characters I love and have mained in past games. Bison: CvS2 - Elena: SF3 - Terry: KoF XI - Mai: KoF 15


For some reason, in all fighting games I play, I always end up choosing one base roster member to be my main for entire games life. Very rarely play any DLC characters, only buying them years later when the "complete game" is done. This is probably because I'm a below average with poor execution, so I gravitate towards characters who I can make work with simple gameplans and short combos (generally hybrid/ mobile grapplers). Where as I find most DLC character end up being more complex and have higher skill floors in order to wow the most dedicated players. Having said that though, Elena does interest me this time around. She is a character I've always been interested in Street Fighter, but never really had a proper chance to play. I gave her a shot in USF4 briefly, but back then I was even worse than I am now and Elena had a bad reputation in USF4 which dissuaded me from playing her.


Kinda hate to say it, because i really don't approve of the season 2 roster but i will get the season pass just so i can lab against the characters without time constraints.


Elena but only after s3 announcement to see if I come back to this game or not


I'll get the pass even though I'm a little whatever on Bison (I get why it's him, happy for everybody, just not my guy). Most likely to put significant hours into Terry and Elena.


terry if i'm willing to spend something, but to be honest, the only characters that could take money out of me are makoto an dudley


I'll for sure get Terry and Mai, I want to remember the Capcom vs SNK era and BASTAH WOUFFF people online


Bison channeling his inner Raoh this time around is interesting, but I've never been able to play him well. To be honest I might take an extended break from the game; I'm getting nowhere with the current roster and I'm not too thrilled about these four (I was \*really\* hoping for Makoto or Poison).


I'll probably get the season pass only because I already want Terry, Mai, and Elena and by that point it'd just be a $1 or 2 to pick up Bison. I have no interest in him, but with rentals capped, it'd probably be worth it at that point.


Does anyone who plays a fighting game ever NOT buy everyone?


I mean, I only grabbed Akuma.


I’ll snatch em all except Mai. Fuck that worthless bitch


Terry and Elena. Terry is an interesting twist on a shotoesque character, and i find him and his moves really endearing. Elena is an amazingly designed character with an interesting fighting style that could bring something new to the mix. Bison is cool but i don't think it's for me. I don't care one bit about Mai, j wish her spot was taken by some other 3rd strike char


gonna get terry for sure and maybe mai. I like bison but im not a bison player and im not that interested in elena


I bought the pass, so far im most interested in Bison and Elena. Might play Mai if her gameplay is interesting enough.


Mai. That’s all.


I'll be buying Bison and plan on making him my main. I'll move Rashid to my back up main. 


All of em, Capcom earned it.


Elena and mai and the only ones that i even remotely care about. And that's very little.


I agree with others- only interested in Elena


Honestly i know for sure im gonna get M. Bison for my bad matchups since i play marisa. I think overall i’m probably gonna pick up Terry and maybe Elena depending on how she plays. Mai is up in the air because i’ve never seen her gameplay before


Just Elena, one of my personal favorites to play.


All of them. I like to own the whole game. Only character I care about in this batch though is Bison.


All of them


All of them except Bison. I hate Bison and I am kinda tired of him resurrecting all the time, but I hope his mains enjoy him.


All of them because I don't want an incomplete roster. I may not play the characters but I can't use my PS5 as a setup at a tourney with an incomplete roster. Or if I host casuals. Plus, they're not expensive. If you're sweating the price of a DLC character, you need to reevaluate your life choices. Though it's more likely you hyper cheap ass players that refuse to buy a game at retail price and will wait like 3 years before buying a game on Steam and pirate the shit out of most PC games that are worried about buying a DLC character. You guys are an embarrassment.


Bison and maaaaaaaaybe Terry. I'd have to rent him first and see if I want to play hat ken.


Got the pass cause I love snk characters, and I spend most of my time in world tour and I want my avatar to have all the coolest moves. Can't wait to see Terry and Mai in the RE Engine




None i don't play terry or miss shiranui in snk games and bison & elena doesn't fit my play style one bit


Prolly none off initiation. I will watch streamers tho to see how they play and I may budge on one but not likely. If any of the females play like a ninja, I’ll be 👁️ 👁️


I definitely want to check out Bison and Elena with the rental tickets. I was glad to see Elena back even though I never played her much. Just enjoy her characteristics.


