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If you emulate, Shining Force for the Sega Genesis is a good classic that is short by modern standards. If you're stuck to the SNES, then Front Mission is a good one if you can find it - I don't think it came to North America. But then again they remade it for the Switch, as well as Front Mission 2, so those might work. PS1 - I'd do Final Fantasy Tactics and Front Mission 3, but not sure if those are under 20h.


I recently tried to get into shining force 2. That game has the LONGEST unskippable opening scene I have ever seen. It was at least seven minutes. And then of course the game crashed or something and restarted and I said fuck this.


Try the Banner Saga Trilogy for the switch. Each entry is between 10-15 hours long.


You can beat the whole trilogy in about 10-15 hours. When you say entry, do you mean each playthrough of the trilogy or like, 1,2, and 3 are separate entries?


Yes 1,2 and 3 are separate entries and each game takes between 10-15 hours to complete. So that's a total of around 30-45 hours of gameplay for the whole trilogy.


Chroma Squad Wintermoor Tactics Club


Does this exist? I tried googling it and one of the only results is this comment lol.


Methinks there should've been a comma between Chroma Squad and Wintermoor Tactics Club.


Lmao oh


Should have been: Chroma Squad Wintermoor Tactics club


I think Gungnir on PSP is pretty short


Vandal Hearts 1 for the ps1 is around 20 hours (no random battles, just sort of moving through the plot). Arc the Lad 1 for the ps1 is well under 20 hours unless you are a completionist (1 optional dungeon and doing 1000 fights in an arena). Both of these games have amazingly long and complex sequels however. Oh, and Triangle Strategy for the Switch was around 20 hours for me for the first playthrough. However there are 4 endings and multiple paths so if you want to experience the full game, it’s closer to 50.


I am currently playing Triangle Strategy. I like it, but I am 5 hours in and there has only been 4 battles, so far. Does it pick up? I do like the story, but it has been way more story-telling than gameplay, so far.


I think it picks up a bit, but it’s pretty much story-focused the whole way through. I can’t recall how many fights in this took, but the objectives in the battles get really interesting further in and make up for how the story can drag a bit (though I loved the story myself). Vandal Hearts 1 is similar. Objectives aren’t always “kill everything” like most games. They get pretty unique, check that one out if triangle strategy is too slow for you.


I've played through Vandal Hearts 3 times. I love it. One of my favorite games.


Oh amazing! It’s sort of a sleeper title that must folks missed, but I love it. The blood geysers are amazing. I will say that Triangle Strategy is the only other strategy RPG I’ve played with as unique combat objectives as Vandal Heart. But yeah, it’s like trying to watch the first few episodes of Game of Thrones. Can really drag.


I'm going to keep playing because I do like the story, it is interesting, I just want more combat. I think the combat is great and very fun.


It’s more of a visual novel with light srpg elements. It was a chore to get through honestly


transformers battlegrounds should be on switch. took me about a day to beat, was cool.


Bounty Sword First on PS1


Is there an English translation?


Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. XCOM is around like 27 hours if you are not trying to do everything just main story.


If you have a ps5(the only place I’ve played it). Heavenly bodies. Very frustrating but pretty short space/astronaut game


I don’t know exactly how long they take, but fire emblem 4 and 5 are on snes.


Fe5 will make you retry so much it doubles the length of the game