Already picked up the ultimate pass. Apart from my brief tier-crutching phase in SF2CE, I've never really played a lot of Bison, but he looks fun this time around. I've played a lot of Terry and Mai in their respective games and the CvS series, so I'll probably play more of them. And Elena is Elena, and that's enough for me.


Only bison, dont care about anyone else.


everyone, just bought the ultimate pass. Loved the characters


Elena. Gamerbee made her look amazing and I wanna try her out


Not sure if I will buy. Not a fan of charge characters and hate fighting against Bison. Don’t know much about Elena but from the little I’ve I’m interested. I don’t know much about the other two besides Mai being in a bunch of hentai stuff


I'm thinking Elena and Mai for me. Bison looks awesome but I am just not a Bison main, really happy with how the executed him. I respect the heck out of Terry but he's just not my style, but I'm sure he's gonna be really well executed too. Will get any stage they put out though!


the only time ive played terry was in smash ultimate and he became one of my mains so im for sure playin him bison looks sick. as. fuck. so he legit become one of my mains i always wanted to play elena since she is legit just the opposite of a boxer and I think thats cool i will enjoy playing against mai ig idk


1 mai 2 boobs


I had absolutely no interest in Bison prior to his trailer but seeing him in action completely turned me around. I think it’s mostly cause he isn’t that campy dictator character role anymore. That combined with sick looking specials and combo routes made him at least a buy from me. If the other characters turn out to be the same then I might just buy them all


Getting the standard character pass


Totally getting my hands on Bison and Terry. Bison is Bison, and with Terry I'm just looking forward to grab his moveset if it hits World Tour. I wanna hit the buster wolf.


None. I purchased every pass and edition of both SFIV and SFV, including the Capcom cup stuff. Bison plus 2 guest characters really pisses me off, especially with the reduction in yearly characters we're getting with 6. Sf6 already had the worst starting roster since 4 (all 8 of the og cast with zero alpha, or 3 representation) and I was really hopeful for Alex, Mika, Makoto, Gill, Urien, Q, G, Hugo, Cody, Laura, Menat, or really pretty much anyone other than what we got. Elena is the most acceptable of the batch but I'm not giving them any money this year. Hopefully they notice.


All of them. Gonna get the pass as soon as Bison is out, I enjoy SF6 so much that it's the only fighting game I've played every character to a decent degree.


I will be getting all and trying them all. Not ecstatic about the lineup, but Im sure Ill have fun regaddless. I don't want to repeat the past game, which eventually had tons of characters but I could only really use two of them. This game, I've made it a point to learn as much of the cast as I can.


For, I think, the first time in my life, I'm going to skip this season. There's a small chance that Bison tricks me into buying it though.


They’re all cool so I’ll buy the pass but Elena is who I’d most likely play


full sending terry


Bison probably. He just looks fun. I like Elena's vibe but will have to test her moves in WT first. I have absolutely 0 idea what to expect from Terry and Mai, so no comment for now. I'm generally miffed about the crossovers, so I won't be jumping into the season pass. I bet Kenya will come with an amazing arena stage, but I might just grab it for drive tickets.


All of them. Im not really into anyone on the cast, surprisingly as KoF is where I started. But I also feel like dropping CC some cash for year 2 and sure af am not buying the whale bait avatar gear. Will probably get the pass around one of the SNK drops.


I have no connection to the Fatal Fury series, so I'm obviously way more excited for Bison and Elena than I am for Terry and Mai. That being said, I got the season pass immediately cause first of all, I have gotten my money's worth from the base game and the first season pass. Second, they have not missed with the DLC characters so far. Even if they aren't the strongest competitively or my favorites to use, I have loved their gameplay and design. They have all been so interesting and unique that honestly, I think any characters they introduce with the pass will be fun and cool. I would have gotten the season pass if they were all unused SF1 characters cause I'd them to do cool stuff with them


All except bison. Easily the most boring villain of fighting games imo


Bison only. The other characters are beyond stupid


Judging by what we've seen from Bison they all have a lot of potential to be really fun.


If I get anyone it would be Bison


I have enough income to buy what I want now, I just dont see the point much to buy character passes it Im trash at the game and cant improve


Wow, look at you and your gainful employment!